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Don't specialize yourdeskneat, you Keep clean, empty. and Thismeans arestaying topof everything. on Treatemployees clients wayyouwouldliketo be treated them and the by phone you Return every e-mail, call,andfaxthesamedayit arrives regardless where arein the of world giving physical, yourself youhavecreated original Before birthto anything Ask if an idea,an original concept, if thereis anyrealvaluein whatyoudisseminate or Knoweverything about history yourprofession thenforget all whenyoudesign the of and it something new you Never say' I couldhavedonethat'because didn't'. To be is to build(Heidegger) Unveil actuality create surprise, phenomenalogical an a a event GoodKarma observe everything, everyone, ANDEVERY MOMENT Workis fun,beautiful rewarding and Don't workwithsomeone yousense if you ditferent views,because believe thereis potential because thereprobably isn't Thereis not potential everything everyprojecl in or Don't workon yourweaknesses, on yourstrengths work lf youdo notlikeyourjob,quit! Laziness theanti-Christ is ff you are nottalented, something do else Reduce carbs takethefillers of yourlife the out Carry onecredit cardandno coins Own30 pairsof samecolorsocks 30 pairsof thesamecolored and underuear thatsocks so always match, and do yourlaundry everymonth you Foreverything buy,youmustgiveawaythesamething-so youalways stayat equilibrium andnever accumulate thanyouneed more you Don'tconsume overeat or because aredepressed Consume experiences, things not Do 6 things once(multi-task), youwillnever bored at then be Don'tusewordsliketaste, class, boredom, style, ugly, mass or


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.


23. 24. 25. 26,

27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36, 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

Pleasure morepsychological physical is than Minimalism boring sensual is minimalism friendly is Moreis more Formfollows subject objectfollows / subject Dontdream be it it, Celebratetechnology Normal not good is Neverbe satisfied yourwork with Perseverance, consistency, rigor formsuccess and Being -workshould famous should be a priority not be Payyourdues- learn fromothers There 3 types beings those are of whocreate culture, those whobuyculture, thosewhodon,t and givea shitabout culture. Movebetween firsttwo. the Workis life Thinkextensively, intensively not ThinkRelaxed, rigid not OmniVincent Amor,OmniVincent Amok Experience the mostimportant of living, theexchange ideas, human is part and of and contact all is lifereally Space objects encouragL is. and can increased experiences distract or fromour experiences. be thechange wantto seein theworld(Ghandi) you Edif yourlife Addition subtraction by Thinkbefore endorse you Thereis no morebrand allegiance brandump Thepastis pointless Hereandnowis allwe got

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

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