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14 theSun | MONDAY FEBRUARY 23 2009


Obama aims to control

‘exploding’ deficits
WASHINGTON: US President tors as transportation, road-build- tually raising taxes for the “wealthiest
Barack Obama is vowing to tackle ing, improving the power grid and Americans”, the official said. Be the
trillion-dollar budget deficits facing renewable energy installations. The official did not specify how creator of
the nation after he launched an un- Republicans and other critics much money a person must make to
precedented spending programme said the mammoth spending plan be categorised as the “wealthiest.” But
a Britney
aimed at helping the troubled Ameri- was mortgaging the nation’s future, during the election campaign, Obama Spears
can economy get back on its feet. for which America’s “children and included into this group people mak- music
In his weekly radio address on Sat- grandchildren will pay a hefty price”. ing more than US$250,000 a year.
urday, Obama said his administration But Obama said he was now deter- Obama used his address to again
were determined to do “all we can to mined to put spending under control, showcase his recovery plan, saying pg 18
get exploding deficits under control as saying work on the deficit will begin because of it, “three and a half million
our economy begins to recover”. on Monday, when he will convene a Americans will now go to work doing
According to the Congressional fiscal summit of independent experts, the work that America needs done”.
Budget Office, the provisional budget unions, advocacy groups and mem- He announced that, starting this
deficit in fiscal 2009 will balloon to a bers of Congress to discuss how the Saturday, employers had begun
record US$1.2 trillion (RM4.2 trillion). trillion-dollar deficit could be cut. reducing taxes for 95% of working
The deficit for fiscal 2008 which He promised to further tackle the American families as mandated by
ended in September reached US$438 issue in Tuesday’s address to the na- the stimulus package. By April, the
billion (RM1.5 trillion), or 3.1% of the tion, in which he planned to outline average US family will begin to keep
nation’s gross domestic product, the urgent national priorities. an additional US$65 each month.
office said in a report last month. On Thursday, the White House But the president acknowledged
However, the figures do not in- releases a budget blueprint, which that signing the stimulus plan into
clude the cost of a huge US$787-bil- Obama said is “sober in its assess- law was only a first step on the road
lion economic stimulus plan signed ments, honest in its accounting, and to economic recovery.
by Obama into law last Tuesday. lays out in detail my strategy for invest- He said a complete recovery will
Roughly one-third of the stimulus ing in what we need, cutting what we require stemming the spread of real
funds will be spent on tax cuts, to- don’t, and restoring fiscal discipline”. estate foreclosures and falling home
taling US$286 billion, in an effort to A senior administration official values, stabilising and repairing the
boost consumer spending, a key en- told AFP that Obama planned to cut banking system in order to restore
gine of the world’s largest economy. the federal budget deficit by half by the flow of credit to families and
But a further US$120 billion is
being allocated to “shovel-ready”
end of his first term.
Savings will be made by cutting
businesses and reforming the bro-
ken regulatory system that made the Aussie miner says China
infrastructure projects, in such sec- spending on the Iraq war and by even- crisis possible. – AFP
takeover saved firm
MELBOURNE: Debt-laden Australian miner OZ Minerals
Japan bears brunt of global economic crisis said yesterday it would go into receivership if a A$2.6
billion (RM6 billion) takeover offer from China’s Minmet-
TOKYO: Remember the early 1980s? slashing thousands of jobs as they brace According to government’s forecasts, als does not proceed.
The compact disc was brand new, the to fall deep into loss. The government is factory production is expected to drop by While some Australian politicians have expressed un-
Walkman was still a novelty and Japa- in disarray. It’s no wonder the yen’s surge February to levels last seen in 1983. ease at Chinese investment in the country’s resources
nese carmakers were getting ready to against the dollar has fizzled out. “Output will have fallen over a five- sector, OZ Minerals chief executive Andrew Michelmore
conquer the world. “The yen is rapidly losing its ‘safe month period by as much as it had risen Japan said last week’s offer had saved his company.
Fast forward to 2009 and with Asia’s haven’ status,” said NAB Capital analyst in the previous quarter of a century,” has gone “Having stared down the barrel of receivership or
biggest economy in a deep recession, John Kyriakopoulos. said Richard Jerram, chief Japan econo- from being voluntary administration at least three times in the last
Japanese factories are slashing their The government warned last week mist at Macquarie Securities. what few months, this is the best outcome for our sharehold-
output back down to the same levels Japan’s economy was in the deepest Now more than ever, analysts say, ers,” Michelmore told ABC television.
as 1983, wiping out more than two crisis since World War II, after contract- Japan needs a steady hand on the tiller
market The proposed deal came days after China’s state-
decades of growth, analysts say. ing at an annualised pace of 12.7% in of the economy. Instead, the govern- participants owned aluminium firm Chinalco said it was putting
Once seen as relatively immune to the fourth quarter, the worst perform- ment is engulfed in its own crisis, with regarded US$19.5 billion into another troubled Australian mining
the global downturn, Japan’s economy ance in almost 35 years. Prime Minister Taro Aso’s popularity as one of giant, Rio Tinto.
has become one of the biggest victims, “In the space of a few months, Japan below 10% according to one poll. Senators from across the political spectrum have
exposing the fragility of its export-led has gone from being what market par- Political turmoil could weaken the
the world’s raised concerns about Beijing’s state-owned entities
recovery from a decade-long slump. ticipants regarded as one of the world’s government’s ability to implement fis- best buying into Australia’s resource sector.
Japan’s banks managed to escape best economies to one of the worst,” RBS cal stimulus measures to help revive economies However, Michelmore said he was comfortable with
the worst of the financial crisis, but its Securities analysts wrote in a note. economic growth, Kyriakopoulos said. to one of Chinese money moving into the sector and believed
manufacturers are being battered by “The global collapse of exports and Japan has announced a series of spend- the worst.” Minmetals would follow corporate guidelines.
the slump in demand for cars, electron- Japan’s dependence on them are largely ing packages, but its huge public debts – a “All the information I have is that they want this as their
ics and other goods. responsible for this change.” hangover from efforts to spend its way offshore vehicle to grow their base metals business.
“The dire situation for Japan’s econ- Japan’s Nikkei index is back down out of the 1990s recession – mean it has “They have a number of entities that they have to
omy cannot be overstated,” Newedge near October’s 26-year low, while the limited ammunition to fight the crisis. report back to and they are very committed to corpo-
Group senior strategist Kirby Daley said. broader Topix index ended Friday at the “They’re going to have to print rate governance. I think they are going to see this as a
“Japan is woefully unprepared to weakest level in a quarter of a century. money for anything that they do. They platform to really grow their business.”
deal with the severe downturn in its With exports and industrial output can try to throw money at the problem Before the Minmetals offer, OZ Minerals flagged
economy that it’s going to face in 2009, plunging, analysts expect another but they will only exacerbate the long- asset write-downs of up to A$2.8 billion due to steep
2010 and possibly beyond,” he said. severe contraction in the Japanese term issues facing the country and the commodity price falls sparked by the global financial
Icons such as Toyota and Sony are economy in the first quarter of 2009. economy,” Daley said. – AFP crisis. – AFP

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