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' \ ' ' Hll P'- tnt My e)(istence in this wor1d w.J .. not hlng rnare t.hah a \
'' H\ ' ttl t ,,u.,tng a deeper and strong{!f tee\. 1\h the p,uard
( " t c 'H"r "" h1d1 would inevitabl y send 20 000 through tn'l bodv, \
' t .,. ' ' ""'n which me to this place, to this \t's an odd
' ' l " ' "' though I was a mere observer t< the vents HM\ f\ow,ed Jo
.. \" .... ,.
"' ,..... h .... h ( t ,,nw au a ope that soon, I would awnke, anrl rnv appa\\\nr.. so\i

t, tt of cl hon:ae.
''t tit n\.-e. A silence so i ntense that 1 could an but hcnr the of the
....... ' " tht"' Prit."St onoe again asked f0r a confession.
"' I swallowed whole my tongue as kn\ght envied mv br<eath \n
,, .. , ' 't '" "' t1f nl\" existence forever. l would not speak.
ft \\ .. t. I \\' t \ c.
- ' .l ' ) \ The vile smell a fini5hed school yr:-ar tortur;ous\v
.. p p, Jt :-. ( t t L' ... .... ,... ct: -.. "" ' .. it .. i'i ' ""' I I I b I. \ ..l
" ' " ' "-"'' =\udd ed beneath the big'ol oak out acr.. ro\lle on roy
b t' E' 1 1 t .. .. ' " t -.. ... - 1 th
.. ... ' .... , \?I .lf:. .l n. I \1\'ou dn't play witm the other . . ,, e i.gnoflance ev
... '\: t .... ,' ' ... , ' to II cl ...&
... " , "' :.' .. 't .. ' .'4 ' ' ' )Lith was far too apparemt. W(i)U\d not un me
had i fit\ :-: 1\ ,' \ "'f .... ' ..... ' t l t "'\dd possibly withstand. When 1 daimed the \n1peacmab\e status ot
the 1 \\ 1 \"' b
.. ... ... "-" ' : ... .... ', ct th bed. and the revolt ing rreality which was my stepfather wou u a use
nle nl ' \ " .. : .. ... ' rt 1n ... 1telv, my father had pe11ished in the war and n1y mother. had the
rn1n1ens ...... ,! ..; .. ' ..... .:.i .. ac ing leech such as Carl. My mother was ashamed of my phys\c.a\
enser .. r .) .. , ........ =- ...: ..... person alive, and 1 had a dysfunctional \eg. Despite a\\ these atr.oc\ous
abn rn .:d1t e$ I ... "', ...... ,.. . ",= .,t .. intelligent. 1 would become the wor\d's best surgeon, and a\\ wh\ch
the k:i is
girffrien t
stuc t u?. f
I"' \
desp sed ....
V\.,.a rd e ' ft r t
clear leaders p
dernons haun
t '
I stared in Cl)rl '!,;)
she n u .. t t' "f 10.-,

e\", f.a1rn1ily .. the Carols. I watched in annusenilC'A\. as the nee that wa
d ruund the exhausted tr;ee. Oernis Cati0\5 c\a\tmed don\inat)ce o1 \1\\s
' ......... t tnents-a kiss. I scoffeu. How tw\ca\ was th;s hl\t'l\at\1re encO\lf,\ter. \-:\e
and along with til such a }\!lVen\\e \ tr;u
. n the stupid1est (!)erson \ ever vet he was st\\\
1use of our new meighbors and soo\a\\v \(llssed g\n\ff\end-assert.\n
had lived in tmat for 50 years and 1!he\1e supposed
.. " l'\een a fool to live irn .
, :s Ju mped tlhe trrl!lck. She'd looKed as if slile was made of
l".1tion, what 1 wm.t ltl give t0 with a womam of 5'\:and
: 1 to look past nJy physical flaws. 11'\er s0n n1YSt \llave been t\1\e sam
' ,' - ... . Laughing to 1 he Denis would maKe a sma

group of friends. The woman travelled to the side of the truck wh h
ere s e proceeded With Uhtmpeachab\e car
help her son out. Much to my surprise, the boy was quite ailihg. e to
He had or 11 yeatis .. With the possession of no hair, he was completely bald With briUiant blue eves and a
wheelchair:. I watched Intently a6 his mother kissed him Full of c l .
. ompass1on. Jt was wtth a ron of nausea that\
remlnl.sced upon my ch1h:lhood. My mother had never loved me in such a fashion. 1 envied the boy. My n"\other
appr.oached the boy with a falsified look upon ller face .
"Bobby, come say mil" I limped towards the boy.
"77he name's Bobby."
"ltfowdy 8Gbbv, fhe name's Kiddo."
I scofffecl Kiddo, ? Wrnat a stwpid fila me, surely he must be the least c<JJmplex of cr:eatures.
"So, wlilere'CJ1
you break you leg?" Kiddo examiAed. I was appealed, what type of educat:hi>n does one requ\re to
klil0W not to demand such personal information. "Oh this Ol' tt:ling? S'always been Hke this." \ sarcast\ca\\y
Kiddo's face cr.umbled in what seemed as despondency. ,.How bout' you? Where'd you break your \egs?" \
mocked. Kiddo laughed. uWhife playing basketball with the president."
I coruldn't help but notice the impecable ignominy of how Kiddo's mother brightened at the sound ot K\ddo' s
laugh. Hew I envied t11ile b0y. He looked to 11he kids by the ugly tree and said,
"Tmey your friernds?u I stared in amusement. Coulcl he not tell l claimed a status far more lnte\\\gent then the
likes of them? "Nafrt, they aiA't friends ot mine." Kid do frowned,
Wamna g0 to the park?" \ \aug\i\ed. How tvp\ca\.
I'll go to the park. I got up and limped ahead as Kiddo liOI1ed to the park.
TI:Je r.est of the evening, Kid do and I spoRe 0fl s0ccer, and sh0ol and Sl1cn tt.lings. \t appears he was n1ore
complex then I firist thought. lrle had had im t ne past, and they had beautifu\\y shaped a be\ng whom\
considered to be qUJite intelligent. He was worth my time. 'n fact,\ was quite fond of the character.
"Catrl I tell yol!l somet'fuing?" fHe asked. "Yeafu, go a mead." I respomded. "We\l
you're the who's ever re
talked to me. rr "Really?/' I was surprised. Kriddo was a clelight to converse w\th. As much as\ hated t0 taste t
truth, I had gr0wn quite fond 011 trnis individual. He was my nest friend-mv. only iTTi\end. My K\d<io.
Kiddo and I grew cl0ser and cl0ser as the sum melT progrressed. We spent tirne tbrow\ng rocks at carst ro\\\ng
the mud and acting flke absolute imbeciles. The days we spetlt together were pleasant. \ \eft 'for horne day
day with the sweet taste of a friendship on my palate ... ttilat is until Kid db gotH\. Around Ju\y, \\\ddo was l\n
' (
to leave the hospital. He safd he h d .
a a tumour'" his h rt
condition, ft wa.s rare. It olaimed ma,""'v II ea and that he needed anottu-r t h tHt1, t <!,
ves, and would lik 1 k 11 '' " H ,,
without a heart implant. Goddamn itf I couldn't betiev e ', Ktddo. He said the,.,., r ,_,utth,'t h h!-Y '
were hili $JJrgeon, the problem would h . e the Ignorance that wat. thp ,..ti:tft ff t.fJ' P U '
ave termanated before t b
unbearabiJ?. llhey couldn't let him di H . ' egan. The ... that rr ' IIH
e. e was my only fnend.
The summer took a tauhtingly torturous trail as KitJdo wa .
of flunnels with lfttle fight and wh K"dd s unresponsive to treatment I harJ '' '' d lo t.J t
, en 1 o came to my rt th ll. h
pari6h. ' e, , e tg twas aht I would not ;:s\\r)" .,.,, ,,. r v. '"'
The dr:eadful day came when Kiddo told me,
"I really need an operation. lihere's nom h " ,
Bobby 1ih d ate es though. What? I thought things were J:,ett-trw hr ttr '' "1
1 ey nee to take out mv. heart ' !j
"Alii . n give me another. You 'Nanna know sorncthiOJ
want IS a goocl heart Even if 1 di 1 '"'
"You'll 4- It K'dd . e, wanna dte Wtth a good heart, like a good man," ll/1/ hp\r i', rL
1 o, don't worry."
M'y prooolse ermmt" as the damned d h
,., ,,, onoli never s owed, Ktddo 'lias 1ne 11tabl1 1trJru the hr, .{J'1
wlt!hout a good heart. His mottiler was sulie to dei1Jileate her s0rrov-1 as she tvou\d C.f'/ f_,r,, qu\tJ:
flamboyantly. I had been mistaken, she was not quite as complex as l had \roag1ned. lr, t'-t'), .he ua(_. ''.uitr-:
"They know imam die soon Bobby." He'd say. My reciprocation would be negative, but\"u beHJ!L He vu,u\d
die. As soot:l as he died, my being too would die.
Two weeks before the commencement of school, the neighbourhood was frantic. There crJu\d've be erA an
earthquake and nobody would've noticed. As usuat l began my day by taking Kiddo t(J the r,ark.
ain't fuere Bobby, sorry, he went to the park with Denis Carols earlier th\s rmorning." \1\ f reddened
scarlet with anger. Denis Carols? How typical, it appears he's not as complex as' once thoug}nt. 1 to the
park in acrimony to express my abhorrence. rt was then when I saw that Klddo was actua\\v \n a state of dero\se.
Denis Carol wa.s taking him into the fores't trail. He wottld be out of sight, and comp\ete\v vulnerab\e. \ to'i\ovl/ed
"Vvhat did hear? I" De til is sere a med.
"ftJothingl nothing I swea rf"
They were all at the end of the trail by now. The disgusting vile that was Denis, Kiddo, and two other clods. I
recognized them being of Harwicl<; the l'lfiOSt prestigious ot sclilools. Surely, they must acquire some educati
Don t He to me Denis lift kiddn frorn hi t. 'lhlh and tlu:cw tum in a ditch It was with dl . .
that f it h d 1 a sgustmg lmpal!t

a )een I he dlt< h Wd'o lull of wnter. I screamed in horror running towards the group,
Stop.' Stop! H!! can't move! dwwnl 'itqp 1\e' He' s sick!" Denis laughed. The foul sound echoed
tll\ n11nd.
-This girlfriend t<Hddo ?" tit.! purl f. l "'Y c r11t cit, ; rny f(ulty fo0t abandoned me, chopping my body to the
floor. I spit on Denis ifil the rnost di 1 ful po .lbk Wdy, how I hated such a being. What 1 would give to hit
hin'l just once. Denis contkllled to ,kic k rn.-. fn 1 Ide,.., :JUC,e!>sfully leaving me vulnerable. I tasted the b\ood in
n1outh as the Harwick boys procoPded tu' nrc. Then, slumbeli overtook my conscious.
I ma\' have been asleep, bu1t my rniad 11 c.Jn frf'l' a. 1 le,u'l."'d for Ki dno' s life. tHe would drown in that ditch. \willed
my e\'elids open.
ft \:vas already dark, f rushed to see what hod bcconle of Kiddb. The l was given the advantage to see
tun1 properl}1, I sobbed. He hadn't I shtHJfild mv horrid feet to his body where l lifted him to his chair..
Although ha\ ;ng dropped htnl nlult pili ttmes tn 1 he pt ocess of doing s0, Kid do made no rno\/e.
The \ oace that ,'vas mt ignoran_e satd, Darr't he's paralyzed, 1t's for him not to nlove. \ screamed
lhe name ofKiddo o eraga t rT _d df etrrmty until I realized his eyes were open. Kiddc1 \t\fasdead.
The s mp eton tn my m 1 .i!c
n'Hf bod fe to a dee d :
A l I
f ,
I J,
r 1, ,
r ' r r
r t
f ,
_,o rttif r r ( r1 tc ppr cl, my thoughts stopped, and I was dead. My \egs bt oke and
J n -. J " 1 w Pld tnPvttdbly the rest of n'V e 'l:>tence ..
t t l t r lit .,t r 1Pht to n1y s\1Ul 1 he n1 rnone o1 hs

1 ' t1 l l '" t, t h\ . , '' ''V '"t h \"'"''"' nv hon
t '''tt ' \ th h rl t\dl\ d \lt'op\ewou\d
r t r hu t lnvthHat' Mv t c' f t\d n d
f qrt fun ., lJh\ h ,, r1 1 ri
(II caught a deer out back wan
' na come see ?u "
seen. e kJd. Carl followed me to the b k
ac yard where we ooutdn'1i be
''It's back here." 1 picked out U
1C axe from a tree .stump.
why ya hoJdin' th
at axe ltl<e that son?" With o .
tfile stited whelie I lay on lh fl ne swmg, he was dead. I dragged his disgusting body to
e <:>or, al0ng kiddo.
Sl!lbsequent to UAclottling, and sanltlzin bo ' -
lThis was it My fhist . g th chests, I collected my mothers kttchen knives from the pantry.
operation. The wonld would see my brilliance, finally.
111 was extreme care d -
. an I pnectstoA that I sliced through the chests. My stepfather had needed more wotrk
seetrng as he was fat. M
y l!>loo<Jt flowed as 11lCDuched the sternum of the ribcage. t needed to break througlrt. After
a momemt of contrermplation, i gatjhered a large fiOCk fr0m the garden, and a screwdriver and proceeded to hit
the rrock on the handle of the ser.ew until the sternt.:Jm cracked perfectly along the middle.
I proceeded the same with Kiddo, and pulled open the chest. It was with shock that 1 disc(!)vered the heart of my
stepfather had notr terminated its beat. Jrie was still alive. Nevertheless, 1 cut through the veins ancl arter1ies
t:he heart amd rermovea his heart. fHe st!0pped instamtly. 1 then proceeded tlCD do the same w1th K.idrlo.
I he1C;J tile healtilily heart in the air and said,
"Kiddo, t:his is your heart."
I tmefil proceeded to sew the prroper veins ba1< in place. I did not even need to \ook at a book. I was a born
tlarfrurtal. Tlrying to ignore the size difference, I pusrned ribs clGsed and sewed back his chest. \was done,
amd it was beautiful. It appeared vitality and grace was instantly bestowed upon Kiddo the moment he was
complete. He would have been proud.
My mother called for me as I descemded down the ladder. Whem she saw me she shrieked \m honfior. \was
covered in blood, the smell of homicide on rmy They would all feel the wrath of my bri\\\ance r.ow.
Shortly after my arrest, I was sentenced to deatJ:l .. by electric chair on of the slaughten of Car\ Madison and K\ddo
Zenkisnsuks. I triuly looked forward to suct:l an event as it was the legacy I would \\ve Bobby Ph\\Hps, genius
surgeoA, sentenced to cleath as mis intelligence was far t0o thfieatenirng for wor\d. \ knew they feared me.
Not homioidal tenderncies however, tmey feared my aGl!lity. EvefiYome lilad subcoAscious\y fearecl my
acuity. I was far too smart for this world.

As the guard the executioAer; to pull 0n ttle lever which w0uld inevitamly send 20 000 watts through my
body, J looked upom tfile crewd to see tf:le lifeless face of Kiddos mother starring to my existemee bestow\t\g the
most der:nented of hatr.eds. I th0ught of my own nnother. Although she liladn't spokeR to 2 years,\ s\\entJ\y
wished her happiness.
s too was in the crowd. l!Jpoll his face lie .
verJI an emotion resembling that of guilt. 1 maddened,
!Denis ar.ols is lil'll!lrdener, " Th
''StOP bl ' e crowcl gasped as I hadn't spoken a work in 2. ..,ears. lust then, m11
tflother. stwm e., ,.o " e roem begging for, a minute.
"MY sorn is lranocerat on aceol!lnts of Kiddo Zenkisnusks homicide." Without another word, she handed the
the I tt H h . wac: anestedA executu::mer e er. e t en proceeded to undo my straps. The crowd stared in disgust a& Dems "
. . . e Be\ng d\agnosed
Four. later, I Was to be admitted to Danvers State Hospital for the mmmally msan . .
could not
\-1 ever despite thiS,
witfu multiple per.sonalrty disorders, amd psychosis, 1 posed a threat to soc1ety. ow '
be exeol!lted on the accoi!IJ;Jts ot 1 could still be legendary.
Wpon entry to m mew room, 1!lile intr-oduced to my roommate,
TJ..... S 11,..,. &;.,. n
n li' ll rJ5 IS I 0uu.
1 d ed 'Nit
Subseql!lemt to orne look, the essence my sou ropp ' . . He had 1-0 or 1-1- '/ears.
was qu\te a\hng. .
. " h my surprise, the boy d a wheelchair. "Howdy Bobf!>y, they call me Klddo. Muc to . h brilliant blue eyes an
. m@letely bald wat
the possession of no hair, he was co

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