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1 Problem Definition
The PLACEMENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project is developing an online application for the Placement Dept. of the college. This project is mainly used by three users. They are Placement Officer, HOD, and Students This system is mainly useful for the Training and Placement Officer (TPO) of the college to manage the student information with regards to placement cell. Students logging should be able to update their information in the form of a Curriculum Vitae (CV). Placement Officer after logging in can access/search any information put up by Students. Placement Officer send notification to all the students who are eligible and the company profile is also made available to the students. The company visits the campus on the mutually agreed date and conducts Aptitude/Group Discussion/Seminar/Technical test/Personal Interview as a part of their preferred selection procedure. The company is expected to furnish the final list of selected students on the same day after the completion of the campus selection procedure. After that TPO update the recruited and rejected students which can be visible to the students. Once a student is selected in one company he/she will not be allowed to appear for other companies interviews as per Recruitment Policy of the college.

1.2 Existing System

The Existing system is a computerized system but which is maintained at individual databases i.e., in excel sheets; it is a time delay process. And maintaining all the records in Excel sheets is difficult. If they want any record, they have to search all the records. It does not provide multiple user accessibility and does not have different user privileges. So the system is not accessible for all the employees of the organization. It is difficult to find out the eligible candidates for the placement and also to forward the registered students to the company. By this process the student can view his details and if there is any correction to be made in the data, the student should send a request to the placement officer, since the student cannot change the details.

So, the existing system is carries more time to do piece of work for this reason the online system placement information system is implemented.

1.3 Drawbacks of Existing System

Access single records from the entire database is very difficult Database id maintained at individual levels The system is not an online system

1.4 Proposed System

The proposed system is a browser, which is completely related to internet browsing. The web enabled information management system designed to automate the entire operations of a modern. This maintains and controls the training and placement details and does online operations and generates various reports. This system allows multi-divisional, handling that includes various activities. In this system it gives the entire reports of the account and there details. Highlights: Saves your time Manage the entire process in easy and quick way Enhance the applicants Improve the maintain standards In the proposed system generally used by three kinds of users: Placement officer Head of the Department Student The proposed system consists of three modules: The placement officer: The placement officer maintains all the students who registered to the placements. And also maintains the details of the students who are eligible to which company placements.

The Head of the Dept.,: The Head of the Dept. can view the complete details of the students who registered for the placements. If he found any data of the student is entered incorrect, then he should inform to the placement officer since the H.O.D cannot change the student details. The Student: The student who registered for the placements can view their details. If they found any incorrect data in the database then the student should request the placement officer. And then the placement officers update the data in the database. 1.2.1 Advantages over Existing System The proposed system is automated that is faster than the existing manually maintained system and can handle data easily. Computerized of the details of the members and placement operations.-+ The system allow administrator to control all the activities hence identifying the roles and accessibility of other users. Accurate information can be generated easily and quickly at different levels. Report can be generating easily and quickly.

1.5 Scopes& Objectives

The proposed system is automated that is faster than the existing manually maintained system and can handle data easily. Computerized of the details of the members and placement operations. The system allow administrator to control all the activities hence identifying the roles and accessibility of other users. Accurate information can be generated easily and quickly at different levels. Report can be generating easily and quickly.

2 . L I T E R A T U R E S U RV E Y
The main intention of the proposed and designed system is to automate the communication and to channelize or computerized the training and placement. Here, the students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV. The students who are not logging i.e., new students also has change to register and upload their information. The students who are logging should view the training and schedules and notification details provided by the placement officer. They also make updating in the existing personal and academic details. They have the maximum rights they are also restricted to some extent by the administrator. A procedure that identifies, describes and evaluates the proposed system selects the best system for the job is called feasibility study 2.1 Modules 2.1.1 Admin module: This module is the heart of whole system. Admin view the students details, add training to the students and add notifications which are visible to the students. Admin has full access to all the modules of this system. Responsible for creating, modifying and deleting placement information system, admin can view the placement information systems list and also generate the reports. 2.1.2 Reports module: This module can display the list of students who are selected for a company and also who are rejected for a particular company. All reports can be previewed, printed, exported to excel etc. 2.1.3 Student module: This module has restricted access, i.e., normal users have access to some of the modules only i.e., the student can view the placements, and can post a query to the admin regarding any placement or training, search for different trainings, and can send mails to the admin regarding any issue related to the training and placements.

3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS 3.1 Study of the system

System analysis is the interdisciplinary part of science, dealing with analysis of sets of interacting or entities, the systems, often prior to their automation as computer system, and the interactions within those systems. This field is closely related to operations research. It is also an explicit formal inquiry carried out to help someone, referred to as the decision maker, identify a better course of action and make a better decision than he might otherwise have made. The main intention of the proposed and designed system is to automate the communication and to channelize or computerized the training and placement. Here, the students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV. The students who are not logging i.e., new students also has change to register and upload their information. The students who are logging should view the training and schedules and notification details provided by the placement officer. They also make updating in the existing personal and academic details. They have the maximum rights they are also restricted to some extent by the administrator.

A procedure that identifies, describes and evaluates the proposed system selects the best system for the job is called feasibility study. In feasibility study there are two considerations involved which are Technical Feasibility Operational Feasibility

Technical Feasibility:

Evaluating the technical feasibility is the trickiest part of a feasibility study. This is because, at this point in time, not too many detailed design of the system, making it difficult to access issues like performance, costs on (on account of the kind of technology to be deployed) etc. A number of issues have to be considered while doing a technical analysis. Understand the different technologies involved in the proposed system before commencing the project we have to be very clear about what are the technologies that are to be required for the development of the new system. Find out whether the organization currently possesses the required technologies. Is the required technology available with the organization? Operational Feasibility Proposed project is beneficial only if it can be turned into information systems that will meet the organizations operating requirements. Simply stated, this test of feasibility asks if the system will work when it is developed and installed. Are there major barriers to implementation? Here are questions that will help test the operational feasibility of a project: Is there sufficient support for the project from management from users? If the current system is well liked and used to the extent that persons will not be able to see reasons for change, there may be resistance. Are the current business methods acceptable to the user? If they are not, users may welcome a change that will bring about a more operational and useful systems.

Have the user been involved in the planning and development of the project? Early involvement reduces the changes of resistance to the system and in general and increases the likelihood of successful project. Since the proposed system was to help reduce the hardships encountered. In the existing manual system, the new system was considered to be operational feasible. 4.1 System Requirements 4.1.1 Requirement Specification: In requirement specification phase we understand the problem for which software system is to be designed and to gather the necessary information. Analysis can be done by reaching the client and on understanding the work that is described by the client in terms of scenarios, i.e., by giving the example of things that happen in their world. 4.1.2 Requirement analysis: Requirement analysis categorizes requirements and organizes them into related subsets; explores each requirement in detail. Moreover requirement analysis is a software engineering task that bridges the gap between system level requirements and software design. After the requirements are gathered the work product noted earlier from the basis for requirements analysis. Here we categorized the requirements and organized them into related subsets. The relation between requirements is explored. Analysis examines each requirement for consistency, omissions, ambiguity and ranks requirements based on the needs of the customer/users. We divided requirements analysis into the following parts. Problem recognition Initially we studied the gathering requirements and understood the key requirements in the system context. Evaluation and synthesis Here all the externally observable data object are defined, flow ad content of the information are evaluated, all software contents are defined and elaborated, the software behavior is understood, system interface characteristics are established and additional design constraints are uncovered. Modeling

The software model serves as the foundation for software design and as the basis for the creation of specification for the software. Specification It is viewed as a representation process. Requirements are represented in a manner that ultimately leads to successful software implementation. Review The review is first conducted at the macroscopic level i.e., it is ensured that the representation is complete, consistent ad accurate and the overall information, functional and behavioral domains are considered. Extreme care is taken in conducting the review. In requirements analysis phase we check whether the: Requirements are consistent overall objective of the system. All the requirements have been specified at the proper level of abstraction. Each requirement is bounded and unambiguous. Any of the requirements conflict with the other requirements. Each requirement is testable. 4.1.3 Software Requirements Languages used: Umbrello, My SQL, JDBC. Platform: Windows XP.. Tools used: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox. 4.1.4 Hardware Requirements Processor: Pentium IV. Speed: 3.06 GHz. Primary Memory: 256 MB RAM. Hard disk: 2GB 4.2 Constraints 4.2.1 REGISTERED TABLE:





5. SYSTEM DESIGN 5.1 E-R Diagrams

The entity-relationship (ER) data model allows us to describe the data involved in a real-world enterprise terms of objects and their relationships and is widely used to develop an initial database. The ER model is important primarily for its role in database design. It provides useful concepts that allow us to move from an informal description of what users want from their database to a more detailed and precise, description that can be implemented in a DBMS. We note that many variations of ER diagrams are in use, and no widely accepted standards prevail. The database design process can be divided into six steps. The ER model is most relevant to the first three steps: Requirements Analysis: The very first step in designing a database application is to understand what data is to be stored in the database, what applications must be built on top of it, and what operations are most frequent and subject to performance. (1) Conceptual Database Design: The information gathered in the requirements analysis step is used to develop a high-level description of the data to be stored in the database, along with the constraints that are known to hold over this data. This step is often carried out using the ER model, or a similar high-level data model, and is discussed in the rest of this chapter. (2) Logical Database Design: We must choose a DBMS to implement our database design, and convert the conceptual database design into a database schema in the data model of the chosen DBMS. We will only consider relational DBMS, and therefore, the task in the logical design step is to convert an ER schema into a relational database schema. The result is a conceptual schema, sometimes called the logical schema, in the relational data model. Beyond the ER model:

ER model is sometimes regarded as a complete approach to designing a logical database schema. This is incorrect because the ER diagram is just an approximate description of the data, constructed through a very subjective evaluation of the information collected during requirements analysis. (3) Schema Refinement: The fourth step in database design is to analyze the collection of relations in our relational database schema to identify potential problems, and to refine it. (4) Physical Database Design: In this step we must consider typical expected workloads that our database must support and further refine the database design to ensure that it meets desired. (5) Security Design In this step, we identify different user groups and different roles played by various users (e.g., the development for a product, the customer support representatives, the product manager). Entities, Attributes and Entity sets: An entity is an object in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects manager of the toy department, the home address of the manager of the toy department. It is often useful to identify a collection of similar entities. Such a collection is called an entity set. Examples include the following: the Green Dragonzord toy, the toy department, the performance criteria. An entity is described by set of attributes. All entities in a given entity set have the same attribute; this is essentially what u has seen by similar. For each attribute associated with an entity set, we must identify a domain of possible values. A key is a minimal set of attributes whose values uniquely identify an entity in the set. There could be more than one candidate key. Relationships and Relationship sets A relationship is an association among two or more entities. For example, we may have the relationship that Attishoo works in the pharmacy department. As with entities, we may wish to collect a set of similar relationships into a relationship set A relationship set can be thought of as a set of n-tuples: f(e1; : : : ; en) j e1 2 E1; : : : ; en 2 Eng


Data flow diagrams (DFDs) use a number of symbols to represents systems. Most data flow modeling methods use four kinds of symbols to represent four kinds of system components: Processes, data stores, data flows and external entities (source or destination of data). The symbols that are used to represent the DFD are as follows: -



Source or Destination of data

Data flow

Process that transforms data flow

Data store


5.2 UML Diagrams:

A diagram is a graphical representation of a set of elements. The various diagrams in UML are as follows: Class Diagram A class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their relationships. Class diagrams address the static design view of a system. Class diagrams that include active classes address the static process view of a system. A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships, and semantics. A class implements on or more interfaces. Object Diagram An object diagram shows the relationship between a group of objects and their relationships. Object diagrams represent static snapshots of instances of the


things found in class diagrams. Object diagram address the static design view or static process view of a system. Use case Diagram A use case diagram shows a set of use cases and Actors (a special kind of class) and their relationships. Use case diagrams address the static use case view of a system. These diagrams are especially important in organizing and modeling the behaviors of a system. Sequence Diagram A sequence diagram is a visual representation of a scenario. A sequence diagram shows the various actors in the scenario, and the way they interact with all the subsystems. Collaboration Diagram A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages. Collaboration diagram address the dynamic view of a system. State Chart Diagram A state chart diagram shows how an object dynamically changes its lifetime. A state is a condition or situation in which the object satisfies some condition, does some task, or waits for an event to trigger. A state chart diagram address the dynamic view of the system.

Activity Diagram An Activity diagram is a special type of state chart diagram. It usually depicts the flow of events within an object. An activity diagram addresses the dynamic view of a system. They are especially important in modeling the function of a system and emphasize the flow of control among objects. Component Diagram A component diagram shows the organizations and dependencies among a set of components. Component diagram address the static implementation view of a system. They are related to class diagrams in that a component typically maps to one or more classes, interfaces, or collaborations. Deployment diagram


A deployment diagram shows the architecture of the execution time details of a system. Deployment diagram address the static deployment view of architecture. They are related to component diagrams in that a node typically encloses one or more components. General description: Unified Modeling Language: UML is a method for describing the system architecture in details using the blueprint. UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems. The UML is a very important part of developing objects oriented software and the software development process. The UML uses mostly graphical notations to express the design of software projects. Using the UML helps project teams communicate, explore potential designs, and validate the architectural design of the software Definition UML is a general-purpose visual modeling languages that is used to specify, visualize, construct, and document the artifacts of the software systems. UML Specifying: Specifying means building models that are precise, unambiguous and complete. In particular, the UML address the specification of all the important analysis, design and implementation decisions that must be made in developing and displaying a software intensive system.

UML Visualization The UML includes both graphical and textual representation. It makes easy to visualize the system and for better understanding. UML Constructing UML models can be directly connected to a variety of programming languages and it is sufficiently expressive and free from any ambiguity to permit the direct execution of models. UML Documentation UML provides variety of documents in addition raw executable codes.A UML system is represented using five different views that describe the system from


distinctly different perspective. Each view is defined by a set of diagram, which is as follows. User Model View o This view represents the system from the users perspective. o The analysis representation describes the usage scenario from the end-users perspective. Structural model view o In this model the data and functionality are arrived from inside the system. o This model view models the static structures. Behavioral model view o It represents the dynamic of behavioral as parts of the system, depicting the interactions of collection between various structural elements described in the user model and structural model view. Implementation model view o In this the structural and behavioral as parts of the system are represented as they are to be built. Environmental model view o In this structural and behavioral aspects of the environment in which the system is to be implemented are represented. Goal of UML: The primary goals in the design of the UML were: Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive visual modeling language so they can develop and exchange meaningful models. Provide extensibility and specialization mechanism to extend the core concepts. Be independent of particular programming language and development processes. Provide a formal basis for understanding the modeling language. Encourage the growth of the OO tools market. Support higher-level development concepts such as collaborations, frame works, patterns and components. Integrate best practices


Uses of UML: The UML is intended primarily for software intensive systems. It has been used effectively for such domains as Enterprise Information System Banking and Financial Services Telecommunications Transportation Defense/Aerospace Retails Medical Electronics Scientific Fields Distributed Web

Rules of UML: The UML has semantic rules for NAMES: It will call things, relationships and diagrams. SCOPE: The content that gives specific meaning to a name. VISIBILITY: How those names can be seen and used by others. INTEGRITY: How things properly and consistently relate to another. EXECUTION: What it means is to run or simulate a dynamic model.

Building blocks of UML: The vocabulary of the UML encompasses 3 kinds of building blocks 1. Things 2. Relationships 3. Diagrams Things: Things are the data abstractions that are first class citizens in a model. Things are of four types Structural Things

Behavioral Things Grouping Thing Annotational Things

Relationships: Relationships tie the things together. Relationships in the UML are Dependency Association Generalization Specialization A class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their relationships. Class diagrams address the static design view of a system. Class diagrams that include active classes address the static process view of a system. A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships, and semantics. A class implements on or more interfaces.

5.2.1 Class Diagram:


5.2.2 Use Case Diagram A Use Case diagram shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationships. Use Case diagrams address the static view of a system. These diagrams are especially important in organizing and modeling the behaviors of a system. Use Case diagram consists of use case, actors, and their relationships between them. Use case Diagram for Student Module: This diagram represents the different use cases that are present in the Student Module.


Use case Diagram for Placement Officer Module: This Diagram represents the different use cases that are present in the Placement Officer Module.


Use case Diagram for HOD Module: This Diagram represents the different use cases that present in the HOD Module.

5.2.3 Sequence Diagram


The sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time ordering of messages for modeling a real time system. Graphically, a sequence diagram is a table that shows objects arranged along the X-axis and messages, ordered in increasing time, along the Y-axis. Sequence Diagram consists of objects, links, lifeline, focus of control, and messages. It has two features they are: This is the object life time There is the focus of control

5.2.4 Activity Diagram:


An Activity diagram is a special type of state chart diagram. It usually depicts the flow of events within an object. An activity diagram addresses the dynamic view of a system. They are especially important in modeling the function of a system and emphasize the flow of control among objects. Activity Diagram for Student Module: This Diagram shows the different activities that are held by the people. Activity diagram of the student login module describes the actions that are performed by the Student.

Activity Diagram for Placement Officer Module:


Activity Diagram for the Placement Officer module describes the activities that are performed by the Placement Officer.

Activity Diagram for HOD Module:


Activity Diagram for the HOD module describes the activities that are performed by the HOD.


Software Testing
Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate reuse of specification. Design and code testing represents interesting anomaly for the software during earlier definition and development phase, it was attempted to build software from an abstract concept to tangible implementation. The testing phase involves, testing of the development of the system using various techniques such as White Box Testing, Control Structure Testing. Testing Strategies: A strategy for software testing must accommodate low-level tests that are necessary to verify that a small source code segment has been correctly implemented as well as high level against customer requirements. 1. Unit Testing 2. Integration testing 3. System testing. 4. Acceptance testing. Testing Techniques: White Box Testing: White box testing is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Control Structure Testing The following tests were conducted and it was noted that the BCBS is performing them well. Basic path Testing Condition Testing Data Flow Testing Loop Testing



PLACEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM consisting of these test cases throughout its execution. Student registration. Student login Administrator login Adding a company. Updating selected student. Deleting a company. Giving report to a placement HOD.

In order to make sure that the system does not have errors, different levels of testing strategies that are applied at different phases of software development are: Test case no Input Expected behavior Observed behavior Status P=Passe d F=Faile 1 Registered as a student Registration page should be 2 Registered with the empty fields displayed Error should be displayed that to complete all 3 fields. Login as admin with the Error message wrong login details 4 5 Login as admin with correct details Login as the student with the correct details 6 given in the registration Login as the student with the wrong details should be displayed. Admin home page is displayed Student home page is displayed Login fail page is displayed -doP -do-doP P -doP -doP -dod P


Login with the wrong roll number that is differ from the regulation Adding a company

Error message should be displayed The company should be



Modification company


successfully added a The editing page -dofor a company should be displayed Modification successful page should be displayed Deletion successful page should be displayed


Modifying a company after editing



Deleting a company



The system has been tested and implemented successfully and thus ensured that all the requirements are listed in the software requirements specification are completely fulfilled. In case of erroneous input, corresponding error messages are displayed.



























Even though the project was completed to the original requirements, there are a few features that we could add or improve on, if time allowed. The file system implementation should be revised. We could look at other DBMS file systems to get a better idea on how to design a more efficient and space conserving system. Also, the executions of relational algebra operations like, the X-product and the Natural Join could be improved and made more efficient. Otherwise, we are happy with the performance of out project. Reliability: The project performs its intended functions with required precision, hence is very reliable. Flexibility: The project is very flexible and any modification can be made to the existing system to suit changes that can take place in future. Online Processing: The online processing of the project is very simple following the existing method without any changes and suitable validations are provided for easy and correct access to the user. Easily Understandable with Minimum Knowledge: The forms/screens are designed in such a way that any end user easily understands less effort is required to learn, operates, repair the input and interpret outputs with less strain. Security: Security is the most important feature of the proposed system. In this some security is the measures are taken to avoid the mishandling of the database. Constraints are defined to avoid the wrong entries With this automated system, we can easily generate required reports. Redundant data is reduced with normalization The system displays error messages if any error occurs.


The Placement Information System is a web-based application for primarily providing training to the employees who provide customized solutions to meet organizational needs. This application software has been computed successfully and was also tested successfully by taking test cases. It is user friendly, and has required options, which can be utilized by the user to perform the desired operations. The software is developed using Java as front end and My SQL as back end in the windows environment.


During course of this project, a number of books, projects and websites were referred to. Some of them are as listed as follows: 1. Software Engineering Author - RS Pressman

2. Web Programming: Author - Chris bates

3. Java- 5th Edition The Complete Reference Author Publishing - Herbert Schildt - TATA McGraw Hill

4. Unified Modeling Language Author Publishing - Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh - Pearson Education

5. Java Server Pages Author - Hans Bergsten, Publishing - SHROFF

6. Data Base Management System Author - C.J. Date

Web References:
J2EE-Overview : J2EE-Component:

These softwares are required to implement this project. Jdk-6u10-windows-i586- must be installed. Xampp-win32-1.7.3 must be installed (MYSQL server must be installed.) Netbeans-6.9.1-ml-windows must be installed. MYSQL Installation process: Step1: Click on the .exe file shown on the screen.

Step 2: It will asks for the License agreement. Click on I accept the terms in the license agreement


Step 3: By click on the next button, it will start the execution.

Step 4: It asks the type of installation. Select complete installation type.


Step 5: By click on the next button, it will display a page with install button. Now, click on the install button.

Step 6: The installation is processed like the below screen shots.


INSTALLATION OF TOMCAT: Step1: Click on the .exe file shown on the screen.


Step 2: Select the fields which you want to install.

Step 3: After selecting the fields, It will show you a path for installation. Click on the next button.


Step 4: Here we can choose our desired port number, username and password. Click on the next button. But default port is 8080 for Tomcat.

Step 5: By click on the next button. It will start the execution.


These are the fallowing steps that are fallowed to execute our project. 1. SELECTING THE DATABASE: Double click on the XAMPP CONTROL PANEL shown on the desktop. Now, it will display the panel; now click on start buttons of both MYSQL and APACHE TOMCAT servers. Type http://xampp/localhost on the address bar of any explorer. Select the phpmyadmin on the page shown by the explorer. Select the database that fills your requirements to your project.

2. STARTING A PROJECT USING NET BEANS: Double click on the XAMPP CONTROL PANEL shown on the desktop. Click on create a project in the menu bar. Go through the four steps and select appropriate choices for the project. Now, the project is started. Create the web pages using the net beans. It is easy to develop a web page using net beans. Using appropriate links with the pages, you can interact with the Database.

USERS OF PROJECT: There are two types of persons involved in this project. They are: 1) Student (user) 2) Staff/HOD/Principal (administrator) STUDENT MODULE: The student will have the authorities on this as following: 1) View questions 1) Giving feedback about the lecturers View questions:

In this module students can view all questions in the database to give feedback about the lecturers Giving feedback about the lecturers: In this student can give feedback about the lecturer according to questions given in the database. ADMIN MODULE: ADMIN will have the authorities on this as following: 1) Add questions 2) Update questions View questions View report In this module the student or staff or hods can add questions if he is interested to add another question to database to rate the lecturers. Update questions: In this module the student or staff or hods can update questions. View questions: In this module students can view all questions in the database to give feedback about the lecturers. View report: After giving feedback by the students; lecturers, hods, principal can view report.

Add questions:




1. Software Engineering Author - RS Pressman

2. Web Programming: Author - Chris bates

3. Java- 5th Edition The Complete Reference Author Publishing - Herbert Schildt - TATA McGraw Hill

4. Unified Modeling Language Author Publishing - Grady Booch, James Rum Baugh - Pearson Education

5. Java Server Pages Author - Hans Bergsten, Publishing - SHROFF

6. Data Base Management System Author - C.J. Date

Web References:
J2EE-Overview : J2EE-Component:


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