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The inflexibility of the fexible curriculum

The curriculum developed and established in 2003 for the language degree students in the University Universidad Jurez Autonoma de Tabasco. The flexible curriculum offers to students the possibility to get a degree in a minimum of three years and a half and a maximum of seven years. Having a maximum and minimum numbers of credits required in each period, depending on the value of credit give it to each subject and the quantity of subjects. It's suppose that the curriculum helps the students. But far to help the curriculum have some problems that cause dissatisfaction on the students. Te most common problems are related to the timetable and the subjects that they take, also the short time that they have for having a job and tutors.

Design a timetable in the language degree becomes a dificult challenge. The reason is because in the language degree the groups are not enough to cover the demand of the student, some times students want to take a subject but they can not because the groups are over capacity. If that happens the students are forced to stay in the university the most of the time because they are obligates to take subjects that are separated one of the other, leave it spares times. This implies that students can not take other activity out of the university, like Cei or Ceda.

Students who have a job most of the time can deal with the flexible curriculum and the job.Therefore, they finish keeping it just one of them. The problem with this is that they have a schedule what accomplish in their jobs and the flexible curriculum do not permit that the students can choose subjects without having spares' times, make the students choose the minimum of credits for stay in the university prolonging their stay in the university, which cause a new problem. As I explain before, the students needs to finishes their degree in a period of time and having the minimum numbers of credits all the semesters, they can accomplish that goal.

Other of the problems with the curriculum flexible are the tutors. The tutors have the

obligation to guide the students trough the first half of the degree. However, not all of them have interest or time for see their tutorados. They make appointments as it suppose to be but most of the times they cancel or postponed because they have not time. Also, Is difficult to find them in the inscriptions' day and some of them are always late, that cause problems with the students beacuse they depend of their tutors for upload their information and without this the students can upload the subjects to the system. Moreover, it suppose tutors should give advice about the subjects selection but just a few knows about it and can give you answers to students' questions and the others have not enough information.

As a conclusion I can say that the curriculum flexible has some problems that needs to fix before cause the insatisfaction of more students in the language degree. Some of them needs to be completely modify or remove for make the stay in the university more confortable.

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