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Kancil and Monkey

Once Kancil was fell into the hole had dug by a hunter to catch the tiger. Because the hole was deep enough, its thinking was very confused; because of course it would be difficult to jump. The effect, it couldnt breathe nature reserve more in. Most, in the hole there were no food or drinking water anymore. For a few minutes in the hole, suddenly there was a leaf fell down into the hole. The leaf was from a tree surround the hole which was close to. Great luck! Alright, I will pretend to read this leaf like there is a text on. Then there is one hear my voice, so it will approach here. After that I will invite it to come into this! It is not bad idea! Kancil said as wiping off its head. On the moon two days has been trapped, the trapped day on the moon two; I am free other people are confined, other people are confined I am free So it was it said repeatedly as if it was reading the letter. For a long time he was reciting it, but no one approached it. Kancil was not hopeless; it read it louder till its voice being hoarse. However more and more no one came. Not far from the hole, a gang of monkey approached. When the ears of Kancil heard monkeys voice, it read the writing of leaf louder and louder. So because of that voice, a monkey visited it from the tree. When they looked at each other, the monkey asked, What are you doing, Kancil? You look like a crazy animal? The other monkeys came approaching the hole. You dont know what happened! Kancil said. Dont you look the sky will fall down? Come inprotect yourself soon?! then, Look up! As pointing the sky; wont the sky fall down? Come on, jump into this hole in order to avoid you all from the death! it lied to the monkeys. Because being afraid of the death, so the monkeys fell down directly to save themselves. After they all came into the hole, then Kancil said; Are there your other friends outside? If so, let me to pick them up! It is pitiful if they died there! The monkeys said that all of their friends have been here. E-eh.the sky has moved down! Kancil said to make them afraid. Astounding! My grandmother still outside! Is there one of you brave to pick it up? it tested the monkey. They all were quivering. One was probably their leader said, Enough kancil, it is better if you pick it up! And please tell to other friends to hide here! Its pitiful if they are died because the sky! Hearing their agreement, Kancil felt comfortable. However in order to not being suspicious, Kancil pretended to refuse it. Then the monkeys pressured it, so Kancil even said, How can I go out? Ah.I fell afraid?! Furthermore, Do I know when I go up, then the sky fall down? So I will be dead, whereas youre free from the death! it said as if its difficult to accept. Yet, it pretended thinking for a moment. Alright! Anymore, I cant forget my grandmothers favor! Please, you all throw me out of this hole in order that I can come back soon! Or like this! You all make stairs by constructing your body like pyramid. So I will be easy go up by your back! The monkeys didnt protest more. They did what Kancil suggested. Afterwards kancil walked on their back till reached the top of the hole. Then it jumped up,huup! Now it was free to breathe the fresh air in. After arriving to the top, it repeated the reading:

On the moon two days has been trapped, the trapped day on the moon two; I am free other people are confined, other people are confined I am free. Then it repeated 2-3 times. Afterwards, it left the monkeys which were confined succeeding its self. When Kancil was joining its trip, it met the tiger. It felt afraid because it was impossible to avoid. What is the idea to avoid it? it thought under heart. Ohere is the feces of buffalo! If so.? It thought again, I have an idea! Then it took a slice of wide leafs and it covered the feces up. Afterwards it kept it away by other leaf. The tiger approached it, what are you doing, Kancil?! it asked. Nothing grandmother (a summons for tiger in that country), I am just given the duty by the king Sulaiman to protect his food. He will come to eat for a while later, said kancil as keeping the feces away. Hearing that, the tiger felt hungry, how if you give this food for me? Accidentally I felt so hungry! it asked to kancil. I dont, grandmother! I am afraid if the king Sulaiman being angry with me. If this food is not arrived to him, I would be killed! So I forbid you to eat this! Kancil pretended. I am very hungry, Kancil! If you dont give it, I will eat you soon! Give it or not?! it threatened by its tusks. If so grandmother, please take it, but I should go first in order that I get free of the punishment from the king, says Kancil deceiving the tiger. The tiger was very happy heard this, Ok Kancil, please go away from me! I am so hungry, I will eat this soon! Kancil then went by whole of its power. Afterwards the tiger began to eat the feces supposed food. Ngaup.., it joined the feces. However, then its stomach felt painful, so that it was very angry with Kancil. It knew it was not food but buffalos feces. Because of that, it tried to chase after Kancil. It followed the track of Kancil till the track was not clear anymore. Damn it, the tiger mocked Kancil roughly. It didnt found Kancil for a long the day. So, it became more and more angry. However it didnt know what to do. It just could keep that animosity till the exact time to revenge.

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