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case study

Luxoft HeLps Leading aV soLution proVider create new software package for information VisuaLization on distributed screens (iVds).
PoLymedias New GeNeratioN soFtware CoNtroLs iNFormatioN outPut to muLtiPLe sCreeNs,resuLtiNG iN more eFFeCtive aNd dyNamiC meetiNGs aNd CoNFereNCes.

PoLymedia Group of companies is a leader of av solutions in the russian market. the company was founded in 1998, encompasses 10 companies, located in large russian cities. the groups main businesses are: system integration; delivery and sale of projection and av-equipment; rental and staging solutions from concept to turnkey implementation.

u Summary: Because information visualization is not always optimally organized in modern conference halls, operation control rooms and control centers, audio-visual equipment (hardware and software) are often times unable to receive information promptly. Polymedias wanted, therefore, to develop a solution that would ensure the effectiveness and immediate control of the information display script development processes. u TechnologieS: microsoft .Net Framework 3.5, windows Forms, wCF, winsock, Codedom, XmL/Xsd

Polymedia needed to develop a way for varying pieces of equipment involved in the information display process, to integrate seamlessly with unmatched and often times, incompatible software applications.

Luxoft developed the information visualization to distributed screens (ivds) software application to facilitate easier control. information from any source standard av equipment or specialized software can be sent to any screen, maximizing its usability while meeting user ergonomic requirements.

the implementation of ivds system now ensures substantial efficiencies and improvements for operating any technically complicated system in viP meeting rooms, conference halls, multi-purposes stadiums and operation control centers.

Creation of IVDS such an innovative and unique product is one of the most interesting and high-tech projects weve done here at Luxoft,
maxim Kuznetsov, Luxoft russian Customer support manager.

Luxoft - Case study


russian-based PoLymedia Group of companies was founded in 1998 and today is one of the countrys foremost audio-visual (av) solution providers. the company identified the need to better optimize information visualization for distributed screens for large modern conference halls, operation control rooms and control centers. Last year, Polymedias management team made the strategic decision to develop a better tool for visualization control in order to create multi-variant meeting scripts and perform immediate software and hardware control. their next move choosing Luxoft, the eastern european leader in high-end software development was instrumental to designing, engineering, and deploying the solution within extremely short deadlines.

meetiNG oBjeCtives with ivds

unfortunately, information visualization is not always optimally organized in modern conference halls, operation control rooms and control centers. Frequently, this results in audio-visual equipment (hardware and software) being unable to receive information promptly. other times, information can be of insufficient definition or the symbol size may be uncomfortable or unattractive to the meeting attendees or participants. Consequently, meetings become inefficient and uninteresting. it became Polymedias objective, therefore, to develop a solution that would ensure the effectiveness and immediate control of the information display script development processes. this required multiple coordinated actions of control over software and hardware, display and communication facilities. they would need to develop a way for varying pieces of equipment involved in the information display process, to integrate seamlessly with unmatched and often times, incompatible software applications. our goal was to solve this problem, as meetings can be effective only if the participants see and perceive the information properly, says Polymedias Ceo, elena Novikova. after conducting an exhausting and competitive search for the perfect it partner to bring the solution to fruition, Polymedia chose Luxoft. several factors lead to this decision, including: u Certified by sei sw-Cmm and sei Cmmi sw/se standards, level 5 u well-organized software development processes that enabled on time completion u Considerable real-world experience in large-scale project execution u reasonable price

Luxoft - Case study


ivds: the LuXoFt soLutioN

with a team of 10 software engineers, Luxoft worked closely with Polymedia for one year, to successfully design and develop the ivds software package for information output control and for ensuring the smoother, more seamless meeting maintenance at conferences, in control centers or operation control rooms, conference halls, and other large, multi-purpose venues. the main principle of the ivds software operation is to facilitate easier visualization control. information from any source -- standard av equipment or specialized software -- can be sent to any screen, maximizing its usability while meeting user ergonomic requirements. ivds is a script-oriented software, which stores information about the system state at every instant in the form of separate scenes, from which presentation order (script) is developed. in the script preparation process the recommendations are taken on the optimal ways of information placement in accordance with ergonomic requirements. the scripts created can be non-linear, describing multiple variants of developments. the shifts between the variants are specified by the conditions and can be carried out both automatically and manually by a command from the console of the first person or an operator, who performs the demonstration. in addition, ivds allows to manage non-visual equipment power circuits, aC systems, automated equipment of buildings, and to monitor condition of system peripherals. Polymedias new ivds system now offers: u the most convenient and effective way to visualize information received from different software and hardware sources on multi-user display facilities. u Prompt management of the information display modes from any amount of different sources on any number of display facilities, both in real-time mode and according to prearranged scripts. u a way to create and store non-linear meeting scripts, which include the state of all technical and software tools at every instant so that scripts can be edited and activated quickly.

Control center developed for Penza region governor.

Control room. emergency Control ministry, Kursk region, russia.

scenarios plan for ivds.

Luxoft - Case study


ivds suPPorts the FoLLowiNG soFtware aNd hardware sourCes

u u u u u u u u u u Network desktop video file (avi, mPeG, wmv formats) image (jPG, BmP, GiF formats) a set of analytical data of business graphics, which enables you to receive data directly from the database and to display it in a visual and comparative way microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (.PPt file) microsoft word file (.doc file) internet explorer file (urL of a web site) standard image source video conference communication terminal dvd and video Cameras

the implementation of ivds system will ensure substantial efficiency improvements for operating any technically complicated system due to the following: u u u u automation and optimization of preparation processes for visualization development of information display scripts intuitive control of scripts and display modes demonstration of different analytical and media-data in a user-friendly way

Creation of IVDS such an innovative and unique product is one of the most interesting and high-tech projects weve done here at Luxoft,
says maxim Kuznetsov, Luxoft russian customer support manager.

aBout PoLymedia
PoLymedia Group of companies is a leader of av solutions in the russian market. the company was founded in 1998, encompasses 10 companies, located in large russian cities. the groups main businesses are: system integration; delivery and sale of projection and av-equipment; rental and staging solutions from concept to turnkey implementation. the Groups professionals develop authorial solutions for operation control rooms, monitoring and control centers, stadiums and multifunctional sport complexes, viP-meeting rooms, conference halls, and lecture halls. Polymedia is a member of infoComm international association of audiovisual systems integration operators, and an official partner of the worlds leading electronics manufacturers. Luxoft - Case study 05

About luxoft

Luxoft, a principal subsidiary of iBs Group, is a provider of advanced application and software engineering outsourcing services for global and regional enterprises. Luxoft builds partnerships with its clients, such as Boeing, iBm, deutsche Bank, uBs, harman, avaya, alstom, and sabre, based on the culture of engineering excellence, innovation, and deep domain expertise. Luxoft offers international delivery capability through its network of state-of-the-art delivery centers in North america, eastern europe, and asia. Luxoft`s customers benefit from the right mix of technology skills, industry knowledge, proprietary processes and methodologies, and a choice of engagement models. For more information about Luxoft, visit 2012 Luxoft

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