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Name: Date: Annual Average Precipitation Challenge Directions: Work within the group to interpret the provided map.

1. What is the title of the map?

2. Using the legend, what do the different colors on the map represent?

3. Which region of the map (NE, NW, SE, SW, Midwest) receives the most precipitation? Name at least two states included in the region you chose.

4. Why do you think this area receives so much precipitation?

5. Which region of the map (NE, NW, SE, SW, Midwest) receives the least precipitation? Name at least two states included in the region you chose.

6. Why do you think this area receives so little precipitation?

7. How much precipitation can Illinois expect to receive in a year based on this map?

8. If you were planning a vacation to a state on this map, where would you want to go?

9. Based on this precipitation map, do you expect it will rain a lot at your vacation destination? Do you still want to go on vacation to the place you listed above?

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