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Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013) A public survey was created for the

Open House at Claggett Creek Middle School, the displays in the Keizer City Hall lobby and the project's website. All surveys had identical questions. The surveyed asked two basic questions. Of the three alternatives, which one do you like "best" and which one do you like "least". The tables below show the responses, shown by the person's residence. Alternative "H" was the favorite of Salem residents, with "UC" and "SK" more favored by Keizer residents.

1. Alternative liked "best"

City of Residence No answer Keizer 3 1 7 11 13 2 1 1 35

Salem 12 5 2 3 2 2 26

Grand Total 19 19 16 5 3 3 65

H UC SK Hybrid No-build Other Grand Total

(Note: for individual comments on the alternative they liked best, see the list at the end of this report)

3. Alternative liked "least"

City of Residence No answer Keizer 1 1 2 4 2 13 7 13 35

Salem 2 6 6 12 26

Grand Total 4 20 14 27 65

blank H UC SK Grand Total

(Note: for individual comments on how to make the alternative they liked best more appealing)

Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013) Question 2 asked the respondent to rank the alternative they liked best to a series of characteristics and how well their choice met the characteristic (very well, somewhat, or not at all). The following tables are the results. How does it address cost? Very Well Somewhat 13 4 1 4 2 2 4 8 5 8

Choice of "best" alternative. H Hybrid No-build Other SK UC

Not at all 2

Choice of "best" alternative. H Hybrid No-build Other SK UC

How does it address Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Very Well Somewhat Not at all 7 7 3 2 1 1 3 13 3 15 3 How does it address Personal Safety and Security Very Well Somewhat Not at all 5 8 1 3 2 1 1 2 9 6 1 11 4 2 How does it address Impacts to property and the environment Very Well Somewhat Not at all 10 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 10 13 3 2

Choice of "best" alternative. H Hybrid No-build Other SK UC

Choice of "best" alternative. H Hybrid No-build Other SK UC

Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013) How does it connect to where you want to go Very Well Somewhat Not at all 9 5 1 2 2 2 1 2 13 3 10 4 1 Is it inviting to Bicyclists and Pedestrians Very Well Somewhat Not at all 6 8 3 2 2 3 9 6 10 5 1 How does it tie in with existing bicycle, pedestrian, transit and roadway system Very well Somewhat Not at all 10 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 9 6 8 5 3

Choice of "best" alternative. H Hybrid No-build Other SK UC

Choice of "best" alternative. H Hybrid No-build Other SK UC

Choice of "best" alternative. H Hybrid No-build Other SK UC

Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013) Question 6 asked about how frequently would the respondent use one of the alternative pathways. Although they were not responding about the specific pathway their choice as the one they liked best, the results have been tabulated by that choice.

6. If a new bicycle and pedestrian bridge or pathway like the ones shown today was constructed, how frequently would you use it? Daily Weekly H UC SK Hybrid No-build Other Grand Total 4 27 1 5 2 1 1 4 7 12 4 Once a month 1 3 A few times a year 8 2 2 1 1 1 15 2 1 9 Never Grand Total 4 2 19 15 15 5 3 3 60

Question 7 asked how the respondent would use the alternative bicycle and pedestrian path. The next two tables show the answers separately for Keizer residents and for Salem residents.

7. Choose how you might use the new bicycle/pedestrian path (Keizer Residents): Grouped by alternative they liked best H For access to the Kroc Center or the Claggett Creek Natural Area For recreation or exercise To get to school, work, or shopping none of the above Grand Total 1 7 2 1 1 1 13 9 Hybrid No-build Other SK UC Grand Total

4 2

7 2 4

4 4 1

18 8 5 2 33

Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013)

7. Choose how you might use the new bicycle/pedestrian path (Salem Residents): Grouped by alternative they liked best NoH Hybrid build Other SK UC 5 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 11 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 5 1 4

Row Labels For access to the Kroc Center or the Claggett Creek Natural Area For recreation or exercise To get to school, work, or shopping none of the above Grand Total

Grand Total 12 6 1 6 25

Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013) Question 8 ask about support or non-support for the a new bridge/path. The first table shows the results by the question #1 response of the best alternative. Question 8. Overall do you support or not support the construction of a new bicycle/pedestrian bridge or pathway connecting Keizer to the Claggett Creek Natural Area and the Kroc Center? "Best Choice" H UC SK Hybrid No-build Other Grand Total 1 46 Support 11 15 14 5 3 1 11 1 4 Not Support 6 1 1 Undecided 2 Grand Total 19 16 15 5 3 3 61

The table below shows support and non-support by residence of respondent.

Question 8. Overall do you support or not support the construction of a new bicycle/pedestrian bridge or pathway connecting Keizer to the Claggett Creek Natural Area and the Kroc Center? Row Labels Keizer Salem Grand Total Support 30 16 46 Not Support 3 8 11 Undecided 2 2 4 Grand Total 35 26 61

Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013)

Comments (after question #1) about their choice of alternative (sorted by the alternative) "Best alternative" H Comments What we "like" is less important than what we can afford. Projects that require new debt at the local, state or federal level are all very dangerous to the overall sustainability of our American lifestyle. I do not support borrowing money to improve access. Creating a bike/walking path allows people greater access to the Kroc without the level of risk that current biking there entails. Also, this is far lower cost than any other option and the greenest alternative. SK sounds nice with the option of Mainline Dr as well, but seems cost prohibitive. H seems the most straight forward and economical. UC and SK could be done some day when more money is available. H could be done now in phases. SK is too much money. There are so many other lower cost projects that need to get done first. Seems like a sad misuse of budgeted funds. New routes promotes laziness within our society when we already have ways of accessing the area. QUITE WASTING MONEY! PLEASE! I see no reason to spend millions of taxpayers dollars on new bike/pedestrian paths when we have adequate bike/pedestrian paths in place already. We should re-allocate the money into research of self sustainable energy. Can we donate money? I like the idea of a combination of H and UC as this would provide access from both Hyacinth and Salem Parkway. I do have two concerns though. First is the extensive path directly along side the RR tracks. Though I would expect some sort of barricade there are far too many kids that would be tempted to walk the tracks instead of the path. Second is the security of the undercut. Without proper lighting (and possibly a camera) it could become a haven for unwanted activities including but not limited to tagging and drug use. I think that you need to make sure there are connections from both sides of Salem Parkway so there should be a hybrid of H and UC but do not build the Hyacinth St extension. It is unnecessary and the money saved can go into building the bike routes. I like the price of H, but feel it is unsafe for bikers to cross the busy intersection over Hyacinth. Alternative "H" is not safe enough. The others are too expensive. The funds could be better spent on other bike/ped projects. Any pathway that does not go UNDER, as I've had bad experiences with vagrants in under-passages. Would be *wonderful* to have a pedestrian/bike/skate way from downtown to the Kroc.





Hybrid No-build Other

Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013) Modified H. Pursue the extension of Salem industrial with the inclusion of an adjoining bicycle/pedestrian path. It's already on the books. Other Bridges and under crossings for a single destination are not a wise investment in my opinion and in the semi isolated area are attractive to gang related safety issues None of the alternatives benefit Salem residents. The Kroc Center should have never been permitted to be at this location. Salem Industrial Drive is the best/least worst option right now but it needs bike lanes. If any of these options are incorporated into the TSP, it will be one more expensive mega-project that other projects throughout the city must compete with for funding. The Minto-Island Bridge is already drawing money away from other Bike/Walk Salem projects. Salem needs put more energy and resources into making existing facilities safer, more attractive, and more user friendly before taking on another mega-project. It's closer to our school so it gets us their easy and fast. It's by a school so more people would use it! More kids and pedestrian would use it because it is by a school. Right by school and more kids would use it. Safer. Yes, what is an alternative? But i love it? I put many miles on my bike around this city, I live on the west side of River Road in Keizer and one of my common ways to get back to my house is on the bike path along the Salem parkway and through the light at Hyacinth and the Parkway. As a parent of a Claggett Creek Middle School student and another that will be going there in a few years I would not allow my kids to ride or walk on a route to the Kroc center that would require them to cross the Parkway. As a parent I would wonder how cautious they would be at that very busy intersection with cars driving through it at 55 MPH or higher. I understand the cost difference is a major obstacle but I believe it would be worth the safety of our children. All three options are hideous! Option "H" would send children across the dangerous Salem Parkway" are you out of your mind!!! This intersection already has a high accident history, why make it worse? It looks like the original attraction of a plot of land that was affordable was ultimatley a very short sighted choice. The land is in the middle of nowhere and has no safe, affordable access. Better Suited for Kids Hybrid was also checked and a big NO! next to SK with Too Much Money and Too complicated written next to the Which of these do you like the least)






Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013) Question #4: Comments on how to make the alternatives they liked best more appealing Choice H H H H Comment See comments above. Ensure lots of lighting for safety and night use. Consider providing a parking area nearby so people could park and walk if they wanted. Make sure access is well engineered so there are safe ways to enter and exit without getting hit by on-coming cars. Better signage Look into recycled materials for construction and conduct studies on how this would reduce traffic, and save money in the long run. I am not sure that H is even needed. I am very concerned that it won't be utilized much by cyclists or pedestrians due to security and location. There is a perception that this area of town is not the most safe part of town. Why would I let my kids cycle or walk this route. It seems like it could become an area for gangs to hang out.

Certainly, a sky bridge would be visible and thus may attract use but again, where is the need?

Why is this project even being considered in the first place? What am I not getting here?

H H H H H H Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid

What is the Clagget Creek Natural Area? Is there fishing? Is it a park? H - phase the pfoject. If you put in the bridge, volunteer could raise oney and put in a gravel path for the rest. less fill---smaller footprint Improvements to intersection at Salem Parkway. Grow a garden instead ! Use area to hold free community gardens! Reduce the cost The UC Extra lighting and wireless camera. (See note above.) Make it more of a straight shot access. Connectivity to existing bicycle paths and lanes that would feed the Kroc connectors, but also make them viable leisure ride or walk areas, especially given that the future Claggett Creek Natural Area is in the picture. As I wrote above, do not build the Hyacinth St Extension. It is redundant without being a part of a proper street grid. If people want to drive to the Kroc Center from Hyacinth, they can get on Portland Rd. dont do,it Why are we wasting our tax money, whether local or federal, on such ridiculous projects? Let each City spend their tax dollars on upkeep and development of quality of life services such as public safety, road maintenance and etc. that will effect all citizens.

Hybrid Nobuild Nobuild

Salem Parkway / Kroc Center Access Study - Survey Results (2-12-2013)

Perhaps when the economic situation, both locally and nationally improves we can consider frivolous, wasteful and absolutely pointless projects such as this. Nobuild Other Other Other SK SK SK UC UC UC UC UC UC UC

Explain the that money could be better spent on other bike/ped projects in the community. Linking to existing bikeways that are safe for families to ride on ties into already on the books plan, build the road at the same time My alternative is to stripe bike lanes on Salem Industrial, improve the intersection at Cherry, and make the bike route from Maple St. more transparent. Fundraiser Having a fundraiser at school. Fundraisers I believe that ease of use with regard to safety is the appealing part of this alternative. Use overpass bridge as a place to advertise and charge advertisers for the right to rent advertising space.. Have it end on Pleasant View. More light to lighten it up! Trees! and Decorations Signs It is not too expensive, effective way for peds to get around.

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