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Meghan Young 2-24-13 Professor Doom Western History & Culture Annotated Bibliography 1.

php ( I need help citing this source.) a. The above article was published by the World War Two Medical Research Center to tell the basic history of Nurses that served the United States Army during WWI and WWII. In WWI Nurses were not in high demand and their jobs were overseen as not a necessity, but by WWII the number of serving women in the Army Nurse Corps reached 59,000. The number increased drastically when there were new Base Sections, Army Hospitals, and Training Centers being opened. Also the American Red Cross was furnishing recreational facilities. This article also goes into detail about the risks these women took in order to help soldiers. b. The article was very helpful in giving me a firm idea of the background of the Nurse Corps. The background information was in great detail and I was able to get a strong idea as to what it was like to serve as a Nurse during WWII. I also enjoyed reading this article because it is relevant to my topic and I can see myself using it as a main source for my essay. c. Although the article is from a .com website and does not include a publish date or author, I believe it is a credible source. The website has a copyright at the bottom of the article and also it is published by the World War Two Medical Research Center. 2. Egenes, Karen J. 2009. "They called them angels: American military nurses of World War II." Nursing Science Quarterly 22, no. 4: 377-378. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 25, 2013 a. The above citation is a book review for They Called them Angels: American Military Nurse of World War II. It gives particular information to what each chapter is about and overall how good the book is. The book apparently gives good insight to what life was like for the women serving as nurses doing WWII. The book accurately represents patriotic nurses that wanted to do their part b. I have not had time to dive into the book and read it yet but the review gave me a good idea to what its about so that I can read it for more in depth information. The idea that the book gives inside story to what life was like for the Nurses that served during time of war makes me believe this book will be very helpful in writing my essay. c. This book review is very credible. I got it on an online database at the school called EBSCOhost. The author is also a professor at Loyola University in Chicago which gives me another clue that the source is indeed credible. 3. While, Alison. 2009. "Nurses serving on the front line." British Journal Of Community Nursing 14, no. 10: 458. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 25, 2013).

Meghan Young 2-24-13 Professor Doom Western History & Culture a. In this article written by Alison While, the role of nurses from Britain is examined. Alison While states that it is easy to overlook the role of medical personnel and nurses who have served the army while it is at war because their roles are not generally in the spotlight. While also states that it is a established nurses tradition as a part of Queen Alexandras Royal Army Nursing Corps of exemplary service to injured service personnel. This article later goes on to looking at the role of the nurse today in Afghanistan and Iraq. b. This article was not necessarily helpful for my topic. It was interesting to see what nurses were like from another country, but overall it was not that helpful. However, it is easy to agree that the role of the nurse is easily overlooked and this article brought to my attention that I should raise that as an interest in my research and essay. c. This article was found on the EBSCOhost and seems to have all the clues for me to believe it is credible. The author is a Professor at Kings College in London where she teaches Community Nursing. I also looked up the QARANC and found that what the author said about the tradition of nurses to be true. 4. Mueller, Nancy M. 2004. "Nursing Heroes." Urologic Nursing 24, no. 5: 368-386. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 25, 2013). a. The article that was published in the journal titled Urologic Nursing was written by Nancy Mueller. Mueller expresses how nurses are heroes through a story she was told from the book We Band of Angels. The short summary she gave of the story talks about nurses from WW2 that were held as prisoners of war in Bataan and Corregidor. Mueller tells the story of these women and shows what they had to face every day but through it all they never stopped helping wounded soldiers. They were battling starvation, disease, and death for 3 years before they were rescued in 1945, but every day they got up and went to work because they still saw it as their job. The author uses this story to show how nurses are heroes and to inspire nurses who read the article to keep doing what they are doing because it is worth it. b. This article was extremely helpful for my line of inquiry. It realtes directly to my topic and at one point answered one of my direct questions. I stated that I wanted to know why nurses entered the Army Nurse Corps and this article gave a direct response to that-for adventure. I also enjoyed reading this article because instead of the article being historically based it was emotionally driven. The story shard in this article helps me support my reasoning that nurses that served in WWII should be seen as heroes as well. c. I believe that the above source is credible. I accessed it through the online database EBSCOhost and the article also includes references for the information it used that are credible.

Meghan Young 2-24-13 Professor Doom Western History & Culture

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