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The Season of Lent

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Founded 1867
0S 233 Church Street.
Office 630-668-0918

First Sunday of Lent, February 17, 2013

Winfield, IL 60190
Fax 630-668-1074

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The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us to proclaim: Ecce Agnus Dei - Behold the Lamb of God; Behold the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Inspired by Luke 4:18 & John 1:29

~ Our Mission Statement ~

Welcome - Bienvenido
Parish Directory
Pastor/Prroco: ....Fr. Tom Cargo/Padre Toms Associate Pastor: ... Fr. Thomas Theneth, CMI Deacon William Nijm from Our Lady of Lebanon - Lombard Secretaries:... Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides .......................Ex 0 or 600 Secretaria Hispana: ....Gloria Guzman ...Ex601 Director of Finance & Administration Deborah Birutis .............. Ex616 Business & Facilities Manager: ............................. Aaron Simpson ...Ex603 Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose. . . . .653-1489 Msica Espaol:Mara Campos . . . 520-0665 Religious Education: ................Office: Ex613 Director: Maureen Brennan ..............Ex612 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ...........Ex600 Adult Education: ...........Chris Strong ...Ex644 & Youth Ministry:.......Chris Strong ...Ex607 Grade School: ...........................Office: Ex618 Principal: Catherine Kos ..................Ex617 Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-7176 0S259 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190 St Vincent de Paul Society .................Ex692 Weekend ....... Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Misa en Espaol ................ Domingo 1:30 pm Weekday.... Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am & Sat. 8:30 am Confessions: ........Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Dear Parishioners of Saint John the Baptist, Grace and Peace in the Love of Jesus Christ.
As we begin Lent, and as we have also spoken of our Annual Diocesan Appeal, I wish to focus on a deep reality of what touches the heart of our Parish. Saint John the Baptist is a very special Parish. I am so very grateful to all of you for your wonderful generosity and your love of our Parish. I am grateful for your dedication and love of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I thank you for giving so much of yourselves in the many volunteer ministries that go on in the Parish. You are a continual inspiration to so many of us. The prayer that wafts through the rafters of our Church and Chapel touch the deep presence of God among us. The generosity that is so evident in your weekly giving to the Parish helps us with our many ministries, especially our ministries toward the formation of our children and youth. The presence of our wonderful Grade School, Religious Education Program and Youth Ministry witness to how special our children are. Thank you so very much for all your love and devotion.

Mass Schedule

Deadline for submitting bulletin articles is Noon on Thursday 10 days prior to publication (Holidays earlier) Please submit articles by email to Website:


The Seven Deadly Sins are really attitudes that underlie sins, whether mortal or venial. They provide keys to understanding our faults and the actions that result, and a framework for self knowledge. If we understood how they factor into who we have become, we would understand much more about ourselves and our effect on others. The Seven Deadly Sins never occur as a list in the Bible, but occur many times individually. .Before even beginning a discussion of the Seven Deadly Sins, also known as "Capital Sins", it may be useful to discuss a few differences among Christians on this subject. Some people feel it is better to take a more positive approach to faith and not dwell on sin. Others believe all sin is equally repugnant to God, and so any classification of sins is wrong. Still others just want to forget the whole thing since they are saved and God loves them and really doesn't care about all this "stuff."



Inscribed in ancient times at the Oracle at Delphi: "Know thyself". Self-knowledge follows closely behind the knowledge of God, and self-knowledge for anyone means knowledge of sin. "My own heart shows me the way of the ungodly". Scripture says we are all sinners, and we don't mind as long as the sins are nameless and faceless. When we name a sin found in ourselves (by Grace) it is as though we are confronted in the back alleys of our souls with furtive saboteurs and muggers who seek to prevent our union with God. The sudden self-revelation of a serious fault is one thing: the discovery of a deadly sin which we hate very much in others is worse. It is like finding out a spouse is unfaithful, or worse, that we have been blindly unfaithful to the Spouse of our soul. Reflection on the deadly sins may lead to horrible discoveries. Bear in mind: Friends will almost never volunteer this information. If they do, we will not accept it. God forgives anything, even repeatedly, so do not be afraid. A combination of good spiritual reading, nearly constant prayer, and reflection on the repetitive patterns of life works well for naming our sins. Remarks made in job performance reviews and conversations with people who dislike us are especially revealing. Our enemies usually lack the false charity to deny our sins. No wonder we are called to love them. The human capacity for self-delusion is nearly limitless. We have all seen people claim great spirituality but do evil things and then ignore or rationalize them. Somehow we think we are immune to this phenomenon. The Seven Deadly Sins never occur as a formal list in the Bible. Some people say they can all be found in Matthew's Gospel (chapters 5 through 7), but they are not in a simple list there. Others submit Proverbs 6:16-19, but this is a different list, covering pride, lies, murder, evil plans, swiftness in sin, lies again, causing conflict. Clearly not the same. These sins were identified as a group around the same time as the Bible was being translated into a single language. Rather than these sins being identified in a single place in the Bible, they are found all through it, from Genesis to Revelation. The letters of the New Testament mention all of these, and many others as well. The Catechism has many Scriptural references in the section that lists the "Seven Deadly Sins". It is well to remember that the Scriptures come from the Jewish and Christian Churches, not the other way around. In both cases, faith preceded the writing. The Seven Deadly Sins are: Pride/Vanity, Avarice/Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth, Envy, Anger/ Wrath! Virtues to counter the Seven Deadly Sins are: Humility, Generosity, Love, Kindness, Self Control, Faith/Temperance, Zeal.

Lent is a special time of self-examination and thought about how we live.


Los Siete Pecados Capitales son realmente las actitudes que subyacen a los pecados, ya sea mortal o venial. Ellos proporcionan claves para entender nuestras faltas y las acciones de ese resultado, y un marco para el conocimiento de s mismo. Si entendemos cmo estos nos afectan comprenderemos mucho ms sobre nuestro comportamiento y nuestro efecto sobre los dems. Los Siete Pecados Capitales no se producen como una lista en la Biblia, pero se producen muchas veces por separado. Antes de comenzar una discusin de los Siete Pecados Capitales, puede ser til discutir algunas diferencias entre los cristianos sobre este tema. Algunas personas sienten que es mejor adoptar un enfoque ms positivo de la fe y no quedarse en el pecado. Otros creen que todo pecado es igualmente repugnante a Dios, y por lo que cualquier clasificacin de los pecados es un error. Sin embargo otros slo quieren olvidar todo el asunto, ya que piensan que estn salvados y que Dios los ama y que realmente no le importa del todo estas "cosas". Inscrita en la antigedad en el Orculo de Delfos: "Concete a ti mismo". El conocimiento de s sigue de cerca el conocimiento de Dios, y conocimiento de s mismo para cualquiera que significa el conocimiento del pecado. "Mi corazn me seala el camino de los impos". La Escritura dice que todos somos pecadores, y no nos importa el tiempo que los pecados son sin nombre y sin rostro. Cuando el nombre de un pecado en nosotros mismos (por la Gracia) es como si nos enfrentamos en los callejones de nuestras almas con saboteadores furtivos y ladrones que tratan de impedir nuestra unin con Dios. La revelacin de s mismo repentina de una falta grave es una cosa: el descubrimiento de un pecado mortal que odiamos mucho que en otros es peor. Es como encontrar a una pareja que es infiel, o peor an, que hemos sido infieles a ciegas a la esposa de nuestra alma. La Reflexin sobre los pecados capitales puede conducir a descubrimientos horribles. Tenga en cuenta: Los amigos casi nunca sern voluntarios de esta informacin. Si lo hacen, no vamos a aceptarlo. Dios perdona cualquier cosa, repetidamente, as que no tengas miedo. Una combinacin de una buena lectura espiritual, la oracin constante, y la reflexin sobre los patrones repetitivos de la vida; funciona bien para la denominacin de nuestros pecados. Observaciones realizadas en los exmenes de rendimiento en el trabajo y conversaciones con la gente que no simpatizamos son reveladoras. Nuestros enemigos por lo general carecen de falsa caridad de negar nuestros pecados. No es de extraar que estamos llamados a amarlos. La capacidad humana para el autoengao es ilimitada. Todos hemos visto gente que reclama poseer gran espiritualidad, pero hacen cosas malas y luego las ignoran. De alguna manera pensamos que somos inmunes a este fenmeno. Los Siete Pecados Capitales no se producen como una lista oficial en la Biblia. Algunas personas dicen que se pueden encontrar en el Evangelio de San Mateo (captulos 5 a 7), pero no estn en una lista simple. Otros alegan Proverbios 6:16-19, pero esta es una lista diferente, que abarca la soberbia, mentiras, asesinatos, que causan conflicto. Es evidente que no es lo mismo. Estos pecados fueron identificados como un grupo en la misma poca que la Biblia se tradujo en un solo idioma. En lugar de estos pecados que se identificaron en un solo lugar en la Biblia, que se encuentran todos a travs de ella, desde el Gnesis hasta el Apocalipsis. Las cartas del Nuevo Testamento menciona todos estos y muchos otros tambin. El Catecismo tiene muchas referencias de la Escritura en la seccin que muestra los "Siete Pecados Capitales". Es bueno recordar que las Escrituras provienen de las Iglesias Judas y Cristianas, y no al revs. En ambos casos, la fe precedi de la escritura. Los siete pecados capitales son: Orgullo/Vanidad, Avaricia/Codicia, Gula, Lujuria, Pereza, Envidia, Clera/Ira! Virtudes para contrarrestar los siete pecados capitales son: Humildad, Generosidad, Amor, Bondad, Control de si Mismo, Fe/Templanza, y el Celo.

La Cuaresma es un tiempo especial de auto-examen y el pensamiento acerca de cmo vivimos.

Readings for the Week

Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18 Ps 19:8-10, 15, Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11 Ps 34:4-7, 16-19 Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jn 3:1-10 Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19 Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25 Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8 Mt 7:7-12 Friday: 1 Pt 5:1-4 Ps 23:1-6 Mt 16:13-19 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19 Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8 Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14 Phil 3:17-4:1

Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday, January 26 February 16
8:30 a.m. Mike McPheters (Fred and Joan Pacer) Richard Schopp (Mary & Jim Rieck) 1st Sunday of Lent Vigil - 3rd Sunday Ordinary Time Cosgrove 5:00 p.m. Tom Stark & Miller Families MarianneMiller) (Jim & (Colette Ruseell) Holly Nelson Patti Bentley (Richard Mike Bentley) & Family) ( & Mary Hendrian Toni Lawrentz (Claire Wilkinson) Fred Wilkinson (Claire Wilkinson) Richard P. Flynn John(The Baptist School Staff) the Altimari Family) Joyce Milder (St. JoAnn Bannister (Michael Bondi) Concetta Bondi (Jack Bannister) Josephine Bondi (Michael Bondi) Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Hidalgo (Living/40th Wedding) (Mr, & Mrs. Guillermo Sunday, February 17 - 1st Sunday of LentHidalgo)) Sunday, Donald M. Weber Sunday Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. January 27 3rd (Confirmation Shepherds) 9:30 Frances Kathleen Dooley (Mary 7:30 a.m. John J. &Treonis (Patti Loechl) LHotta) 11:30 a.m. Yvette Liv 9:30 a.m. TimothyLeclerc (Jeanne Perreault & Family) (Virginia Taylor 1:30 p.m. Selene Miller Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista 11:30 a.m. Por Todos los (The RE Catechists) Alberto Perezchica (Enriqueta Perezchica) 1:30 p.m. Por Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

Please pray for our sick*

Michael Beary Harold Bingo Besch James Bestler Margaret Birt Brian Burke Josephine Calalbrese Goeffrey Callahan Lisa Cicero Kathy Connor Jewel Ann Curtis Patricia Dahleen Joann Eggebrecht Mary Felder Patrocinia Fernandez John Flanigan, Jr. Gary Gillmeister Dawn Grant Destin Green Lori Gregg Jennifer Hammerschmidt Rich Harwood John Heitzler Joy Henczel Mary Kalitzky Carter Kettner Frank Krause Korrin Kupris Kara Ladd Rose Marie Lambert John Lechowicz Deloris Lewandowski Nancy Liden Laurie Linke Sandra Linke Beth Majerczyk Ursula Makowijczuk John Maltese Linda Marczewski Thomas Marziani Jan Masters Marcy Morken Becky Neal Johnny Neal Alex Novak Lesley (Tobin) Nygaard Judy Pakula Josie Pasciak Bane Petrov Cathy Enders Poss Elly Ransum Mary Rauch Alicia Ricciardi Cooper Rojas Charles Roloff Katherine Rose Casmir Ruta Edward Salek Lillian Salek George Sarlitto Sven Segerlund Bea Serwach John Shannon Cathy Slipkevych Rosemary Sumang Mary Tarchala Paul Vasich William White Lexie Youngberg Larry Zengri

February 18 Monday, January 28 St. Thomas Aquinas

Kathy Skrobutt (Len Skrobutt) 7:30 a.m. Michael McPheters (Anne Hutter)

February 19 Tuesday, January 29

(Mike & Rita Grabowski) Michael McPheters (Joe andEllen McGrath) 7:30 a.m. Holly Nelson 1:40 p.m. (School Mass) Helen Moseley (St. John the Baptist) 1:40 p.m. (School Mass) Roland Ingram (Martha Ingram) Wednesday, January 30 February 20 Evelyn Schopp 7:30 a.m. Richard Zawislak (Chuck & & Jim Effinger) (Rose Lois Kirk)

February 21 Thursday, January 31 St. John Bosco

7:30 a.m.

Michael McPheters (Mike and Ellen McGrath) Deceased members of the Franda & McPheters Families (Mike and Carol McPheters) Friday, February 22 Friday, February Estella Lambert (Rose Marie Lambert) 7:30 a.m. Oscar & 1 8:30 7:30 a.m. Joyce Milder (Souls Lukasch) Our Parish All Joan

Saturday, February 2 Candlemas - Presentation Saturday, February 23

8:30 a.m. Leon Gabriel (& Deceased Members (CCW) 8:30 a.m. CCW, Living The Gabriel Family) Vigil - 2nd Sunday of Lent Vigil - 4th Sunday Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. KathyBentley (Mike Bentley) Vaskey) (Carol 5:00 p.m. Patti Skrobutt Felipe A. Reyes HartiganKadolph) Al Hartigan (Fran (Joe ) Charles Pierce (Claire Wilkinson)Family) (The Pierce Eleanor Molloy Loretta Yourek (Jim & Nancy Carlson) Arthur Fransee (The William Paschke Family) Elsie Schramer Dennis G. Dennehy(JohnJohn the Baptist) (St. Schramer0

Sunday, 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 7:30 11:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m.

Sunday, February 24 - The Second Sunday of Lent February 3 (Lucille Vogt) Ordinary Time Irene Vogt 4th Sunday

() Margaret Panzer (Patti Loechl) Kathryn Skrobutt (The Skrobutt Family) () Por () Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

*We wish to update our prayer/sick list. Please notify us if you no longer need to remain on the sick list.

Scripture Quote of the Week

"Jesus said, 'It is written: 'You shall worship the Lord, your God, and Him alone shall you serve."

Luke 4: 8

Our Sanctuary Lamps* This Week Burn in Memory of: Old Chapel Michael McPheters New Church Fernando Minutti
*If you would like to request a sanctuary lamp to burn in memory of a loved one, please contact the parish office. The cost is five dollars per week.

We are ever grateful for your loving generosity and sharing in the Ministries of Serving the Lord here at St. John the Baptist.

Sacrificial Giving
Parish Collections


We are pleased to announce, after a discernment and interview process from the Joliet Diocesan Finance Office and advice of the Parish Finance Committee, our new

(Figures not available before printing. Please check next weeks bulletin.)

Director of Finance and Administration ~ Ms. Deborah Birutis

Deborah presently is the Village President of Winfield. Deborah will be taking on the responsibility of running the Financial Office of St. Johns and heading up Administration of the Parish Offices. Deborah, this past year, has been the Chairperson of the Parish Finance Commission, and has worked on the Commission for many years. Deborah is also a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and has been on the Parish School Board in the past. Deborah has volunteered for bushel baskets full of activities in the Winfield area since she and her husband, Andy, arrived, and their greatest accomplishment has been raising their wonderful son, Alex.

The Lord Loves a Cheerful Giver!

(2 Corinthians 7:9)

As a Parish Community we express our deepest gratitude for Gods Gift of Christian Service to us as we salute:

Christian Service Salute!

Maria Castro and Laura Hernandez

For their generosity to Saint John the Baptist Church, Religious Education, and Community!

Thank you for our generous contributions to the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Your generosity not only helps provide for the physical and spiritual needs of those in the region, it also helps provide pastoral care and catechesis that restores the strength of the Church. Please visit to learn more about what your donation has accomplished.

8:30 a.m. Friday Morning

Save the Date

Mass during Lent, In Addition to the Daily 7:30 a.m. Mass

In remembrance that our Lord died on a Friday, during the Fridays of Lent we will be having a Mass on Fridays at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel. The Friday dates are:

Friday, March 8 at 8:00 p.m.

Gavin Coyles St. Patricks Day Concert

At St. Johns More details to follow in later bulletins Confession ScheduleHorario de Confesiones Please keep in your prayers the wonderful young men of our Parish who are studying for the Priesthood for the Diocese of Joliet: Joliet Shaun Cieslik University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary James Malik St. Meinrads Seminary and for the Diocese of Santa Fe Bill Burke Pontifical Josephinum Collage

Friday, February 22, 2013 Friday, March 1, 2013 Friday, March 8, 2013 Friday, March 15, 2013 Friday, March 22, 2013


The daily 7:30 a.m. Mass will continue, as well.

February 23, 2013 3:30 p.m.: Fr. Thomas Theneth, CMI March 2, 2013 3:30 p.m.: Fr. Tom Cargo

Bulletin Advertiser of the Week: Addantes Gourmet Italian Please support those who help us finance our Bulletin through their weekly advertisements!

Happy Anniversary, Eucharistic Adoration!

February 25th marks the 9th year of weekly Adoration! Thank you to all our committed Adorers who give witness to their Love of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We are in need of a 7:00p-8:00p Adorer on Tuesday evenings. We also would like to develop a substitute list for day and early evening hours. If you have a time that would work on Tuesdays, please let us know. Please call Mary at 630-668-1307

Our February Young at Hearts will be on Wednesday, February 20th at 11:30 a.m. in Sebahar Hall. Our menu will feature 3 homemade soups including Chicken Noodle, Beef Barley and Italian Wedding Soup. We will also have sandwiches to compliment our meal. If you are able, we would welcome any side salads or desserts to complete this wonderful menu. Young at Hearts is open to all Seniors 55 or older and this is a great opportunity to meet new people or see your friends. We always enjoy an afternoon of good food and great company. If you have any questions, please call Joann Busch at 630-668-0210. Looking forward to seeing you on the 20th.
Diocesan Young Adult Volleyball Open to men and women ages 19 to 39, married or single, Catholic or otherwise, Sundays, February 24 through March 24, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each week at St. Scholastica Parish 7800 Janes Avenue, Woodridge, IL All young adults, regardless of skill or experience (or faith commitment) are welcome to join us for a fun, not-socompetitive league this Lent. Cost is $15 per person (with a $5 discount for college students). Registration details can be found online by clicking on the volleyball link at or by contacting Corinne Steagall, league coordinator at This league is sponsored by the Diocese of Joliet Young Adult Ministry and its Young Adult Commission Sports Task Group.


In Sympathy
Please pray for

Theresa Markl
who passed away on February 1, 2013. Our sympathies are extended to all of her family and to all of her friends. Please pray for

Helen Moseley
who passed away on February 2, 2013. Our sympathies are extended to all of her family and to all of her friends. Please pray for

Fernando Minutti
who passed away on February 2, 2013. Our sympathies are extended to all of his family and to all of his friends. Please pray for

Retreat/Workshop for Widowed Men and Women

Beyond grieving, there is new life! Feeling stuck? Need something to get you over the hump? Have you reached a turning point after your loss? Come join us for a weekend especially designed to help you reflect on and recognize new direction for your life while still treasuring memories of your loved one. Joliet Family Ministries is offering a program for widows and widowers who want to find joy in living again. This retreat/ workshop will be held on March 9 & 10 at the St. Charles Center. Call 1-708-354-7211 to register or to get more information, log onto

Barbara Durbin
who passed away on February 6, 2013. Our sympathies are extended to all of her family and to all of her friends. Please pray for

Rosella Niland
who passed away on February 6, 2013. Our sympathies are extended to all of her family and to all of her friends.

Parish Mission with Fr. Pat Brennan Parish Mission with Fr. Pat Brennan
On the Weekend of February 16th and 17th, Fr. Pat Brennan will be here for the Kick Off of our Parish Mission, speaking at all the English Masses. The Mission will follow - Monday the 18th, Tuesday the 19th and Wednesday the 20th, at 7:00 p.m. Come spend some time renewing yourselves and making your Lent a Season of growing closer to our Saving Lord.
Stations of the Cross every Friday - Va Cruces cada Viernes
English 8:00 am & 7:00 pm Espaol 7:30 pm

Way of the Cross for Children

Fri., Feb 22, 2:00 p.m., Chapel Fri., Mar 1, 2:00 p.m., Chapel Fri., Mar 8, 2:00 p.m., Chapel Fri., Mar. 15, 2:00 p.m., Chapel (No Way of the Cross on Friday, March 22) Mens Retreat - The Integrated Life: Finding God in Science, Relationships, and our Inner Selves February 22-23, 2013 7p, Friday- 3p., Saturday DoubleTree Hotel, Downers Grove $175 Includes Hotel; Commuter Rates: $100 for both days, $75 for Saturday Only

Friday Masses 7:30 am & 8:30 am

St. Johns University

Continuing education for people to discover more about their Faith
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to make any class that they can. Classes are in Sebahar Hall on designated Thursdays at 7 p.m. unless noted.
Great Christian Thinkers Feb. 21 Well look at some of the most famous Catholic Theologians and examine why their great thoughts can inspire a greater faith. Retreat for Men- Feb. 22 This is a retreat by Chris Strong in union with Mayslake Ministries. It will be an overnight at the Double Tree Suites in Downers Grove. Grief and Healing presented by Amy Florian Feb. 26 Come listen to the world famous voice on grief.

Featured Speaker: Chris Strong

Sponsored by Mayslake Ministries For info, to register, contact: 630-268-9000


40 Days for Life

The Spring campaign for 40 Days for Life is coming back to the Glen Ellyn Anchor Abortion Clinic, 1186 Roosevelt Road. It will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 13th and run through March 24th, 2013, every day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. You can be a part of something enormous that is happening all over the country and all over the world. Still in the organizing stage, but we need each and every one of you to open your heart to the possibility that you could save a life just by your quiet presence and prayer. You can contact Kimberly at for more information or go on the national website at and click on Locations at the top of the page to find the Glen Ellyn information page. Hope is sweeping the country and you can be a part of something really powerful. Thank you!

2013 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal The Lord Sustains His People
Bishop Conlons mailing asking for a pledge to the 2013 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal arrived in many of our parish households in early January. This Appeal is conducted at every parish in our sevencounty diocese. The funds contributed help people in our parish and throughout our diocese. It is very important to ensure that the Diocese of Joliet has the funds necessary to do Gods work. This year, the theme of the Appeal is The Lord Sustains His People. God constantly gives to us. His grace is ever present. His blessings are abundant. We can demonstrate our gratitude to God and help build the kingdom of God in our own parish and our own diocese by making a generous gift to the CMAA.

Everything and a Book Club Too!

Please join us on February 21, 2013 at 7 PM to discuss Silver Sparrow by: Tayari Jones. We will be meeting at the home of Carol Vigsnes, 313 Washington St, West Chicago. Contact Kara Ladd at or 630-876-4534 for directions or questions.

Council of Catholic Women Annual Spring Bazaar SHAKE AWAY THOSE WINTER BLUES AND SHOP THE BAZAAR! February 23-24, 2013
The CCW will sponsor their Annual Spring Bazaar on Saturday, February 23rd from 10:00am 6:30pm and Sunday February 24th from 8:00am 1:30pm. The Bazaar will be held in Sebahar Hall and will have an extravaganza of items for the home, yourself or as gifts to family and friends. CCW will be selling our delicious Home Baked Goods and we need donations to help make our Bazaar a success. Donations of bakery items can be dropped off in Sebahar Hall on Friday afternoon, 2/22, between 12:00 Noon to 3:00pm, Saturday, 2/23, starting at 8:30am and Sunday morning, February 24th. In addition to our Bakery, we will be featuring Food and Kitchen products, Hand Crafted Fashion and Home Accessories and representatives will be selling products and taking orders from home, kitchen, cosmetic, books and jewelry companies. We will have an assortment of vendors selling items only found at craft fairs or events like our Spring Bazaar. For more information call Judy at 630-462-0844 or Sheila at 630-668-2494. Los parroquianos que van a la misa en espaol a las 1:30pm: Por favor, notar: El Bazar est abierto hasta las 1:30 el domingo 2/24. Por favor venga a SEBAHAR antes de la Misa! GRACIAS!

St. Johns Knights of Columbus Lenten Friday Fish Fry 2013

5:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Friday, February 22 - To Benefit the Alex Novak Family School Hall Friday, March 1 To Benefit St. Johns Athletic Program Sebahar Friday, March 8 Gavin Coyle Concert to Benefit Bridge Communities (Friday, March 15 - St. Josephs Day Table School Hall) Friday, March 22 - To Benefit St. Johns Athletic Program Sebahar Hall
Adults $8.00 Kids $4.00 Seniors $7.00


Meal includes breaded cod, bread, coleslaw, potato, cake and a drink. Beer and Wine (Cash Bar) Also available, a salad option for vegetarians ($6; $3/half). Pizza or Mac & Cheese available for kids.

Please come out and support the Knights of Columbus and the causes listed above.
A Knights of Columbus Reminder to all the winners of the Free Throw Contest . . . On Saturday, February 23, 2013, the District Free Throw Contest will be held! Registration is at 8:00 a.m., and competition will follow immediately after at St. Irene Church Activity Center (upstairs in the old church), 28W441 Warrenville Road, Warrenville, IL

Alex Novak Kick-A-Thon, Fri., March 8

March 8 - 5:30p-8:30p
West Chicago Park District Fitness Station Sponsored by the West Chicago Tang Soo Do Illinois Martial Arts Association How to Participate?

Sponsor a Martial
Arts Student-$1 per kick Donate Towards a Raffle & Silent Auction Purchase a Raffle

Attend Event on
March 8th For info, please contact Anne Gardner, 630-926-0434

St. John the Baptist School News - In the Spotlight

We are so blessed at SJB to have an amazing teaching staff. However, many of us only really know the teachers we come in direct contact with through our kids. We have created a series called "In the Spotlight" to help introduce our teachers to our entire school and parish community. The teachers answered a series of questions about themselves. We have included photos as well to assist all in recognizing our educators at school events. We hope you enjoy this information!

My name is Julie Noonan and this is my second year teaching at St. John the Baptist School. I teach Math to grades 5 to 8 and have a 5th grade homeroom. I have been teaching for 10 years in the Diocese of Joliet. I have a Mathematics degree and worked as an actuary before teaching. I am married and have 3 children who are all products of the Catholic schools. I am currently working on my Masters degree in Educational Leadership. In my free time, I like to read, ride my bike and spend time with my friends and family. My favorite part of teaching is when students have that "light bulb moment" where a math concept suddenly makes sense to them. Priceless!
Childrens Stewardship Corner


On Tuesday February 5th at the 1:30 p.m. Childrens Mass we celebrated The Feast of Saint Blaise. The St. Jerome, our Resource Teacher, Miss Karen Taylor. Fr. Thomas preached to the children about St Blaise. At the end of mass all the teachers helped us to bless the throats of our dear children, a few parents and adults. We invite all to join our childrens Masses that are held on most Tuesdays at 1:40 pm (check the bulletin to make sure we
have it on the week you wish to attend).


Half of the Stations of the Cross in the New Church have been placed behind the Choir area and have not been accessible for prayer, and if you look at the order of their progression Jesus is carrying His Cross Backwards! So... we will be placing them on the side walls beneath the large stained glass windows in the body of the church where they will be in the right order, in brighter light and progressing forward.

Here are just a few of the offerings to God from the youths of St. Johns. Melanie, Melissa, Victoria, Norby, Courtney, Austin, Wyatt, Sophia, Tyler, Jack, Allie, Drew, Lauren, Adam, Katherine, Kailey, Emily, Raul and Christopher all donated to the church. Lauren helped her sister sell cookies. Adam shoveled driveway. Katherine cleaned her room. Kailey worked on homework. Emily shoveled snow off the driveway. Christopher walked the dog. Raul helped a friend with a project. Some of the talent of St. Johns youths are: Soccer, singing & dancing, shoveling the driveway, playing the piano, art and history. Gifts from the youth's envelopes for January 27, 2013 was $32.05

Childrens Stewardship Corner

Here are just a few of the offerings to God from the youths of St. Johns. Bailey, Christopher, Raul, Molly, Natalie, Kailey, Emily, Zachary, Alyssa, Katie, Vigil-Sanchez, Cristian, Veronica, Courtney, Norby, Wyatt, Ella, Jack, Izzy, Olivia, William, Melanie, Nataly, Julia and Emily all donated to the church. Kailey made her mom a present. Natalie shoveled the driveway for her mom. Molly prayed. Christopher helped at a school event. Raul gave his time to shovel the driveway instead of playing video games. Bailey helped her mom around the house. Some of the talent of St. Johns youths are: Reading, singing, shoveling snow and playing the piano. Gifts from the youth's envelopes for February 2, 2013 was $42.45

Catholic Education Foundation Scholarship Deadline Set for March 1st Financial aid applications are now being accepted for students in the Catholic grade schools and high schools within our Diocese. Visit our website at edfoundation to complete an online financial aid application or ask the school office for information.

The Traveling Madonna of St. Johns The Traveling Madonna is a ministry which seeks to promote the Holy Rosary. We are looking for families to accept the Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary into their home for one week. A Knight will bring the statue to your home and if desired, pray the Rosary with your family. A Knight will return the following Saturday to pick up the statue. If you are interested in becoming a host of the Traveling Madonna please contact: Vince Kelley, 630-293-4541, Knights of Columbus

For information, contact Chris Strong at 2013 Meeting Schedule. All meetings are 6:30p-8p in the Youth Ministry Center (YMC) Central DuPage Hospital above the garages at the parish Our priests are available to make hospioffices. tal visits. Because of HIPAA Laws the Hospital does not notify churches when Upcoming meetings:

Youth Ministry

Having Surgery?
Give one of our priests a call PRIOR to your surgery, so that anointing can be given at a time when you are less stressed. Call the parish office at 630-6680918, ext. 600, and set a time to come in BEFORE your surgery for anointing.

2/17; 3/3; 3/17; 3/24; 4/7; 4/21; 5/5; 5/19; 6/2; 6/9; 6/23
Helping Those in Need During these tough economic times, St. Vincent DePaul Society invites you again to remember the needy persons and families in our parish and in the greater Winfield community by using the monthly St. Vincent de Paul contribution envelope that appears in your regular envelope packet...or by making a contribution in the Poor Box in the narthex of the Church by the back window. Remember, any contributions you make by check are tax deductible. Thank you!
~ Mike McGrath, President, St. Vincent de Paul Society

parishioners are there. Please notify the Saint Johns Parish Office when a loved one is there giving us the name and room number. We want to do our best to minister to all the Hospitalized!

Please Pray for those who defend our Nation, those who serve in Active Duty
Pvt James Luigi Akin A1C Francis Beifuss Lt John Berg Sgt Melissa Brooker Lt Deandra Carbone CMR Nicholas Carbone Pvt Timothy Conley Sgt Andrew Fairbairn Pv2 Nicholas Gorman Sgt Pamela Gray A1C Seth Kelley Senior Airman Felicia K. McDonald GSMC (SW/SS) Timothy A. Newell Lt Col George Pohlmann A1C Alejandro Luis Sanchez AN Michael Schieve Captain Jim Smolucha Captain Mike Smolucha SPC Thomas Stanhope SSgt Mark Trygar SrA Sarah Trygar ABHAA Robert Twohill

Parishioners who are homebound and wish to receive communion, please call the parish office at 630-668-0918, Ext. 600, and we will pass your name to the coordinator for Homebound Ministry.

Lost and Found

Please check the Lost and Found basket in the entry way to the parish office.

Parish Calendar
Please see the on line calendar at: or on the kiosk of the narthex of the Church.

Bulletin Articles
Submissions are due by noon on Thurs., 10 days prior to the Sunday on which you wish the article to appear. (Holidays may change due dates for articles because of publishing demands). Include the name and phone number of the person submitting the article. Please email as an attachment using Microsoft Word or Publisher, please do not include article in the body of the email. Email to: or

Small Christian
Anyone interested in joining a small Christian community, please contact Pat Schopp: 630-836-1283.

Keep St. John the Baptist Parish in mind when doing your estate planning.
Going On Vacation? To find a church and Mass times in the area where you will be vacationing go to: Catholic Encyclopedia Scripture Readings of the Day ht

Catholic Inquiry
Anyone interested in becoming Catholic, please call the parish office for information: 630-668-0918, ext. 600.

Pulpit Announcements
Must be submitted with a contact name and phone number, by 9 a.m. on Tuesday prior to the Sunday you wish the announcement made. The parish office has final approval on all bulletin articles and pulpit announcements.

Help Our School Clip Box Tops!

Please drop off your clipped Box Tops in the entryway to the parish office. There is always a collection box there. All profits are benefitting programs for St. John the Baptist school. Questions, call Robin Hafertepe at: Thank you!

Tutors Needed for 1st-8th Grade Volunteers are needed to help children in First Grade through Eight Grade who are struggling in school. Please call Tom Masterson at: 630-653-4818

Visit Our Parish Website, for: Copy of the bulletin Ministries Schedule

Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Grade School Mass Tuesdays 1:40 pm Holy Days of Obligation, All Souls & Ash Wednesday To be announced with each Special Day Eucharistic Adoration ~ Tues. from 8 a.m. - 7:15 a.m. Wed. & First Fridays - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Baptisms Weddings

1st Sunday of the Month First Baptism Rituals starting at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Parents and god-parents are encouraged to attend Baptism Preparation Classes several months before your baby is born. Godparents are to be practicing Catholics! Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not make reservations until you met with a priest.

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3 Domingo de la Mes en la misa a las 1:30 PM (de nios de 7 aos y mas necesitan 2 anos de catecismo) Preparacin Espiritual empieza por lo menos con SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para su Celebracin antes de reunirse con el prroco. Para hablar con la secretaria hispana, llame al Rosa Benavides, extensin 601 Lunes, Martes y Jueves 8:00 AM a 2:00 PM o Gloria Guzmn, extensin 601 Sbados 8:30 AM a 10:30 AM

Bautismos Bodas

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