Thesun 2009-02-20 Page10 Obama Unveils Plan To Tackle Housing Crisis

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10  theSun | FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20 2009

news without borders

Stanford goes missing as worried investors pull funds

WASHINGTON: Authorities were situation, and faulting oversight by involved in laundering drug money for Clients of
trying to track down Texas billionaire regulators in the United States. Mexico’s powerful Gulf cartel. Stanford Bank
financier Allen Stanford yesterday, as Peru’s securities regulator suspend- ABC News, citing unnamed federal queue up at
fraud charges against the cricket im- ed operations for 30 days at the local officials, said Mexican police detained this branch
presario prompted panicked investors office of Stanford Financial Group. one of Stanford’s private planes and in Caracas,
to withdraw cash from his banks. In an interview with the Houston found checks inside believed to be Venezuela,
Two days after the US Securities and Chronicle newspaper, Stanford’s 81- linked to the ultra-violent cartel. to withdraw
Exchange Commission (SEC) accused year-old father James said he under- The network also reported that their money.
Stanford, 58, of perpetrating “a fraud of stood that authorities were searching Stanford spent US$8 million in Wash-
shocking magnitude”, officials were still for his son, but insisted he had no idea ington wooing lobbyists and legislators,
in the dark about his whereabouts – as where his son could be. and that red-faced lawmakers, includ-
were close members of his family. “I’d spoken to him a week or so ago ing former presidential candidate Sena-
Authorities in the Caribbean island – he’d called – about problems with tor John McCain, were scrambling to
of Antigua, the center of Stanford’s the business climate in general, but return or donate thousands of dollars
financial empire, and in parts of South nothing of this magnitude,” he said. Stanford gave to their campaigns.

America meanwhile sought to quell “I cannot imagine, I cannot believe, In Ecuador, transactions at the
fears among depositors as big queues I will not believe what is being alleged Stanford Financial Group were tem-
formed outside branches of his bank. actually happened. I cannot believe porarily suspended on Wednesday and queued up at the Stanford-owned Bank The SEC has filed civil charges
Venezuela yesterday took control that my son would run.” Stanford representatives were barred of Antigua to withdraw funds. For the against Stanford for what they called a
of a local bank owned by Stanford, Reports also emerged Wednesday from engaging in any trading or other past two decades, Stanford has been fraud “of shocking magnitude” in selling
stressing that the decision was not that the FBI has launched an inves- business in the Quito stock market. based in the Caribbean, where he built US$9.2 billion in securities, “promising ...
related to its own “stable” financial tigation into whether Stanford was In Antigua, hundreds of people a reputation as a cricket patron. improbable high interest rates”. – AFP

Obama unveils plan to tackle briefs

20,000 applicants vie
for Australia’s dream job

housing crisis forecast sharply, saying the economy

was likely to shrink by between 0.5%
and 1.3% this year, weighed down by
rising unemployment, frozen credit
and the housing crisis.
The home foreclosure plan fea-
SYDNEY: An Osama bin Laden impostor and someone claiming to
work for the pope are among the 20,000 vying for the highly paid job
of looking after a tropical island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australian
tourism officials said yesterday. Applications for the Hamilton Island
sinecure are due this weekend. The successful jobseeker gets a
six-figure pay packet and rent-free luxury accommodation for six
months in return for doing not much other than keeping a blog on
MESA (Arizona): President Barack become scarce as the markets have tures a US$75 billion (RM276.7 bil- lazy days, feeding fish, plucking leaves out of the pool and fetching
Obama pledged up to US$275 billion been overwhelmed by the collapse lion) fund made up of US$50 billion the mail. The US, Italy, Germany and UK are providing the most
(RM1 trillion) on Wednesday to help of securities backed by failing mort- (RM184.5 billion) from the US$700 jobseekers. Fewer than one in 20 of the 60-second video applica-
stem a wave of home foreclosures, gages,” Obama said in a speech at a billion (RM2.6 trillion) financial tions are from Australians. The 50 finalists will be announced on
part of a broad effort using massive high school in Mesa. bailout fund approved last year and March 2, with one wildcard candidate to be named on March 24.
sums of government money to lift the “In the end, the home mortgage up to $25 billion (RM92 billion) from Terence The winner will be unmasked on May 6. – dpa
country out of recession. crisis, the financial crisis, and this housing finance firms Fannie Mae Fernandez:
Up to 9 million families would be broader economic crisis are inter- and Freddie Mac. It also draws on up
Tough call Cloned wolves to be mated
given the chance to refinance their connected,” he added. to US$200 billion (RM738 billion) au- to test reproduction ability
mortgages under the plan, adminis- The plan goes much further than thorised by last year’s housing bill. to make
tration officials said. He unveiled the previous government efforts to ad- “All of us are paying a price for SEOUL: One of the world’s first cloned wolves will mate with
pg 14 another clone to test their reproductive ability in an unprec-
plan in Arizona, a state hard hit by dress the foreclosure crisis. In a break this home mortgage crisis. And all
home foreclosures. from past programmes, it would help of us will pay an even steeper price edented experiment, a South Korean cloning expert said
Obama, who a day earlier signed borrowers who have not yet missed if we allow this crisis to continue to yesterday. Snuwolffy, born in October 2005, will pair with
into law a landmark US$787 billion a monthly mortgage payment but are deepen,” Obama said. Minguk, a male clone born in August 2006, Seoul National
(RM2.9 trillion) economic stimulus straining to keep up. The plan will enlist Fannie Mae University researcher Lee Byeong-Chun said. Lee and his
package, said his housing plan Still, financial markets reacted and Freddie Mac to do much of team are credited with creating the world’s first cloned dog,
would counter a cycle of mortgage skeptically to the plan. US stock the heavy lifting. Up to 5 million an Afghan hound named Snuppy, in 2005. The cloned dogs
defaults, plummeting home values prices dipped after government data homeowners still making payments produced offspring last year in the world’s first successful
and financial-market turmoil. showed a drop in housing starts and who cannot qualify for conventional breeding of cloned canines. The male will be brought in April
“A lost home often begins with a permits to record lows, portending refinancing because their home to Seoul Grand Park zoo where Snuwolffy lives. – AFP
lost job. Many businesses have laid more weakness in the housing mar- values have dropped could refi-
off workers for a lack of revenue ket despite Obama’s plan. The US nance through Fannie and Freddie. Philip Morris must pay widow RM30m
and available capital. Credit has Federal Reserve cut its 2009 economic – Reuters NEW YORK: A Florida court ordered US tobacco giant Philip Mor-
ris to pay US$8 million (RM29.6 million) to the widow of a lung
cancer victim on Wednesday, in a case that could set a precedent
for 8,000 similar trials in the state. The jury rejected Elian Hess’
UBS agrees to identify tax demand for US$130 million (RM481 million) compensation, arguing
that her husband Stuart Hess was partly responsible for his death
dodgers, pays RM2.8 billion since he smoked three packs a day of Benson & Hedges before he
died at age 55 in 1997. But after nine hours of deliberations the jury
WASHINGTON: Swiss banking giant UBS trademark account secrecy, which helped ordered the cigarette maker to pay US$2 million (RM7.4 million)
AG agreed to pay US$780 million (RM2.8 cement its role as a global banking centre in compensatory damages to Elaine, US$1 million (RM3.7 million)
billion) and identify certain US customers but also tainted it with accusations of be- to her son David and US$5 million (RM18.5 million) in punitive
in a deal to resolve criminal fraud charges ing a haven for “dirty” money. damages. Philip Morris said it will appeal the judgment. – AFP
that it assisted rich American clients In exchange, it frees UBS from
evade taxes, the Justice Department said prosecution over its actions. The deal Bibi in pole position to become Israel PM
on Wednesday. also comes a week before a US Senate JERUSALEM: Hawkish Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu
It said that Switzerland’s largest hearing aimed at pressuring UBS to give yesterday gained pole position to become Israel’s next prime
bank has entered into what is known more information about Americans who minister as ultra-nationalist Avigdor Lieberman backed his
as a deferred prosecution agreement use Swiss bank accounts to avoid paying bid to form a government. The support from Lieberman’s
on charges of conspiring to defraud the taxes. Yisrael Beitenu party means Netanyahu, a former premier
United States by impeding the Internal UBS acknowledged that it helped US popularly known as Bibi, can count on the support of 65 of
Revenue Service (IRS). taxpayers open accounts that concealed the 120 members of parliament. “We recommend Bibi Netan-
Department officials said the agree- their identities from the IRS, the depart- yahu, but only as part of a wider government,” Lieberman
ment was unprecedented in pulling aside ment said. It said about 17,000 of 20,000 told President Shimon Peres. “We need a government with
Switzerland’s much-vaunted tradition of US cross-border clients concealed their the three largest parties, Likud, Kadima and Yisrael Beitenu,”
bank secrecy and described it as one of identities and the existence of their ac- said Lieberman.But the governing Kadima’s response was
the biggest settlements ever. They said counts, with US$20 billion (RM73.8 billion) lukewarm at best. “Kadima must serve the people on the op-
UBS admitted to helping US taxpayers in assets, from the IRS. position benches,” said Finance Minister Roni Bar-on. – AFP
hide accounts from the IRS. Some of these clients are unindicted
The UBS charges and agreement co-conspirators.
represented the latest court develop- In an unprecedented move, UBS, Accused in Politkovskaya trial acquitted
ments in a long-running, high-profile under orders from Swiss market regu- MOSCOW: A Russian jury yesterday acquitted all the accused in
investigation. lators, agreed to immediately provide the trial over the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya
In January, the former head of UBS the US government with the identities after three months of hearings that failed to shed light on the
AG’s wealth management business, of, and account information for, certain crime. None of the four accused had been charged with pulling the
Raoul Weil, was formally declared a United States customers, the depart- trigger or being the mastermind of the 2006 killing of the investiga-
fugitive after failing to surrender to US ment said. tive reporter who was highly critical of current Prime Minister
authorities on charges of conspiring to UBS has also agreed to expeditiously Vladimir Putin. “They have neither found the person who ordered
help wealthy Americans hide assets from exit the business of providing banking the killing, the organisers nor the people who committed the
US tax authorities. services to United States clients with crime,” said the Politkovskaya family’s lawyer, Karinna Moskalenko.
The deal further cracks Switzerland’s undeclared accounts, it said. – Reuters State prosecutor Yulia Safina said they planned to appeal. – AFP

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