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February 2013 - PTO Meeting

February 20 - March 1st: Read-A-Thon packets sent home, help your kids to nd sponsors to help raise money for the Library. Read-A-Thon donations are due back no later than March 1st. Jamie Good and Mandy Bonadonna have volunteered to count money on March 1st. February 25 - March 1st: Cat in the Hat week, please refer to yer that went home regarding the weeks daily events. March 1st: Last day to turn in Read-A-Thon packet donations!!!! March 7th & 12th: Monitor Training days. 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades will be doing testing in the month of April and the teachers have asked for volunteers to help monitor the classes. Each class needs 1 monitor, besides the teacher. Volunteers can not volunteer for their kids class, must be a class that your child is not in. Monitor Training Days will give information regarding what you will expect during testing. The times for training are 8:10am and 3:10pm on March 7th and 12th. If you are interested in being a Volunteer Monitor for the dates March 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th, please let the ofce know. March 13th: There will be an Assembly to kickoff the Spring Fundraiser. This fundraiser helps us to earn our Bouncy House for the Family Fun night. March 14th: PTO meeting in the library at 8:15. Will be meeting before we break for Spring Break. March 18th to 22nd: SPRING BREAK!!!!! March 29th: Fundraiser money due!!!! Will need volunteers to count money. April 5th: Popcorn and Pickle Day. Will need volunteers to help pop popcorn, count money and bag pickles. April 15th: Tentative Fundraiser night with Chic-Fil-A???? We will check with Chic-Fil-A if this is a good night. Information will posted and/or sent home on a yer. April 18th: Spring Rafe Assembly. What would we like to rafe off this year!!! According to our Facebook survey, it looks like the majority of everyone wants to rafe off an iPad Mini. If you havent had the chance to voice your opinion, please visit our FB page and do so. We will be selling rafe tickets from April 18th to May 3rd. Will need volunteers to count money each day as the rafe money comes in. Will have a sign up sheet for volunteers. The time frame for counting the money will be from 1:30 to 3:00. Will need one person to count and one person to write receipts. May 3rd: Family Fun night. Need to think of a theme. Thought we could stick with the military theme????? Need ideas for booths?????? Will be selling wristbands $4.00 for pre-sale and $5.00 at the door. Will need help to sell wristbands in the AM and after school.

May 6th to 10th: Teacher Appreciation Week. Need volunteers to put together a lunch for the teachers on that Friday. If you are interested in helping, please let us know. May 16th: 5th grade recognition night!!!! Need volunteers to help decorate the stage from the 13th to 15th of May.


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