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Depression 1. 2. My present situation is hopeless 2. 14. I rarely reel disappointed 3. 26. There is not much to be interested in anymore. 4. 38.

My future is cheery 5. 50. I live a gloomy and boring life. 6. 62 I enjoy just about everything I do 7. 74. Others seem to lead happier lives than I do. 8. 86 I live a very satisfying and rewarding life 9. 98. Life is extremely dull for me. 10.110 Something interesting happens to me almost every day 11.122. I often have trouble sleeping because I feel so sad. 12.134 I always look forward to a new day 13.146. I dont think things will ever get any better for me. 14.158 I believe that I shall have my share of good luck 15.170. I feel depressed most of the time. 16.182 I am quite content with my life as it is now 17.194. I dislike anything new. 18.206 I am usually a happy person 19.218. Recent events have made me feel downhearted and miserable

Thinking disorder 1. 8 I never have visions in which imaginary people or things appear 2. 20 I seem to hear an unknown voice wherever I go. 3. 32. I do not experience peculiar voices warning me of danger. 4. 44 fancy colored lights sometimes float through my brain.

5. 56 ordinary things never appear foggy or far away to me. 6. 68 I sometimes hear voices which o one else understand. 7. 80 I never confuse my own thoughts with real person talking to me. 8. 92 I see bright pictures I my head when I dont want to. 9. 104 my memory is as good as it was ever was. 10.116 I cant always decide whether a minute or a hour has passed 11.128 things dont appear unusually different to me right now. 12.140 I often have the feeling that imaginary things are happening to me. 13.152 I usually dont know about what time it is. 14.164 I often have the feeling that imaginary things are happening to me 15.176 even when left alone, I can find my way around easily. 16.188 at times my surroundings change so much that I think Im somewhere else. 17.200 I never see things that other people cannot see. 18.212 I cannot separate my daydreams from the real world. 19.224 I can easily understand simple directions. 20.236 May times I can hear mysterious voices all around me.

Depression- an elevation on the depression scale needs to be explored fully in order to differentiate between a situational or acute depression, which may be related to the individuals immediate circumstances, and a more chronic depression which would be more pathological. The latter is also associated with symptoms such as sleep disturbance, appetite loss, and negative view of oneself, ones environment, and ones future. Elevations on depression require some assessment of the individuals suicidal potential (Jackson, maclenan, lalonde, & thompso,1986) Thinking disorder- the items on this scale refer to symptoms of serious, cognitive dysfunctional, including auditory and visual sensory distortion, disorganization, loss of memory and dream-like states. Although this scale is intended to indicate difficulties I thought processes, such as psychotic thinking with some individuals elevations reflect the extent to which alcohol and drugs have affected cognition; such as individuals relate the items to periods when they have been under the

influence of alcohol and drugs. This is an important area that should be explored. Occasionally, individuals who endorse many items on this scale may be preoccupied with severe life stressesor chaotic family situations. It is essential for accurate differential diagnosis to discover the cause of an elevated score of this scale.

Depression-2 26 50 74 98 122 146 170 194 218 14 38 62 86110 134 158 182 206 230 Thinking Disorder- 8 32 56 80 104 128 152 176 200 224 20 44 68 92 116 140 164 188 212 236 Persecutory Ideas- 6 30 54 78 102 126 150 174 198 222 18 42 66 90 114 138 162 186 210 234 Anxiety- 7 31 55 79 103 127 151 199 223 19 43 67 91 115 139 163 187 211 235 Self???- 11 35 59 83 107 131 155 179 203 227 23 47 71 95 119 143 167 181 215 239

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