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Careers In Educational Administration

Careers In Educational Administration

What is career?


The progress and actions taken by a person throughout a lifetime, especially those related to that person's occupations. A career is a persons chosen profession or occupation. The general course or progression of your working life or your professional achievement. A career may include several jobs Concept of Career: There are two important conceptual views about career. Objective view: 1) Objective view 2) Subjective view

This is an objective view of a persons career. A Career is a sequence of positions held by a person during the course of a life time. It comprises of a series of work related activities that provide continuity, order, and meaning in a persons life. Subjective view:

There is also a subjective element in the concept of career. A career consists of the changes in values, attitudes and a motivation that occurs as a person grows older.

Career Stages are Identifiable periods in one's work life which are distinguished by one's changing activities, concerns, motives, and needs.
1. Growth 2. Exploration

Career Stages

Some of the important stages of career are following:


3. Establishment 4. Maintenance

7. Letting Go 10. Clarity

5. Disengagement 6. Disorientation

8. Re-engagement 11. Integration Discovery

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1. Growth


The early year (4 to 13 years old) is a time when the individual first becomes aware of the future. People start to find ways to develop competencies and to achieve in order to increase control over their life.

2. Exploration

From the early teens to mid-twenties, people begin to crystallize, specify and implement an occupational choice. Different roles are tried and various occupational options are explored though school, leisure, part-time work and volunteering. Trial jobs may be tested before more firmly finding a more stable and appropriate fit.

3. Establishment

In the mid-twenties through mid-forties, typically a suitable field is selected and efforts are made to secure a long-term place in the chosen career. Young adulthood tends to be a time for stabilizing, consolidating, building momentum and moving up. Obtaining certifications, credentials, and advanced degrees may be the norm .

4. Maintenance

This stage usually happens in the mid-forties to mid-sixties and is characterized by constancy: Continuity, stress, safety and stability tend to be the standard. Sometimes people feel risk adverse with various career options which may lead to frustration or even depression. Holding on (stagnating or plateauing), or Keeping up (updating or enriching).

5. Disengagement

The mid-sixties is typically marked by decelerating from formal employment to finding new roles with a view to retirement. The disengagement process involves disentangling ourselves from a structure that we previously worked very hard to be a part of. Retirement preferring to work in some forms while pursuing new or renewed outside interests. In later adulthood, there may be a need to assist or mentor younger members of society or seek self-employment.

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6. Disorientation


At this stage, we often feel disoriented and confused. Weve detached from the former structure, but havent yet replaced it with something of meaning, something that fits. In this period we unable to think clearly and worried, wanting for clarity and movement but somehow knowing that rushing through this to attach prematurely to a new direction will not end well. During this period, we grasp the notion that we must allow the process to unfold, and let ourselves evolve and growto become

7. Letting Go

In this stage, we begin to realize that in order to free ourselves to move forward toward something more fulfilling and satisfying, we have to let go. We see more clearly how we co-created many of our former problems, and that we were an active contributor to the challenges we faced in our former situation. We realize that we have formed some habitual patterns, thinking, and behaviors that no longer serve us, and these will need to be released and revised if we want to grow to the fullest and to be our highest and best. We see, finally, that it wasnt just the job or career that got in the way of our happiness, but in some core way, it was ourselves. We begin the work of getting hip to our trip, and letting go of what no longer works.

8. Re-engagement

Once weve had time to adjust to the loss of our former structure, and we own that we are co-creators of our own lives and begin to work on the aspects of us that contributed to our challenges, a light breaks through and theres a dawn of re-engagement. We become more excited about working through change, and about the possibilities ahead. We start to understand that we are indeed capable of creating a more fulfilling, joyful and successful future, and career, than we ever thought possible. And were ready to do the real work of inner and outer change.

9. Discovery

This stage is about discovering ourselves to finding what was lost, healing what was wounded, and remembering what we wish to honor, support and strengthen in ourselves going forward.

During this process, we explore who we are at a deeper level. We search the question of what is truly possible. We explore what matters most, and what we want of ourselves to endure after were gone. Page 3

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10. Clarity


Finally, clarity emerges. We glimpse at a new picture of what we can become, and feel more engaged and enlivened than ever before. We allow ourselves to connect to what we truly long to be and do. Weve wiped away the cobwebs that clouded our view from the prior experience, and are ready to embrace a new identity that makes full use of our talents and experiences, but in a new way that yields more fruit, now that we know ourselves better, and have identified what we want in a clearer, more expansive way.

11. Integration

This stage is about bringing it all together our new insights, knowledge and experiences to create a new career reality for ourselves. We see clearly what were capable of, and what held us back before, and are ready to commit to building a more exciting and rewarding next chapter of life and work that reflects the best of what weve learned and experienced.

How long these stages take is fully up to the individual, but one thing is certain: Walking away from a previous career and reinventing yourself requires time, and a great deal of courage, strength, patience, self-love, and faith.

Managing career stress

What is stress?
Stress may be defined as "a state of psychological or physiological imbalance resulting from the difference between situational demand and the individual's ability or motivation to meet those demands." Stress can be positive or negative. Stress can be positive when the situation offers an opportunity for a person to gain something. It acts as a motivator for peak performance. Stress can be negative when a person faces social, physical, organizational and emotional problems. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or anxious.

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Ways of Managing career stress


The following are most important stress management secrets that will allow you to fulfill your career and life ambitions while living a happier life:

1. Set Realistic Goals

Set clear goals in several areas of your life: family, health, career, finance, and spiritual, among others. By setting realistic goals in each area, you will create balance in your life, have a clear direction of what you want to accomplish in each area, and reduce your stress level because you will have purpose.

2. Master Your Attitude

We can choose to have a positive attitude or we can choose to have a negative attitude. The choice is all ours. A positive attitude will create more opportunities and leave you refreshed at the end of the day. A negative attitude will close opportunities and leave you tired and stressed at the end of the day.

If you dont have a clear, concise vision of what you want in your career, business or life, you can easily be lead down a path which will cause stress for you in the future.

During downturns and challenging times, negative attitudes become the norm. Make it a choice to start your day on a positive note and carry that attitude through the day. Check yourself throughout the day to ensure you are taking actions that guarantee a positive result. Also, protect your positive attitude when interacting with others. Use your goals and positive affirmations as motivators for success.

3. Master Stress by Focusing on the Big Picture

Master your time management skills by taking a time management coaching with a Personal Development Coach, reading a time management book, or using a time management software package, such as Outlook, to keep you on track towards achieving your success goals. Remember, this is an investment in yourself, and the knowledge gained goes with you wherever you go in your career. During challenging times, you will be tempted to be pulled into activities and tasks that are not important to the overall big picture. Then, you will ask Where did the time go? or Why didnt accomplish what I needed to do today? These small or unimportant tasks create a stressed state of mind. Prioritize each and every day so that you maximize your productivity.

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4. Master Stress by Managing Your Work Style


Organize yourself for career success. Do you allow any distraction distract you from accomplishing more in your career? If you do, it doesnt get better during very challenging times. It becomes worse. If you are easily distracted, make your work area distraction proof. Turn off the Outlook e-mail notification bell, turn your desk so that it doesnt face the door, and control when and where you are willing to have conversations. By taking these simple steps, you can easily relieve your stress.

5. Master Stress by Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Make it a part of your healthy lifestyle program to exercise 3-5 times a week. It can be as simple as taking a walk around the community in which you live. Concentrate on stretching and breathing techniques that reduce stress, increase your thinking ability, and help you become more energetic and gain more energy to face challenging situations.

When we are confronted with challenges, we tend to go for "comfort" food. Comfort food makes us feel good but isnt nutritious. These foods are counterproductive when we are faced with challenges, and actually increase our stress levels. Fried foods, foods high in sugar, and dairy products can increase stress levels and decrease productivity in the long run. Fruits, boiled chicken, and plain yogurt with fruit added are much healthier choices and help to keep stress levels down.

6. Talk it out

Sometimes the best stress-reducer is simply sharing your stress with someone close to you. The act of talking it out -- and getting support and empathy from someone else -- is often an excellent way of blowing of steam and reducing stress. Have a support system of trusted people.

7. Get professional support.

Counseling and Personal Development Coaching is available to give you direction on your journey to a stress free life and improved working life. Professional guidance can be most therapeutic, you will receive supportive listening and fresh insight, you have the opportunity to offload your worries and concerns and share your burden of stress.

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Career development
What is career development?


Ways of career development

Career development is the process of managing your life, learning and work. Paid work Unpaid work experience or volunteering Education Caring for family members Hobbies Cultural activities.

A person can develop his/her skills and discover career opportunities through:

Career development applies to people of all ages: may eventually influence their career paths.

Children learn about different jobs in society. They develop interests and abilities that
participate in school, part-time work, family activities and hobbies.

Teenagers choose subjects and courses that may lead them to their career paths. They Adults work in the home, in paid employment and as volunteers. They may change jobs
several times and experience periods of unemployment, over employment and under activities, and hobbies. employment. As well as work, adults participate in formal and informal education, family

Retirees often have the financial and personal freedom to choose to study, start a
Some retirees do all of these things!

business, travel, work part time, volunteer, enjoy hobbies or care for family members. Page 7

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The Career Development Process The career development process involves four basic steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Self -awareness and assessment Career awareness and exploration Career decision-making Career planning and placement


Self-Awareness and Assessment This first step is very important, it allows you to become aware, clarify and assess your: Interests Abilities and skills Values Priorities Personality

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Career Awareness and Exploration In this step you have a chance to become aware of and assess:


Career Decision Making

Occupational requirements Employment trends Community, family, leisure, and volunteer issues and needs Developments in current work environment Developments outside current work Global issues and implications

This is the step when you pull together the information you have gathered and you: Establish goals (career and educational) Make plans to attain those goals Implement plans step-by-step Evaluate goals and progress continuously Adjust as you and/or situations change Continue to evaluate and re-prioritize

Career Planning and Placement This part of the process comes after you have developed the skills necessary to pursue your career. At this time you need to develop good interviewing and job search skills. Once find a job you may: Continue to learn new skills

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