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NGFFL Minutes: 12 June 2012

7.30-9:00pm Eastern

Attendees: PMc, Jared, Lance, Phil, Shane, Scott Letz 8.04: Commences (Shane) Shane read the NGFFL mission and vision Shane commented that our mission and vision seem to be wearing well since they were written two years ago 8.06: Gay Bowl Survey (Shane and Scott) Shane thanked Scott for his volunteerism on this endeavor. His services would be quite pricey on the commercial market As per Phil, we should really only ask questions that will directly serve our work, not necessarily what would be interesting How can we keep the survey short so that more people will answer it? Scott offered that we could filter or sort the questions based on whos taking the survey, i.e. captains, players, attendees, etc All agree Phil suggested that we should ditch some of the questions as to what the NGFFL Board should do PMc suggested that we endeavor to keep some semblance of a baseline question that measures satisfaction with the NGFFL Board PMc also offered that we could assume that city leaders and team captains might be more apt to answer a longer survey. So we could ask them both Gay Bowl Experience questions as well as Gay Bowl Structure questions, while asking participants just the Gay Bowl Experience questions Phil agreed, and pointed out that he has identified the questions that could only apply to city leaders and team captains Shane asked if Q34 gets to what Chris Cormier is attempting with his outreach task force Phil asked if we could ask if folks are interested in joining various task forces, i.e. fundraising, Gay Bowl, Outreach and Growth, Communications and Technology, etc. Phil asked that we contextualize the question around team fees, i.e. cheaper means fewer refs and dodgier fields, more expensive means more refs and better fields Everyone will build off of Phils track changes 8.46: Board Elections (Shane) Wed, 10/31: Announce elections in email to city leaders and facebook page Tuesday of following week: Distribute questionnaire Friday the 16th: Declarations of Candidacy closes Tuesday of the following week: Vet candidates according to bylaws Monday, 11/26: Distribute candidate submissions to city leaders, and open survey

Friday, 11/30: Election closes Saturday: Board certifies results Sunday: New directors-elect are notified 12/5: New board members join Following Tuesday: New board meets Shane: Should we elect at large or should we name the responsibilities opening up? The group agreed to keep the roles as at large, but that we should clarify the process in the bylaws. Shane agreed to draft the suggested amendment

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