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February 2013 Number Two

A monthly newsletter on Public Health for EHPs in Hertfordshire and beyond from Jigsaw PSPH

Time for Some Joined Up Thinking

Welcome to the second edition of Jigsaw our monthly newsletter Were pleased that in Hertfordshire weve made significant progress thanks mainly to the ability to meet Public Health colleagues and quickly realise we have a lot in common. We still have different jargon and different cultures but we share a common aim. Its not really about big unwieldy policy docucontrol make this an unlikely prospect at the moment but an NHS reeling from the Francis Report will surely need all the help it can get. Partnership working is vital as we lead up to April so it is concerning to read that a recent poll conducted by Environmental Health News revealed that a quarter of Local Authority EH Managers had no interaction with their Health and Wellbeing Boards . ments anymore weve found a good chat over a cup of coffee can be much more effective. This will become even more important as Local Authorities contract further in the coming years. We hope you enjoy reading the latest edition and as always if you have any comments e-mail us at or Tweet @jigsawpsph. Pete & Sarah

The last month In Public Health

Horse Meat scandal widens and debate on Public Health issues continues

that aims to keep you up to date and involved in the world of Public Health. The last month has done a lot to focus everyones attention on Public Health issues whether it was the contents of ready meals, the obesity crisis or proposals to tax fizzy drinks suddenly we became the nations talking point. The Horse Meat Scandal has again shown how complicated the food industry has become and the fact that rationalizing services to save

Further work needed by DoH on Public Health Responsibility Deal for Small Business

Francis report is released and reveals poor levels of care at Mid Staffs Hospital

money can have consequences. It also highlighted the general lack of knowledge about what actually goes into our foods. Two of the major Public Health issues of the

Poll reveals Environmental Health Managers feel left out of Public Health

past, Clean Air and Smoking were effectively dealt with by legislation so is it time to take the same approach again? Successive cuts in

15 year old girl suffers serious burns from sun bed exposure EHPs investigate

DoH Responsibility Deal Still Needs Work

The Department of Health Pubployees, which is a picture that is likely to be replicated throughout the country. This being the case the Department of Health definition of small business which includes those with under 250 employees makes the deal difficult to adopt at local level. Dwindling Local Authority resources were also highlighted as a major issue with many delegates concerned that a lack of focus on outcomes would lead to questions about cost effectiveness. There appeared to be a lack of real knowledge about the problems Local Authorities were facing due to Government cuts a fact that was acknowledged by the authors of the deal document. As a result of the consultation the Department of Health will now be producing a further draft for consideration prior to publication. More details can be found at:
Im a Public Health Professional Get Me out of Here the Jigsaw podcast @

Doctors call for tax on fizzy drinks and ban on junk food adverts before 9pm

lic Health Responsibility Deal is due to be widened to include small and medium businesses. The idea and a draft of the deal was presented at a recent consultation workshop with local

Inside this issue:

Jigsaw Herts
Health & Wellbeing Strategy Launch

authority representatives. The deal is aimed at encouraging businesses to influence healthy choices and play an active part in employee health. In Hertfordshire 57% of all businesses that took part in the 2011 Business Survey had less than four em-

Jigsaw UK
District Action on Public Health

Stanleys Stats
Our favourite Furby reveals all!

To subscribe to Jigsaw e-mail us at or visit us on Twitter

Page 2


News On Public Health In Hertfordshire

The Nine Priorities of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy

Health & Wellbeing Strategy Launched

The Hertfordshire Health & Wellbeing Strategy was launched on the 11th February at the Provider Engagement Event in Watford. Amongst the presenters were Health & Wellbeing Board Chair Cllr Richard Roberts, JSNA Manager Mark Jordan, and Deputy Director of Commissioning and Resources Ian Macbeath. There were also a number of examples of innovations from providers in the county. The strategy can be viewed on line at

Weve been busy getting out

and about in the last month attending the Health & Wellbeing Strategy Launch, The Guardian Public Health Dialogue, The DoH Public Health Responsibility Deal Workshop, HPA TB Conference and the HCC Suicide and Self Harm Seminar.

Reducing the harm caused by alcohol Reducing the harm from tobacco Increasing physical activity and promoting a healthy weight Fulfilling lives for people with learning disabilities Living well with dementia Enhancing quality of life for people with long term conditions

You Tube viewers can watch two short films on the make up of Public Health in the County. The HealthWatch Hertfordshire Short Film explains the role of HealthWatch within the new Public Health framework presented by Chair Sarah Wrenn and HCC Head of Community wellbeing Tim Anfilogoff. Footage was taken from the recent event at The Priory in Ware and if you are very quick you can spot Jigsaw co editor Pete Hill in the audience. Hertfordshires Health and Wellbeing Strategy is presented by Health and Wellbeing Board Chair Cllr Richard Roberts and explains the structure and function of the board as well as its aims for Public Health in Hertfordshire. Both films can be watched on line at

Supporting carers to care Helping all families to thrive Improving mental health and emotional wellbeing

Brief Intervention Training for EHPs

Wendy Took, Tobacco Control Manager for Hertfordshire is to team up with the Herts and Beds Branch of the Chartered institute of Environmental Health to offer Brief Intervention Training for attendees at Branch Meetings. It is hoped that the training, which lasts less than 30 minutes, will be run at the end of the monthly meetings throughout 2013. The training covers how to approach the subject of smoking, how to provide powerful 30 second stop smoking advice and signpost smokers into the service. More details from

Dont miss our presentation

Shoes Football & Public Health

at the joint Public Health / Environmental Health event on 8th March at Campus West in Welwyn Garden City. Its FREE to attend so book your place now as spaces are limited. E-mail:


Mental Health Awareness Training

We have been working with Andy Henderson and Eddie Slim from Herts Partnership Trust to develop practical Mental Health Awareness Training for EHPs and other front line staff. Research by the North East Public Health Observatory has produced Community Mental

If Not Now, When?

Hertfordshire has an excellent history of successful partnership working and the strategy presents a new and exciting opportunity to build on these strengths. Cllr Richard Roberts February 2013

Health Profiles for each area with nationally 1 in 4 people thought to be affected in the course of a year costing the economy up to 1.5 billion. Up until now EHPs and other Local Authority staff in Hertfordshire have found it difficult to access the referral pathway for people they come into contact with. Its hoped that closer collaboration with Mental Health Services will solve this problem in the future.
LinkedIn? Join the debate @ JigsawPSPH Public Health Forum


News On Pub lic H ea lth NICE to see you, to see you NICE!

Page 3

We will also be working closely with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health as a valued partner. Environmental Health Practitioners are public health professionals with an important role in the wider public health family and they are fundamentally there to protect and improve health. Environmental Health was the original public health service and environmental health professionals to this day make a practical and lasting difference to community safety, from trading standards making sure goods and services are safe to ensuring that the elderly do not live in condi-

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has developed Public Health briefings for a range of different topics. These briefings are meant for Local Authorities and their partner organisations. Current briefings include: PHB 1 Tobacco , PHB 2 Workplace Health, PHB 3 Physical Activity, PHB 4 Health Inequalities and Population Health, PHB 5 Guidance on Public Health Outcomes, PHB 6 Alcohol, PHB 7 Behaviour Change, PHB 8 Walking and Cycling. They are all available from the NICE website

Duncan Selby appointed April 2012 as the Chief Executive Designate Public Health England.

tions that are infested by cockroaches and bedbugs.

Evidence, research and publication: a guide for environmental health professionals

Was produced in 2012 in an attempt to improve research skills amongst EHPs. As revealed last month in Jigsaw Environmental Health staff currently face an uneven playing field when it comes to gathering evidence from research studies as neither the CIEH or LGA will finance access through Open Athens. Whilst that debate continues members of the Environmental Health Research Network have produced a guide which will start to introduce members of the profession to the skills that will be required to make successful bids to Health and Wellbeing Boards. The approach is to try to make EHPs more research focused and stresses the importance of evidence based practice. Published on if youd like to find out more e-mail us at

Public Health & Licensing a Natural Fit Says Salford Mayor

Public health should be taken into account in every licensing application to tackle problem drinking. Thats the message from Salford City Mayor Ian Stewart in a city which has the highest number of off licences outside Greater London. Mr Stewart is calling on the government to give councils the power to consider the health and well-being of local people when deciding licensing applications as part of measures to tackle problem drinking.At present we can consider crime, disorder, public safety and any potential harm to children and reject a licence application on any of those grounds. More people are taken into hospital or die earlier than they should because of alcohol in Salford than most other places in England. Yet we cannot take into account any harm a licence application may cause to public health and well being, he said.

Health & Safety Inspections Hit By Cuts

The number of council proactive inspections of high-risk category A premises has fallen 44 per cent, according to new figures. A report drafted for HELA, the Health and Safety Executives local authority liaison committee, estimated councils will have carried out 2,560 proactive inspections at high -risk premises in 2012/13, compared to 4,560 in the previous year. The number of inspections at low-risk premises category B2 or C fell from 49,419 to 10,245. The overall number of proactive inspections across all premises fell by 77 per cent. It was also estimated a fifth of local authorities carried out no proactive inspections at all.

District Action on Public Health

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health have worked in partnership with the District Councils Network to produce a guide to how district councils can contribute towards the new health and wellbeing agenda in Local Government. Using information on district services and providing a number of illustrative Local Authority case studies to demonstrate how district councils will improve public health outcomes across the three strands of the Public Health Outcomes Framework, Wider Determinants of Health, Health Improvement and Health Protection. Copies of the report can be downloaded from

Have We Got News for You

Tax fizzy drinks and ban junk food ads, say doctors
BBC News Feb 18th 2013
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Stanleys Stats
Each month our Jigsaw pet takes
On average UK households purchased 4.2 % less food in 2011 than in 2007 while spending 12 % more. They saved 6.8 %by trading down to cheaper products. Since 2007 UK households have bought less bread, lamb, beef, fish, fruit, vegetables, potatoes and alcoholic drinks but more bacon. Fruit purchases differed by 120 grams per person per day between the highest and lowest income groups. Stats from Family Food 2011DEFRA

Contact us: Twitter: Blog: Forum: Linkedin JigsawPSPH Forum

a look into the world of figures! If you need any stats to help with your work .....Ask

Stan wonders about this quote from December 2012:

Key Note predicts that the ready meals industry will increase in value over the next 5 years. Key Note calculates that the market will grow by 35.2%, to a value of 2.71bn between 2012 and 2016.


Editing & Design Pete Hill & Sarah James

E-mail him at

The Joy of Jargon

This year we have revised our quality improvement plan to focus and cross referenced to the new Framework For ExcelJigsaw is an independent production lence so we are working towards meeting future expectation all views expressed are solely those enabling a more workable and live document which has met of the editorial team and do not with the approval of the LLSC. The QIP is updated timely at the SMT where each of the team are fully involved and quesrepresent the views of any other tioned if need be." Isle of Wight Council Document organisation.
(C) PH/SJ 2013
If you spot any good Jargon e-mail us at

Wise Words
Dr Kevin Fenton Public Health England @mellojonny

The Best of
@jigsawPSPH followers on Feb 15th 148

Blog of the Month

Well I never ... someone just joined my practice on the basis of my blog ...

The Guardian public @BCCEnv.Health

Accident averted #eho discovers gas leak on #dudleyrd #soho #bham whilst undertaking #food insp & ensures supply is turned off by nat. Grid

Health Hub healthcare-network/publichealth


Public Health England will be adopting a whole life joined up approach to tackling health inequalities the ways we engage with local partners will be key.

Thanks to @JigsawPSPH. #FSA strategy 2010-15. May be in need of urgent rewrite? But few strategies last 5 years.

"@ObesityHQ: How do we view #overweight people? Photographer captures reactions on camera " we judge without realising

Im a Public Health Professional Get Me out of Here! A Jigsaw audio blog now on UK Health Radio And available for download at

Alberts Square

"@SCPHRP: California's Tobacco Control Program Saved Over $130 Bn In Health Care < gt return on 2.4bn investment . @EHRNet_2012

Coopers Corner
Im recovering from a cold Im so full of penicillin if I sneeze I cure someone!

Our new campaign?! - NO #PUBLICHEALTH WITHOUT #ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH - Increasing the presence of #EnvH in the new #publichealth structure

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