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The Software Replica of CHIMERA Multidetector

W.Gawlikowicz1∗ , J.Blicharska2 , J.Brzychczyk1 , J.Cibor3 ,

A.Grzeszczuk2 , S.Kowalski2 , Z.Majka1 , R.Planeta1 , and W.Zipper2
For ISOSPIN Collaboration
Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, 30-059 Kraków,Poland
Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
H.Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kraków, Pl-31342, Poland

A complete software replica (filter) of the CHIMERA multidetector array has been constructed.
All details of the CHIMERA multidetector geometry have been taken into account, including dead-
zones, as well as detectors dead-layers. Detection thresholds for all charged-particles have been
determined with respect to used detection technique (Time-of-Flight, CsI, and Si-CsI identification).

I. INTRODUCTION Such a thickness of CsI(Tl) crystals allows one to stop all

charged-particles in the entire dynamical range.
The CHIMERA multidetector array [1, 2] is made of
35 rings in a cylindrical geometry around the beam axis RING Dist.[cm] θmin [o ] θmax [o ] ∆φ[o ]
1 350 1.0 1.8 22.50
(see Fig. 1).
2 350 1.8 2.6 22.50
3 300 2.6 3.6 15.00
4 300 3.6 4.6 15.00
5 250 4.6 5.8 11.25
6 250 5.8 7.0 11.25
7 210 7.0 8.5 9.00
8 210 8.5 10.0 9.00
9 180 10.0 11.5 9.00
10 180 11.5 13.0 9.00
11 160 13.0 14.5 7.50
12 160 14.5 16.0 7.50
13 140 16.0 18.0 7.50
14 140 18.0 20.0 7.50
15 120 20.0 22.0 7.50
16 120 22.0 24.0 7.50
17 100 24.0 27.0 7.50
18 100 27.0 30.0 7.50
19 40 30.0 38.0 11.25
20 40 38.0 46.0 11.25
21 40 46.0 54.0 11.25

FIG. 1: A schematic view of CHIMERA multidetector. The for- 22 40 54.0 62.0 11.25
ward part (from left) was used in REVERSE experiment. 23 40 62.0 70.0 11.25
24 40 70.0 78.0 11.25
25 40 78.0 86.0 11.25
It consists of total 1192 detectors. The forward 688 26 40 86.0 94.0 11.25
detectors in 18 rings are assembled in 9 wheels, cover- 27 40 94.0 102.0 11.25
ing the polar angles from 1o to 30o . The remaining 504 28 40 102.0 110.0 11.25
detectors in 17 rings are assembled in a sphere of 40cm 29 40 110.0 118.0 11.25
radius, covering the polar angles from 30o to 176o . 30 40 118.0 126.0 11.25
The laboratory solid angle coverage is about 95%, tak- 31 40 126.0 134.0 11.25
ing into account dead-zones and detector dead-layers. A 32 40 134.0 142.0 11.25
detail geometrical structure of the CHIMERA multide- 33 40 142.0 150.0 11.25
tector is presented in Table I. 34 40 150.0 163.0 22.50
The CHIMERA multidetector array is built from Si- 35 40 163.0 176.0 45.00
CsI(Tl) telescopes. The thickness of the silicon detectors TABLE I: Geometry of CHIMERA multidetector. For each de-
varies from 220 to 320µm. The thickness of CsI(Tl) crys- tector in a ring, a distance from target, minimum and maximum
tals varies from 12cm (rings 1÷16) to 3cm (rings 33÷35). polar angle, and azimuthal angle range are specified.

The dimensions and granularity of the CHIMERA ap-

paratus allows one to identify particles via Time-of-Flight
∗ Corresponding author e-mail address: (TOF) technique using the cyclotron RF signal as a start.
Using TOF technique, charged-particles stopped in the III. MODIFYING CHIMERA FILTER FOR A
silicon detector can be identified, what lowers drastically NEW EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP
the detection thresholds, especially for intermediate-mass
fragments. The CHIMERA filter is written in a way to allow
The CHIMERA filter is an exact software replica of the easy modification of detector parameters. They usu-
CHIMERA multidetector array. It takes into account all ally differ from experiment to experiment because of
details of the CHIMERA apparatus geometry, including calibration procedure. Moreover, usually some detec-
dead-zones, as well as detectors dead-layers. Detection tors are not working and some are replaced. The
thresholds for all charged-particles are determined with current experimental set-up is defined in detectors
respect to used detection technique. definition file (see Appendix B and D). The detec-
tion thresholds are specified in TOF thresholds file -
Chimera filter.E0TOF, while the Si-CsI(Tl) thresholds
are specified in Chimera filter.E0SI file (see Appendix
F). The idea is to have different detectors definition file
for each experiment. Existing energy threshold files can
II. THE CHIMERA FILTER be appended and used for all experiments. In this way,
the current detectors definition file specifies which thresh-
old function is used. The detectors definition file is an
The CHIMERA filter is a FORTRAN subroutine which input argument during initialization - see Appendix B.
can be included in any simulation program. As any “fil-
ter”, it gives information about detector being hit, and
if a particle is above specified identification threshold or
We wish to thank the entire LNS Catania group, and
If the particle escapes through detection system dead- particulary Enrico De Filippo and Angelo Pagano, for
zones (like beam-entry or beam-exit), or hit detectors their contribution in this work.
dead-layer, the subroutine returns detector number zero
(no active detector area has been hit). All dead-zones
and detectors dead-layer of the CHIMERA apparatus has APPENDIX A: INCLUDING CHIMERA FILTER
been taken into account. In particular, real detectors AS A SUBROUTINE
have a flat “face” part. Therefore, for all detectors, a
transformation from cartesian to spherical coordinates is
The CHIMERA filter consists of separate files included
performed. It gives a realistic shapes of detectors in the
by Chimera filter.for. This file has to be included in
θ − φ space, and takes care of real dead-zones and dead-
a main program. It will subsequently include all needed
layers connected with their shape.
subroutines and read data input files during the initial-
There are three possibilities of particle identification : ization.
(i) mass identification - TOF method; (ii) isotopic identi-
fication - particles are identified via pulse shape discrim-
ination technique in CsI(Tl) element alone, or via Si vs. APPENDIX B: INITIALIZING AND CALLING
CsI(Tl) energy deposits; (iii) charge identification - Si vs. SEQUENCE
CsI(Tl) energy deposits. The particle identification se-
quence in CHIMERA filter is the same as in experiment. The filter has to be initialized by following calling
These particles which are stopped in Si element and are sequence:
in a range of TOF identification are recognized as TOF
particles. All particles below TOF energy thresholds are CALL Chimera filter init
not detected. Note that not the entire CHIMERA appa- (E TYPE,DEFINITION FILE,TARGET FILE).
ratus is working with TOF method. In that case particles
which give no pulse in CsI(Tl) element are not detected. This subroutine is defined in Chimera filter.init file.
Particles having enough energy to enter CsI(Tl) element When called, reads all input data files.
can be identified with isotopic or charge resolution. It The initializing parameters are:
depends whether particles are within the isotopic iden-
• E TYPE (0/1) - this variable defines the way of in-
tification range, and it can also depend on their energy.
cluding target energy loss corrections;
Some particles are identified with the isotopic resolution
if E TYPE=0, the energy loss in the target is taken
from certain energy. Below that energy they have charge
into account during thresholds calculations, but the
resolution only.
particle energies are as they come from simulation;
The detailed information about the CHIMERA filter if E TYPE=1, the energy loss is taken into account
usage, and particular filter files can be found in Ap- during thresholds calculations, and the target en-
pendixes. ergy loss is subtracted from the simulation data,
• DEFINITION FILE - the name of the detectors def- APPENDIX C: COMPILING AND LINKING
inition file (see Appendix D),
• TARGET FILE - the name of the file with the target The CHIMERA filter is written in FORTRAN. Since
energy losses parameterization it is using structures, a FORTRAN90 compiler is rec-
(see Appendix E). ommended. The source code is using long FORTRAN
lines, so one should use extended source option dur-
After initializing, the CHIMERA filter should be ing compilation. No special libraries are needed during
called in the event-by-event sequence. A template for linking.
event “filtering” would be as follows:


CALL Chimera filter(M,Z,A,E,TH,PH,DET,ID)
... The detectors definition file defines CHIMERA multi-
enddo detector geometry, energy threshold functions, and maxi-
mum values of charge for TOF, charge, and isotopic frag-
The filter parameters are: ment identification. Such a file has to be written sepa-
• M - multiplicity (integer) rately for each experimental set-up.
The file structure, for each detector, is as follows:
• Z(M) - charge (integer)
det ok F TOF F SI ZTOF Zmin Zmax ZminA ZmaxA θ
• A(M) - mass (integer) φ ∆θ ∆φ R[cm] RING NAME
• E(M) - energy [M eV ] (real) - LAB system where:
• TH(M) - polar angle [ ] (real) - LAB system • det - detector number
• PH(M) - azimuthal angle [ ] (real) - LAB system • ok (0/1) - dead/alive - switch off not working de-
• DET(M) - detector number (integer) tectors (all particles have ID=0 for not working de-
• ID(M) - particle ID (integer)
• F TOF, F SI - energy thresholds function number
If the filter was initialazed with E TYPE=1, the for TOF and Si-CsI(Tl) identification, respectively
E(M) values are corrected for the energy loss in target, if - some of detectors have the same energy thresh-
E TYPE=0, the subroutine does not change the energies. olds, therefore one function can be used for a group
The subroutine Chimera filter returns a number of de- of detectors (see Appendix F)
tector for all particles which hit a detector, whatever they
are above the threshold or not. Particles which escape • ZTOF - maximum charge number for TOF method
through detection system dead-zones or hit the detectors
dead-layer have detector number equal zero. In the filter • Zmin, Zmax - minimum and maximum possible
the numbering of “real” detectors starts from 1, as we charge identification
believe that a bien être is to give a number greater then • ZminA, ZmaxA - minimum and maximum possible
zero for “real” devices (in the CHIMERA experimental charge for isotopic identification
files it usually starts from zero).
The particle ID numbers returned by filter are: • θ, φ, ∆θ, ∆φ - polar and azimuthal angle of detec-
• ID=0 - particle is below identification threshold tor center, and detector angle ranges, respectively

• ID=1 - mass identification only (TOF method) • R[cm] - distance from target

• ID=2 - isotopic identification (Si-CsI(Tl) or • RING - ring number

• NAME - detector name (optional)
• ID=3 - charge identification only (Si-CsI(Tl))
• ID=4 - “multi-hit” particle APPENDIX E: TARGET CORRECTIONS FILE
In the present version of the Chimera filter most of
the particle “multi-hits” are rejected (ID=0). Excep- The target corrections file gives target energy loss pa-
tion is made for events where one particle is stopped in rameterization for each ring (θ) of CHIMERA appara-
Si element, and the another one enters CsI(Tl) crystal. tus. It has to be written separately for each target mass,
Since the latter one can be identified using CsI(Tl) or charge, and thickness. We recommend here to use the
Si-CsI(Tl) signals, it has ID=4 (particle stopped in the same convention for all targets, e.g. 64NI.310 - en-
Si element has ID=0). ergy loss corrections for 64 N i target having thickness 310
µg/cm2 . Of course, corrections for each target are made APPENDIX F: ENERGY THRESHOLD FILES
for half of its thickness, what is a good approximation for
average value (the reaction can take place in any part of
The CHIMERA filter has two energy threshold files :
the target).
The file structure, for each ring, is as follows:
• Chimera filter.E0TOF - TOF energy thresholds
RING# a b power f1 f2 f3 f4,
(mass identification only)

where a, b, power, f1, f2, f3, and f4 are coefficients of en-

ergy loss, Eloss , parameterization, depending on particle • Chimera filter.E0SI - Si-CsI(Tl) energy thresh-
charge, Z, mass, A, and energy, E : olds for isotopic and charge identification.

AZ 2 The files structure, for each particle, is as follows:

µ ¶
Eloss (Z, A, E) = a ln 1 + b Flow (Z, E). (E1)
The function Flow (Z, E) is a correction function for low where:
energies, given by following formula

• FUNCTION# - identification function number for

1 TOF identification (F TOF) or Si-CsI(Tl) identi-
Flow (Z, E) = 1 − . (E2)
1 + P 1(Z)E P 2(Z) fication (F SI) assigned in detectors definition file
(see Appendix D)
The P 1(Z) and P 2(Z) are functions of charge, Z, only
defined as:
• Aid (0/1) - mass identification;
µ ¶ if Aid =0, the threshold is for charge identification
f2 only;
P 1(Z) = f 1 + /Z power , (E3)
Z if Aid =1, the threshold is for isotopic identification
(in Chimera filter.E0SI file) or for TOF identi-
and fication ( in Chimera filter.E0TOF file )

f4 • Z, A - charge and mass

P 2(Z) = f 3 + . (E4)
The energy loss formula might look difficult at first • THRESHOLD - energy threshold.
sight but has a simple explanation. The expression
a AZ E
¡ ¢
E ln 1 + b A approximates quite good the behavior
of energy loss for high energies, for all particles. The re- Each identification function (of charge and mass) can
maining part of Eq.(E1) is governing a behavior of energy be used for a set of detectors having the same thresh-
loss for low energies. It is varying very much with parti- olds. The maximum charge for particle identification is
cle charge. As one can see from Eqs.(E3) and (E4), the specified in detectors definition file (see Appendix D).
low energy part of energy loss formula (E2) is changing In the case of charge identification (Aid =0), only
rapidly with the decrease of charge of the particle. charge number is used.

[1] S. Aiello et al., Nucl.Phys. A583 (1995) 461; Nucl. Instr. 114.
and Meth. A369 (1996) 50; Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A400 [2] F. Porto et. al., Acta Phys. Pol. B31 (2000) 1489.
(1997) 469; IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. 47, No.2 (2000)

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