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General information:
Capital: Surface area: Official language: Population: Exchange rate: Luanda 1,247 thousand sq km Portuguese 19.6 million (2011) A$1 = 99.8618 Kwanza (Aug 2012) 2007 60.4 87.0 3,443 4,954 22.6 12,056 19.9 74.0 12.2 2008 84.2 101.2 4,671 5,615 13.8 8,693 10.3 76.3 12.5
Real GDP growth
% 25 20 15 Exports 12,000 6,000 Imports 0 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 10 5 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Primary STM

Fact Sheet

Fact sheets are updated biannually; June and December

Head of State and Head of Government: President HE Mr Jos Eduardo dos Santos

Recent economic indicators:

GDP (US$bn) (current prices): GDP PPP (Int'l $bn) (c): GDP per capita (US$): GDP per capita PPP (Int'l $) (c): Real GDP growth (% change yoy): Current account balance (US$m): Current account balance (% GDP): Goods & services exports (% GDP): Inflation (% change yoy):
Australia's merchandise trade with Angola
A$'000 30,000 24,000 18,000

2009 75.5 104.5 4,082 5,651 2.4 -7,451 -9.9 54.9 13.7

2010 82.5 109.5 4,329 5,749 3.4 7,442 9.0 62.4 14.5

2011 (a) 104.3 116.3 5,314 5,924 3.9 10,023 9.6 na 13.5

2012 (b) 114.8 126.2 5,681 6,244 6.8 9,808 8.5 na 10.8

Australia's merchandise exports to Angola

A$'000 6,000 5,000 4,000
2006-07 2011-12



Australia's trade and investment relationship with Angola (d):

Australian merchandise trade with Angola, 2011-12: Exports to Angola (A$'000): Imports from Angola (A$'000): Total trade (exports + imports) (A$'000): Major Australian exports, 2011-12 (A$'000): Worn clothing & rags Beef Electrical machinery & parts Telecom equipment & parts
Total share: Rank: Growth (yoy):

7,749 2,291 10,040

0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

129th 138th 147th

-16.5% .. 7.1%

2,901 1,746 812 621

Major Australian imports, 2011-12 (A$'000): Pearls & gems Specialised machinery & parts Trailers, semi-trailers & containers Computers
Total share:

1,366 462 459 3

Australia's trade in services with Angola, 2011-12: Exports of services to Angola (A$m): Imports of services from Angola (A$m): Australia's investment relationship with Angola, 2011 (e): Australia's investment in Angola (A$m): Angola's investment in Australia (A$m):

na na

na na
Total: FDI:

np np

np np

Angola's global merchandise trade relationships:

Angola's principal export destinations, 2011: 1 China 37.7% 2 United States 21.0% 3 India 9.5% 31 Australia 0.0% Angola's principal import sources, 2011: 1 Portugal 2 China 3 United States 52 Australia 20.3% 17.6% 9.5% 0.0%

Compiled by the Market Information and Research Section, DFAT, using the latest data from the ABS, the IMF and various international sources. (a) All recent data subject to revision; (b) IMF/EIU forecast; (c) PPP is purchasing power parity; (d) Total may not add due to rounding; (e) Stock, as at 31 December. Released annually by the ABS. na Data not available. np Data not published. .. Data not meaningful.

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