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Evaluation: Question 1

Before the process began of planning and making our documentaries we studied Bill Nichols theory of documentary modes. His theory explained how there wasnt just one type of documentary, and the conventions they follow categorise them. The different types of documentary are: expository mode, observational mode, participatory mode, reflexive mode and performative mode. The expository mode explains the situation straight to the viewer, like a recount of history; there is a hidden narrator that is quite authoritative whose voice is supported by images; this also shows two sides to an argument. The observational mode shows an overview on a series of events with or without a narrator. The participatory mode is where the narrator and/or the director and/or the producer are the main part in the documentary; an example of this is supersize me as Morgan Spurlock partakes and in what he is trying to prove. When there is a performative mode there is parts acted out in order show real life situations. For our A2 coursework we needed to produce the first 5 minutes of documentary based on a subject we feel we could speak about. To support this we also needed to make a TV listings page and short radio trailer; the aims of these would be to help persuade people to watch the documentary through advertisement. From watching documentaries such as Supersize Me and An Idiot Abroad, we decided to follow the expository mode as we feel as a group we could replicate the style and the conventions throughout our documentary. In order to do this we needed to show some sort of storyline, with all different sections running smoothly into one another. A narrator would need to be used; this would also help the documentary look efficient. The documentary based on drinking holidays; Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents, inspired me to base our documentary around the experiences of young people of our college. Also drinking has become a bigger problem lately in younger people as it is becoming a worry for their education and may restrict how well students achieve within exams, coursework and general everyday classes.

Alice Hughes-Dennis

Evaluation: Question 1

In the interview shown from Supersize Me you can see that it is a medium/close up of the nutritionist to show the expression of her face but it also shows the mise-en-scene of her office. The computer and office setting is to help show her authority and importance in the show; this is what we wanted to prove on our documentary with the interviews with Julie Maitland and PC Patel. Before the interviews were shot we made sure there was a computer in the shot and that Julie was sat at her desk. The camera needs to be still and to do this we used a tripod and placed the camera on top. Another convention we used in our documentary was the titles on the formal interviews; this was again to give an authoritative figure a name and not just a voice. This is always at the bottom left of the screen so that it does not take too much attention of the interviewee; we added a banner to ours as it made the writing stand out more. As this is interview the person being interviewed would look at the interviewer and not the camera, this would create a fly on the wall effect. Vox-pops are interviews with the public to add a realistic view on binge drinking. When filming the vox-pops we needed to make sure people answered the questions we wanted to ensure that irrelevant information wasnt added; to make sure we did this we made a list of questions that we were going to ask. When making the questions we wanted to show that there is a funny side to when people occasionally drink and therefore we asked people to tell experiences they have had. We also got this idea from supersize me, the vox-pops they do are relaxed and very comical at times. To show a realistic vibe to the interviews we used a hand held camera, where the people being interviewed could look into, this creates a conversation kind of interview. The shot is, again, a medium close up; this is to show the expressions on peoples faces but to also not have too much in the shot. Like in supersize me, the voxpops can be shot anywhere, this is because they are spur of the moment questions asked to the public; they can also be of more than one person, again to show a more relaxed atmosphere,

Alice Hughes-Dennis

Evaluation: Question 1

Beforehand we had took a lot of time and effort into the research behind binge drinking and the facts and statistics that come with it; we felt that as a documentary it was very important to not just show people the basic obvious facts that are constantly been covered on the news and media, but to dig deeper and give a little bit more. We looked at sites like the NHS; this was the most helpful and also we thought was the most reliable; we got facts on here about how people would typically act after each glass of wine. To show this we wanted to have the voice over talk of the clip of wine being poured into wine glasses; I thought this was a good idea as it was supported the facts being given. Supersize Me also does this with the different meals; this also grabs the attention as the audience can see what the voiceover is talking about. We wanted to make sure the first 5 minutes was a lot of interesting visuals supported by lots of facts to keep the audience on their toes. To help the different sections of the documentary run smoothly into one another we added fades; this was also helped along by the music as it made everything seem together. When adding the fades we needed to ensure we didnt add too many as it wouldnt have look professional and would have been too much; but on the other hand we didnt want too many straight cuts as it would have created a more serious jumpy mood. When we wanted to make a dramatic effect with the editing was the mood change; from positive to negative. This was when the voice over and PC Patel started to talk about the more serious side to binge drinking and the outcomes it could cause. We wanted this is have an effect and therefore we also had a straight cut from upbeat music into a more soft, scary sound.

Alice Hughes-Dennis

Evaluation: Question 1 TV Listings As a supportive task we needed to make a double page article that would be put in a TV listings page to advertise our documentary to our target audience. We used real life articles based on documentaries to see what conventions we needed to add onto ours. The title of the TV listings page reflects what it is trying to say due to the fonts; the font on the word fun is bubbly and quite exciting; whereas on the other hand the word fatal isnt in a font that is as bubbly and is also a red colour to alert danger. The title is bold and is the one of the first things that catches your eye. This is also the same as the comparative article; the title is a pun and is in capital letters with an exclamation mark to show the cheekiness. Underneath the title on our TV listings page is a two coloured boxes; within these boxes hold the information where the documentary will be shown: the channel, time, and day. This is at the start as it is easy to find and it is also in a brightly coloured box to draw attention. Below when it is on is a brief outline of what the documentary is about; this is also on the bare cheek page. We choose to do this as sometimes people can be in a rush and may just have time for a quick glance; therefore the summary line needs to sell the documentary in a few words. A drop cap is used in both articles to introduce the paragraph; this is a clear start as it stands out. Subheadings are used to break up the articles into sections, this is so the reader doesnt feel overcome with the whole article and can see that there is a breakup. The pictures being used on my article are all ones from the documentary; we felt there needed to be a lot of pictures in order for the audience to feel persuaded to watch it. As we wanted to interest the reader as much as possible we needed to ensure that we picked the most intriguing shots from the documentary. Under each picture was a caption; at first we wanted the caption to just tell the audience what it is in quite a formal way, but then after seeing the comparison article we thought that more informal and relaxed captions should be used. When adding the finishing touches to the TV listings page we put a page number in the bottom right hand page and the name of the magazine in the top left; again this is to add final professional conventions to our magazine.

Alice Hughes-Dennis

Evaluation: Question 1

Radio Trailer
When starting the radio trailer we listened to example clips to make us understand the conventions to follow in order to make a successful trailer. We listened to trailers and filled in these sheets; we took notes under the headings: target audience, tone, sound effects, music, sound levels, and length. When making our radio trailer we needed to make sure, like the documentary, it followed some sort of story line; in order to ensure this we made a script. By making a script it made sure that we all wanted to add what we wanted to from the documentary as well. When making the script that we wanted to add in clips from the vox-pops and the formal interviews. We added in a funny clip from the documentary, from a student, to continue the comedy effect we shown before. We also added in clips of Pc Patel to again emphasis the bad side of binge drinking.

I have sex with people I wouldnt usually Serious woundings, where people have had glass bottles and knifes thrust upon their face
To involve the audience we also wanted to ask them some questions about when they have been drinking; this not only involves them but gets them thinking. By getting them thinking they will then be intrigued as to what the worst possibly dangers that come with binge drinking and therefore they will tune in to see. Like the documentary we added the same music; this was so the music would relate to the documentary. When listening to examples of radio trailer there was one with the background music as a heartbeat; this was a documentary based on peoples fears and therefore I thought this was very good as heartbeats race when faced with your fear. The dramatic music change used in the documentary is also used here; like the heartbeat, when the audience hear the change they might start to worry a little as the quote that follows is worrying to individuals health after drinking. At the end of every radio trailer I have listened to that is promoting a programme/documentary there is always a voiceover that informs the audience when and where to watch the documentary; therefore this was also included within my trailer.

Find out for yourself, channel 4 this Friday at 9

Alice Hughes-Dennis

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