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art: first baptist church tapestry

“Yet Not as I Will,

But as You Will.”

50 • south mississippi scene

south mississippi scene • 51
Reverend Greg Warnock, pastor of First Baptist
Church, welcomes many visitors to Brookhaven who
are interested in viewing the magnificent tapestry of
Jesus’ experience in the Garden of Gethsemene.

The magnificent tapestry of because it was Jesus’ obedience ing to the weavers, is the
Christ praying in the garden to God’s will at this time that largest ever made in their area.
was handmade in a small vil- led to His crucifixion and res- There are 100 knots per square
lage near Beijing, China. For urrection. inch, making a total of 7.6 mil-
many years members of the Asem Zeini, a local painting lion hand tied knots in the tap-
First Baptist Church in contractor and talented artist, estry. There were as many as
Brookhaven, Mississippi, had rendered his interpretation of 18 weavers working on the tap-
wanted something worshipful the scene in an oil painting. estry at one time, and it took
and beautiful to be placed in Mrs. Elay Doyle, owner of Peel almost two years to complete
the baptistry area. This was & Company in Covington, all phases of the work.
discussed with Mrs. Dawn Louisiana, took the painting to Initially, the Chinese were
Brown, an interior decorator China, where arrangements to reluctant to undertake the tap-
from Covington, Louisiana, have the tapestry woven had estry because of its size.
who suggested using a tapes- been made. Mrs. Brown and However, upon learning that
try. Mrs. Doyle made several trips the man in the painting was a
Pastor Robert E. Self and to China to assist in color spiritual leader and that the
others decided to use Christ’s selections to be used in dying tapestry would be used in a
experience in the Garden of the wool and to oversee the place of worship, they felt hon-
Gethsemene, as portrayed in weaving of the tapestry. ored and agreed to make the
one of the stained glass win- The tapestry is 22 feet high tapestry. When the weavers
dows in the Fellowship Hall, and 24 feet wide and, accord- expressed a desire to know

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more about this man Jesus, Mrs. The tapestry was placed in the “My Father, if it is possible, may
Doyle was given copies of a church in September, 1996. It is this cup be taken from me. Yet
Chinese Mandarin Bible and a hoped that all who view it not not as I will, but as you will.”
little red book entitled “The see dyed wool and millions of (NIV)
Sayings of Jesus Christ” to take knots, but a loving, caring
to them on her next trip. Savior, who, in HIs trial prayed,

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