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VHP Sampark

Give us just 10 minutes. We’ll give you the truth that the secular media suppresses
Vol.1, No.10 February 2009

A Golden Day in Hindu history – A

galaxy of Hindu saints of all sects
Join hands to launch Dharma Raksha
Manch – Urge Hindus to “Fight
terrorism unitedly”

A view of a section of the galaxy of Hindu saints who addressed the massive 150,000 strong Dharma Raksha Rally in
Mumbai on January 29

A sea of humanity, over 150,000 strong, converged on the Somaya Hospital grounds in Mumbai’s North
Eastern suburb of Sion in Mumbai, on January 29, to witness modern Hindu history in the making. A galaxy of Hindu
saints, religious and spiritual leaders, and social workers from all over the country, from all sections and sects of
this over 5000 year old civilization came together on one platform to launch the Dharma Raksha Manch. This
memorable event took place in the background of the lengthening jihadi shadows and the creeping clandestine, at
times open Christianization of huge sections of our country’s Hindu population, sly, surreptitious sneaking in of
decadent western values that are undermining the very foundations of our ages old spiritual, cultural and
civilizational heritage and are threatening our very freedom. Presiding over the event, HH Asarambapu Maharaj
declared that terrorism should be fought both within and outside the
country. Asaram Bapu said, “must be brought up in a socially and
culturally healthy way, and not be sent to schools that
He said that forces such as Christian missionaries and other believe in religious conversions”.
vested interests inimical to the country have conspired to
defame our holy saints through false propaganda, lies and
denigration. Shri Asaram Bapu also urged for the social and Notable among those present on the stage were VHP
economic upliftment of the have- president Shri Ashok Singhal, Sadhvi Ritambhara,
nots in society, and advised the community to inculcate in Swami Hansraj, Rameshwardas Maharaj from
itself faith in its spiritual and religious gurus. “Children”, Shri
Rishikesh, Raghwacharya Maharaj from Rewasa Peeth, Venue
Parmanand Maharaj, Krishan Muni Maharaj, Jain Muni
Vimal Sagar Maharaj, Ramkamaldas Vedanti from
Kashi, Nrityagopaldas of Ramjanmabhoomi Trust, VHP
general secretary Dr Pravin Togadiya, Ramvilas
Maharaj, Devendranath Maharaj, Ravindraji Maharaj,
Chaitanya Maharaj, Harigiri Maharaj, Shivshankargiri
Maharaj and senior Sangh Pracharak Shri Madhubhai

Others who addressed the huge gathering included Swami

Chinmayanand ,who said today’s government has damaged
self-respect. He was of the opinion that if Afzal Guru had
been hanged, the November 26, 2008 incident in Mumbai
would not have occurred. He challenged the terrorists to
come out of stealth and darkness and face our Jawans in
Sadhvi Ritambaraji hand-to-hand combat. Addressing the youth, he asked them
to give their youth to the country so that a spiritual India is
resurrected. He said the Preamble of Constitution should
In the inimitable fashion that is unique to her, Sadhvi have spiritualism rather than secularism. Tanpure Maharaj
Ritambara observed that the country has never before been of Varkari Sampraday said that Shivaji’s Maharashtra
so vulnerable as it is today. She said that instead of cannot allow terrorism. And for this, he said, we should all
Jawaharlal Nehru, if Mahatma Gandhi made Sardar Patel come together, overcoming the differences of caste and
the Prime Minister, the country would not have been in such creed and linguistic divisions.
a sorry plight.... The Sadhvi observed that whenever the
Motherland has found itself in a crisis, saints and seers
have risen up in its defense. She also gave a piece of her
mind to the media asking it to be more professional and
unbiased. “We have a dream of a United India and we will
not rest unless we realize it” declared the Sadhvi.
While Akahda Parishad’s Gyandas Maharaj cautioned the
government not to be sympathetic to the perpetrators of
terror, its General Secretary urged the media to be
bipartisan and professional, Dharmagiri Maharaj deplored
the double standards of the Muslims who while rejecting a
common civil code in respect of personal laws and sticking
to the shariat for the same, pointed out that they do not A section of the sea of humanity that gathered at the Rally
show the same partiality in respect of application of shariat
laws for penal offences. He wondered when even Muslim Ramdayal Maharaj warned the government to stop ill-
countries have a common penal and civil code, why India treatment of majority community under the guise of
should have a separate civil code for Muslims based on the secularism. Parmatmanand Maharaj of Acharya Mahasabha
shariat !! was of the opinion that increase in terrorism is a direct result
of lack of political will and determination.

Hindu leaders urge

Muslim clergy to issue
Fatwa against terror
Close up of some of the saints at the rally

HH Asarambapu Maharaj arriving at the venue

Padma Vibhushan for Catholic Nun Nirmala

– None for any Hindu Saint
The Italian Catholic Antonia Maino a.k.a. Sonia Gandhi piloted sickular UPA government has
conferred the nation’s second highest honour, the Padma Vibhushan, on Catholic nun NIrmala.
Nirmala who? Successor to the Polish nun Mother Theresa, recently declared saint by the


No award for Baba Ramdev who has transformed the health of

millions across the country. Why? He’s not branded by Rome

Why? Because it is a strictly sickular government. It

perhaps believes in its maxim, along with that of the
mercenary English media, : mercilessly hound Hindu
saints and patriotic soldiers, cast aspersions on brave Late Parrmacharya, HH Sri Chandrasekara Sarasawati
martyrs like Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma, raise Of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham.. A saint who walked the
earth. But no honour for him. But he didn’t’ carry didn’t’
mischievous questions about the death of Hemant an Italian brand
Kaarkare, keep alive terrorists like Afzal Guru who have
been sentenced to death, allow Quattrochi to escape with of the greatest sages of the last century, God to millions
his loot, turn a Nelson’s eye to large scale conversions by across the nation, HH Sri Chandrashekara Saaswati, the
missionaries and go soft on terror to keep its vote bank late Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, who
intact. inspired almost five generations of his countrymen should
have been awarded the Bharat Ratna. Perhaps he was not
Aren’t there Hindu holy men, known across the world for honored thus because he was a people’s saint, Not a
their spirituality, saintliness and contribution to world
welfare. Isn’t the government aware of the excellent work And foreign brands so
Vatican branded saint.
done by Shri Asaram Bapu, Baba Ramdev, Sri Sri matter, particularly Italian ones, don’t
Ravishankar? Perhaps not. Because they are Hindus. One they?
A tip to Samajwadi Party – why don’t you enroll Afzal Guro and Ajmal Kasab

Amar and Mulla Mulayam have ensured a good future for Sanjay Dutt, the
bollywood actor convicted under the Arms Act relating to the 1993 Mumbai bomb
blasts. This will boost their Muslim vote bank. Why not give it a further boost by
enrolling Afzal Guro and Ajmal Kasab ?


01. Bharat is a spiritual country. Dharma is its means and Culture (Kulaachaar) is its fruit. The world identifies Bharat with
these values. But the efforts that are being made to project its identity as a 'secular', i.e., Dharmaless State, is resulting in
negative influences on our education, life, traditions and Sanskars. We would never accept this perverted approach and
would definitely frustrate it. "Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah" (Uphold Dharma, Dharma will protect you) is our basic idea.
Therefore, we must declare Bharat a spiritual land and work to maintain its spiritual identity unscathed.

02. DRM shall protect, preserve and promote our country's cultural basics, national self-esteem, certitude and faith such as
our Dharmasthans (places of pilgrimage), places of worship, Teertha & Parva (festivals), Acharya (Sadhu-Sant), Scriptures,
Deities, ways of worship, Avatars (Incarnations) and icons of faith.

03. DRM shall pave the way for construction of a grand temple at the birthplace of Lord Sri Ram - the hero of our national
self-esteem, culture, civilization and inspiration.

04. DRM shall make necessary efforts to have the Ganga, Gomata (Mother Cow), and Ramsetu declared as icons of our
cultural identity and national heritage.

05. DRM shall push for a Common Civil Code in line with the One Nation-One Emblem, and One people-One Law

06. We are a spiritual country that has its own Dharmic tradition. Any alteration to it or proselytising those that believe in them
is clear sedition and we won't ever accept it.

07. Our culture protects and loves those that approach it seeking refuge. Many victimised and tortured faiths of the world took
refuge in our country and we have given all of them respect and love; but infiltration is not same as taking refuge. Infiltrating
into our territory by harming our "Sarva Bhoota Hitey Rataah" (Love All, Serve All) perspective, with the aim to crush our
national self-esteem and violating all the limits of civilised behaviour is a national crime and a declaration of war on us, and it
is our national duty to stop it at all costs.

08. Our culture dedicated to the welfare of all life and nature is fully self-contained and prosperous in itself. We are second to
none in any way in literature, music, arts and philosophy. Under the guise of globalisation, our pro-family society is being
turned into a market-based institution and our values of life are being hit again and again. DRM shall work to awaken the
people to the reality of the bad consequences of perverted-culture and guide the society as to the things that it should do and
make efforts to end any perverted approach at governmental levels.

09. Bharat has been called the Jagadguru as it was advanced and self-reliant in the field of education. But after
independence education has been badly devalued in the name of secularism the influence of which is clearly visible in the life
of the present generation. History is being changed, literature is being polluted, undue changes are being effected in text
books and those are being made anti-culture and irreverent, that is why DRM has to awaken the whole country to right
education and literacy.

10. We are a prosperous nation from the points of view of language, approach to life and living and ways of worship. In the
constitution of our society the individual, in spite of being independent in spheres of thought and emotion, is identified with the
society and is its live unit. "Unity in Diversity" is our approach to life. "Ekam Sat Vipraa Bahudha Vadanti" (Truth is One,
Scholars call it by different names) is our Mantra. That is why, in spite of many castes, languages, sects and schools of
thought we have always been one. Mother India speaks many languages, but tell the same thing. This is the truth of our life.

Those people who have been conspiring to divide our social unity on the basis of caste, language, region and some other
basis, it is our duty and Dharma to frustrate their designs. We will re-establish the perspective of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam"
(The whole world is one big family) on earth.

11. "Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah" (Let All be Happy, Healthy and Blessed) and "Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah" (Non-violence is the
supreme Dharma) are the eternal perspectives of our popular life. As and when some Ravan went mad and challenged this
perspective, then the land of the country gave us a Sita and the skies gave us a Rama. Our approach is constructive. We are
celebrators and worshippers of Mother Nature and life. Violence and destruction are not there in our nature nor do we tolerate
them, no matter if it is perpetrated by Hiranyakashyap or Hiranyaksha or Shumbha-Nishumbha.

Published for private circulation by Sampark Vibhag, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, 36 Piroja Mansion, Mumbai 400007, Editor in chief Prof.
Vyankatesh Abdeo. Phone 022=23094306. Email by Rajesh Arts, Dadar, Mumbai. Website

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