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Abstract Advertising is a means of raising public awareness and persuasion, but also a manifestation of freedom of expression of tenders and a field for the exercise of critical faculties of consumers. Its effectiveness is conditional on the substantiation of advertising strategy on the study of human behaviour in the international flows. Information provided by the ad must be relevant to the public, to meet needs and expectations, and in this way give pleasure to the receptors, to reward effort browsing the advertising message. Key words: traditional advertising, online advertising, internet, models of advertising. A. The traditional advertising and the online advertising B. The benefits of advertising on the Internet C. Models of advertising on the Internet

A. The purposes of advertising Advertising is a means of raising public awareness and persuasion, but also a manifestation of freedom of expression of tenders and a field for the exercise of critical faculties of consumers. Its effectiveness is conditional on the substantiation of advertising strategy on the study of human behaviour in the international flows. Information provided by the ad must be relevant to the public, to meet needs and expectations, and in this way give pleasure to the receptors, to reward effort browsing the advertising message. The Internet is a place for marketing, which requires respecting some rules and regulations for doing business effectively. Online marketing completely changed traditional methods of transmitting advertising. Area Traditional Advertising Space is a commodity to be bought. It is expensive and finite. Regardless of the size of a standard purchase (an ad for 30 seconds on radio or television, a whole page of a newspaper or a magazine), just start to tell the story. It must be abandoned due to information, space and cost constraints. Online Advertising Space is unlimited and cheap. You can put an entire encyclopaedia of information about company and products on the Internet for a modest amount of money.

Lecturer, AGORA University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics and Law

Because of this, messages can be cut for different types of buyers: those looking for information, those who seek the best price, the target value, and so on. If they are visual, you can put pictures and movies. If they are the target numbers, can show a lot of statistics. In fact, consumers can create their own scenarios for the sale as it seeks information of interest and avoid other types of information. Time Traditional Advertising Time is a commodity that can be bought on radio and on television. It is expensive and limited. You have a short period of time to send the message. Advertising sponsors tend to try to create an image of a company or product through visual means because these limitations. Online Advertising Time is what consumers spend. It is a good full value for them for two reasons: they spend money to be online and they spend time away from real business or personal activities. To attract the store, be maintained on the website, you must determine to return and to tell their friends to go there, something should be added to their experience in the online store. The first step is to have products of high quality and information arranged in an attractive manner. The second step is to add something real to the consumers experience although it might have only a tangential connection with the product or advertising and sales as we know them today. For example: Wells Fargo Bank allows its customers to consult and account balance online. Visa allows anyone to read free information on how to get out of debt Federal Express and UPS allows customers to find free online packages, Southwest Airlines has free information about holiday destinations. These experiences help creation of goodwill from consumers by enriching the time they spend online. Creating image Traditional Advertising The images are created with images and movement, music, lights and action. Images are primary, secondary information is. For example: A manufacturer of cigarettes in a film shows a cowboy on a horse as it lights up a cigarette, creating a raw image of Marlboro Man. The door has a bright open sports cars, bare feet are a woman and a seducing music audible in the background while a voice says "night belongs to Michelob." Adolescents are showing having fun on the beach, playing volleyball and drinking Pepsi. In each case, an image is created with words and pictures that create emotions. Information is not used at all. Online Advertising The images are created with information. As tools for audio and video on the Internet are quite young, the main way in which information is obtained is through the printed word - and the advantage that the Internet uses scenarios and selling information products can be written in hypertext, feature that allows consumers to move the information to another as allowed in place to make way through the entire

document weight in linear from start to finish. For example, say you sell a product that can be understood on many levels, such as food. It may have a picture of a piece of chocolate accompanied by a paragraph that this product claiming virtues sweet, dark and seductive and consistency was creamy and smooth. However, a person concerned about health would like to know how many fat and calories each product contains. Can be included these information too. For a more technical, such as phone, can start by showing a phone and basic information such as features, benefits and price. This information would probably be sufficient for a small business owner. However, people who buy systems more sophisticated phones need more detailed information. They will work with their current system? Will work in remote offices. The Internet allows you to create the desired image based on how much information the consumer needs to decide to purchase. Communication of direction Traditional Advertising Television send pictures and messages to people who are passive and either listen or ignore your message. If they have questions, the answers are not immediately available. For example, if you see picture of a car and wants to know the cost, they must close and the TV and go to the dealer. If they see an ad for beer brands and want to know how many contain calories, they must also shut down the TV and go to the supermarket. Some ads show a phone number that can be called free and start a relationship this way. But this is the exception and not the rule (of course, except for advertising info and programs for purchases). Online Advertising Consumers seeking the company message. They choose to cyber-magazine to read information. Not only that, it is expected that this communication should be interactive. They will be able to establish a line of communication with the company to find answers to questions quickly, if not immediately. At this time, the technology allows consumers to find information in your store and send an e-mail your staff. Must respond as quickly to build a relationship. The first step is to create a info-boot, to immediately send a note prepared by the consumer who sent the email and contain answers to most questions. Of course people are always thinking about a question that your staff has not been designed and sent another note. At this time, there is a need for human intervention to answer the question. This is a good thing, because the action starts to build a relationship between company and consumer. From this exchange, marketers can create a good customer for life. Interactivities Traditional Advertising On television is a ad for a new car. Is seeking more information. How much? What is gasoline consumption? Where is local? The company did not tell you these things. There is space to enter all this information. A phone number you can call

free for a few seconds appears on the screen. Maybe it will sound. Maybe it will look when you start the following ad. Online Advertising Notes consumer advertising on television and became very interested in the picture. Read the web address on TV and connect to the Internet to read the business page. Find all the information it needs and then get into a discussion about cars and read messages they have on people's car. You can ask questions and after a few minutes received the reply from a car owner and not by a representative of the company. It receives a stream of information that can be the basis for deciding to purchase. Call to action Traditional Advertising Applications are based on the call to emotions and fears. "This offer expires at the end of the week!" Applications are also based on incentives. "Buy one and get one free". Online Advertising Applications are based on information. Consumers seeking answers to specific questions. If any product is appropriate and correctly described, there is a greater chance of selling than if they appeal to emotions. Still not decided whether the traditional method of selling works in cyberspace or not. These tools include timelimited offers that depend on the rarity. Nobody has looked seriously into the belief that work on Internet users B. The benefits of advertising on the Internet Reaches where no other media does; Allows transmission of more complex messages than other media; Possibilities of segmentation / targeting - demographics, depending on the context, during the day, depending on the other visited sites etc..; More control over the Reach / Frequency and the ability to calculate the unduplicated audience of the entire campaign; A direct and immediate - visits, conversions, and even sales; Real-time optimization; Complete measurability: almost every element of a campaign can be monitored and translated into ROI (Return on Investment); creative opportunities more complex: games, dialogues, rich-media ads interactive, and stories or even virtual universes; Internet is located at the convergence of all media: audio, video, text, images, plus interactivity. C. Models of Advertising In addition to the direct sales and subscriptions, ads hosted on the Internet that are also often profit-generating electronic stores and Internet web pages in general. But Internet advertising is not always possible or appropriate: electronic design emporium whether or not advertising in their stores, depending on the type of transactions charged in the e-mall.

Typically, advertising banners - the best known form of advertising - are placed on the website with appropriate content, such as page-host attractive sub pages resulting from searches by keyword, to However, the ad can generate profits only if the site benefits from a heavy traffic. Advertisers will be interested in a particular site, just in case there are guarantees in terms of number of visitors monthly. Given that the rate of access to banner advertising is relatively low and depends largely on the design, advertising prices are based on more current visibility on the Internet page (number of visitors). It was found that the rate of accessing the banner ad on a page hosted by the Internet is commonly between 0.05 - 0.3%, sometimes rising to 3% or more. But the views of the banner can be directly identified by the ad on the website itself, unlike the number of page views of Internet hosting and advertising that can not be monitored only by the owner of this page. Prices for services differ greatly depending on the contract, the specific and specialized Internet host page (the more specialized is even more expensive) and other criteria (for example, a search engine, use the ad keyword "e-commerce" is quoted at a price higher than other such keywords such as "provider" or "business"). Current prices range from 0.01 to 0.30 euro per page for accessing the Internet host ads. In practice there are cases when the owners of Web sites accept advertising banners on their pages, instead of hosting their own banner on other Internet pages. This exchange of banner advertising is organized in "web rings" (circles fields) created by thousands on different topics. Within such a ring, Internet pages related to a particular domain are linked by links, based on the desire expressed by the owners of pages and of course, their common interests.

Bibliography: 1. C. Florescu, P. Mlcomete, N. Pop (coord.) Marketing Dicionar explicativ, Ed. Economic, Bucureti, 2003; 2. G. Grosseck, - Marketing i comunicare pe Internet, Ed. Lumen, Iai, 2006; 3. Kotler Philip - Managementul Marketingului, Editia a III-a, Teora 2003; 4. Russel J. Thomas, W. Ronald Lane Manual de publicitate - Ed. Teora, 2002; 5. 6. 7. International Advertising Board

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