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Reasoning The Scriptures

“Behold the Days Come”

Of Jeremiah 31:31
By M.S.Mariadas and Y.R.Dinakaran
Bible Students, M.B.S.A

We See Jeremiah Has referred several times in his Prophecy of a particular period to come
ahead on the nation of Judah and Israel, referring those days he has prophesied “Behold the Days
Come” in Jer 31:27, “In Those Days” in verse 29 and “ After Those Days” in verse 33. Let us
Heed attentively the Prophet “ Behold the days Come – Saith the Lord, that I will sow the house
of Israel, and the house of Judah, with the seed of man, and with seed of the beast “Jeremiah 31:27
In this prophecy, we see the promise of God to multiply Israel and Judah and their beasts.

Prophet Isaiah prophesied in the year 701 B.C. When the king of Judah – Hezekiah was sick and
recovered after the angel of the Lord smote Sennecherib’s 1, 85000 army of Assyria, and he
received present from the king of Babylon (Isa 37:36, 39:1, 6) “Behold the days come that in this
house and that which thy fathers have laid up, in store until this day shall be carried to Babylon”
Isa 39:6, 7. ‘The days come” in the prophecy of Isaiah ended with the captivity of Zedekiah king of
Judah in 587BC. About 114 years before Isaiah foretold – his Prophecy covered the periods 606,
597, and 587 BC (Daniel to Zedekiah).

Jeremiah’s “Those days come” begins from the return of the captivity Jer 30:3 –“ For lo, The
days come, saith the Lord, that I will BIRNG AGAIN THE CAPTIVITY of my people, Israel
and Judah. . .” thus “the days come” began from 536 BC with the return of Jews to Jerusalem and
to their cities Ezra 1:1-4;3:1 since it is a Progressive prophecy Jeremiah prophesied the events next
to take place particularly “In those days”.

“Behold I will bring again the captivity of Jacob’s tents and have mercy on his dwelling places and
THE CITY SHALL BE BUILDED upon her own heap …. And I will MULTIPLY THEM
AND THEY SHALL NOT BE FEW …..And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their
Governors shall proceed from the midst of them” Jeremiah 30:18- 12

“Behold the days come saith the lord that to city shall be built to the lord from the tower of
Hananeel, unto the gate of the corner” Jeremiah 31:38,40. Here we see that what was destroyed is
rebuilt again. The final destruction took place in the year 587BC. Now we have to seek the period,
when it was rebuilt, there is an order in the rebuilding of Jerusalem.

1. Temple shall be built

2. Walls of the City shall be built
3. The city shall be built
4. People shall be multiplied
5. Their Governors shall proceed from the midst of them (Micah 5:2)

“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 1

Reasoning The Scriptures

Persian King Cyrus issued decree after 24th April 536 BC (not before that Dan10:4, 13) And Jews
first batch under Jerubbabel and Joshua returned to Jerusalem and were in cities by 25th Sep
536BC, Ezra 3:1. They celebrated the feast of Tabernacles from 9th Oct to 15th Oct 536Bc and
Jerusalem is 900 miles during those days people took 4 months time to cover the distance by walk
Ezra 7:8,9. we understand from the Biblical record that the decree was issued in the first year and
second month of Cyrus from Ezra 3:9 it is clear to us that Cyrus issued decree in the first year
(Ezra 6:3) in the month of Iyyar ( May/June 536BC) and in the second year i.e. 535 Iyyar they
began the work and the foundation of the temple was laid (Ezra 3:10 -535Bc Iyyar May/ June) the
prophecy of Isaiah was thus fulfilled “ . . . .Cyrus. He is my Shepherded and shall perform all my
pleasure, even saying to Jerusalem. Thou shall be built, and to Temple Thy foundation shall be
laid” –Isa 44:28. Isaiah’s prophetical ministry was between 739to 685BC, More that 159 years
before, Isaiah foretold, the laying of the foundation of the temple, after the decree of Cyrus there
was trouble from enemies to continue the work, from the days of Cyrus to Darius Ezra 4:5, Darius
is a common name mentioned among the kings of Media and Persia. Those mentioned in the
Bible are Darius the Median Dan5:31 the Maternal Uncle of Cyrus – 62 years of old, appointed by
Cyrus as Governor over Babylon, from Tishri 539 BC to 537BC Cyrus’s first year is 538Bc as well
as 536 BC, In 536 BC Cyrus took charge over Babylon, after his uncle Darius, we see in Daniel
10:1, 4, 13 That it was the 3rd year of Cyrus, How can Jews return in the 1st year of Cyrus???
according to Ezra 1:1, 3:1,6:3- Daniel calculated from 539 BC accession year, 538 -1st year, 537 -
2nd year, 536- 3rd year, Ezra calculated from 536 when Cyrus took charge over Babylon. There is no
in harmony in the scriptures. This Darius is mentioned in Dan 9:1, 11:1. After Cyrus, his son
Cambyses reigned from 529 – 522 BC. Seven years 5 months. The Ahasuerus of Ezra 4:6 is
Cambyses son of Cyrus. The Artaxerxes of Ezra 4:7 was one of the Magi who usurped the throne
being calling himself as Smerdis the brother of Cambyses This magian-(Artaxerxes) was against
hews being an Egyptian on 1st July522 he seized entire Persian Empire.

Darius Hystospes on 29 Sep 522 BC killed him and reigned from BC 521 – 486. “Then ceased
the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem.” Ezra 4:24, so it ceased unto the second year
of the reign of Darius Kings of Persia i.e. 520/519BC. Prophet Haggai’s ministry started from 19
Aug 520 BC – Hag 1:1 “In the second year of Darius in the sixth month, in the first day of the
month Ezra 5:1, 2.

Prophet Haggai and Zechariah stirred up the spirit of Jerubbabel and Joshua and the priest and
people. They started the work of the temple Hag 1:15 “In the Four and twentieth day of sixth
month in the second year of Darius the King” (Elul i.e. Sept 20m 520 BC).

The Temple work was finished Ezra 6:15 :And this house was finished on the month of Adar,
which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the King – March 12 BC 515 ( May/June 535 BC
foundation was laid Ezra 3:3-10, 4: 21 work ceased Ezra5:16 Cyrus decree rediscovered Ezra 6:1-3,
Temple finished on march 12, 515BC about 15 years the work stopped and the work started
during Haggai and Zechariah’s ministry and it took about 20 years, to build the Temple from the
laying of the foundation).

In the Seventh year of Artaxerxes i.e. 458BC the second batch of Jews returned to Jerusalem
under the leadership of Ezra the scribe they started from Babylon on 8th April 458BC and reached
Jerusalem in 4th Aug 458BC, Ezra 7:6-9 (900 miles distance)

“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 2

Reasoning The Scriptures

Darius Hystaspes reigned from 521 -486BC.His son Xerexes I husband of Esther reigned from
485 -465BC, Xerexes’ son is Artaxerxes. We see a gap of 58 year from 6th chapter to 7th chapter of
Ezra. Artaxerxes Longimanus reigned from 464 -424 BC This Artaxerxes Gave decree to build the
walls of Jerusalem to Nehemiah.

The third batch of Jews returned to Jerusalem under the Leadership of Nehemiah. From the first
chapter Neh 1:1 and 2:1 we understand that Tishri to Tishri year is followed, Neh 11 Chislev
(Nov/Dec) 2:1 Nisan, year it was the twentieth year of Artaxerxes. The reign of Xerexes I (the
husband of Esther ended by 465 and the first year of Artaxerexes started from 463/463. Let us see
in which year his 20th year falls

Reign of
Accession year 465-464 BC 11th year 454-453BC
1st year 464-46 3BC 12th year 453-452 BC
2nd year 463-462 BC 13th year 452-451 BC
3rd year 462-461BC 14th year 451-450 BC
4ht year 461-460 BC 15th year 450-449 BC
5th year 460-459 BC 16th year 449-448 BC
6th year 459-458 BC 17th year 448-447 BC
7th year 458-457 BC 18th year 447-446 BC
8th year 457-456 BC 19th year 446-445BC
9th year 456-455 BC 20th year 445-444BC
10th year 455-454 BC Neh 2:1, 13th

In the Common year Tishri -1 was 7th September (445BC) Embolismic year – Tishri 1 was 7th Oct
(445BC) in the Common year Nisan 1 445BC was 14th March. In Embolismic year Nisan 1 – was
13th April, as per Neh 2:1 if we take the 20th year of Artaxerxes the Calculation will be as in the
Chart depicted in the Following Page

“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 3

Reasoning The Scriptures

Common year Calendar

Calendar Embolismic year*

Jewish Calendar Julian Calendar Jewish Calendar Julian Calendar

Month Date Date Month Month Date Date Month
1 Nisan 1 14 March(445BC) 1 Nisan 1 13 April (445BC)
8 21 8 20
15 18 15 27
22 4 April 22 4 May
29 11 29 11
2 Iyyar 6 18 2 Iyyar 6 18
13 25 13 25
20 2 May 20 1 June
27 9 27 8
3 Siv 5 16 3 Siv 5 15
12 23 12 22
19 30 19 29
26 6 June 26 6 July
4 Tham 3 13 4 Tham 3 13
10 20 10 20
17 27 17 27
24 4 July 24 3 August
5 Ab 2 14 5 Ab 2 10
9 18 9 17
16 25 16 24
23 1 August 23 31
30 8 30 7 September
6 Elul 7 15 6 Elul 7 14
14 22 14 21
21 29 21 28
22 30 22 29
23 31 23 30
24 1 September 24 1 October
25 2 September
25 2 October
Neh 6:15 the Wall was finished on 2nd The Scholars say that Nehemiah 1st chapter
September in the common year should be after 2nd chapter. But the biblical
record is clear and from Neh 1:1 and 2:1 it
appears that Tishri to Tishri is followed
* Or Intercalary lunar year,
year the period of 13 lunar months,
or 384 days. An intercalary year, or leap year, will have an
extra month of 30 days. Leap years may have 383, 384, or
385 days

“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 4

Reasoning The Scriptures

If it was Nisan to Nisan the above data can be If it was an Embolismic year it would be as
followed, if it was a Tishri to Tishri represented below
Reckoning then it would be as represented as
Common Year Embolismic Year

Jewish Calendar Julian Calendar Calen

Jewish Julian Calendar
Month Date Week Date Month
Month Date Week Date Month
1 Tishri 1 Sun 7 Sep,445BC 1 Tishri 1 Tue 7 Oct445BC
7 Sat 13 “ 5 Sat 11 ‘’
14 ‘’ 20 ‘’ 26 ‘’ 1 Nov
21 ‘’ 27 ‘’ Marche
28 ‘’ 4 Oct 2 3 ‘’ 8 ‘’
March swan
2 5 ‘’ 11 ‘’
eswan 3 Kislev 2 ‘’ 6 Dec
12 ‘’ 18 ‘’ 28 Thu 1 Jan
19 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 30 Sat 3
26 ‘’ 1 Nov 4 Tebet 7 ‘’ 10 ‘’
3 Kislev 3 ‘’ 8 ‘’ 5 Shebet 6 ‘’ 7 Feb
10 ‘’ 15 ‘’ 6 Adar 4 ‘’ 7 Mar
17 ‘’ 22 ‘’ 29 Wed 1 Apr
24 ‘’ 29 ‘’ 7 Nisan 1 Thu 2 Apr
4 Tebet 1 ‘’ 6 Dec 8 Iyar 6 Thu 7 May
8 ‘’ 13 ‘’ 9 Sivan 5 ‘’ 4 Jun
15 ‘’ 20 ‘’ 10 Tam 3 ‘’ 2 July
22 ‘’ 27 ‘’ 11 Ab 2 ‘’ 30 ‘’
27 Thu 1 Jan 9 ‘’ 6 Aug
5 Sebat 7 Sat 3 ‘’ 12 Elul 7 ‘’ 3 Sept
14 ‘’ 17 ‘’ 21 ‘’ 17 ‘’
21 ‘’ 24 ‘’ 25 Mon 21 Sep
28 ‘’ 31 ‘’
6 Adar 5 ‘’ 7 Feb Ab 4th Saturday – August 1st 444BC they
12 ‘’ 14 ‘’ started building the wall and finished on Elul
19 ‘’ 21 ‘’ 25th Monday 21st Sept 444BC
26 ‘’ 28 ‘’
27 Sun 1 March
7 Nisan 1 Wed 4 March

Neh 2: he put forth Cup on this day 4th

March 444BC

“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 5

Reasoning The Scriptures

According to the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:38 the wall was built Neh 6:15:– 536BC minus 44 = 92
years after the return of the Jews from Babylon Neh 7:4 “Now the city was large and great but
People were few therein, and the houses were not builded” – Jeremiah’s prophecy tells about the
period, further to 444BC Jer 30:18, 19 “I will Multiply them and they shall not be Few”
Isaiah indicates the period of Jesus as the branch who washes away the filth (Isaiah 4:2-4, 11”1-
4)and about those who escape from the law to Heavenly Jerusalem, Ps 80:15, Isa 40 :9-11, 53:2,
Zech 3:8, 6:12 “For, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH”

It is all about the time of Jesus’ birth and growth, Jeremiah prophesied. God multiplied Israel
during Jesus’ time, His parents were not having place in the Inn, he was born in the manger (Luke
2:7) the walls of Jerusalem were extended upto Bethphage, covering even the Mount of Olives.
The prophesied Terms “The days come” and ‘Those days” of Jeremiah began from 536 BC with
the return of Jews and extended up to the time of Jesus. After those days’ means when the
BRANCH comes and grows, he was the one to make the NEW COVENANT Jer 31:31 -43, by
his sacrifice and build the spiritual temple, by pouring the gifts of the Holy Sprit.

Here the question of Seven Times punishment of Israel does not arise at all!!! Brother Russell
introduced his own View of 7 times of National punishments for Israel which is not at all
supported by the scriptures∗. Now let us see clearly the meaning of the verses in – Jer 31:29” In
those days, they shall say no more, the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children’s teeth are
set on edge”

• Exodus 20:5 “. . . . I the Lord thy God and a Jealous God visiting the iniquities of fathers
upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me

• Deuteronomy 24:16 “ The Fathers shall not be put to death, for the children, neither shall
be put to death for the fathers, every man shall be put to death for his own sin”

Here Law says that, God only is empowered to punish the children for the fathers’ sins, but not
man. Prior to Babylon captivity:-

1. For Achan’ sin his sons and daughters, his animals and what all he had was burnt
with fire Josh 7:24-26,

2. 2 Samuel 21:1-9 :- David delivered the sons of Saul for Saul’s sin to the Gibeonites

3. For Jeroboam’ evil his sons were punished 1Kings 14:10

4. For Baasha’ sin his sons were punished 1 kings 16:1-3

5. For Ahab’s sin his posterity was punished 1 Kings 21:21-24 – Lam 5:7 “Our
Fathers have sinned and are not and we have borne their iniquities”

It is God who punishes children for the father’s sins, but according to Law man has no power the
soul that sinneth it shall die. Ezek 18:4,20 –“ The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father,

For More details read our article Viz: - “Whether
“Whether Lev 26 is a Time prophecy???”

“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 6

Reasoning The Scriptures

neither the father bear the iniquity of the son . . . “ Exe 33:18, 19;34: 24-27, Gal 6:5-8; Heb 8:8-13,
form this we understand that after returning from Babylon, there wont be such thing as punishing
fathers or sons for others sins, REPENTANCE CAN FORGIVE ONE’S SINS -
Jer 31:31 “Behold the Days come saith the Lord That I will make a new covenant, with the house
of Israel and with the House of Judah”

From Jer 31:31-34 we Learn that there are Five prominent feature of the New Covenant:-

1. The New Covenant will be made with the House of Judah and Israel – Jer 31:31
2. The New Covenant contrasts and differ from the Old Covenant -Jer 31:32
3. The Ordinances of the New Covenant will not be written on the tablets of Stone but
written on the fleshy tables of the heart - Jer 31:33
4. No Human teacher is Required to teach the Law of the New Covenant – Jer 31:34
5. The New Covenant forgives the Sins and it remembers the sins no more – Jer 31:34

Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly said “THIS IS THE BLOOD OF THE NEW TESTAMENT
26:28. Bro Russell’ teaching regarding the New Covenant that it will be made with Israel in the
Millennium is a false doctrine and we cannot accept it∗, only two covenants had blood associated
with them, the Old and the NEW.
NEW This has to refer to the NEW COVENANT.
COVENANT If we believe that
we have our sins forgiven by the death of Jesus, then it is by the blood of this New Covenant

Luke 22:20 “In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new
covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you-
you- NIV. Our Lord Jesus tells us that when we
drink of the CUP that it is the BLOOD of the NEW COVENANT.
COVENANT This has to mean that we are
participating as well as associated in this New Covenant (compare with 1 Cor. 11:25- 26))

2 Cor. 3:6 "He has made US competent MINISTERS of a NEW COVENANT- COVENANT not of the letter
but of the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." – NIV. The Apostle Paul is telling US
that we are already ministers of a New Covenant.

Heb. 8:8 “The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a NEW COVENANT with
the house of Israel and with the house of Judah." NIV. This is a quotation from Jer.31:31 and the
writer of this book is contrasting the ineffectiveness of the old Law Covenant which was not kept,
causing God to turn away from them. It was replaced by the NEW COVENANT
COVENANT founded "not on
the blood of goats and calves" but on the blood of Jesus.
Jesus Because of this, God forgives the iniquity
of those who believed on Jesus and remembers their sins no more for they were covered by the
merit of his sacrifice

Heb. 9:15 "For this reason Christ IS the Mediator of a NEW COVENANT,
COVENANT that those who are
called may receive the promised eternal inheritance- now that he has died as a ransom to set them
free from the sins committed under the first Covenant." NIV

Christ IS already the Mediator of a NEW COVENANT and for that reasons those
hose (the church)
who are called may receive joint-heir ship with Jesus.

Also refer our Article viz:- “The New Covenant”
“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 7
Reasoning The Scriptures

Heb. 12:24 “To Jesus the Mediator

Mediato of a NEW COVENANT,
COVENANT and to the sprinkled BLOOD that
speaks a better word than the blood of Abel." NIV. As the under priests in the Tabernacle of old
were sprinkled with blood Which sanctified them for that office, so the
he "little flock" are sanctified
by the “Sprinkled BLOOD of the New Covenant”
Covenant” that Jesus shed at Calvary making him the
Mediator of this Covenant

In regard to Jeremiah 31:31-

34 consider the total context as having already happened at the
beginning of the Gospel Age. The time did come and the Lord did make a new covenant with the
houses of Israel and Judah which began at Pentecost when the promise of the Holy Spirit came
upon the early church – Acts 2:5-11 “And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out
of every nation under heaven” This covenant was at first restricted to the Jews until Cornelius, the
first Gentile was accepted in the fold, some three years after Pentecost. The gospel was preached
and the call went out throughout all Israel.

“For I will forgive their iniquity and will remember their sin no more”:- Only the New Covenant
Established by Christ can forgive (take away) sins and forget Heb 9:26 “he appeared to put away
sin by the sacrifice of himself” It is He (Christ) appeared not the Church, so the question of
making New covenant in the Millennium does not arise at all. He appears in Glory, but NOT in a

Jer 31:34 “And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother,
saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of
them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more”
The phrase from the least unto the greatest refer All sorts of people without the barrier of cast,
colour, creed (Jer 6:13, Acts 8:10) All those who come under the New Covenant Blood will be
thought by GOD NOT BY HUMAN.

After those days in Jeremiah tells about the time of Jesus’ coming and his making the New
Covenant, and giving the gifts of the Holy sprit, which guides into all Truth, unless Jesus was
glorified, the Holy sprit connate be given John 7:38-39.It is the glorified Christ who builds up Zion
Ps 102:15,16. Those who receive the Holy Sprit Need not be thought for it teaches 1 John 2:27
“But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man
teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even
as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him”. John 16:13 “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is
come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall
hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”

Jeremiah told of the days of the Sprit Guidance and in those days he further refers (Jer31:33)
“Saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be
their God, and they shall be my people” -

At that time God did replace that old covenant with a new covenant to all those who believed and
they entered into a brand new relationship with God as his sons. God wrote a new law of love in
their hearts. They no longer needed that another to teach them, for God had given them the Holy
Spirit to guide them into all truth. This is confirmed to us in 2 Cor 3:3 “Forasmuch as ye

“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 8

Reasoning The Scriptures

are]manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with
the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart see also 1 Jn.2:27
Those, who believed, had their sins forgiven and their iniquities are no longer remembered
because they have been justified by the blood of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice – so Jeremiah’s “Behold
the days come” and After those days” clearly indicate the period of the sprit operation, and NOT
OF THE MILLENNIUM and after Seven times punishment of Israel.

“He that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully. . .” -Jeremiah 23:28

“Behold the Days Come” Of Jeremiah 31:31 9

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