ASG Student Poll 2012-2013

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ASG Student Poll 2012-2013

Description: Project is awaiting IRB approval; was to be reviewed today. Need to preview survey ASAP so we can launch on Monday (or Tuesday) if IRB approves. We will send a pre-notification via mass email the day before we send the invitation email with link to survey. Date Created: 2/7/2013 6:13:51 PM Date Range: 2/11/2013 8:00:00 AM - 2/18/2013 11:59:00 PM Total Respondents: 3595 Q1. Do you have a vehicle here in Fayetteville? Count 2346 367 2713 Percent 86.47% 13.53% Respondents Yes No

Q2. Is your vehicle your primary means of transportation? Count 1935 401 2336 Percent 82.83% 17.17% Respondents Yes No

Q3. Where do you park? Count 246 786 725 1757 Percent 14.00% 44.74% 41.26% Respondents At my residence hall, resident reserved In a green lot In a parking garage

Q4. Which parking garage do you use? Count 460 88 167 715 Percent 64.34% 12.31% 23.36% Respondents Harmon Stadium Garland

Q5. How satisfied are you with your parking experience in the garage? Count 95 122 193 184 126 720 Percent 13.19% 16.94% 26.81% 25.56% 17.50% Respondents 1 - Unsatisfied 2 3 4 5 - Satisfied

Q6. How do you get to classes? Count 16 213 86 19 32 366 Percent 4.37% 58.20% 23.50% 5.19% 8.74% Respondents Bike Walk Bus Carpool Other (please specify)

Q7. Given the number of on-campus amenities, do you feel Freshmen should be required to park off campus, opening up more spots for off-campus students, staff, and faculty? Count 1361 1332 2693 Percent 50.54% 49.46% Respondents Yes No

Q8. Would you utilize a free shuttle to run students to the Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport for breaks such as Fall Break, Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Break? Count 1091 1609 2700 Percent 40.41% 59.59% Respondents Yes No

Q9. Which break(s) would you be most likely to utilize this service? Count 90 142 555 298 1085 Percent 8.29% 13.09% 51.15% 27.47% Respondents Fall break Thanksgiving break Winter break Spring break

Q10. Do you feel there is enough scooter parking on campus? Count 1818 820 2638 Percent 68.92% 31.08% Respondents Yes No

Q11. Where is more scooter parking needed? (Please mention specific buildings or campus locations.) Count 544 544 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q12. Do you feel the closing of Dickson Street hill by the Greek Theater to through-traffic (non-University traffic) has been beneficial thus far in increasing safety for pedestrians and the reduction of traffic congestion? Count 2047 614 2661 Percent 76.93% 23.07% Respondents Yes No

Q13. Have you ever used Safe Ride? Count 921 1787 2708 Percent 34.01% 65.99% Respondents Yes No

Q14. How often do you utilize Safe Ride? Count 65 146 317 351 42 921 Percent 7.06% 15.85% 34.42% 38.11% 4.56% Respondents At least once weekly At least once a month At least once a semester At least once a year Never

Q15. Please indicate your satisfaction with the Safe Ride Program: Count 406 333 102 54 24 919 Percent 44.18% 36.24% 11.10% 5.88% 2.61% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q16. Please select all reasons you have utilized Safe Ride that apply: (Check all that apply) Count 506 143 84 611 83 916 1427 Respondents Responses Respondent % 55.24% 15.61% 9.17% 66.70% 9.06% Response % 35.46% 10.02% 5.89% 42.82% 5.82% Needed late transportation from a distant campus location Needed dry transportation from a distant campus location in the rain I did not feel safe in my location on campus Needed a sober ride home. Felt like I was in an uncomfortable situation.

Q17. Please indicate your satisfaction with the timeliness of your Safe Ride pick up: Count 265 340 113 129 73 920 Percent 28.80% 36.96% 12.28% 14.02% 7.93% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q18. Do you feel comfortable utilizing Safe Ride if needed? Count 861 57 918 Percent 93.79% 6.21% Respondents Yes No

Q19. Would you be more likely to book a Safe Ride if the program had a mobile app? Count 744 172 916 Percent 81.22% 18.78% Respondents Yes No

Q20. Are you familiar with the Razorback Readership Program? Count 540 2167 2707 Percent 19.95% 80.05% Respondents Yes No

Q21. Are you familiar with Readership's "Get Caught Reading" Program? Count 145 2550 2695 Percent 5.38% 94.62% Respondents Yes No

Q22. Do you feel the locations of the Readership newspaper bins on campus are easily accessible? Count 1673 942 2615 Percent 63.98% 36.02% Respondents Yes No

Q23. What can be done to improve the accessibility of the Readership newspaper bins? Count 429 429 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q24. Do you think there is a current Readership newspaper bin in an unnecessary location? Count 32 2442 2474 Percent 1.29% 98.71% Respondents Yes (please specify where) No

Q25. Is there a location where a bin should be added? Count 225 2192 2417 Percent 9.31% 90.69% Respondents Yes (please specify where) No

Q26. Would you be more likely to read the newspaper if it was available online? Count 1363 1273 2636 Percent 51.71% 48.29% Respondents Yes No

Q27. Would you be more likely to read the newspaper if it was available online only on a school computer? Count 200 2436 2636 Percent 7.59% 92.41% Respondents Yes No

Q28. Do you own an internet capable smart tablet? Count 1033 1658 2691 Percent 38.39% 61.61% Respondents Yes No

Q29. Do you feel events within the University receive enough attention from on and off campus media outlets? Count 1013 883 42 716 2654 Percent 38.17% 33.27% 1.58% 26.98% Respondents Yes, both provide enough attention Only on-campus media provide enough attention Only off-campus media provide enough attention Neither provide enough attention

Q30. How do you hear about events on campus? (Check all that apply) Count 522 1819 564 1914 946 391 107 2685 6263 Respondents Responses Respondent % 19.44% 67.75% 21.01% 71.28% 35.23% 14.56% 3.99% Response % 8.33% 29.04% 9.01% 30.56% 15.10% 6.24% 1.71% Mailing Electronic media Print media Word of mouth In class News media Other (please specify)

Q31. What events or performers would you like to see University Programs present? Based on cost and availability, University Programs will take these suggestions into consideration when planning our activity schedule. Count 1304 1304 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q32. How do you feel about the approachability of ASG? Count 312 381 1211 415 305 2624 Percent 11.89% 14.52% 46.15% 15.82% 11.62% Respondents 1 - Approachable 2 3 4 5 - Unapproachable

Q33. Do you feel you are being well represented by your senators? Count 297 450 1167 369 326 2609 Percent 11.38% 17.25% 44.73% 14.14% 12.50% Respondents 1 - Well represented 2 3 4 5 - Not represented

Q34. Are your elected officials (Executive leaders & Senators) accessible? Count 264 360 1204 454 313 2595 Percent 10.17% 13.87% 46.40% 17.50% 12.06% Respondents 1 - Accessible 2 3 4 5 - Inaccessible

Q35. How informed do you feel about ASG Initiatives and Programs? Count 136 273 717 642 892 2660 Percent 5.11% 10.26% 26.95% 24.14% 33.53% Respondents 1 - Well informed 2 3 4 5 - Uninformed

Q36. How can ASG best go about informing you of their initiatives and programs? Count 1335 1335 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q37. What would make you more inclined to want to serve in the Associated Student Government? Count 1113 1113 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q38. What would you like to see ASG be more proactive about in regards to representing your voice on campus? Count 1031 1031 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q39. Are you familiar with the Fresh HOGS program, and what it does to educate Freshmen about the Associated Student Government? Count 830 1777 2607 Percent 31.84% 68.16% Respondents Yes No

Q40. Have you (or a registered student organization (RSO) to which you belong) ever taken advantage of the available funding provided through the ASG RSO Financial Affairs Process? Count 603 1118 898 2619 Percent 23.02% 42.69% 34.29% Respondents Yes No Not sure

Q41. Have you ever gone through the RSO funding process on behalf of a Registered Student Organization? Count 311 2314 2625 Percent 11.85% 88.15% Respondents Yes No

Q42. How satisfying was your experience with the RSO funding process? Count 56 134 59 32 27 308 Percent 18.18% 43.51% 19.16% 10.39% 8.77% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q43. How many RSO events do you attend per semester? (Events include business meetings, social functions, recruiting events, educational presentations, and recreational outings.) Count 884 680 440 186 449 2639 Percent 33.50% 25.77% 16.67% 7.05% 17.01% Respondents 0 events 1 - 2 events 3 - 4 events 5 - 6 events 7 or more events

Q44. Are you aware the RSO funding process has been modified for this school year? Count 391 2221 2612 Percent 14.97% 85.03% Respondents Yes No

Q45. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the ASG funding process via the RSO Financial Affairs: - The funding process Count 145 324 1394 115 89 2067 Percent 7.01% 15.67% 67.44% 5.56% 4.31% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q46. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the ASG funding process via the RSO Financial Affairs: - The funding guidelines and regulations Count 138 289 1386 122 101 2036 Percent 6.78% 14.19% 68.07% 5.99% 4.96% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q47. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the ASG funding process via the RSO Financial Affairs: - The funding timelines/deadlines Count 122 246 1367 122 108 1965 Percent 6.21% 12.52% 69.57% 6.21% 5.50% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q48. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the ASG funding process via the RSO Financial Affairs: - The awareness of funding details Count 104 251 1161 277 217 2010 Percent 5.17% 12.49% 57.76% 13.78% 10.80% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q49. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the ASG funding process via the RSO Financial Affairs: - The advertising and publicity of RSO events Count 129 303 1103 315 176 2026 Percent 6.37% 14.96% 54.44% 15.55% 8.69% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q50. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the ASG funding process via the RSO Financial Affairs: - The funding materials (application and budget forms) Count 128 273 1369 126 112 2008 Percent 6.37% 13.60% 68.18% 6.27% 5.58% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q51. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of the ASG funding process via the RSO Financial Affairs: - The level of funding Count 158 251 1339 138 123 2009 Percent 7.86% 12.49% 66.65% 6.87% 6.12% Respondents Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Q52. The space below is provided for optional comments about the RSO Funding Process: Count 247 247 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q53. Do you live in a residence hall on campus? Count 643 2039 2682 Percent 23.97% 76.03% Respondents Yes No

Q54. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below from the Residents' Interhall Congress that can enhance your quality of life on-campus: Count 55 55 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q55. Would you be interested in having condoms and potentially other safer sex products readily available in a place where you can easily obtain them in a private manner within your residence hall (i.e., a vending machine)? Count 231 271 135 637 Percent 36.26% 42.54% 21.19% Respondents Yes No Maybe

Q56. Would you support a program that certifies students for adopting a sustainable lifestyles within your residence hall? Count 350 80 194 624 Percent 56.09% 12.82% 31.09% Respondents Yes No Maybe

Q57. In what ways can the Residents' Interhall Congress (RIC) improve your quality of life on campus? Count 183 183 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q58. Please provide your opinion of the following: - Chartwell's Count 304 370 941 599 338 2552 Percent 11.91% 14.50% 36.87% 23.47% 13.24% Respondents 1 - Unfavorable 2 3 4 5 - Favorable

Q59. Please provide your opinion of the following: - Pepsi Count 984 339 537 339 376 2575 Percent 38.21% 13.17% 20.85% 13.17% 14.60% Respondents 1 - Unfavorable 2 3 4 5 - Favorable

Q60. Please provide your opinion of the following: - Garland Center Bookstore Count 159 226 597 842 770 2594 Percent 6.13% 8.71% 23.01% 32.46% 29.68% Respondents 1 - Unfavorable 2 3 4 5 - Favorable

Q61. Do you participate in University Recreation? Count 1206 1469 2675 Percent 45.08% 54.92% Respondents Yes No

Q62. Do you feel there is more space needed for UREC and Club Sport fields, as well as tennis courts? Count 732 454 1186 Percent 61.72% 38.28% Respondents Yes No

Q63. Would you support a small fee for the expansion of University Recreation and Club Sport fields, including tennis courts? Count 1095 1565 2660 Percent 41.17% 58.83% Respondents Yes No

Q64. Do you feel the need for an outdoor swimming pool on campus? Count 836 1844 2680 Percent 31.19% 68.81% Respondents Yes No

Q65. Would you participate in "camping" at home football games for the upcoming 2013 football season? Count 711 1277 695 2683 Percent 26.50% 47.60% 25.90% Respondents Yes No Depends on the season

Q66. How do you feel about an electronic ticket exchange system for ticketed athletic events? Count 170 93 850 554 936 2603 Percent 6.53% 3.57% 32.65% 21.28% 35.96% Respondents 1 - Dislike 2 3 4 5 - Like

Q67. Would you be interested in seeing Tusk live on-campus? Count 1732 894 2626 Percent 65.96% 34.04% Respondents Yes No

Q68. Would you like to see the implementation of a male Homecoming King and a male Homecoming Court in addition to the female Homecoming Queen and Court? Count 1382 1250 2632 Percent 52.51% 47.49% Respondents Yes No

Q69. Should Homecoming Court be limited to only Seniors? Count 1591 1027 2618 Percent 60.77% 39.23% Respondents Yes No

Q70. Do you feel the two new sororities have been successful on campus so far? Count 1589 828 2417 Percent 65.74% 34.26% Respondents Yes No

Q71. How can the University improve the experience of LGBT students? Count 792 792 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q72. Do you think the word "Disability" has a bad stigma on this campus? Count 683 1916 2599 Percent 26.28% 73.72% Respondents Yes No

Q73. Do you have a mental or physical disability? Count 192 2479 2671 Percent 7.19% 92.81% Respondents Yes No

Q74. How can the University or ASG help you more with your disability? Count 96 96 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q75. How can the University work toward being more sustainable and environmentally friendly? Count 1000 1000 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q76. Do you feel there are enough trash and recycling receptacles in convenient locations on campus? Count 1625 1032 2657 Percent 61.16% 38.84% Respondents Yes No

Q77. Would you like to see an increase in organic and healthy foods in on-campus dining venues? Count 2127 524 2651 Percent 80.23% 19.77% Respondents Yes No

Q78. What organic and healthy food dining venues would you like to see on campus? Count 812 812 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q79. What time do you usually wake up on an average weekday? Count 51 77 108 256 305 483 345 409 236 200 95 83 30 15 6 5 2 2706 Percent 1.88% 2.85% 3.99% 9.46% 11.27% 17.85% 12.75% 15.11% 8.72% 7.39% 3.51% 3.07% 1.11% 0.55% 0.22% 0.18% 0.07% Respondents Before 5:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 6:00 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Noon After noon

Q80. If you could change the default delivery time for daily Newswire emails (currently, 2:00 a.m.), which one of the following options would you prefer? Count 138 375 448 1756 2717 Percent 5.08% 13.80% 16.49% 64.63% Respondents After midnight After 6:00 a.m. After 7:00 a.m. I would not change the default delivery time.

Q81. How often do you find useful content in the Newswire emails? Count 217 602 1203 695 2717 Percent 7.99% 22.16% 44.28% 25.58% Respondents Daily Weekly Only occasionally Never

Q82. Would you like to be able to customize the type of information/stories you receive in Newswire emails as well as the delivery time in the future? Count 1438 515 764 2717 Percent 52.93% 18.95% 28.12% Respondents Yes No Maybe

Q83. Pat Walker is currently open until 5 p.m. on weekdays. Would you find it convenient if Pat Walker was open until 6 p.m.? Count 2010 652 2662 Percent 75.51% 24.49% Respondents Yes No

Q84. How often have you used the Pat Walker Health Center facility? Count 885 732 610 273 203 2703 Percent 32.74% 27.08% 22.57% 10.10% 7.51% Respondents 1 - Never 2 3 4 5 - Frequently

Q85. In the past 12 months, have you called for help for yourself or another person who was severely intoxicated? Count 197 2500 2697 Percent 7.30% 92.70% Respondents Yes No

Q86. Have you ever witnessed an individual who was sick from alcohol? Count 1706 998 2704 Percent 63.09% 36.91% Respondents Yes No

Q87. Did you call for help when you witnessed an individual being sick from alcohol? Count 457 1241 1698 Percent 26.91% 73.09% Respondents Yes No

Q88. If you thought about calling for help and didn't, what was your reason? Count 152 19 15 7 792 131 1116 Percent 13.62% 1.70% 1.34% 0.63% 70.97% 11.74% Respondents I didn't want to get the person in trouble. I didn't want to get myself in trouble. I didn't want to get my organization in trouble. I didn't want to break up a party. I wasn't sure if the person was sick enough. I figured it wasn't my problem.

Q89. If you were concerned about getting yourself, the person, or an organization in trouble, were you more afraid of the University's judicial process or the State Court Process? Count 32 48 101 181 Percent 17.68% 26.52% 55.80% Respondents University State Both

Q90. What is your perception of Alcohol EDU? Count 1131 1131 Percent 100.00% Respondents

Q91. Would moving Fall Break to Thanksgiving create a welcomed change? Count 1190 1477 2667 Percent 44.62% 55.38% Respondents Yes No

Q92. Do you feel the University considers the needs of off-campus students in daily decision (i.e., snow days)? Count 1305 1340 2645 Percent 49.34% 50.66% Respondents Yes No

Q93. Did you enjoy having scantrons, blue books, and other testing materials provided for you this year? Count 2420 219 2639 Percent 91.70% 8.30% Respondents Yes No

Q94. Would you like to see this continue in the future? Count 2447 188 2635 Percent 92.87% 7.13% Respondents Yes No

Q95. Would you be in favor of a two or three cent per credit hour increase in tuition to allow the University to continue providing scantrons, blue books, and testing materials to all students? Count 1932 732 2664 Percent 72.52% 27.48% Respondents Yes No

Q96. How do you feel about the midnight shut-off time for ISIS? Count 361 411 880 1041 2693 Percent 13.41% 15.26% 32.68% 38.66% Respondents 1 - Not a problem 3 4 5 - Major impediment

Q97. Should paper and electronic transcripts cost the same price? Count 924 1723 2647 Percent 34.91% 65.09% Respondents Yes No

Q98. Do you consider the cost of attaining your University transcripts as a major impediment on you as a student? Count 1438 1190 2628 Percent 54.72% 45.28% Respondents Yes No

Q99. Do you feel that Supplemental Instruction should be optional for students with a GPA of 3.75 or higher? Count 1921 648 2569 Percent 74.78% 25.22% Respondents Yes No

Q100. Do you feel that Supplemental Instruction should be optional for students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher? Count 1728 833 2561 Percent 67.47% 32.53% Respondents Yes No

Q101. Journalism is currently offered only as a major in Fulbright college. Do you feel students would benefit from having the opportunity to minor in Journalism? Count 2158 455 2613 Percent 82.59% 17.41% Respondents Yes No

Q102. Do you feel the U of A should offer a required freshman course with the end goal of improving student success and academic progress? Count 1391 1245 2636 Percent 52.77% 47.23% Respondents Yes No

Q103. Are you registered to vote? Count 2290 405 2695 Percent 84.97% 15.03% Respondents Yes No

Q104. Did you participate in state and/or national elections via absentee ballot? Count 937 1344 2281 Percent 41.08% 58.92% Respondents Yes No

Q105. Do you feel there is a better way to have absentee ballots sent to students? Count 147 642 789 Percent 18.63% 81.37% Respondents Yes (please explain) No

Q106. How do you identify in the political realm? Count 971 693 443 32 149 366 2654 Percent 36.59% 26.11% 16.69% 1.21% 5.61% 13.79% Respondents Republican Democrat Independent Third Party Other (please specify) None

Q107. What current issue is most important to you? Count 1078 477 511 97 95 302 84 2644 Percent 40.77% 18.04% 19.33% 3.67% 3.59% 11.42% 3.18% Respondents Economy Healthcare Education Immigration Foreign Policy Other (please specify) None

Q108. Would you support an increase in the state government's higher education budget, even if it meant cuts in other areas? Count 1010 461 1166 2637 Percent 38.30% 17.48% 44.22% Respondents Yes No Not sure

Q109. Would you support a decrease in the amount of the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery scholarships for four-year colleges and universities in the state? Count 467 1570 610 2647 Percent 17.64% 59.31% 23.04% Respondents Yes No Not sure

Q110. Would you support allowing the U of A to set its faculty and staff pay levels instead of the state government, as is currently the law? Count 1212 427 1001 2640 Percent 45.91% 16.17% 37.92% Respondents Yes No Not sure

Q111. Would you support allowing licensed faculty and staff to carry concealed weapons on campus? Count 1027 1363 287 2677 Percent 38.36% 50.92% 10.72% Respondents Yes No Not sure

Q112. Please select your classification: Count 520 524 638 535 417 49 19 2702 Percent 19.25% 19.39% 23.61% 19.80% 15.43% 1.81% 0.70% Respondents Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Grad Law Other (please specify)

Q113. Please select your gender: Count 1075 1615 7 2697 Percent 39.86% 59.88% 0.26% Respondents Male Female Transgender

Q114. Which race do you most closely identify with? (Check all that apply) Count 1737 474 111 105 94 56 101 2678 Percent 64.86% 17.70% 4.14% 3.92% 3.51% 2.09% 3.77% Respondents White White, Non-Hispanic African-American Hispanic Asian-Pacific Islander Native American Other (please specify)

Q115. What is your age? (Please enter a whole number) Count 2622 2622 Percent 100.00% Respondents

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