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the proverbs study group

Chapter 27 - Senseless Anger/Sharpening Friends Hallerin Hilton Hill

Last week...
Learn from but stay away from fools, especially if the fool is you.

This weeks main point(s).

Senseless anger is too heavy to hold. Let it go so you can be free. We all need friends. They sharpen us. We sharpen them. Find one. Be one.

Senseless Anger.
A boulder is heavy and sacks of sand are hard to lift, but senseless anger weighs more than both. Proverbs 27:3 I wonder what happened in Solomons life that made him so keen on the danger of anger. There was something he experienced or saw play out in his father Davids life that impressed on him the weightiness of anger. Anger is heavy. I have recently dealt with the heaviness of anger. My anger was senseless. Anger produced/produces nothing but emotional and physical fatigue. My anger has never, and I do mean NEVER, solved a problem for me. It has served as fuel for foolishness and foolish decisions. It has welded bars around me that imprisoned me and kept me from rational, thoughtful progress. Holding on to anger means letting go of trust. It means you dont trust God to take care of what youre angry about. What Christ did at Calvary gives you permission to put down the anger and pick up the trust up. Trust is lighter than anger. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus said it this way, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (KJV) In the Gods Word Translation it says, "Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Anger is a heavy, heavy load.

Trusting in the Lord with all your heart means trusting the Lord with all your hurt. Lay it down.

The Sharpening Effect Of True Friendship

As iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen the minds of friends. Proverbs 27:17 Central Truth: You cant sharpen yourself! True friendship has a sharpening effect. talks about the power of association. Throughout the book of Proverbs Solomon

One of the benets of great friendship is that it helps you become a better, sharper tool in the hand of God. What is a friend? Friend (n). 1.! 2.! a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter:

3.! a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe? [Origin: bef. 900; ME friend, frend, OE frond friend, lover, relative c. Goth frijn to love] For 27 weeks you have said over and over that one of your deepest needs is true friendship. The devil does not want you to experience true friendship. Friendship is fertile soil in which a man grows. It is a place of sharpening. Listen to what George Washington had to say about friendship: "Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." - George Washington (1732 - 1799) US Statesman. A friend is one who see through you and still enjoys the view. Wilma Askinas Oscar Wilde had a funny and unique take on friendship.

"A true friend stabs you in the front." - Oscar Wilde

How to sharpen a friend

This chapter says of friends and friendship that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A friends criticism is useful. (27:6) A friends counsel gladdens the heart. (27:9) A friend doesnt forsake you. (27:10) A friend guards your reputation. (27:18) A friend helps you see the beauty in yourself. (27:19)

This kind of 5-fold friendship has a sharpening effect. But, why is sharpening necessary? An article by Greg Stephens of A.M. Leonard Company makes a compelling argument. When youre in a hurry to get your pruning work done, you may not want to take the extra few minutes needed to stop and sharpen your tools. But its well worth the effort for two reasons: 1) Your work will go faster and easier with sharpened tools. 2) The clean cuts you get with sharpened tools are healthier for your plants and trees. Immediately after being cut, a plant oozes sap or resin, which dries to create a protective shield. But thats just the beginning of the healing process. The plant also diverts energy from its growth to the damaged area while the wound is healing. Obviously, then, you want to help ensure that the tree will heal as quickly as possible. One way to do this is to make sure you create a smooth surface by a clean cut using a sharpened tool. Not only will the plant heal more quickly, and thus begin growing sooner, but it will be exposed to less damage from diseases, insects, fungi and weather extremes. Here are the steps involved in sharpening a tool. Step 1: Clean the blades A true friends criticism helps you clean your blades. Step 2: Examine the sharpness Feedback and/or reection offers an opportunity for you to examine the sharpness of your blades.

Step 3: Begin grinding the blades Criticism tells you whats wrong. Counsel tells you how to make it right. Step 4: Smooth the edges A friends consistency helps you nely hone the edges of your blades so they are keen and ready. Step 5: Test the sharpness A true friend encourages you to use the growth youve gained. They encourage you to put it to work. Step 6: Add a coat of oil A friends prayer covering pours the oil of the spirit all over you. Their encouragement oils your blades to keep you keen. We all need the oil of Gods grace and the oil of a friends encouragement. Bottom Line Sharpen. Allow yourself to be sharpened. Be intentional about how to use your friendship. Intend to sharpen. Intend to help each other grow. Use criticism to clean the blades. Use counsel to sharpen the blades. Use consistency to hone the edges razor sharp. Use the covering of prayer to protect the blades. Use the oil of encouragement to keep the blades keen and ready for service. Grow. Help others grow. Be Encouraged. Wisdom House Publishing
(c) 2012 Hallerin Hilton Hill

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