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R ANDALL .K RONGARD @ GMAIL . COM 917.847.6964


SKILLS Editing/Proofreading Social Media Tight Deadlines Video Production Still Photography Basic Chinese Story Assignment On Camera RELEVANT EXPERIENCE WallCandy Arts, LLC. 2005 - Present N.Y., N.Y. V.P. of Story Development/ Editorial Branding Oversee editorial strategy/multiplatform content for leader in childrens wall dcor. Edit and manage six member team of bloggers, web designers and video crew to ensure clean copy and consistent branding message. Create concepts and executive produce professional videos spotlighting WallCandys line of products and unique history. Freelance 2001 - 2004 N.Y.,N.Y. Editor/Writer Contracted to edit/write stories ranging from machine gun diplomacy on Korean Peninsula to the stressful lives of professional tennis players. China Business Review, Popular Science Magazine, Christian Science Monitor, Institutional Investor, TransPacific Magazine,Taipei Times, Tennis Week, Washington Insider, Japan Monthly. Defense Daily News Group 1994 - 1997 Washington, D.C. Editor/Staff Reporter Built sources within NASA, DoD, White House to break news on billion dollar programs and the effects on the government contractor gravy train. Uncovered decision to decouple Chinas Most Favored Nation status from human rights violations and broke critical story that Space Station funding would shift to State Department to protect it from congressional critics. Edited stories with focus on distilling government speak, technical jargon, and endless acronyms into easy to understand analysis. Washington Political Insider 1992 - 1993 Washington, D.C. Staff Reporter Covered Chinas free market push ignited by Deng Xiaopings promotion of private enterprise and how this liberalized U.S. trade policy toward China. Developed sources and reported on congressional battles over healthcare and welfare reform efforts. FURTHER WORK RELATED INTERESTS China/Asia Cyber Warfare Martial Arts Documentary Filmmaking Travel/Culture Columbus Middle School 1997 - 2000 L.A., CA. English Department Chair/Science Teacher Oversaw English curriculum development and taught physics/biology. South China Normal Middle School 1990 - 1992 Guangzhou, China Lead Teacher Instructed Chinese middle school students in basic English language skills. Taught western business terms to government and industry officials.

Randall.K_ Published Articles Randall.K_ Blog Editorial WCA Randall.K_ Produced Video1 Randall.K_ On Air WCA

EDUCATION Denison University Political Science 1990 Lawrenceville School English 1986

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