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14 theSun | FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20 2009

speak up!

Tough call to make

t h e s u n s a y s

Look beyond race

OVER the last three days, on Feb 11 – five days before – who largely make up ON Monday, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in his Royal Address to
Citizen Nades and I have the story of her invasion of the electorate who decided Parliament conveyed an important message to his lawmakers
received overwhelming privacy broke – she was in on the outcome of the last – the government will not hesitate to act against any party
feedback – bouquets as well an emotional debate with general election – this epi- out to cause discord among the rakyat. His Majesty went
as brickbats – for our front- the mentri besar and some sode further fuels their anger on to stress that Islam is the religion of the country and the
page report on the invasion of of her exco colleagues over and disgust as to the depths freedom of others to practise their own faiths as provided in
Elizabeth Wong’s privacy. the plight of orang asli in one will go towards character the Constitution.
Nades and I don’t usually her constituency. During the assassination. On Wednesday, theSun through its columnist, Citizen-Nades
like to explain ourselves, as Bukit Antarabangsa tragedy, Although nothing has echoed His Majesty’s views and pleaded to all Malaysians to
it can be construed as a she was among the first to been proven, fingers are exercise caution when addressing issues of importance with-
feeble attempt at self-defence, spearhead relief efforts and being pointed. One sympa- out having to use the race card. Political rhetoric, he argued,
when there’s nothing to feel was embroiled in a war thises with those targeted by is worrying because it could spell disaster. Besides, the vitriol
guilty about. But there have Down2Earth of words with the Works Wong’s supporters, but for spewed by politicians has reached dangerous levels. He made
been questions from readers, by Terence Fernandez Ministry for the latter’s refusal all you know there could be an impassioned plea to Malaysians to stand up and fight racism
supporters and even several to issue the technical report a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It and abhor those who practised such brand of politics.
colleagues as to the need to received a flattering eulogy in to the state government. is no secret that there were The response to both have been overwhelming, a sign that
highlight the issue. After this very column last March. Her table thumping at many disgruntled voices Malaysians are sick and tired of politicians and their supporters
intense discussions and the In spite of all his misconduct, many meetings on issues when this former head of using race wherever and whenever they feel like it without
understanding that some of the prime minister had such as the environment and Suaram leap-frogged over considering the consequences. It is heartening to note that
these images will be making regarded Zakaria as “a good human rights underscores others to become assembly- Malaysians are standing united on this issue (see letters).
its rounds on the Web, the leader”. In that same vein, I her passion for these issues woman and exco. Moreover, Bigotry, it is said, is the most heinous crime against dignity.
paper decided we should hope that Wong too will be and can be traced all the political leaders of all persua- It can(not) be fought with organising gotong-royong or with
run the story to reflect that judged on her track record way to her student days in sions have been supportive money. No amount of open houses or goodwill gatherings will
voyeurism is still the best rather than what goes on in Sydney. of Wong and vocal in con- help because after helping themselves to the food, they go
way to discredit someone in her private life. Of course the conserva- demning the invasion of her home with the same thoughts. No government department
political office. Throughout my dealings tives among us and indeed privacy. This crossing of the can do it. It must come from the heart and with passion. And
We make no apologies for with Wong, she has come those within her party and political divide to support it should start at home and continue as the children go to
writing that report. Unlike across as someone whose coalition are in a predicament Wong is perhaps the silver pre-school. Everyone who wants to call himself a Malaysian
those who subscribe to and political naivity is compen- as their moral standing will lining surrounding this sad must eradicate any thought that they are divided by their
eke out a living from gutter sated by her passion for her also be questioned. The one state of affairs. race, religion, colour or creed. They must collectively view
journalism, we temper our work, bringing her NGO with the biggest headache themselves as Malaysians irrespective of their ethnicity.
reports with class, decency background and tempera- is obviously PAS, although Terence hopes clearer heads Admittedly, this is an uphill task but not an impossible one.
and respect for the subject ment into the state executive Tok Guru Nik Aziz himself will prevail over the issue. A journey of a thousand miles, it is said, starts with the first
of our report. Even the late council meetings. I was told has waved the incident off. He is deputy editor (special step. Let’s take the first step and support Malaysians who are
Datuk Zakaria Md Deros that at her last exco meeting But to the younger crowd reports & investigations). able and willing to take that long journey.


Justice and equity for all

THIS country was founded the part of non-bumiputras prosperity and racial
on principles of justice and is not without a good reason, harmony at risk.
equality. It was recognised by and I do not see it, as many In making this plea for
our founding fathers that unity are quick to claim, as an policies that unite rather than
in diversity had to be trans- over-reaction by a group of divide us, I must stress that
lated from a catch phrase or ethnic minority malcontents. for those policies to work, we
slogan into deeds that would Their concerns are real. They have to be prepared to make
give added strength to our have seen and experienced both sacrifices and compro-
national life. The introduction a gradual shift from strict mises because adopting an
of the New Economic Policy adherence to the constitu- entrenched, selfish position
subsequently was never in- tional provisions to the more will not be helpful in our
tended to alter the basis and questionable administrative search for a meaningful Ma-
substance of our nationhood. laws and cabinet decisions laysian identity. The conse-
This is something that we as a basis for administering quences of failure to integrate
should never forget because our country. This deliberate our multiracial society are
our future as a nation hinges erosion of the citizens’ rights too terrible to contemplate.
upon our commitment to the as enshrined in the Merdeka The future of our nation is far
fundamentals of justice and Constitution has become a too important to be entrusted
equity for all. matter for serious concern. to the tender mercies of our
It is sad that after all Malaysian society contin- politicians who have shown
these years during which ues to be divided along racial very clearly, on a range of
we have succeeded in lines and the level of polarisa- critical issues that they are
pulling ourselves up the tion gives little comfort or joy both unethical and incom-
economic ladder to become to Malaysians who believe petent, and that is putting
an important regional player, passionately in a Malaysian it charitably. Let us put our
questions of race continue to Malaysia with all that this money where our mouths
dominate our waking hours. implies. I do not believe that are in matters that affect
All this is understandable we will ever achieve this lofty us fundamentally, always
because people generally feel and desirable ambition unless putting our beloved Malaysia
particularly vulnerable and and until we are prepared to first in everything we do.
exposed when they see how address all our outstanding Nothing less that a full-
our Constitution has become problems associated with fledged Bangsa Malaysia
a political plaything, to be race in a spirit of mutual trust, grounded on democratic
tossed about and changed by based on policies which are principles of justice and
the government of the day for manifestly fair and just. The equality of opportunity is
narrow sectional gains rather government cannot afford good enough for us.
than the wider interests of all to ignore the danger signals
Malaysian citizens. any longer without putting Tunku Abdul Aziz
The sense of insecurity on the nation’s peace, progress, Kuala Lumpur

Be strong, Wong
I HAVE the utmost respect how good you are in your context. Please be strong,
for Elizabeth Wong and work. take all the rest you want but
what is happening to her The guy who did this has please come back to work.
now is just a lesson from her only one aim, that is to bring All this while we were eager
enemies teaching her how to you down. Don’t give in to have a leader like you and
be strong. now, not at this time. We are we don’t want to lose you just
Elizabeth, you should not behind you. because some losers eagerly
resign. We know how high Don’t worry about the want to take over power.
your morals are and we also photos. You are like a sister
know how low the morals of to us and we don’t see our A Constituent
some people are. We know own sister’s photos in this via e-mail

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