Passa Form 1

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What the Rate This Performance Appraisal System (PAS) for school administrator is a self-rating tool. It is composed of three major components (with weight assignments in parenthesis) as follows: I-Occupational Competence (79%), II-Professional and personal Characteristics (20%) and III-Punctually and Attendance (10%). How to rate Read each item carefully and rate yourself according the specified performance indicators. Check () the column corresponding to your level of performance in the accompanying Summary Rating Sheet (SRS) PAS Form B-2 For example, in item no. 1 a, Prepares school year instructional supervisory plan. . If all indicators were met without revision and submitted before due date, check under column 10. Do the same for the rest of the items. Enter your score under RATING. How to Compute Rating After Rating yourself in the three major components, add all your ratings (r) for each component (c) and divide the sum by total number of items rated (NI), and multiply by the weight (w) assigned the component (Ex. / NI x W = RC, or rating for component I). Do the same for components II and III. Get the total ratings for the three components. The Final PAS Rating What you did is your self-appraisal. Your over-all rating, which is the sum of all the ratings for three components including the plus factor, if there is any will be reviewed by your immediate supervisor/rater, who will in turn recommend it for approval by the Schools Division superintendent. I. OCCUPATIONAL COMPETENCE (70%) A. Instructional Supervision 1. Prepares school year instructional supervisory plan Instructional supervisory plan prepared was characterized by: a. b. c. d. e. plan was needs-based objectives were attainable strategies were well-defined plan was developed with teachers monitoring and evaluation scheme was defined in the plan 10 8 6 4 2

All indicators were met without any revision and submitted ahead of schedule All indicators were met with minor revision and submitted ahead of schedule All indicators were met with minor revision and submitted on schedule All indicators were met with major revision and submitted behind schedule Less than (4) indicators were met with major revision and submitted behind schedule 2. Implements the instruction supervisory plan Plan was implement when: a. b. c. d. e. teacher were oriented on the implement of the plan plan was prepared for each teacher regular classroom observations were conducted feedback on observations made was provided needs were addressed


All indicators were met 5 indicators were met 4 indicators were met 3 indicators were met Any 1 or 2 indicators were met:

10 8 6 4 2

B. Development / Student Development 1. Pupil /Student Development a. Increased school MPS by 2% over the previous year Exceed target by more than 2% Exceed target by 2% or less Target attained Decreased target by 2% or less Decreased target by more than 2% b. Decreased drop-out rate by 2% or maintained for those have zero dropout Decreased target rate by more than 2% Decreased target by 2% Attained target Increased target by 2% Increased by more than 2% c. Increased participation rate by 2% Exceeded target rate by more than 2% Exceeded target by 2% Target attained Decreased by 2% or less Decreased by more than 2% d. Increased survival rate by 2% Exceeded target by more than 2% Exceeded target by 2% or less Target attained Decreased by 2% or less Decreased by more than 2% e. Increased retention rate by 2% Exceeded target rate by more than 2% Exceeded target by 2% or less Target attained Decreased by 2% or less Decreased by more than 2% f. Health and Nutrition Program/Supplementary Diet Feeding services were made available to: 95%-100% of the severely and/or moderately underweight 75%-94% of the severely and/or moderately underweight 50%-74% of the severely and/or moderately underweight 25%-49% of the severely and/or moderately underweight Below 25% 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2

10 8 6 4 2

10 8 6 4 2


2. Curriculum Development Provides leadership in the development of the following: Self-learning materials, modules, workbooks, prototype lesson plans teaching devices, test items banks, audio-visual aids, brochures, circular, bulletins, outlines and guides. Leadership provided resulted in the development of: 4 or more of the materials 3 of the materials 2 of the materials 1 of the materials None or incomplete material 3. Staff development 3.1 Assesses training needs of teachers Needs assessment included: a. development of training needs assessment (TNA) tools b. conducted of training needs assessment c. data management d. prioritized needs All indicators were met without any revision and submitted ahead of schedule All indicators were met with minor revision and submitted ahead of schedule All indicators were met minor revision and submitted on schedule All indicators were met with major revision and submitted behind schedule Less than 3 indicators were met with major revision and submitted behind schedule 3.2 Prepares school-based training design Training designs covered the following: a. Program objectives based on needs b. Training curriculum / materials c. Training strategies d. Training delivery scheme e. Training evaluation All indicators were met without any revision and submitted ahead schedule All indicators were met with minor revision and submitted ahead of schedule All indicators were met with minor revision and submitted on schedule All indicators were met with major revisions and submitted behind schedule 3.3 Conducts in-services training (INSET) INSET conducted: a. Followed design of training b. Used appropriate training materials / equipment / technology c. Included the service of experts in the subject area d. Encouraged active trainees / group participation e. Evaluated result of training f. Used the adult learning strategies g. Acted as training facilitator / resource person in their area of expertise All indicators were met 5 indicators were met 4 indicators were met 3 indicators were met Any one or two indicators were met 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2


3.4 Professional / personal enhancement opportunities were provided when: a. training sources (e. g. DECS memorandum, newspaper ads, NEDA and others) were identified b. potential trainees were screened c. training opportunities were equitably allocated d. qualified trainees were recommended e. trained staff capability / expertise was tapped f. use of school resources was maximized All indicators were met 5 indicators were met 4 indicators were met 3 indicators were met Any one or two indicators were met C. Administrative Management 1. Resources Management 1.1 Management of human resources Management of available resources was characterized by: a. inventory of available expertise / potential b. utilization of expertise c. sustaining high performance d. growth and development program for human resources e. periodic monitoring conducted on human resource All indicators were met 4 indicators were met 3 indicators were met 2 indicators were met Anyone or no indicator was met 1.2 Management of physical facilities Physical facilities were managed according to: a. Prepare update inventory of school facilities b. Indentified / prioritized facilities needed by the school c. Acquires / purchase needed facilities d. Maintained records of inventories of school facilities All indicators were met 3 indicators were met 2 indicators were met 1 indicators were met No indicator was met 1.3 Fiscal management (for high school Principal only) Fiscal management involved: a. Prioritizing needs for funds allocation b. Updating books of records c. Maintaining records of financial transactions d. Preparing periodic reports of financial transactions All indicators were met 3 indicators were met 2 indicators were met 1 indicators were met No indicator was met 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2


2. Data Management Management of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) included: a. Organizing data b. Updating data c. Establishing profile from data gathered d. Disseminating data e. Utilizing data All indicators were met 3 indicators were met 2 indicators were met 1 indicators were met No indicator was met 3. Conflict Management Conflict was managed when: a. School complaint / grievance committee was organized b. Issues / problems/ concerns were acted on time c. Facts were gathered and verified d. Parties were encouraged to discuss different to arrive at a settlement e. Appropriated action was taken All indicators were met 3 indicators were met 2 indicators were met 1 indicators were met No indicator was met 4. Linkages Management Management of linkage was achieved when: a. The involvement of GOs /NGOs in school activities was elicited 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2

All indicators were met 3 indicators were met 2 indicators were met 1 indicators were met No indicator was met D. Research Conducts school-based action research Action research was undertaken using the following steps: a. b. c. d. e. f. Preparation of design Conducting the research Managing data Analyzing data Disseminating data Utilizing data

10 8 6 4 2

All indicators were met without any revision and submitted ahead of schedule All indicators were met with minor revision and submitted ahead of schedule All indicators were met with minor revision and submitted on schedule All indicators were met with major revisions and submitted behind schedule Less than 5 indicators were met with major revision and submitted behind schedule

10 8 6 4 2


E. Performance Assessment Assesses teacher performance Teacher performance assessment was done when: a. b. c. d. e. Teacher was oriented on the process of targeting / rating Performance targets were discussed and agreed upon Periodic meeting was conducted to monitor status of performance based on targets Self-rating of rate was discussed and appraised against targets and accomplishment Agreement on rating was arrived at 10 8 6 4 2

All indicators were met 3 indicators were met 2 indicators were met 1 indicators were met No indicator was met

II. PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS (20%) 1. Decisiveness - Acts immediately on needs / request in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations and accepted nonns of conduct and behaviour 2. Honesty / Integrity - Demonstrate truthfulness, candidness, uprightness, and freedom form deceit 3. Dedication / Commitment 8



4. Initiative / Resourcefulness


5. Courtesy - Shoes polite, kindness and thoughtful behaviour toward the public / clientele in manner of speech and actuation


6. Human Relations 10 integrates concern for people at work, office clientele and supervisor-subordinate relationship into work situations. 7. Leadership - the manner of guiding, influencing, motivation and developing confidence of subordinates to work as a tem and accomplish assigned tasks, leading the organizational unit to achieve its goals and objectives enthusiastically. 8. Stress Tolerance - stability of performance under pressure or opposition 9. Fairness / Justice - conforms to usual principles of law, just and unbiased 10. Proper Attire / Good Grooming - Dresses in accordance with proper decorum and / or prescribed rules and regulations and is neat in appearance 10




Always Often More often than not Seldom Never

10 8 6 4 2

III. PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE (10) (Including division /regional meetings and other required activities) Punctuality Number of times tardy (5%) Not more than three times tardy / under time during the last six months 4 6 times tardy / under time 7 10 times tardy / under time 11- 15 times tardy / under time More than 15 times tardy / under time Attendance Number of times absent (5%) Not more than 4 days absent (absences applied for in accordance with regulations are not included) 5 to 8 days absent 9 to 12 days absent 13 16 days absent More than 16 days PLUS FACTORS (.5 for each indicator but not to exceed 2 points for the total) 1. 2. 3. 4. Chaired technical committee in the division/ regional level Conducted seminar in the division/regional/national levels Acted as trainer/ facilitator in the division/regional/national levels Acquired resources/ assistance for the school from the other sources a. Solicited Bass and trio drums which cost P9,700.00 Solicited P20,000.00 from Brgy. Councils for the BSP & GSP registration of new pupils 10 8 6 4 2

10 8 6 4 2





MARIA B. MENDIOLA, Ed. D. Schools District Supervisor


________________________________ RECOMMENDING APPROVAL:

REYNANTE Z. CALIGUIRAN, Ph.D. Asst. Schools Division Superintendent APPROVED BY:

LILY Ll. DOMINGO, Ed.D, CESO VI Schools Division Superintendent

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