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A hundred cartloads of anxiety will not pay an ounce of debt (Italian Proverb)

When I saw this quote I felt like it was meant for me. Within the last couple week there have been external factors that have added much stress too my already stressful life. At the time it was all a I could focus on. It was almost impossible for me to properly focus on my school work. I was venting to my boyfriend and he said something that at the time I found hard to follow. He reminded me that it in the bigger scheme of things that what happened was just a blip on the timeline. By the time I had cooled down a bit I saw the truth to his words. Focusing all my energy on some that cant be helped will not help me in the long run.

Page 176 Box 16-1 FICA Faith and Belief I believe that I am both spiritual and religious. I was brought up with Seventh Day Adventism, so my religious beliefs are much more aligned with them. This also has an effect on my spirituality. Meaning I dont belief in an afterlife or near death experiences. But I do believe in karma, mediation and visualization. The latter two I use on a regular basis to help me focus and to help me sleep. Importance I have never given much thought to how my beliefs have in my life. But I do know that they have influence me in regards to how I respond when I am stressed or even scared. In these situations my response is to pray. I do feel peaceful after and my head seems to clear a bit so I can focus on the situation at hand. But as I dont go to church and prayer isnt a part of my daily ritual, I feel a sense of guilt at using God as someone I only need when my life is stressful. Community As I mentioned before, I identify with Adventism. Even though I dont follow the core beliefs such as keeping Sabbath, and drinking, it doesnt mean I dont disagree with them. I no longer go to church, although I do go on occasion. Address in Care Nursing Journal (November 8, 2012): Chapter 18 - P. 213 - Exercise 6 (pick on that relates to you) Chapter 22 - P. 253 - Exercise 2 (For a one week, monitor your self talk, in your everyday interactions, thoughts and Journal how the week went).

Page 58 Exercise 3 The first words that come to my mind when contemplating being assigned to an old client is

Page 221 Exercise 5 Over the next week, pay attention to how others give you feedback. What do they do to make you feel comfortable about receiving their feedback? What could they do differently to make their feedback more receivable?

Page 271 reflections on time you did confront someone

Page 133 emphatic communication experience Just last week my boyfriend and I had an emphatic discussion. At the time I would not have described it as such. But after reading as discussing this chapter I realize that we were actually practicing emphatic communication. It was not as laid out as it was in the text book, with the different stages. But reviewing the conversation in my head and then reading through the book, I believe it was very close. The conversation went much more smoothly than other ones I have had. Where I know that there was no emphatic communication going on.

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