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\Israel Inquiry -- History 30% Project History Department Essential Learning: Make connections and use the

knowledge of the past to address current issues

Christian Abella 12-11-12 7 Israel Inquiry

Explore current Israel through the news. *Question provided for this inquiry.
What is the current state of affairs in Israel?

1.) Inquiry

(4-7+ sentences Stretch your thinking; Be specific; Draw connections from past history and current events)
Israel is expected to be in a state of conflict because of the religion that people are fighting over. There are many beliefs and the people of Israel are challenging for the power of the faith. They disagree about it then they fight. These religions have holidays that they celebrate separately.

2.) Prediction What do you think you will find?

CNN -- BBC -- A.) Identify what country each site is from (Check site links) B.) How might each countrys perspective influence how they report the news? C.) Explain how this site is or is not a credible source
CNN A.) CNN is from America B.) Because CNN is an American news resource, the perspectival articles might be negative because of the rumors between the countries. C.) CNN is a credible site because it has a varied amount of articles by professionals and it is a news station so it can be trusted source. BBC

3.) References

Christian Abella 12-11-12 7 Israel Inquiry A.) United Kingdom B.)Because BBC is from the UK and it is closer to Israel the information must be more positive. This is because the United Kingdom is not in much of a conflict between the countries. C.)BBC is credible because it is like CNN but in the UK instead of the US.

Use to properly cite ALL the pages that you use for your investigation within the selected news site. Select APA format. Alphabetize. YOU MUST HAVE 4+ SEPARATE CITATIONS (2+ from each news site)
1.) Israeli foreign minister to be charged with fraud - (n.d.). - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Retrieved from 2.) Israeli airstrikes hit Palestinian militant targets in Gaza - (n.d.). - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Retrieved from 3.) BBC News - Israel settlements: UN steps up pressure. (n.d.). BBC - Homepage. Retrieved from 4.) BBC News - Israeli military raids offices of Palestinian NGOs. (n.d.). BBC - Homepage. Retrieved from

4.) Citations

(Expected and unexpected answers, insights, and questions related to the inquiry focus. Use Language Toolkit 2 for help with citations using APA style)
1.) Sara Sidner (2012) says, His ultra-nationalist party, the second-largest in the governing coalition, is especially popular with immigrants from the former Soviet Union, where Liberman was born and raised. 2.) Sara Sidner (2012) states, Liberman has faced international criticism for his hard-line stance on Israel's Arab minorities. 3.) CNN Wire Staff (2012) states, The air force bombed a weapons storage facility and two sites where rockets had been launched, according to a statement from the Israel Defense Forces. 4.) CNN Wire Staff (2012)declares, A military representative said militants have launched more

5.) Investigation (2+ Direct Quotes per Citation = 8+ Direct Quotes)

Christian Abella 12-11-12 7 Israel Inquiry than 115 rockets toward Israel since Saturday. 5.) Barbara Plett (2012) says, About 500,000 Jews live in more than 100 settlements built since the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. 6.) Barbara Plett (2012) states, Earlier this week, Israel gave approval for 1,500 more homes at the Ramat Shlomo settlement in East Jerusalem. 7.) BBC News (2012) stated, The Israeli military said the NGOs were linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which Israel considers a terrorist group. 8.) BBC News declared, In addition to Addameer, which works on behalf of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, the Israeli military also searched the offices of the Union of Palestinian Women Committees and the Palestinian NGO Network.

6.) Analysis (5-8 sentences Follow PEEER Overview model) Write a PEEER paragraph that answers the Inquiry Question For your Evidence statement use one of your Direct Quotes Color-code your paragraph -With the recent occurrences, it must be that Israel is in a brutal state of conflict. For the past number of years, Israel has still been in conflict and disagreements in the form of violence. This intends that Israel keep getting into bouts that will never end as far as people are concerned. The turmoil that has been bringing the noteworthy country down has been on their shoulder for hundreds of years. For example, A military representative said militants have launched more than 115 rockets toward Israel since Saturday. CNN Wire Staff (2012). And for instance, The air force bombed a weapons storage facility and two sites where rockets had been launched, according to a statement from the Israel Defense Forces, said by the CNN Wire Staff (2012). Furthermore, all this fighting might just end the countrys hope and independence so Israel will just fall apart. The country will just think about war and not about ending it. It looks like Israel is in a state of battle and will not stop, from the ancient times until now. What is the current state of affairs in Israel?

Christian Abella 12-11-12 7 Israel Inquiry INQUIRY RUBRIC Research A Properly uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and without exception Ideas and elaboration include thorough and insightful historical connections. Includes variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice throughout. Is free of most errors conventions. B Properly uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and with few exceptions. Ideas and elaboration include insightful historical connections. Includes variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice occasionally. Is generally free of most errors in conventions. Follows instructions with one or two omissions, and includes Del Mar header, 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font. C Somewhat uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and properly. Ideas or elaboration includes insightful historical connections. Includes a lack of variety in sentence structure and highlevel word choice. Has some errors in conventions. D Does not use the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and properly. Ideas nor elaboration include historical connections. Includes a lack of variety in sentence structure and high-level word choice throughout. Contains errors in conventions, so serious that meaning is somewhat obscured. Follows instructions with multiple omissions, and does not include Del Mar header, or 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

Historical Connections

Written Expression

Quality of Work

Follows instructions completely and includes Del Mar header, 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

Follows instructions with several omissions, may not include Del Mar header, or 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

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