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Human Reproduction

1 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction

Reproduction is sexual Usually involves sexual intercourse Fertilisation of ovum by sperm results in conception Gestation period Childbirth

2 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - male (external) Testes suspended in scrotum produce sperm produce hormones (mainly testosterone) outside abdominal cavity for temperature regulation (cooler)

3 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - male (external) Penis copulatory organ glans penis (end) covered by foreskin becomes erect during sexual arousal erection due to blood lling internal cavities in erectile tissue

4 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - male (internal) Epididymis tightly coiled tubes next to testes allows sperm to mature stores sperm

5 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - male (internal) Vas deferens (sperm duct) carries sperm from epididymis to urethra


The sperm duct and the bladder both empty into the urethra. A valve prevents both urination and ejaculation occurring at the same time.

Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - male (internal) Accessory glands - provide nourishment and lubrication seminal vesicles - produce uid containing fructose for energy prostate gland - regulates a mixture of sperm, prostate uid and seminal uid Cowpers gland - provides lubricating uid

7 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - male
seminal vessicle prostate gland sperm duct urethra epididymis testis scrotal sac foreskin
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Human Reproduction
Gametes Sperm

9 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Sperm - development Produced in testicles through meiotic division (see Genetics) Initially without tail Tail grows, but does not wiggle Sperm move to epididymis Tail able to wiggle - ready to be released (ejaculation)

10 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - female (internal) Uterus - pear-shaped muscular organ where foetus develops produces vaginal and uterine secretions passes sperm through to oviducts provides protection to foetus provides nutrition to foetus removes waste from foetus contractions expel foetus

11 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - female (internal) Uterus main purpose is to accept fertilised ovum (egg) ovum gets implanted into endometrium (lining of uterus)

12 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - female (internal) Ovaries produce egg cells produce hormones

13 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - female (internal) Oviducts (Fallopian tubes) tubes joining ovaries to uterus

14 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - female (internal) Vagina tube going from uterus (cervix) to outside of body

15 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Anatomy - female
oviduct ovary muscular wall of uterus urethra funnel of oviduct inner lining of uterus rectum anus

clitoris opening of vagina

Monday, February 25, 13 16

Human Reproduction
Gametes Ovum

17 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Gametes Ovum

18 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Ovum - follicle development Follicle is container for ovum

19 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Ovum - follicle development Follicle is container for ovum 1. Menstruation 2. Developing follicle 3. Mature follicle 4. Ovulation 5. Corpus luteum 6. Breakdown of corpus luteum

20 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Menstrual Cycle needed for reproduction controlled by endocrine system 3 phases 1. follicular phase 2. ovulation 3. luteal phase takes ~28 days cycle starts from 1st day of bleeding

21 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Phase Table
Phase Menstruation Follicular Ovulatory Luteal
Monday, February 25, 13

Average start Average end day day 1 5 13 16 4 13 16 28

Average duration 4 9 3 12

Human Reproduction
Menstruation breakdown of lining of uterus indicates woman not pregnant - not always true, as bleeding can occur during pregnancy

23 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Follicular (Proliferative) Phase Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) causes a few ovarian follicles begin to develop follicles release an oestrogen (oestrodiol) oestrogens stimulate regeneration of lining of uterus (endometrium) one dominant follicle survives (Graaan follicle), the remainder die Graaan follicle contains ovum

24 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Ovulation ~ day 12 oestrogen allows release of lutenising hormone (LH) LH causes the follicle to release the ovum within 1-2 days (ovulation) ovum moves into Fallopian tube after 1-2 days unfertilised ovum will die fertilised ovum will take 3 days to reach uterus, then 3 more days to implant in endometrium

25 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Luteal (Secretory) Phase Corpus luteum formed from empty follicle releases progesterone progesterone prepares endometrium for implantation of ovum Corpus luteum needs FSH & LH to survive Progesterone + others suppress FSH & LH so corpus luteum disintergrates Progesterone levels fall which triggers menstruation
26 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction

27 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction

28 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction

29 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction

30 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction

31 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Reproduction Questions 1 1. What kind of reproduction is used by humans? [1] 2. What contains the testes? [1] 3. Why are the testes located outside the body cavity? [1] 4. What organ allows the sperm to mature? [1] 5. What are the 3 accessory glands that lubricate and nourish the sperm? [3] 6. What organ allows the foetus to develop? [1]
32 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Reproduction Questions 1 7. What are the jobs of the ovaries? [2] 8. What is another term for Fallopian tube? [1] Total marks 11

33 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Reproduction Questions 2 1. What is taking place during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle? [1] 2. Around what day is LH released during the cycle? [1] 3. What term is used to indicate the release of an ovum from a follicle? [1] 4. What does the follicle become after the ovum is released? [1] 5. What is the average duration of the luteal phase of the cycle? [1]
34 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Reproduction Questions 2 6. What is the start day for the menstrual cycle? [1] 7. What is the job of oestrogen in the cycle? [1] 8. What is the name of the dominant follicle which has developed during the follicular stage? [1] 9. What causes the follicle to release the ovum? [1] 10.How long after fertilisation does it take for the ovum to be implanted in the endometrium? [1]

35 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Reproduction Questions 2 11.Which hormones are needed for the survival of the corpus luteum? [2] 12.What is the main hormone that causes the corpus luteum to disintegrate? [1] 13.What triggers menstruation? [1] Total marks 14

36 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Fertilisation Fusion (joining) of gametes Male gamete - sperm Female gamete - ovum Takes place internally - usually in oviduct Fusion produces a zygote (fertilised ovum)

37 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction

38 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Fusion Sequence Sperm meets ovum Sperm head (acrosome) produces enzymes Enzymes allow sperm to burrow through outer jelly of ovum Sperm head fuses with ovum cell membrane Flagellum (tail) drops off Zygote travels along oviduct to uterus - takes a week

39 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Gestation Zygote starts dividing (see Mitosis later) Dividing zygote becomes a blastocyst Blastocyst implants into endometrium Further mitotic division forms embryo Embryo develops for 8 weeks, then called fetus Fetus develops for 32 more weeks - then childbirth

40 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Gestation - 1st 8 weeks

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Human Reproduction

42 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
In vitro Fertilisation One branch of an area called Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) ART also includes: intracytoplasmic sperm injection cryopreservation intrauterine insemination

43 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
In vitro Fertilisation In vitro means in glass Fertilisation of ovum by sperm outside womans body

44 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Collection of ovum 2 basic techniques i) Natural - collects ovum selected by follicles during normal menstrual cycle ii) Ovarian hyperstimulation - uses additional hormone treatments to stimulate follicles to develop/release more ova

45 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Fertilisation Ova and sperm are incubated ~ 18 hours Embryos selected and cultured (grown) for 3 5 days Embryo(s) selected and implanted into uterus

46 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Advantages Overcomes some infertility problems e.g. blockage in oviduct Can help some infertile males e.g. low sperm count or inability of sperm to break through ovum membrane Allows surrogacy (using another womens body to gestate the embryo)

47 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Disadvantages Expensive Multiple births - more expense Birth defects; mainly septal heart defects & cleft lip

48 Monday, February 25, 13

Human Reproduction
Ethical Debates Advances in genetic understanding may allow selection of embryos i) Do not select embryos with genetic defects e.g. Downs syndrome ii) Selection of embryos with desired characteristics e.g. high intelligence, good athlete

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