Thesun 2009-02-23 Page12 Lets Have Updates On All Graft Cases

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12 theSun | MONDAY FEBRUARY 23 2009

speak up!

Let’s have updates

are de-
» Shouldn’t
the past pres-

on all graft cases

idents and
officials of
the Petaling
Jaya City
be brought
before the
“... every official, from the before the law. other congratula- courts, and
Prime Minister down to a con- And what hap- tory word except made, in that the MACC set-up if
stable or a collector of taxes, pened on Friday Syabas for its ef- their personal where not the ideal model, is the
is under the same responsibil- goes to illustrate ficiency. capacity, liable to the dearly best we can have under the
ity for every act done without this point. The It has been less punishment, or to the pay- departed used it as their last present circumstances. The
legal justification as any other Malaysian Anti- than three months ment of damages, for acts place of rest? The ACA was MACC has set high standards
citizen. The [Law] Reports Corruption Com- since Hari Raya done in their official character even provided with photo- in Abdul Khalid’s case – effi-
abound with cases in which mission (MACC) Aidiladha when but in excess of their lawful graphs and even a letter of ciency and speed. What about
officials have been brought announced that the issue of Abdul authority? Did they abuse support for the illegal funeral the hundreds of other cases,
before the courts, and made, it had sufficient Khalid allegedly their positions when they parlour in Petaling Jaya. Yes, including the pending 900
in their personal capacity, li- evidence to indict misusing his po- decreed that all applications it was investigated but was cases of money politics?
for outdoor billboard licences
able to punishment, or to the Selangor Mentri CitizenNades sition to donate should go through the sports
there a public pronouncement Would it come out in the
payment of damages, for acts Besar Tan Sri cows for slaughter of the status of the investiga- open and tell us the status of
by R. Nadeswaran club? They definitely broke
done in their official character Abdul Khalid in his parliamen- tions and the case? cases like investigations into
but in excess of their lawful Ibrahim for abuse tary constituency the law by accepting “dona- the file provided by former
tions” in lieu of licence fees » Minutes of state exco Gerak chief Ezam Mohd Nor
authority. [Appointed govern- of power. The MACC’s state- of Bandar Tun Razak came meetings were forged and
ment officials and politicians, ment has drawn flak from up. from advertisers. Besides, on the wrong-doings of a
proceeds from the sales of presented at a court hearing. cabinet minister? Or would it
alike] ... and all subordinates, Abdul Khalid’s co-leaders in And it has been about a Reports were made but no-
though carrying out the Pakatan Rakyat while not un- month since the issue of his its own publications were charge him for making a false
channelled to the sports club. body knows the outcome of report?
commands of their official expected though, has got the personal car was publicly the investigations. Shouldn’t
superiors, are as responsible support of those on the other raised. Let us congratulate If there’s an open-and-shut Similarly, what has the
case of excess of their lawful the aggrieved parties be told MACC done on the wrongdo-
for any act which the law does side of the divide. It would be the MACC for investigating about the case and shouldn’t
not authorise as is any private wrong to say that the MACC and wrapping up the case in authority, this is it. I can say ings of public servants whose
this with conviction because the MACC provide a status dubious deals have been
and unofficial person. erred because the majority a speedy manner. Well done, report?
– Law of the Constitution of like-thinking Malaysians once again. the then ACA opened the files listed in the auditor-general’s
(London: MacMillan, 9th ed., had for years, clamoured for Having set a precedent in on this case more than three » Land meant for public report?
1950). an independent, partisan and speed and practising trans- years ago. facilities like telecommunica- Yes, MACC, you have set
efficient body to fight corrup- parency in Abdul Khalid’s » Shouldn’t the officials of the tions exchange, surau and the ball rolling and you have
THIS quote was used in a tion. We got it in the form case, let me as an interested Youth and Sports Ministry be playing field were alienated to keep it in motion. Once it
column two years ago when of the MACC and if it is the party (having knowledge and brought before the courts, and to individuals and political stops, you’ll be accused of
arguing for the need for all “new” way it is going about provided information) raise made, in their personal capac- parties by the former Selangor practising double-standards
citizens to be treated equally to be doing its job, there’s no some other issues which the ity, liable to punishment, or state executive council. These and that you are not being
to the payment of damages, cases have been widely re- independent.
for acts done in their official ported but the MACC has yet You’ll be accused of se-
character but in excess of to lift a finger let alone provide lective prosecution and that
their lawful authority? The details of its investigation. would be a difficult charge to
ministry used RM17 million of defend in view of your recent
» State-owned Syarikat stand. The ball is at your feet
taxpayers’ money to stage an Permodalan Selangor had
international junior inter-club and you have to kick it the
bought a RM159,000 watch way it should be. Scoring your
tournament, which ended in for the then mentri besar.
a flop. Besides, it advanced own goal won’t win you any
Shouldn’t the board members accolades or supporters.
yet another RM8 million for
be investigated for abuse of
the same tournament which
their positions?
has yet to take place. The
Terence Fernandez and R. Nadeswaran applauds
ministry and its officials had
I would be lying through the MACC for its new-found
abused their powers by acting
our teeth if we said that we efficiency but hopes that its
as sports promoters or going
opposed the MACC. On the decisions will be consistent. He
into business.
contrary, we were campaign- is editor (special and investi-
» What happened to the infa- ing for an anti-corruption gative reporting) at theSun.
mous “Gasing Hilton” which body with bite. We were He can be reached at: citizen-
operated illegally for 13 years and still are of the opinion


Without fear
or favour?
I SUPPOSE I should congratulate the
MACC chief commissioner for his alacrity
in providing proof of the Selangor Mentri
Besar’s misuse of powers, alas I cannot
bring myself to do so.
Never in the history of Malaysia has an
anti-corruption agency been so efficient.
When the commission was set up, Malay-
sians were buoyed that at last we would
have an agency that would put a stop to
corruption in the country. We expected the
MACC to carry out its function without “fear
or favour”. It is certainly without “fear” but
can we believe without “favour”?
It is naive for the commissioner to make
us believe that his disclosure to the press
“that we have good and strong evidence”
was done in the public interest. The dis-
closure was deliberate – to influence the
public’s perception of the mentri besar.
The episode reeks of political con-
I am not a supporter of corruption,
regardless of who commits it, but I believe
in the law that a person is innocent until
proven guilty.

Kuala Lumpur

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