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speak up!
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letters political party proponents are likely town council worker and the pak cik
Put an end to
to argue on the small sample size.
There is much talk about racial
who sells me nasi lemak – I under-
stand that they feel they do not hold
protest culture unity coming from the so called lib- the economic pie in proportion to their

THE King, addressing Parliament last Mon-

day, made many observations that the peo-
ple and leaders need to ponder seriously.
His thoughts on the Constitution must
be given thought too. On the Constitution, I
We need more eral factions within the ranks of race-
based political parties. I doubt there
can be any sincere introspection by
these parties as their very survival
depends on racial polarisation.
That is why since the political
population, and if their political power
is usurped, they will have nothing. The
challenge is, however, debunking this
lie perpetrated by certain quarters.
The Malays must lose their ir-
rational fear and stop declaring

see today far too many people indulging in tsunami of March 8, we often hear non-Malay citizens subordinate. The
constitutional talk and there could be some catch phrases like unity, soul search- non-Malays/Muslims should stop
that do not know it thoroughly. This can be ing, reform and what not, but race labelling all Malays as this and that
dangerous, and must be avoided. The King relations in Malaysia seems to be on because of the actions of a few and
rightly issued a reminder saying: “In this a downward spiral. get a grip of their Islamophobia, stop
sense, I remind all parties to respect this What we can achieve with the labelling all Muslims as “Taliban” and
foundation that the Constitution was based current model is not racial unity such because of a few fatwa. This is
upon and not question it.” I READ that respondents to an online sayers who opined that race-based but mere racial tolerance; tolerance deeply hurting and alienating Malays
Tuanku Mizan added that the younger opinion poll had voted overwhelm- politics is still relevant. I am convinced has boundaries and when they are who threw their support behind
generation should also be cultivated on the ingly for the abolition of race-based that the cause of our political impasse breached can turn ugly. Pakatan. It’s easy to point fingers
history of the country’s independence, the political parties. Some 90% of about is in a large part due to race-based Without doubt some parties sur- but it takes two to tango. Malaysia
Constitution and principles of the Rukune- 500 respondents believe that the parties. vived by playing up to the fear of one does not need more bigots, we need
gara. This should be done promptly. abolition would result in greater I urge independent pollsters to race being marginalised to the hilt. In peacemakers and lots of them.
The King also expressed sadness that social harmony and understanding conduct more polls that are larger casual talks with many Malay friends
some parties still raised narrow-minded among the various communities. I feel than the sample size of 500 used in from diverse backgrounds – from Vijay Kumar Murugavell
racial issues and brought them into public vindicated after much slack from nay- the online poll, as pro-race-based despatch boy, architect, taxi driver, via e-mail
debates. I share this view, and hope we are
always mindful of what we say and how, in
plural Malaysia. It pays to be careful. inculcated the seeds of multi-cultur-
And let us learn to be colour blind too.
Stop raising racial matters. If need be, they
Tribute to educationist Sim Mow Yu ism and cultural rights. Such efforts
should be continued by both political
should be discussed behind closed doors. THE passing away of renowned importance of Chinese and mother- presented us with a challenge of parties and NGOs.
Tuanku Mizan also said the global eco- Chinese educationist Datuk Sim Mow tongue education was driven by his motivating future generations. As we pay tribute to Sim, I urge
nomic situation was expected to affect the Yu on Feb 5 is a big loss for the com- optimistic outlook. Many leaders from the ruling political parties to stop marginalising
country’s economic growth. Both sides of munity and country. His dedication to The accomplished calligrapher elite have called for the closure of vernacular schools but ensure that
the political divide must cooperate and pay mother-tongue education is remark- headed Jiao Zong (United Chinese vernacular schools and disregarded the status of these schools are on par
more attention to the economy. We must able and his conviction remained School Teachers Association) for 28 mother-tongue education. The with national schools.
put an end to political bickering. steady despite many trials. years and retired from the frontline at government is not concerned about I also hope leading movements
The King also said political parties should This included detention under the the age of 82. His feat was recorded in new vernacular school policies, including Dong Jiao Zong and Tamil
show maturity and advised their members Internal Security Act and arrest under the Malaysia Book of Records for being inequality of fund allocations to Foundation together with The
not to act in a manner that could affect the Sedition Act in the 1970s over the longest-serving school principal. Chinese and Tamil schools and Federation of Malay Writers Asso-
national stability and economic growth. issues relating to Chinese education. Some 20,000 students received their insufficient teachers. More than half ciations (Gapena) find new ways to
Let us put an end to the protest culture. It Sim was expelled from the MCA education under Sim’s guidance. of the schools lack infrastructure, educate the future generations about
is better to talk things over. We do not solve Youth Wing in 1966 for fighting for Sim also placed the greatest trained teachers and resources. the importance of mother-tongue
any problem by taking to the streets. Chinese education to be one of the importance to filial piety. Over the last year, the people have education.
official languages in the country. While Sim inspired one generation become more vocal in demanding
Bulbir Singh Sim’s astonishing determination of people towards the importance their democratic as well as cultural Charles Santiago
Seremban to hold steadfast to propagating the of Chinese education, his death has rights. Mother-tongue education has Member of Parliament, Klang

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