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Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Stringst


ABSTRACT Freeing stuck plpe may call f o r simultaneously pulling and twisting a drill string while attempting to circulate. As a guicle f o r these situations, tables a r e presented in this paper of calculatecl allowable hook load and torque combinations f o r coinmonly used drill strings - including tool joints - subjected to combined tension, torsion, and internal pressure. Strengths a r e given f o r both new ancl used pipe, and there a r e separate tables for yield and f o r ultimate strengths. INTRODUCTION A s indicated in one handbook, the first step in a t tempting to free stuck pipe shoulcl be to work "the string u p ancl clown a s much a s possible, with such tensional and torsional stralns which safe operating practices will allow."l W h a t constitutes a safe practice ultimately depends upon judgment and experience. Nevertheless, calculated strengths of a drill string a r e a prime consideration in the establishment of allowable tensions and torsions. Calculated strengths of commonly used drill pipe In simple tension o r t o r s ~ o na r e presented i n readily available tables.lzeS There are, however, no tables available whicl~ indicate calculated allowable hook load and torclue combinations f o r drill strings, including tool joints, uncler combined tension, torsion, and internal pressure. I t is the purpose of this paper to present such tables. The need for considering tool joints arises because they may limit the torque which should be applied to the string. BASIS FOR CALCULATION Formulas for stresses in a pipe under co~nbineclloading a r e usecl in conjunction with the nlaximum-shearstress theory of fallure uncler triaxial stresses f o r determination of pipe strength. Allowance is made for bending stresses caused by sllght clog-legs. Investlgations reported in the literature"." describe the stresses arising ln a tool joint a s a consequence of make-up torque. These results a r e usecl in this paper to derive f o r n ~ u l a sf o r stresses in a tool joint uncler combined tension, torque, and internal pressure. All fornlulas used i n calculations a r e clerlvecl in the Appendix.
*Pan American Petroleum Corporation. Tulsa. Okla. ?Presented by J. C. Stall at the sprlny rneet~ngof the Mid-Continent District. A P I Division of Production. A g r ~ l1962. 'References are at the end of the paper. $References 1 and 2. as well as most suppl~ers'catalogs. Tabulated hook loads make no allowance for the w e ~ g h tof traveling block, lines, etc.

DESCRIPTION O F T H E TABLES The results of yield-strength calculations of drill strings a r e presented in Tables 1 through 8, p. 45 to 47, incl., and a separate set of tables is presented f o r results based on the u l t i ~ n a t e strength of the drill string (Tables 1-U through 8-U, p. 45 to 51, incl.). These tables cover conllnonly used pipe sizes and weights f o r Grade E and f o r one higher-strength alloy steel. Each of the tables corresponds to a given size, weight, and grade of pipe. To make allowance f o r pipe wear, each table presents values both f o r "new" pipe and f o r "used" pipe. Used pipe is considered to have only 80 percent of the original cross-sectional wall area. Under the column headings f o r new pipe and used pipe, subheadings a r e placed to Indicate mud circulating pressures of either zero o r 2,000 psi. The first row of calculated values appearing a t the top of each table is the hook load which may be applied with zero torque f o r the conditions indicated in the column headings. The main body of each table indicates the allowable torque which may be applied to drill pipe f o r various values of hook 1oad.s Because there is a direct relation between torclue ancl twist per unit length, torque values a r e tabulated a s turns per 1,000 f t of pipe to the free point. A torque factor is given a t the bottom of each colun~nof turns values. The product of tabulated allowable turns value times torque factor gives allowable torque in foot-pounds. Also presented in each table is the maxin~umallowable torque for the tool joints, these values being independent of hook load. Maximum allowable torques f o r tool joints a r e indicated by the tool-joint Identification letters which appear to the left of each column of t u r n s values and refer to specific tool joints a s shown a t the bottoln of each table. Maxinluln allowable torque on a specific tool joint is the turns value opposite the appropriate tool-joint identification letter. F o r a given set of wear and pressure conditions, the allowable torque on the drill string under a specified hook load is the smaller of: allowable turns on the pipe a t t h a t hook load; o r allowable turns on the tool joint. EXAMPLE PROBLEM Consider the following example problem which demonstrates the use of the tables, a s illustrated in Fig. 1. Given.: New 3.5-in., 13.30 Ib per ft, Grade E drill pipe with 3%-in. A P I internal.flush (IF) tool joints is stuck a t 4,000 f t ; and circulating pressure is 2,000 psi.


Table 1 Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings


3.5" Drill Pipe (13.3 lb/ft) Grade E

This Table is Based on Minimum Yield Strength of Pipe, 75,000 psi

3.5" Drill Pipe (13.3 lb/ft) Grade E

Average Remaining Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe 100 Percent (New Pipe) Circulating Pressure, psi 80 Percent (Used Pipe) Circulating Pressure, psi 0 188,800 2,000 171,800

Hook Load for Zero Torque, Pounds

2,000 236,100 -217,900

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet t o Free Point)

1.33 2.15 2.66 100,000 3.09 -3.33-/3.36 3.23 3.39 3.41


2.3G 2.80 3.11 3.46 3.32 3.53 3.54

3.15 3.27 3.40 3.41 d '44,714.

3.01 3.26 3.42

Torque Factor, K

:::: :I
a\ dJ




Torque in ft-lb = K x (turns /1,000 ft) a. Maximum Torque for 3%-~n.API Regular Tool Joint h. RiIaximum Torque for 3%-in. API Internal-flush Tool Joint c. Maximum Torque for 3X-in. 4 P I Full-hole Tool Joint d. Maximum Torque for 3%-in. Xtra-hole Tool Joint Given: New pipe with 3%-in. API I F tool jo~nts,stuck a t 4,000 ft. Pressure = 2,000 psi. Solution: Use tool jo~nts(b). The column for new pipe and 2,000 psi should be read. (For detailed explanation see text on example problem.) Hook Load Turns/1,000 ft Turns for 4,000 ft Plpe strength limits number of turns Tool joint limits number of turns

Fig. 1 - Example Problem

To find limiting conditions of hook load and torque based on n~inimum yield strength. The table f o r 3.5-in., 13.30 lb per f t , Grade Solution: E drill pipe is reproduced a s Fig. 1. E n c ~ r cled letters on Fig. 1 identify tabulated values selected a s shown following. 1. F o r new pipe and 2,000 psi pressure, the hook load for zero torque is 217,900 lb ( A ) . to 2. Tool-joint identification letter "b" a p p l ~ e s 3%-in. A P I IF tool point (see bottom of Table 1). Allowable torclue on the tool joint is therefore 2.97 turns per 1,000 f t ( B ) . 3. With the string stuck a t 4,000 f t , 2.97 turns per 1,000 f t corresponds to:
Required: 12.97 (turns/1,000 f t ) ] 14 (1,000 f t ) ] = 11.88 ttcmls








4. Since f o r new pipe the torclue factor is 4,714 ( C ) , the allowable torque on the tool joints expressed in foot-pounds is:
12.97 (tz~rns/1,000f t ) ] tzlrns/1,000 f t

5. If a hook load equal to 175,000 lb ( D ) is chosen, the allowable torque on new pipe a t 2,000 psi is 2.4'2 turns per 1,000 f t ( E ) . The allowable torque on the drill pipe of 2.42 turns per 1,000 f t is less than the allowable on the tool joints (2.97), and limits the allowable torque on the string with this hook load. 6 . The foregoing allowable of 2.42 turns per 1,000 f t corresponds to:
12.42 (ttw?ls/1,000 f t ) ] [ 4 (1,000 f t ) ] = 9.68 tz(??zs 12.42 ( t w n s / 1 , 0 0 0 f t ) ]

Fig. 2 -Suggested Form for Particular Drill Pipe and Tool Joints
pipe and tool joints belng used on the rig. I t is therefore suggested that, f o r a n y given rig, the allowable hook load and torque combinations f o r the drill string be obtained fro111 the tables a s indicated in the foregoing example problem, and copied onto a form a s shown in Fig. 2. DISCUSSION The primary objectwe of this paper was to calculate, a s closely a s possible on the basis of present knowledge, the strength of drill strings under combined loading. I n keeping with this objective, the strength of tool joints and the effects of internal pressure were considered. Although the tables based on yielcl strength a r e of most immediate interest, those based on ultimate strength indicate what might be expected from a drill string under extreme conditions, ancl permit evaluation of the margin of safety between yielding ancl parting. Calculated results indicate strength f o r sound pipe; and no allowance is made f o r the weakening effects of fatigue cracks, corrosion, o r hydrogen embrittlement. s I n t h ~ respect the results represent theoretical strength. These results do, on the other hand, reflect application of some safety factors. First, pipe-strength calculations a r e based on values f o r nlinin~unlyield and minilnu~n ultimate strength; ancl utilizat~on of the maximumshear-stress theory of f a ~ l u r e represents a conservative choice from among three-dimensional failure criteria. I n addition, the effect of colnn~onlyoccurring dog-legs is accounted for.

= 11,400 ft-lb 7. F o r hook loads found opposite the tool-joint identification letters, the drill pipe has a torsional strength equal to that of the tool joints. F o r hook loads less than this value, [125,000 Ib ( F ) in this example], the allowable torque on the pipe is greater than t h a t f o r the tool joints. I n the , example, f o r a ]look load of 75,000 lb ( G ) , the allowable torque on the pipe is 3.27 turns per the 1,000 f t ( H ) . S ~ n c e maximum allowable torclue on the tool joint is only 2.97 turns ( B ) , tool joints limit the torque on the string for 75,000 Ib hook load. 8. Selecting tabulated values a s indicated, one obtains a table of t u r n s vs. hook load such a s shown a t the bottom of Fig. 1. SUGGESTED USE O F TABLES To permit general applicability of the paper, tables present results f o r many different drill pipes and tool joints. To avoid mistakes, i t is probably best on a given rig to have available only tables f o r the particular drill

Presently available data indicate t h a t clog-legs of the order of 1 % deg per 100 f t generally cause no particular troubles and nlay e x ~ s tundetected in many wells. As descr~bed the Appendix, a n estimate of the additional in stresses caused by such dog-legs was included 111 pipestrength calculations. F o r more severe dog-legs, hook loads must be less than indicated in the tables, in accordance with field judgment, ancl depending upon the severity of the dog-leg. Current techniques f o r deternlining the effects of dog-legs a r e not sufficiently clevelopecl paper. If, to warrant giving calculated results in t h ~ s on the other hand, surveys assure complete absence of dog-legs, then hook loads about 15 percent greater than those in the tables should be allowable. Some margin of safety is also present in the calculations for tool-joint strength. To allow f o r possible discrepancies between actual ancl calculated strength of tool joints, the following values were assumed f o r the strength of tool-joint steel: yield s t r e n g t h = 115,000 psi, ziltiw~utestrengtlt = 140,000 psi. Data provided by manufacturers indicated t h a t these values represent a 5 to 10 percent margin of safety. Moreover, t o account for tool-joint wear, a 20-percent reductloll in crosssectional area of the box was assumed for calculations. A value of 0.08 was used f o r coefficient of friction 111 calculation of tool-joint strength. This value is cited in Reference 2 a s being representative for tool joints under field conditions and is in reasonable agreement with inost available laboratory results. The tool-joint forinula rests on the nssuinptlon t h a t the strength of the joint is determined by tensile strength of the pin. The assumption is generally vahd, inasmuch a s pin separation is the inost commonly reported mode of failure for joints in good condition. However, if the tool joint is sufficiently worn, box fallure is likely. According to one large manufacturer, splitting of the box is to be expected only f o r tool joints worn down smaller than the min~muinreconlmended reworking diameter. Most toolj o ~ n t inanufacturers speclfy such a nliniinum outside diameter below which reworking of their tool joints is not recommended. If depth to the free point is unknown, the torque applied to the string cannot be related to turns, but nlust 1)e determined cllrectly by n torque-measuring device. As previously stated, torque equals tabulated value of turns times the torque factor. Torque should also be measured directly if pipe wear is unknown o r ~f a string combines new and used pipe. I n such cases the pipe should be considered a s "used". If torque cannot be measured directly, then turns should be calculated according to the following fornlula when there is both new and used pipe in the string:
Allowuble t ~ b r n s= N y o ( ~ s o / ~ , o o ) * JVlt erein :

Finally, there a r e some features of the tables which call f o r a word of explanation. E x a m ~ n a t i o nof the table indicates t h a t increasing pressure from zero to 2,000 psi increased the allowable turns. This might seem strange, particularly since one effect of pressure is to make longitudinal tension in the pipe greater than hook pounds. However, the essential load by several tl~ousancl influence of internal pressure is to add hoop tension to the pipe, thereby producing a more uniform stress field and actually reducing shear stresses in the pipe. Because of thread and shoulder friction, stresses set up in a tool-joint box and pin by torque remain even a f t e r torque is released. F o r t h a t reason, maximum allowable torques f o r tool jolnts have been specified so t h a t "locked-in" stresses a r e kept low enough always to permit pulling with allowable hook load f o r zero torclue. This explains why specified maxinlum tool-joint torque is independent of the sinlultaneously applied hook load. Examinatloll of the tabulated data shows t h a t these torque linlits specified for tool joints often may I ~ m i the torque which can be applied to the string. t S~nce the allowable hook load a t zero torque is less f o r used drill pipe, a greater "locked-in" tool-joint stress can be tolerated in such a string. This explains why allowable tool-joint torques a r e greater for used pipe strings. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
1. Tables a r e presented which indicate calculated allowable hook load and torclue combinations f o r commonly used drill strings under combined tension, torque, ancl internal pressure. 2. Separate sets of tables a r e presented for results Ilased on minimum y~elclstrength ancl on minimum ultimate strength of the clrill string. 3. The tables nlake allowance for: a. state of wear of the pipe b. nornlal circulating pressures c. the strength of tool joints d. the effect of slight clog-legs 4. The tables do not allow for: a. severe clog-legs b. the weakening effects of fatigue cracks, corrosion, o r hydrogen enlbrittlement 5. Although tool joints a r e stronger in tension than the drill pipe, they may linlit the torque which may be applied to the string. 6. If the location of the free point is unknown, the torque to be applied to the string cannot be related to turns, but must be measured directly by a torquemeasuring device. 7. If the drill string contains both new and used pipe, the pipe should be considered a s used and torque should be measured directly.

N,, is the tabulated turns value f o r used pipe.

K,, is the torque factor f o r used pipe. Klo0 is the torque factor f o r new pipe.
*The need for this calculation is explained in the Appendix.


STool Pusher's Manzcal, American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors, Dallas, 1955. 3Farr, A. P: Torque Requirements for Rotary Shouldered Connections, Oil Gas J. [551 48, 108, Dec. 2 (1957). 4Gormley, J. F: Experimental Stress Analysis of Tool Boints, J. Petr. Tech., May (1961). STimoshenko, S. and Goodier, J. N: Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. 1951, 2nd Edn. 6Lubinski, Arthur: Maximum Permissible Dog-legs in Rotary Boreholes, J. Petr. Tech., Feb. (1961).

The authors wish to acknowledge the helpful suggestions offered by Jack H. Marsee, Loffland Bros. Co., with regard to the tabular presentation of results. Also to be recognized a r e J. F. Gormley and W. M. Koch of Reed Roller Bit Co., along with H. B. Woods and J. H. Cook of Hughes Tool Co. f o r their observations concerning tool-joint strength. REFERENCES 'Brantly, J. E : Rotary Drilling Handbook, 432, Palmer Publications, New York, N. Y., 1961, 6th Edn.

P I P E FORMULAS F o r a pipe subjected to longitudinal tension, internal pressure, and torslon, the principal stresses a r e given by:


U Z+ u s + =-


u= ~ e ) ~7Zrs +

a 3

+ ""J(u = 7z ; u e ) ;



(1) *

Stresses by the

and ue a r e related to internal pressure P Lame thick-walled cylinder formulas:


[Ro/r]2- 1 [R,/R,l" 1

2nGrN (6) L ' being the shear modulus of pipe I t is evident froin the foregoing stress formulas t h a t u e and uz a r e greater than o r equal to zero and a, is less than o r equal to zero. Hence, the greatest principal stress is cr2 and the maximum shear stress is the larger of the two following shear stresses: SI = ( ~ --3) / 2 2 (6) S11 = ( u 2 - a 1 ) / 2 If S , o r S j I is equated to the allowable shear stress S,, and if Equation (5) is substituted for T,,, expressions a r e obtained for allowable turns, o r revolutions of twist, per unit length.
Tzs =

[R,/r12 1 [Ro/R,]Z- 1

N (& -J(?".

+ OT7


in which R, is pipe outslde radius; R, is pipe inside radius; and r specifies the radius for which stresses a r e given. 1f the weight of traveling block, swivel, etC.9 is not considered, then tension t in the pipe is related to hook load H a s follows: t = H Pail,, (3) Alld f o r calculatioll of longitudinal stress, a, is expressed as: a, = 1.15 ( H P A o ) / A , (4) in which A , is inside cross-sectional area and- A,, is the cross-sectional wall area of the pipe. The factor 1.15 is introduced to allow for slight dog-legs. Field evidence indicates t h a t dog-legs with rates of change up to 1 % deg per 100 f t may exist unnoticed in many wells. F o r such clog-legs the f o r n ~ u l a sof Reference 6 show that, with the string under large tension, the bending stress is about 15 percent of the direct tension stress. may be related to the revolutions N Shear stress rZs of pipe twist and length L by the following well-known torsion formula :

(8) Allowable turns per unit of length is the sl~lallervalue of either ( N / L ) I O ~ ( N / L )for r between R, and R,. ,~ Turns per unit length may be related to torque T by: T = 2rGJ(N/L), (9) polar moment of inertia of the pipe cross section being denoted J. TOOL-JOINT FORMULAS The modified screw-jack formula, presented in Reference 39 may be rewritten as

T = F p ( I-+) 277

Rtf)+Fs(Rsf) Cos 6


'Stress notation

example. Reference 6 .


conventional for cylindrical coordinates:

see, for

Wherein: T = torque applied to the tool joint. F, = tensile force in pin. F , = compressive force in the shoulder. p = thread pitch. R , = average mean radius of the threads. R, = mean shoulder radius. = one-half the included angle of the threads. 6 f = coefficient of friction.

Fig. 3 - Illustration of Longitudinal Separating Forces and Forces AF, and AF,
I n accordance with Reference 3, the areas upon which the forces F p and F , a r e considered to act a r e defined as: A , = tension a r e a of the pin a t thread root ?4 in. from the shoulder. A , = compression area of the box % in. from the shoulder. Longitudinal forces tending to separate the made-up joint superimposes tensile forces AF, and AF, on the pin and shoulder, respectively. The longitudinal separating forces and forces AF, and AF, a r e illustrated in Fig. 3 to show how they act on the pin end of the joint. Equilibrium requires: H P A b P A , = AF, AF, (11) Wherein : A i s the cross-sectional area of the tool-joint bore. A , is the annular cross-section area between the diameter of the pin, a t the root of the last engaged thread, and the I D of the box a t the shoulder. Under action of longitudinal forces, a made-up joint should act essentially a s a single body. I t is, therefore, cons~deredthat superimposed tensile stress is uniform across the combined areas A p and A,. Hence: (AFpIAp) = ( A F s / A s ) = ( H P A L ) / ( A p+ A s ) (12) Wherein: Ai = A b + A , Failure of the joint is considered to occur, when the tensile stress in the pin reaches a maximuill allowable value MI either for yield o r ultimate strength.

(15) Case 2 (apply hook load first) : F o r this case i t is considered t h a t hook load and internal pressure a r e applied to a string before torclue is applied. Forces F , and F,, while still equal, a r e no longer actual forces but contributions to actual forces arising directly from the making-up of the joint. Actual forces on threads and shoulder a r e ( F p AF,) and ( F , - A F , ) . Equation (10) must now be rewritten:

(16) o r since: F;, = F,

Substitution from (11) f o r (AF, (13) f o r ( F , AF,) leads to:

+ AF,)

(17) and from

( F p / A p ) ( A F p / A p )= M (13) The stresses arising in a tool joint under combined loading depend upon the sequence of loading. There a r e two cases to consider. Case 1 (torque applied first) : F o r this case Equation (10) applies directly, and f o r equilibrium during make-up : Fp = F , (14) Equation (12) may be used to eliminate AF, from (13). The result may then be substituted into (10) to eliminate FP and obtain a relation between hook load and allowable torque TI.

(18) The allowable torclue on a tool joint is taken to be , the smaller of T Iand T . The tool-joint fornlulas derived in the foregoing art: based upon fallure by parting o r stretching of the pins. Tool-joint n~anufacturers and drilling people indicate t h a t this is the usual mode of failure for most tool joints. Although wear may weaken a tool-joint box, wear does not greatly decrease the resistance of a joint to failure of the pin. F o r calculated tabulated values, however, even the slight effect of box wear on pin failure is accounted for. Calculations were made under the assumption t h a t only 80 percent of the box crosssectional area remains. Specifying Maximum Torque F o r a n y given tool joint, Equations (15) and (18) relate torque and hook load. Stresses arising in the tool joint because of torque a r e locked in a f t e r the torque is removed. F o r this reason the equations relate torque to the hook load which may subsequently be applied without exceeding the maximunl allowable stress. I t is considered advisable in freeing stuck pipe to retain the freedom to apply allowable hook load f o r zero torque without a t the same time stretching o r parting tooljoint pins. The maximum allowable torques f o r tool



joints are, therefore, calculated by substituting "Hook Load for Zero Torque" f o r H in Equations (15) and (18). The lesser of the two resulting torque values is, of course, taken a s the limiting torque. TURNS FOR STRINGS WITH UNEVEN WEAR The strength of a string depends upon the strength of the weakest pipe in the string. F o r a string containing used pipe, the allowable hook load and torques are, therefore, those f o r used pipe. The relation between torque and turns, however, depends upon the combined torsional stiffness of all the pipe in the string: The stiffer the complete string, the fewer the number of allowable t u r n s f o r a given allowable torque. To be conservative, one should assume the stiffest possible string, i.e., new pipe. Hence, f o r a string containing both new and used pipe:

Table Dl Test of 3%-in. IF Joint for Effect of Tensile Force on Ratio of Buck-up Torque to Buck-off Torque
Test No. 1 No Tensile Force 1.110 115,000 Lb Tensile Force 1.098

Allowable torque, T , = NBOKYO

and the turns on new pipe required to give this torque are T,/KIoo. DISCUSSION George Gilbert (Reed Roller Bit Co., Houston, Texas) (written) : We a t Reed want to congratulate the authors on their very fine paper. With reference to their assumptions a s to torsional strength, we should llke to offer the results of several buck-up tests on 3%-in. IF tool joints which we made to gain knowledge of torsional strength under tensile loads. Table D l shows the results of tests in which a 3%-in. I F tool joint was bucked-up to approximately 9,500 ft-lb, then a tensile loacl was appl~ed,and the joints bucked off. I n the other case no tensile load was applied and the joint bucked apart. All tests were r u n on the same pair of tool joints. The test indicates t h a t joints approxihaving 115,000 lb tensile load bucked off w ~ t h lnately 3.7 percent less torque than the joints without. tensile load. Fig. D l shows two 3%-in. tool joints that were bucked up to 9,500 ft-lb. A tensile load was applied and the joints were bucked u p to yield. Buck-up torque and degrees make-up were recorded. The joints yielded a t lower buck-on torques when higher tensile loads were applied. The paper lists 14,100 ft-lb inaxinlum load, and yields a r e 21,000 to 23,000 ft-lb with hook loads of 100,000 to 150,000 lb. We appreciate the opportunity of working with these people on this, and consider the tool-joint data to be on the conservative side. We recommend that field people and give us the benefit of use this data on their r ~ g s their experience. Mr. Stall: A n analysis f o r break-out torque has been developed which is similar to t h a t for make-up torque a s found in the Appendix of this paper. According to these expressions, some tool joints exhibit a greater resistance to break-out when subjected sinlultaneously to a tensile load, whereas others break out with less torclue while subjected to a tensile load. Our calculations indicate t h a t the 3%-in. A P I IF tool joint should Mean Ratio 1.1145

1.246 1.143 Slanificance of Means: Falue of student's t = 2.71 Degrees of freedom = 28 Probablhty of randoin occurrence of difference in means = 1 in 80 1.1556 3.7 wercent larger

break out with approximately 4 to 6 percent less torque when subjected to a tensile load of 150,000 lb than when no tension is applied. This appears to agree reasonably close with Reed's experience a s shown i n Table Dl. The data on the 3?b-in. A P I I F tool joint presented in this paper is based on E q u a t ~ o n(15), which covers the case of applying all of the torclue first and then




- UP





Fig. D l -Two 3%-inl. Tool Joints Bucked Up to 9,500 Ft-lb



adding the hook load since this case resulted in the smallest values of allowable torque. The data presented by Reed in Fig. D l agrees very closely with t h e results ohtained by calculating the allowable torque on the 3%-in. IF tool joint using Equation (18). This ecluation applies to the case of applying the hook load and then subjecting t h e joint to torque. ~h~~~ results are: F~~a hook load of 100,000 lb, the calculated allowable torque before yielding occurs is 19,200 ft-lb; and f o r a 150,000-lb hook load, the allowable torque is 18,400 ft-lb. These calculations a r e based on a tool-joint material having a ininimul1l yield strength of only 115,000 psi. When this fact our calculations should agree very closely with Reed's data. Thus, we consider these data to substantiate the validity of the formulas derived in this paper.

Table 2
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings

Table 1
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
3.5" Drill Pipe (13.3 Iblft) Grade E

This Table it Based on Minimum Yield Strength.of Pipe. 105.000 psi

3.5" Drill P ~ p e (13.3 Ib/h) Grade Alloy


Book Load for Z e n Torque. Pounds Hook Load Pounds

Average Rema~ning Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe


This Table is Based on hImimum Yield Strength of Pipe. 75.000 psi

3 5" Drill P ~ p e (13.3 Iblft) Grade E

100 Percent (New Pipe) Circulat~ngPressure. psi

S Percent (Used Pipe) O Circulating Pressure. psi

Rook Load C Zero Torque, Pounds Rook Load. Pounds

Average Remaining Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe 100 Percent (New Pipe) Circulating Pressure. p s ~

80 Percent (Used Pipe) Circulating Pressure, psi








Allowable Torque (Turns oer Thousand Feet to Free Point)


AUowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point)


3.596 Torque In f t l b = K x (turns/lO00 ft) a Marunurn Torque for 3 5 1 n API Regular Tnol Joint b Manlmum Torque for 356-~n API Internal-Flush Tool Jolnt e. Max~murn Torque for 3'.$-1n API FIIU-HoleTool Jolnt d. lrfax~murn Torque for 3!51n Stra-Hole Tool Jolnt


Torque Factor, K




3 596.

Torque In f t l h = K I (turns11 000 11) a. hfaxlrnum torclue for 3&1n 'API Regular Tool Jolnt b h f a ~ ~ ~ n torque for 3%1n API Internal-Rush Tonl J o ~ n t urn e. hfaxlrnurn torque for 3$$1n.!API1Full-hols Tool Joint d. Maximum torque for 3hin.,Xtra-hole Tool Jolnt

Table 3



Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
4' Drill Plpe (14 Iblft) Grade E Thls Table is Based on Minimum Yleld Strength of Plpe. 75.000 psi 4" D d Plpe (14 Ib/ft) Grade E

Average Remaining Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe 100 Percent (New Pipe) Clrculatlng Pressure. psi

80 Percent (Used Pipe) Cireulating~Preasure.psi

Hook Load for Zero Torque. Pounds Hook Load. Pounds

0 248,100

2.000 224.000

0 198.500

2.000 175.700

Table 5 Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
4.5" Drill P ~ p e (16.6 Ib/ft) Grade E This Table is Based on Minimum Yield Strength of Pipe. 75.000 psi 4.5" Drill Plpe (16.6 Ib/ft) Grade E

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point)

1 96

225,000 200,000 175,000 150.000 125,000 100,000 75.000 50.000 25,000


I 2fi I77

2 12 e238 2 58 2 73 2 85 2 92 2 97 298

2 26 e249 2 fi6 2 80 f 2 89 2 95 2 98 298

? 02

2 39 2 66 2 35 2 98 3 05 308

0 38 2 23 3 54 2 77 2 93 3 03 3 07 3.07

Average Remaining Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe 100 Percent (New Prpe) Cuculating Pressure. psi 0 Book Load for Zero Torque. Pounds Book Load, Pounds 2,000 256.800 80 Percent (Used Pipe) Ciculsting Pressure, psi 0 229.900 2.000 200.800


Torque Factor. K





Torque in f t l b = R x (turnsll000 ft) e hfaxlmum torquc for 4-1; API Full-nole Tool Jolnt f Maximum torqus for I - ~ nAPI Internal-flush Tool Jolnt


Table 4 Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
4" Drill P ~ p e (14 Ib/ft) Grade Alloy Thls Table 1s Based on hl~nlmum Y~eld Strength of Plpe. 105,000 p s ~ 4" Dnll Plpe (14 Ib/ft) Grade Alloy

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point) 0.77 131 1.65 191 2 10 2 26 2 39 2.49 2 56 2 61 2 64 2 . 6 0 86 1.83 2 05 2 22 2 35 2 46 2.54 2 60 2 64 2 fi5

275.000 250.000 225.000 200,000 175.000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 50.000 25,000 0 Torque Factor, K

0 56 1.35 1.77 2 07 2 29 2 46 2 58 2 66 2 71 !I273

0.33 1.84 2.23 2 41 2.55 2 64 2 70 2 73

Average Remaining Cross-Sect~onalArea of P ~ p e 80 Percent (Used Pipe) Circulating Pressure. p s ~ 0 277.900


LOO Percent (New Pipe)

Circulating Pressure, psr


" 2.73

0 Rook Load for Zero Torque, Pounds Hook Load. Pounds

2.000 323.300




-J 7,792.





255,100 Torque In f t l b = E x (turns/1.000 ft) g Max~mum torque for 4%-ln API Regular Tool Jolnt

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Po~nt) 148 e 2 I I 2 55 2 90 3 18 3.42
e 2 2 5

325.000 300,000 275.000 250,Gfjil 225,000 200,000 175.000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 50.000 25,000 0 Torque Factor, K

2.74 3 05 3 31 3 52 3 70 3 84 3 96 4.05 4.11 4 15 4 IS 4 18

0A 2 I 88 2 53 e 2 99 3 35 3 63 3 85 4 02 4 15 4 21 4 29 4.31

1 25 2 79 3.12 3 50 3 75 3 95 4 09 4.20 4 27 4 31 4 31

361 3 77 3 90 4 00

4.13 4 17 4 18 6,762




Torque ln f t l h = K x (turns11 000 ft) e. Manlmum torque for 4-1; API Full-hole Tool Joint torque for 4-111.API Internal-flush Tool Jolnt f hlax~mum

Table 7
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
5" Drill Pipe (19.5 Iblft) Grade E This Table is Based on Mlnimum Y~eld Strength of Pipe. 75.000 psi 5" Drill Pipe (19 5 Iblft) Grade E


Average Remaining Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe 100 Percent (New Pipe)

Circulating Pressure. psr

80 Percent (Used Pipe)


Circulating Pressure. psi 0 275.200

Book Load for Zero Torque. Pounds

2.000 306.100




Table 6
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
4 5" Drill Pipe (16 6 Iblft) Grade Alloy This Table i s Based on Minimum Yield Strength of P~pc.105.000 psi 4.5" Drill Pipe (16.6 Iblft) Grade Alloy

Hook Load. Pounds

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point) 0 78 1 17 143 1 64 181 194 206 2 15 2 22 2 38 2 33 2 36 2 38 2 39 0 67 1 50 1 78 192 204 2 14 2 21 2 28 2 32 2 36 2 38 2 38 238 14.942 0 09 1 03 141 I 69
1 89 2 06 2 19 2 29

326,000 300.000 275,000 250.000 225.000 200,000 l75,000 150.000 125.000 100,000 75,000 50.000 25.000 0 T o q u e Factor.


k h

I II 183 2 04 2 17 2 27 2 35 2 41 2 44 2 45 245

Average Rema~nlng Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe 100 Perccnt (New Plpe)

Hook Load for Zero Torque. Pounds Hook Load, Pounds

Circulating Pressurr, psi 0 402.400 2,000 371.800


80 Perccnt (Used Pipe) Circulating Pressure, psi 0 3?IJOO

2.000 292.800


2 36 2 41 2 44 2 45





Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point)


Tor ue In ft-lb = L x (turns11 000 ft) Manmum torque for 4g-ln API Internal-Rush Tool Jolnt k. Max~mum torque for 5-in Stra-hole Tool Jolnt

Table 8
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
5" Drill Pipe (19.5 Iblft) Grade Alloy This Table is Based on M~nimum Yield Strength of Pipe. 105.000 psi 5" Drill Pipe (19.5 Iblft) Grade Alloy

Average Remaining Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe 100 Percent (New P ~ p e ) 80 Percent (Used Pipe) Circulating Pressure, psi

Hook Load for Zero Torque, Pounds Torque Factor.




-yb=481.600 0 55 1.19 k 1 5 i h 1.86 2 10 2.30 2 47 2.63 2 74 2 86 3 96 3 04 3 11 3.18 3 23 3.27 3 30 3 32 3 34 3.34 14,943.

Circulating Pressure. psi

385.300 O


Book Load. Pounds

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point


Torque In ft-lb = li x (turns/1.000 ft) g Maxlmum torque lor 4 S l n API Regular Tool J o ~ n t h Maxlmum torque for 4 K 1 n API Internal-flush Tool Jolnt I Maxlmurn torque for 4 S 1 n . API Full-hole Tool Jolnt J. Maximum torque for 4%-ln. Stra-hole Tool Jolnt

475,000 450.000 425.000 400.000 375.n00 350,000 325.000 300,000 275.000 250,000 225,000 200,000 175,000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75.000 50,000 25,000 0 Torque Factor, K

k 1 4 3 h 183 2.27 2 44 3 59 273 384 294 3 03 3 10 3 17 3 22 3 26 3 30 3 32 3 34 3 34 3 34 14,943. 0.79 1.44 1 85 2.16


l 79 2 37 255 2.76 2 92 3.04 3.15 3 24 3 31 3.37 3.40 3 43 3 44 3.44

k 241 h 2 5 8 2 79 2 94
3.06 3 17 3 25 3.32 3 37 3 41 3.43 3.44 11,582.


Tor ue in it-lb = K x (turns/1.000 It) Maximum torque for 4 W n API Internal-flush Tool Jolnt k. Max~mum torque for 5-in. Stra-hole Tool Jolnt



Table 1-U Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
3.5" Drrll P ~ p e (13 3 Ib/ftj Grade E
This Table is Based on Minimum Ultimate Strength of Prpe. 100.000 psi CAUTION' Useof valuesInthlstable lmay result in parting of the strlng.1

Table 2-U Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
3.5" Dr~llPipe (13 3 Ib/ft) Grade Alloy
This Table IS Based on Minimum Ultrmate Strength of Pipe. 120,000 psi CAUTION1 Use of values in this table may result in partrng of the strmg.

3.5" Drill Pipe (13.3 Ib/ft) Grade E

3.5" Drill Pips (13.3 Ib/ft) Grade Alloy


Arerage Remaining Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe

Average Remarning Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe

100 Percent (New Pipe)

Crrculating Pressure, psi

80 Percent (Used P ~ p e )
Circulating Pressure, psi

Hook Load for Zero Torque. Pounds Book Load.

+ ---





0 234,700
Hook Load for Zero Torque, Pounds Book Load. Pounds

2.000 359.500

0 302.100

2.000 285.000


Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point)

375,000 350,000 325,000 300,000 275.OM) 250.000 225.000 000,000

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point)

0 67 2 06

2.10 2 99 d 3.48 3 87 4? O 4.48 471 0.67 2 35 3 19 3.79

2 39

) ; } :

2.78 3.19 3 il 4 09 4 38 4 63

) :

425 4.53 4 93 5 17 5 36 5 50 5 60 5 66 5.68


3 42 3 97


175,000 150,000 125.000 100,000

4 S4 5 01 5 15 5 26 5 35 5 41 5 45 5.46

4 90 5 06 5 19 5.30 5 37 5 42 5 45 5.46 4,714.

4 74 5 02 5 24 5 41

T O W Factor,

hl / 4,714




75,000 50,000 25,000 0

Torque Factor.

5.54 5.62 6.67 5.67 3,596.

Torque In f e l b = K x (turns/l 000 ft) a. Maslrnum torque for 3&1n API Regular Tool Jolnt b. Masunurn torque for 3 % ~ . API Internd-Eush Tool Joint e Maslmurn torque for 3 g i n . API FuU-hole Tool Joint d Maxlrnurn torque for 3M-10 Stra-hole Tool Joint



d. Maxlmum torque for 3%1n Xtra-hole T w l Jolnt

Table 3-U
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
4" Drill P ~ p e
(14 Ib/k) Grade E This Table is Based on M~nimumUlhrnate Strength of P~pe.100.000 psi CAUTlON!Useof values~n table this may result In partlng of the strlng. 4" Dr~llP ~ p e (14 Ib/ft) Grade E

Table 4-U
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
4" Dr~llPipe (14 Ib/ft) Grade Alloy Thls Table is Based on M~nimum Ult~mate Strength of Plpe. 1?0.000psi CAUTION'llseof valuesin thls table may result in partlng of the strmg. 4" Drill Pipe (14 Ib/ft) Grade Alloy

Average Remalnlng Cross-Sectional Area of Plpe 100 Percent (New Plpe)

Average Remaining Cross-Sect~onal Area of Ptpe 100 Percent (New Pnpe) 80 Percent (Used Pipe)

- -psi 2.000 Circulahng Pressure, psi O 2.000 -

80 Percent (Used Pipe)

Rook Load or Zero Torque, Pounds Hook Load. Pounds



Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free P o ~ n t )

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point)

Torque Factor. R





Torquz lo felb = K x (turns/1,000 ft) e Maxlmum torque for 4-10. API Full-hole Tool Jolnt f Max~mum torque for 4-10. API Internal-flush Tool Jolot

Torque in f t l b = K x (turns11 OM It) r hlsxlrnum torque for 4-1; API Full-hole Tool Jolnt f Marlmum torque for 4-111. API Internal-flush Tool Jolnt

Table 5-U
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings

Table 6-U
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
4.5" Drill Plpe (16.6 Ib/ft) Grade Alloy Thts Table IS Based on hlintmum Ult~rnate Strength of Plpe. 120.000 psl CAUTION'Useof v a l u e s ~ n t h ~ s t a b l e may result In partlng of the strlng

5" Drill Pipe

(16.6 Ib/ft) Grade E

This Table IS Based on hlln~mum Ulttmate Strength of Pipe. 100.000 psi CAUTION' Use of values in this table may result III partlng of the strlng.

4.5" DriU Pipe (16 6 Ib/ft) Grade E

4.5" Drtll Pipe

(16 6 1bIh) Grade Alloy


Average Rernatntng Cross-Sectional Area of Plpt 100 Percent (New P ~ p e ) Ctrcuhtmg P r e s s u F l 0 2.000 352.600 Hook Load for Zero Torque, Pounds Hook Load, Pounds 80 Percent (Used P ~ p e ) Circulatmg pressure.


Average Remaining Cross-Sectional Area of Pipe 100 Percent (New Ptpe) a 0 459,900 t Pressure,

Hook Load for Zero T o r Pounds Hook Load, Pounds



Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point)

80 Percent (Used Plpe) Circuhing Pressure, psi 0 167,100 2.000 338,800



Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Po~nt)

Torque Factor. P




Torque In It-lb = K x (turns11.000 g. hlaxlmurn torque for 4 H 1 n h Marlmum torque for 4%-ln I Maxlrnum torque for 4%-ln J. Maxlmurn torque for 4%-ln

ft) API Regular Tool Jolnt API Internal-Bush Tool Jolnt API Full-hole Tool Jolnt Xtra-hole Tool Jolnt

10.064 Torque In ft-lh = Ii x (turns/1.000 g Maxlmurn torque for 4%-ln. h Maxlmum torque for 4 S l n I. Maxtrnum torque for 4 S m J . Maxlrnum torque for 4%-111



It) API Regular Tool Jotnt API Internal-Bush Tool Jotnt API FuU-hole Tool J a n t Stra-hole Tool Jolot

Table 7-U
Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings
5" Drlll P ~ p e (19.5 Iblft) Grade E
Thls Table 1s Based on hllmmum Ult~mate Strength of Plpe. 100.000 psl CAUTlON!llseof valuesln t h ~ table s may result ~n partsng of the string.

Calculated Allowable Hook Load and Torque Combinations for Stuck Drill Strings

5" Drtll P ~ p e (19 5 Ib/ft) Grade E

5" Dr~llPlpe (19 5 1b/ft) Grade Alloy

Aterage Remainme Cross-Sectional Area of Plpe 100 Percent (New P ~ p e l ~trcu.tmg l;se sP r 80 Percent (Ilsed P~pe') ~ l r c u ~ a t m gm s u r e PSI ~ .

--Hook Load for Zero Torque, Pounds




366.900 330.900

Hook Load Pounds Hook Load. Pounds

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Point)

Table 8-U
T h ~ Table is Based on s M~nlmumUltimate Strength of P ~ p e , 1?0.000 psi CAUTION~Uscof valuesin t h ~ table s may result ~n parting of the strlng
SY Dr~llP ~ p e

(19 5 Ib/ft) Grade Alloy

Average Remaining Cross-Secttonal Area of Plpe

100 Percent (New Pipe)

80 Percent (Ilsed Pipe)

C~rculatlngPressure, pst

C~rculat~ng Pressure, p s ~ 0 2.000

Allowable Torque (Turns per Thousand Feet to Free Polnt)

550.000 525,000 500.000

Torque F I C ~ O ~ , K





Torque In ft-lh = K x (turns/1.000 It) h. Maxln~urn torque for 4%-ln API Int?rnal-flush Tonl Jolnt k fvfax~rnun~ torque for 5-10. Xtra-501? Tool Jolnt Toro In l t l h = K x (tnrnsj1.000 it1 I?-hlas~mum torque for 4 S l n API Internal-flush Tool Jolnt k hlaxlmum torque lor 5-ln Stra-hole Tool J v ~ n t

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