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Hi Retodelta, Thanks for posting. Try the steps below.

Caution: The following can make your computer non bootable. Please make sure you have a backup before performing steps. Click Start Navigate to Run Type "msconfig" Press Enter. In this Window select the Boot.ini tab. In this window uncheck "/SafeBoot" Hope this helps!

Shawn - Support Engineer - MCP, MCDST Microsoft Answers Support Engineer

Most likely system been hits by virus/malwares. I recommend scan the hdd in another system with antivirus software malwarebyte. In many case the windows xp system will automatic reboot. If you select disable autoreboot you'll get a blue screen with 0x7e error code. You cannot get to safe mode also. Only option is a windows repair installation. The only problem is on the stage 2 of the installation you get safemode and message saying windows cannot run installation in safemode. This is what you need to do: You will need either a floppy or a flash drive. Create a file name boot.ini and add these command: [boot loader] timeout=5 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect Save as boot.ini and place in flash drive or floppy. Boot system up into console mode or download opk image from Microsoft or go to local computer shop and beg for an OPK CD disk. If you using a flash drive insert flash drive into system before booting up. In console mode or dos mode go to c: prompt by c: Afterward type in these command: attrib - r -s -h boot.ini *enter* ren boot.ini boot.old *enter* go into the flash drive or floppy: a: *enter* (Default floppy) d: , e: , f: whatever the flash drive maybe: copy boot.ini c:\ *enter* c: *enter attrib +s +h +r boot.ini *enter* exit *enter* Now you able to finish windows installation repair without any problem. Afterward recommend

stronger intall malwarebyte and Antivirus software into system and scan the system. Good Luck And very sorry for the bad Grammar.

Determine PC is in Safe Mode Make sure your computer is actually in Safe Mode. People sometimes suspect their machine is in Safe Mode because of incorrect video settings. If the PC is in Safe Mode, your monitor will say "Safe Mode" in each corner. Step 2 Enter msconfig in Run Click on Start and go to Accessories or to the side bar and click Run. In the text box, type "msconfig" and press Enter.Select the Boot.ini tab in the new window and then uncheck "/SafeBoot." Reboot your computer and it should start in Normal Mode. Step 3 Click Start Click on the Start button and select Shut Down. When the menu prompts, select Shut Down. Step 4 Reboot the computer Reboot your computer if it continues to start in Safe Mode. While it's rebooting and the Windows logo is displayed, press the F8 key to display the reboot options. Select the Last Known Good Configuration option. Windows will attempt to find and load the last successful settings. Step 5 Boot in Safe Mode Allow your computer to boot in Safe Mode if it still doesn't boot in Normal Mode. Click Start and select Control Panel. Select System and Security, and then click "Restore your computer to an earlier time" in the Action Center field. Step 6 Navigate to System Properties

Click on Performance and Maintenance. Then click the System icon to open the System Properties window in XP or Vista, or click Open System Restore in Windows 7. Step 7 Reload device drivers Click on the Hardware tab and then the Device Manager button and reload the device driver for any entries with a question mark or exclamation point next to them for Windows XP or Vista. Select the point you want to restore to in Windows 7, click Next, and then Restore. Step 8 Navigate to the System Configuration utility Click the Start button, select All Programs, and then select the System Tools category if you're still booting in Safe Mode. Then select the System Information option. In the new window, click on the Tools menu and select System Configuration Utility. Windows comes with help functions and instructions that can guide you in these steps. If nothing works, call tech support. Step 9 Change setting to Normal Startup Select the Normal Startup option under the General tab, click OK, and then restart your computer. This will load Windows in Normal Mode. The programming code for Windows Vista is made up of about 50 million lines.

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