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March, 16th 2007

Version 1.0

1 © Nokia 2007 February 8, 2007 Company Confidential


A project aims at providing students a unique

opportunity to discover a new dimension in

Allows students to explore elements of their

own culture as expressions of their identity.

Provides tools to construct a holistic view

through an interdisciplinary project combining
inspiration from global trends, design influences Only Planet projects have been carried out in
and local elements. France, Italy, Finland, Japan, China, Israel,
India, Russia, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Estonia,
Poland, Chile, Brazil and Argentina.

2 © Nokia 2007
Explore the given global trends and map
them to the local context by collecting visible
and hidden cues from the culture.

Identify possible manifestations and systems

of aesthetics and experiences in different

Define new stimuli from the documented

results which will inspire new experience
design scenarios for viable new product /
developments in the future.
Design a family of product concepts that
will articulate and create a holistic
experience which reflects the assigned

3 © Nokia 2007
Shift from products creation to
experiences creation

Without the creation of a focussed

experiences, a good product is
just another product

Every “total experience” needs a “story” to act as

the creative and the intellectual thread.

4 © Nokia 2007

4 Three elements one story

“ its all about people, we do it!”

The world is constantly changing and people’ s

behavior is subsequently evolving at a rapid pace
We need assumptions about progress,
development or an evolution to provide direction.
Nothing is created based on one thought alone – it Describing a new phenomena
is formed through observations and informed through societal, consumer &
intuition lifestyle trends

Interpretations, Inspirations, and Connections.

5 © Nokia 2007

5 Three elements one story

People are different and can be grouped
according to personal needs, values,
attitudes, behaviors etc.
Consumer segmentation model help to
understand for whom you will create
Diffusions of trends often happens through
from Lead Users, to Mainstream to

6 © Nokia 2007
From concept to creation




7 © Nokia 2007
A holistic, interdisciplinary approach seeking
information from multiple perspectives and
Trend research & cultural analysis
Observation & visual evidence
Informed Intuition
Lifestyles & subcultures
Informant Networks & Expert interviews

8 © Nokia 2007
Future tendencies – assumptions about
progress, development or evolution of a
certain thing.

Mega trends Change waves which can change the world we live in. New realities to which we
will have to adapt ourselves.

Dynamic motivations which will modify the value system, the moral and ways
Societal trends of thinking and behaving. These are ways of adapting ourselves to mega trends.

Consumer Trends describe future tendencies in consumer behavior i.e. consumers’

attitudes towards consumption. Consumer trends are not simply creative and
Lifestyle trends stylist impulses. But real needs for the society and its consumer-citizens.

9 © Nokia 2007

9 Three elements one story


KNOWLEDGE AND decades 10 years 5 years 6 months to 3 years


10 © Nokia 2007

Local manifestations
Global trends
People & Segments

Nokia Design believes in the power of life to create experiences.

11 © Nokia 2007

Experiences allow us to share a

mission and an understanding to
achieve a common goal in the group.

12 © Nokia 2007
Influential Societal Trends

13 © Nokia 2007
The combinations of trends create the right mix to be applied to
an innovative solution.

14 © Nokia 2007
There has been a global rise in hope and optimism.
People are becoming more conscious about what they
buy, and morals and ethics are becoming important
especially among youth.

• In this period of hard times (e.g. Iraq war, natural

disasters, terrorism) people want a more positive attitude
and to be hopeful about the future.
• Optimism is also influenced by concerns about ecology,
ethical consumption, government actions related issues
and green economies. People are using technologies to
• Its not only about being green or ethical but more connect, collect and enhance their
humanistic, optimistic and responsible. happiness
• Technologies can better provide information and support
as well as becoming more human, playful and engaging.

15 © Nokia 2007
More people are inspired by learning and the ability to
have a personal impact. Genuine and meaningful stories
are vital for differentiating experiences

• A disposable, throw-away and over-loaded society has

created a non-committal attitude with the leading edge.
• People are now in search of something more honest and
small scale.
• People want to associate with the “real thing” which
Purchase and usage experiences are
emphasises authenticity and know-how and offers the
becoming key differentiators.
possibility to personally participate.
• People need new ways to confront the endless selection to
ensure maximum satisfaction and experience.

16 © Nokia 2007
The phenomena of new cultural from different
countries will bring the next waves of new
lifestyle trends and aspirations.

• Urbanization & immigration is creating flows between

developed and developing countries, leading to the
convergence of cultures, trade, technology, and information.
• New cultural fusions will become important sources of
design, music, fashion, pop culture, etc.
• Newness is about hybridity, synergy, bricolage, and
• New forms of belonging and patterns of exchange are
occurring in the world.
• There exists an emergence of local communities based on
cultural or religious traits. Spiritual, cultural and ethnic aspects are
becoming visible in mobile technologies.

17 © Nokia 2007
People expect technology products to bring back
convenience – providing joy and support,
personal experience & enabling more than ever.

• Ad-hoc living, instant culture, and too much choice are

draining people.
• People feel trapped by their current busy lifestyles but don’t
want to change them, instead they want more convenient
products and services to sustain their hectic lifestyles,
• People are searching for feelings of security, convenience and
• Convenience is about: the basics & hidden subtle delights, a Demand for simplicity is not just about the
playful balance through creativity, revitalization and play and product and interface, but will extend to larger
smart & intelligent products ecosystems = device ecosystems, services and

18 © Nokia 2007
People are looking for well-being and balance
everywhere. Many people are suffering from obesity
and stress related diseases in developed countries,
whereas same time many people are suffering lack of
proper nutriment.

• Well-being is everywhere – work, home, travel, food, design,

technology etc.
• It is about making a personal effort, preventive body care,
self-medication, and active lifestyles.
• Concerns over “diseases of affluence or poverty”
• Traditional networks have changed towards more virtual
relationships, hence problems are taken to outsiders to ease
Technologies are providing support for different
emotional baggage.
aspects of well-being: information search, controlling,
monitoring, coaching, advising, connecting, alarming
and relaxing.

19 © Nokia 2007
More women are embracing technology as part of their
social and work lives. Products must increasingly
combine performance and style and take into account
elements and values of both genders.

• Today, women are generally more well-off,

independent and educated. Thus, the overall
participation of women is increasing.
• Values that are traditionally perceived as feminine, are
increasingly changing cultures: tolerance, intuition,
emotionality and ethics.
• Female ways of communicating and cooperation are
gaining importance.
• Young technology savvy female generations are
quickly closing the gender gap in technology.
Technologies are designed to be
more human, sensorial and tactile

20 © Nokia 2007
The convergence of science, art and design are crucial
when creating and introducing new tech innovations.
They bring technologies closer to human senses and
provide deeper meaning

• Design now spans across disciplines of science, art, and the

• Science and art/design are combining human and science
to better interact with technologies.
• Artistic involvement in tech products is appreciated by
consumers and thus experiences falls between art, science
and play.
• It makes technology more human, easily approachable
and understandable.
Tech innovations are gaining
“a soul” through convergence
of art, design and science.

21 © Nokia 2007
Consumers are trying to find the middle ground between
privacy and security as they face increasing pressures to
give up some privacy in exchange for security and

• Consumers are struggling between increasing desire and

possibilities to share one’s life online (e.g. blogs and photo
sharing sites) and being careful and suspicious.
• Some people are very open-minded and not aware of all
issues regarding privacy and security while others are more
pragmatic, careful and hesitant to give much personal
• Both virtual security and physical protection are important.
• Advances in network and sensor technology, growing risk of
identity theft are some concerns.
Issues of privacy and security increase
through the accessibility of technology.

22 © Nokia 2007
After the out-going decade of the 90s, the home is
starting to replace the street as a place to gather, debate,
chill and network. The concept of ‘being at home’ is
extending to other contexts

• Despite recent changes in family structures, the concept of

‘home’ remains intense and significant.
• Mobility changes the meaning of home where it can
extend to various places such as work, car, 2nd home, 3rd
places such as cafes, etc. - easily switch between home,
work and leisure contexts.
• The home is no longer a place to escape from, but a
destination in its own right.

People are increasingly customising and

personalising their homes.

23 © Nokia 2007
Social media tools are creating more personalized and
context based social architectures that change how
people interact.

• People will be driven by participation and prosumption via

social media based on networking, media and device
management, personal publishing, communication and
• The Digital offers benefits of instant ad hoc social
organization and social networking increases and sharing and
swapping become essentials
• People will increasingly blend the physical and the digital:
sharing is increasingly linked to local and contextual places
(blogs à geo tagging etc.).
Technology is about expressing self,
getting visibility, and even about
“virtual therapy”.

24 © Nokia 2007
1. Gardening
2. DIY/Home improvement
3. Sports
Users want to be able do more things on their own, such 4. Arts and crafts, eg
as advanced photographing and health monitoring. They painting/pottery
are searching for smarter solutions that would enable 5. Photography
them to have more freedom and widen their hobbies &
experiences. Source: Mori/Demos

• People pursuing amateur activities to professional standards:

taking professional-quality photos, producing own films,
monitoring and keeping records of health and diet, controlling
money usage or even monitoring energy consumption.
• People are engaged in digital crafting and hacking culture as
knowledge and creativity have become social capital using simple
tools and the internet to express themselves
• People make personalized or even totally uniquely customized
products that suit their purposes, taste and style. from purely managerial tasks to something
more meaningful: enjoyment, content
creation and sharing.

25 © Nokia 2007
New inexpensive technology solutions will diminish the
digital gap between those who do and those who do not
have access to digital world. Mobile technology will take
on different usages compared with the past.

• Developing and remote areas of developed markets will be

able to have access to more digital communication and
• New users will come online through mobile devices as new
usages are driven by new social connections and
communication needs.
• Locally accommodated technology will give the opportunity One laptop for every Libyan child by 2008

for people to improve their quality of life and economic People will directly adopt more
situation. sophisticated technologies and for many
• Already many communities have created self-sustainable the first experiences of multimedia such
economic, health and learning centers through utilizing new as gaming, video and intranet will be
technologies. through their handheld device

26 © Nokia 2007

27 © Nokia 2007
Identifying the global trend in the local context (to be develop in 1.5 weeks)
• What is visible today? Direct and indirect cues of the chosen global trends such as
objects, images, places, behaviors, values, attitudes, relations, movements, etc.
• i.e. combining Gender shift + Experiences + Leapfrogging Tech

• Identify people who influence as well as those are influenced by the chosen trends

• Identify current situations & phenomena; making visual maps & short descriptions of
concepts Global Trend
Local Manifestation

Arts Technology Fashion Food

Design Architecture Games Events

& toys

28 © Nokia 2007
• Find the connections and relationships between the trends and local manifestation :
drivers, influences, commonalities, differences, patterns, parameters and directions.

• Identify a target group of people of the chosen trends.

• Create a character of this group inspired from the analysis of the material gathered.

• Create a user narrative, highlighting the needs, aspiration and usage patterns that you
feel the character wants to fulfill.

• Generate Experience Scenarios inspired by the trend analysis and the user narrative.

• Develop & illustrate a story-boards of the experiences.

29 © Nokia 2007
Design Development
• Develop a strategy for a future holistic experience and design products that best reflects the
influences of the chosen trends (intersecting two of them)

• The product concepts should be design to fit into a product family language to fulfill the
experiences through their look and feel.

• Throughout the project we will utilize an open-mode, closed-mode approach in which

workshops & brainstorming sessions are conducted for idea generation, elaboration and
filtering the development of the project

30 © Nokia 2007
Process proposal
• The working teams will be composed by 5 to 6 students.

• Each team will be allocated a combination of two specific global trends from which they will
create product concepts for the experience platform they had created.

• The process will be kicked-off at a briefing session for the Only Planet participants by Nokia
Design at their University.

31 © Nokia 2007
Process proposal
• The rest of the working sessions of the project should be organized locally by the
participants and led by the University tutors.

• Structuring, filtering and documenting the results as input for the concept development
should occur between workshops.

• Nokia Design will be present at the mid point of the project to provide further guidance.

• In the concept development phase scenarios will be chosen to be elaborated, creating

descriptions and justifications for each.

• Parallel to this there will be conceptualizations on the design of the appropriate product
offers in relation to the scenarios.

32 © Nokia 2007
Planning & deliverables

33 © Nokia 2007

• Boards which illustrate the translation of the chosen global trend in the local context.
The visible and hidden signs of the local culture and conditions found by the group
through the exploration of the two trends.

• Story-boards with animations/illustrations of the user experiences created from people

centric scenarios that reflect the manifestations of those trends and the target group
influenced by them.

• A family of innovative product concepts that which create and articulate a holistic
experience presented on boards, animations and mock-ups.

• These new multimedia device concepts should reflect the influence of the local trends
and benefit from the new emerging technologies. They should aim to be for 2012.

34 © Nokia 2007
Review & Milestones planning with Nokia Design

• Kickoff - Tuesday 08.05.07 at DuoC

University Project Brief presentation by Axel Meyer & Timo Veikkola from Nokia Design

• 1st review - Tuesday 03.07.07 at DuoC

By University Professors and Axel Meyer from Nokia Design

• Final delivery 14.08.07 at DuoC

By University Professors and Axel Meyer from Nokia Design

• Final presentation - 15.10.07 or 12.11.07 in Santiago, Chile

Presence of Axel Meyer, William Sermon & Timo Veikkola from Nokia Design (tbc)

35 © Nokia 2007
Only Planet - Chile - project owner
Axel Meyer
Group Design Director, Multimedia
Nokia Design

Only Planet - Sponsor

Bill Sermon
VP Design, Multimedia
Nokia Design

Only Planet –Owner

Eero Miettinen
Design Director, Insights & Innovations
Nokia Design

Timo Veikkola
Senior Futures Specialist, Insights & Innovations
Nokia Design

Only Planet –Projects Coordinator

Maria Isohanni
Communication Coordinator, Insights & Innovations
Nokia Design

36 © Nokia 2007
We are all shaping the future


37 © Nokia 2007
38 © Nokia 2007

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