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0 UML/SysML features tutorial (With Papyrus Editor)

Raphal Faudou Alexandre Cortier David Rabely


Prerequisites Whats new since previous tutorial Create a new TOPCASED project/model with Papyrus Editor Import Primitive Types Show/hide compartments and features UML/SysML Diagrams Overview Presentation of all UML diagrams Presentation of SysML specific diagrams Specialization of items UML profiles Frequently asked questions
Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial


This tutorial supposes that you have read the generic Quick start editor tutorial Generic capabilities offered by TOPCASED editors will not be covered here Only UML/SysML specific features are presented in next slides

Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Whats new since previous tutorial (4.2)

You can consult the release note to find all news on TOPCASED 5.1.0:

You can consult Papyrus documentation for more information on Papyrus editor :

New tutorial for TOPCASED new editors based on Eclipse Papyrus technology

Note: concerns UML and SysML only in this release For other editors, please use the classical TOPCASED quickStart

Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Create a new TOPCASED project/model with Papyrus Editor (1/2)

Blank model or a model created based on a template (structure and diagrams)

Select New > Other > Papyrus Model by right-clicking on the Model Explorer View and follow the wizard as explained in TOPCASED quick starting guide for Papyrus

Different templates and diagrams according to the language

Note: possibility to add other custom templates (plug-in)

Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Create a new model (2/2)

One model abstraction

Three files behind the scene

Graphical model-based editor with palette

Model resource(containing both UML data and graphical data)

UML model and diagram data, available in the model explorer view

Property view, contextual to the selection

6 Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Import Primitive Types

I create an element in TOPCASED and i want to reference a standard primitive type. Some of them are already defined in platform. You can import them using import primitive types action :

Right click on a package and select import primitive types You can also generate them using Generate Primitive Types (only available on model)

Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Show/hide compartments and features (1/7)

The example will be based on a simple class (UML) or block (SysML). Create a new class in class diagram or Block in the Block Definition Diagram Add Properties & Operations Add Parameters to the Operations (These operations can be performed from the Parameters panel of the Properties View when an Operation is selected)

properties operations

Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Show/hide compartments and features (2/7)

The option to Hide/Show elements of this node is accessible from the Show/Hide Compartments choice of the Filters option. First you need to select the element. In your example, select the new block. Right click and select Filters > Show/Hide Compartments . A window is opened :
- select the Compartments to display - unselect the Compartments to hide.

Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Show/hide compartments and features (3/7)

Result when Operations are unselected


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Show/hide compartments and features (4/7)

The option to Hide/Show elements of this block is accessible from the Show/Hide Compartments choice of the Filters option. First you need to select the element. In your example, select the new block. Right click and select Filters > Show/Hide Contents . A window is opened :
- select the elements to display - unselect the elements to hide.


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Show/hide compartments and features(5/7)

Result when an operation and a property are unselected


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Show/hide compartments and features(6/7)

Options to Hide/Show elements of this block are accessible from the Appearance panel of the Properties View. First you need to select the element. In your example, select the element in the new block. In the Properties View, select the Appearance tab. The field named Label customization enable you to select the parameter to show/hide.


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Show/hide compartments and features(7/7)

Result when Parameter name and Parameter direction of an operation is unselected


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

UML/SysML Diagrams Overview (2/2)

[Michel ZAM]

UML Diagrams Overview

Structural diagrams
Package Classes & instances Components Composite Deployment

Use cases Sequence/communication State machine Activity Timing (non yet supported) Profile

and extensions


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

UML/SysML Diagrams Overview (2/2)

SysML Diagrams Overview

SysML Diagram

Behavior Diagram

Requirement Diagram

Structure Diagram



State Machine

Use Case






Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Package diagram

Useful for model organization Address different view points Address different abstraction levels

[INCOSE Model]


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Use Case Diagram

Capture system missions Main concepts

Use case Actor Association

Participation of an actor to a UC System scope containing use cases


Advanced concepts

Include relationship
Functional reuse Similar behavior

Extend relationship Generalization


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Sequence Diagram (1/2)

Contextual to an interaction

Can not exist without it

Execution trace of a scenario Emphasizes on temporal aspect

Objects lifecycle

Main concepts

Lifeline, Execution Messages

Be careful when creating reply message

Up to Down

Find more information on Sequence Diagram here : .1_d2010100.pdf
19 Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Sequence Diagram (2/2)

Advanced concepts

Interaction use

Reference behavior

Combined fragments
Parallel Alternative Loop


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Communication Diagram

Essentially semantically equivalent to Sequence Diagram

Emphasizes on spatial aspects

Links between objects

Message oriented scenario without time sequence

Main concepts

Lifeline Link messages


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Activity Diagram

Represents workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency In SysML the activity diagram has been extended to indicate flows among steps that convey physical matter (e.g., gasoline) or energy (e.g., torque, pressure).. Contextual to an activity element

Can not exist without it

Exhaustive action language

Can formalize any process

Main concepts

Initial and final nodes Opaque and call actions Accept event & send actions Control and object flows Activity partition Parameter Decision and merge Fork and Join (parallelization) Central buffer/Datastore Structured Activity Nodes All other actions
Loop Node Conditional Node Sequence Node With pins

Advanced concepts


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Class and Instance Diagram (1/2)

Static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system

system's classes , operations (or methods) attributes

Class, Interface, DataType Enumeration Generalization / Realization Associations
Shared Composite

Main concepts



Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Class and Instance Diagram (2/2)

Instance diagram allow the modeler to represent instances Main concepts

InstanceSpecification Slot InstanceValue


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Component Diagram

Component diagram depicts how components are wired together to form larger components and or software systems. They are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems. Main concepts

Component Port Interface Usage / Realization Generalization Component Realization


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Deployment Diagram

Models the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes

Examples :
nodes = hardware components artifact = application, database, executable file


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : State Machine Diagram

Life cycle of system or subsystem/component Can formalize a protocol Main concepts

State / composite state Transition

Event, guard

Advanced concepts

Region (parallel life cycles) State internals Transition effect

onEntry, onExit, onXXX doActivity


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of all UML diagrams : Composite Diagram

Mainly used to represent internal communication of a system/component

Main concepts : Part, Port, connector


Other usage to represent collaborations with role bining

Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of SysML specific diagrams : Block Definition Diagram (BDD)

BDD describes the system hierarchy and system/component classifications

Main Concepts

Block Part
A part resulting froom the decomposition of a block Quantitative characteristics of the system Points of interaction with other blocks Standard port : types of services that a block either requires or provides Flow port : specify what can flow in and out of blocks



Property / Operations / Receptions


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of SysML specific diagrams : Internal Block Diagram (IBD)

IBD describes the internal structure of a system in terms of its parts, ports, and connectors
Main Concepts



Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of SysML specific diagrams : Parametric Diagram

Represents constraints on system property values

Property values example : performance, reliability, and mass properties, and

Useful to integrate the specification and design models with engineering analysis models.

Main Concepts

Property Constraint property Connector


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Presentation of SysML specific diagrams : Requirement Diagram

Captures requirements hierarchies and requirements derivation Satisfy and verify relationships allow a modeler to relate a requirement to a model element that satisfies or verifies the requirements Bridge between the typical requirements management tools and the system models

Main Concepts

Id Text

Derivation Decompose Satisfy / Verify Verify


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (1/10)

Create a new profile

Create a new Papyrus Model Select Profile as Diagram Language Select UML Profile Diagram (You can also load a template)


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (2/10)

Create stereotypes

indicate the items (metaclass) to which they are applicable Use Extension Relations between stereotypes and metaclasses

Capabilities :

Add properties to stereotype Inheritance Create abstract stereotypes Create new enumeration Define new data types


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (3/10)

Save the profile

Accept Define the profile when saving


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (4/10)

Applying the profile

Select a package in the Model Explorer view (1) Select Profile Tab in the Property View Use Apply Profile button to apply your profile (2) You can also Apply Registered profiles (2) Select the profile model (.uml extension) (3)

Apply profile button 3 2 Apply registered profile button

36 Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (5/10)

Apply a stereotype

Select the item you want to apply the stereotype (Model Explorer View or Diagram) Use the Add New Element button in Property View (Profile tab) Select the stereotype to apply

Add New Element Button

Note that the available stereotypes are filtered depending on the selected element types.
37 Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (6/10)

Modify stereotype properties

Use the Property Value section (Profile tab in Property View)

Double-click to modify the value of the property (or use predefined buttons)
38 Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (7/10)

Customize figures element using stereotype (1)

Select a stereotype and add an image

Select the image and define properties


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (8/10)

Customize figures element using stereotype (2)

Change appeareance of applied stereotypes (Appearence Tab of Property View)


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (9/10)

Customized palettes (1)

Right click on palette view Use the Add button Give a name to your palette


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Specialization of items UML profiles (10/10)

Customized palettes (2)

Select the meta-class element and add them to your palette (preview) Set stereotypes list Using Aspect Actions


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

Frequently Asked Questions

To create An element import, right click on a package, create child > element import and in advanced properties section fill the property imported element A package import, right click on a package, create child > package import and in advanced properties section fill the property imported package


Topcased UML/SysML Papyrus editor Tutorial

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