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Enrolment Form Newborn Registration Form Maternity Programme

SECTION A: GENERAL INFORMATION (to be completed by the expectant mother)

Details of Principal Member:
Member no Surname Tel no (H) ( Email ) (W) ( )



n Sapphire n Beryl n Ruby n Emerald n Onyx

Initials Cell phone Title

Details of expectant mother: (if not the same as above)

Surname Dependant code Email Tel no (H) ( ) (W) ( Monday 09:00 10:00 ) Tuesday 11:00 Cell phone Wednesday 12:00 13:00 Thursday 14:00 15:00 Friday 16:00 Address Code Title Full first name Initials

Preferred time of contact: Day Time

I authorise my medical practitioner to furnish and/or disclose to GEMS any fact relating to this application as well as any additional information that may be required from time to time.

Expectant mothers signature

Date D D M M Y Y Y Y


Details of general practitioner:

Surname Tel no ( ) Initials Practice no

Details of gynaecologist or midwife:

Surname Tel no ( ) Initials Practice no

Medical information:
Weight Smoking kg Height cm

n Yes n No If YES, how many per day? n If NO n Never n Stopped less than 3 months ago n Stopped more than 3 months ago Exercise n Never n Less than 1 hour/week n 1-3 hours/week n More than 3 hours/week Allergies n Penicillin n Aspirin n Sulphonamides

PLEASE COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW (or refer to attending doctor or caregiver)


(if first child, only complete this section) Are you currently being treated for any medical conditions, eg. asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac failure, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis or depression? Do you consume alcohol?

n Yes n No

If YES, please list the condition/s

n Yes n No If YES, how much? More than two glasses per day? n Yes n No Expected delivery date: Date nnnnnnnn First day of last menstruation period nnnnnnnn D D M M Y Y Y Y D D M M Y Y Y Y


Number of previous pregnancies (including current pregnancy) How many children do you have? Do you have twins?

nn n Yes n No

Do you have triplets?

n Yes n No

Have you previously experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, death of a baby in the first 4 weeks or an ectopic pregnancy?

n Yes n No

If YES, please provide us with more details:

Were any of your babies born with health problems, eg. premature, spinal cord defects, congenital defects or late still birth?

n Yes n No

If YES, please provide more details, especially if surgery was necessary:

Have you had amniocentesis tests (extraction of fluid from your uterus during pregnancy) carried out for you?

n Yes n No

If YES, please specify the reason for these tests:

Were any of your babies born prematurely? How were your children delivered?

n Normal vaginal birth n Caesarean birth Weight of babies? Under 2500g n Yes n No Over 4300g n Yes n No
Did you experience any of the following during a vaginal birth:

n Yes n No

Did you carry 2 weeks over term?

n Yes n No

n Complications n Induced labour n Vacuum extraction n Forceps-assisted birth

(delivery of baby with suction device) (delivery of baby with forceps)

What was the reason for the caesarean birth? (if applicable)

Did you experience any of the following during pregnancy?

n High blood pressure n Diabetes n Pre-eclampsia

(High blood pressure with protein in the urine)

If any other problems were experienced, please provide us with more details

Indicate if any of the following complications were experienced after the birth of your child.

n Placenta retention n Postnatal depression n Severe bleeding n Breast problems n Wound infection
Condition of baby/ies after delivery:

n Breathing problems n Neonatal jaundice n Bleeding under scalp n Paralysis Did you breastfeed your baby/ies? n Yes n No
(Yellowing of newborns skin)

(Unable to move one or more limbs)

n Other

If YES, how many weeks/months/years? THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING THE FORM. Please fax the completed form to 0861 00 4367. Should you have any queries, please contact 0860 00 4367 or send an email to

IMPORTANT: You must discuss all health and treatment issues with your doctor first.
Tel 0860 00 4367 Fax 0861 00 4367

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