Thesun 2009-02-20 Page16 F&N Confident of The Future

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16 theSun | FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20 2009


EON Bank Group introduces

F&N confident of the future
KUALA LUMPUR: Fra- distribution network. ing performance of the group and F&N was a dynamic
two retirement schemes
by Kristene Silva Marie
bank in Malaysia to offer such
services, giving retiring civil serv-
ser and Neave Holdings Bhd “With the new status, for the financial year ending one and in the course of ants an opportunity to plan ahead
(F&N) is ready to adapt and the company is now able to Sept 30, 2009. the collaboration, there had KUALA LUMPUR: EONCAP Islamic of their retirement and facilitate
chart a new course to realise launch new products and “Our financial position been differing perspectives, Bank, part of EON Bank Group, the need for upfront cash.
its vision as a Malaysian- venture into new territories is sound, our business sus- viewpoints and expectations. introduced two new financial Second Minister of Finance
owned world-class food and and export markets from tainable and diversified and – Bernama schemes for government pen- Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop said
beverage company. which we were restricted in coupled with our resolve sioners and retiring civil servants planning for a retire-
In a statement here yes- the past by the agreements.” and determination, we will yesterday.
terday, F&N said the non-re- The agreement is due to overcome and withstand any AEON targets “Skim Pem-
newal of the Coca-Cola fran- expire in January 2010. eventualities. RM10mil biayaan Perib-
chise agreements, which was F&N group chief execu- “While challenging, our adi Gratuiti”
announced on Wednesday, tive officer Tan Ang Meng future is bright and we are sales from allows govern-
would give it the opportunity said the development was confident,” he said. partnership ment servants,
to further build on its brand not expected to have any Tan said the relationship KUALA LUMPUR: AEON who are four
equity, market presence and material effect on the operat- between The Coca-Cola Co Credit Service (M) Sdn Bhd years or less
has targeted RM10 million from retire-
in sales from its latest ment, to apply
business partnership with for financing
Woongjin Coway (M) Sdn ranging from
Bhd. RM10,000 to
Aeon Credit managing RM100,000. EON Bank Group CEO
director Kuroda Naruhito The repay- Albert Lau, Fozia, Nor
said yesterday the strate- ment period is Mohamed and EONCAP
gic partnership signified between nine Islamic Bank chairman
the company’s move into to 51 months Datuk Mohd Hussin Abd
rental-based financing. with a flat profit Hamid at the launch.
He said for the business, rate of 7% per
the non-performing loan annum which only commences ment is important for the retirees
ratio is expected to be upon retirement. to have an appropriate level of
maintained at below 2%. One of the benefits of this income to especially meet their
Woongjin Coway, part scheme is the bank only executes long-term needs.
of a South Korean group, is repayment deductions once the “The initiative by EONCAP
targeting a total revenue gratuity payment commences, giv- Islamic Bank is significant in the
of RM44 million with a ing the customer a four-year head- efforts at designing products that
sales volume of about start to build up his finances. would contribute towards increas-
30,000 units this year. Meanwhile, Skim Pembiayaan ing the supply and diversity of
The company expects Peribadi Pesara Kerajaan allows financial instruments to meet the
40% of its total sales to be a pensioner to apply for financing long-term needs of retirees.”
generated through the part- ranging between RM5,000 and EONCAP Islamic Bank Bhd
nership with AEON Credit. RM100,000. executive director Fozia Amanulla
Last year, the company The repayment period is three said a retiree should have the
achieved rapid growth with to 15 years (or the age of 70, de- opportunities to continue his
a revenue of RM22 million, pending on which comes earlier) livelihood and enjoy better quality
up by almost four times with a flat profit rate of 5.25% of life.
from the 2007 figure. per annum for amounts between “The two financial planning
“With the partnership, RM5,000 and RM15,000 or 5.50% schemes may be used to start
customers are able to for amounts between RM15,001 a new business venture, settle
make their monthly pay- and 100,000. outstanding obligations or even
ments more conveniently The scheme incorporates a to purchase a retirement home.”
through auto-debit at any Takaful insurance coverage for For more information on the
of the appointed commer- the pensioner at a subsidised two schemes, log on to www.
cial banks in the country,” premium and is in line with the, call
Woongjin Coway manag- government efforts to encourage 03-2616 1133 or visit any EON-
ing director James Park Jae entrepreneurial initiatives. CAP Islamic Bank or EON bank
Young said. – Bernama EONCAP is the first Islamic branches nationwide.

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