Primary Amd Secondary Sources For NHD

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Boyle, Edward F. "Notice." Letter to O. W. Holmes. 23 Oct. 1930. MS. Chicago, Illinois. This source is useful because it gives me more information about the dispute between dunning and the Northwest Federation. This letter is intended for O. W. Holmes and John Klier. A conclusion made by the author is that this meeting was called agree with what to do to dunning. This is a primary source because the people mentioned in the letter were there at the time. Brandon, Rodney H. "State of Illinois Department of Public Welfare Springfield." Letter to Mr. Holmes. 20 Nov. 1929. MS. Chicago, Illinois. This source is helpful because it gives me more information about the meeting on April 16th, 1929.The intended audience is Mr. Holmes. Something helpful is that it tells the reader who the people are. This is a primary source because it is written by someone who was there at that day and age. Chicago State Hospital, Male Inmates Shoveling Snow. 1910. Photograph. Chicago History Museum, Chicago. American Memory. Web. 23 Jan. 13. This source helps me see how the patients were treated. This is a useful source because it helps me get the gist of what the patients did on their free time. This source was intended for the people of Chicago. This is a primary source because it was taken at the exact time the men were shoveling.

Chicago Daily Tribune. Tribune Publishing Company. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. This source is helpful because it shows that the insane patients arent entirely crazy. The main audience is chicagoans of 1916.One conclusions is that the staff feels like they can blame everything on the patient. This is a primary source because it was written immediately after the fire.
"Chicago, IL Insane Asylum Fire, Dec 1923." Welcome to GenDisasters! N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. The article above is categorized as a primary source selection, the reason for the following selection is the fact that this article is a newsprint. The article includes information about the Dunning fire in 1923, which was one of the few fires at Dunning. The article/document is written for the public as know this is a news paper article. The specific

features of the document aremthemfact that it states how many people the fire killed and it includes names of people who died as well as those blamed for the fire.

Death Roll at the Dunning Asylum Fire and List of the Patients Missing. Chicago Daily Tribune. Tribune Publishing company, 27 Dec. 1923. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. This source will help me figure out how easy it was to get out safely from the building. The Intended audience is the people of Chicago in 1923. Something special is that this article gives the names of some of the patients. From this article, one could conclude that the hospital was prepared in case of a fire. "Dunning Nurses To Stand Trial." Chicago Daily Tribune 5 Nov. 1901: n. pag. Chicago Daily Tribune. Tribune Publishing Company. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. This article will help me because it shows how the nurses felt about the patients. The intended audience is Chicagoans in 1901. The author indicates that the two nurses accused of starving the patients are most likely quilty. This source is a primary source because it was written at the time of the accusation. Dunning Patient Pounced To Death; Conspiracy Bared. Chicago daily Tribune 22 Nov. 1913: n. pag. Chicago Daily Tribune. Tribune Publishing Company. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. This source will help me because it shows me that the insane were abused while they were at Dunning.The main audience is the people of Chicago in 1913. Something that is easy to spot is that the caretakers were more violent than the patients. This source is a primary source because it was written at the time of the beating of the patient. "Dunning Nurses To Stand Trial." Chicago Daily Tribune 5 Nov. 1901: n. pag. Chicago Daily Tribune. Tribune Publishing Company. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. This article will help me because it shows how the nurses felt about the patients. The intended audience is Chicagoans in 1901. The author indicates that the two nurses accused of starving the patients are most likely quilty. This source is a primary source because it was written at the time of the accusation. Holmes, O. W. Letter to Mr. Rodney Brandon. 16 Nov. 1929. MS. Chicago, Illinois. This is a useful source because it indicates that the Federation of Improvement Clubs is determined to move Dunning away from the Northwest side of Chicago. The intended audience is Mr. Brandon. Something unique about this letter is that Mr. Holmes is outraged but he keeps his attitude hidden. This is a primary source because Mr. Holmes was there at this time and place. Inmates Walking Away From A Building At Dunning. 1908. Photograph. Chicago

History Museum, Chicago. Americcan Memory. Web. 26 Jan. 2013. This is a useful source because it shows how the inmates werent looked after.The intended audience is the people of Chicago. Something interesting about this source is that it shows how the inmates feel about Dunning by the way they walk. This is a primary source because it was taken right when the inmates were walking away from Dunning. Klier, John. Improvement of Northwest Federation Clubs. Publication. Chicago: John, n.d.Print. This is a useful document because it shows what the Federation and Dunning agreed to. The intended audience is the people at Dunning. Something special about this document is that it has names of everybody involved in the conference. This is a primary document because it was written by a guy who was there at the time. Klier, John. Letter to Edwin A. Bederman. 29 Apr. 1929. MS. Springfield, Illinois. This document is helpful because it is a response to previous letters. The intended audience is Edwin A. Bederman. A special feature about this letter is that the author doesnt even argue or try to save Dunning. This source is primary because it was someone who was there at that time. Larsono Mel. "Forgotten Men of 'Hell's Cottage' Live in a Twisted World of Their own .anteno Madhouse Heavy Boot and Clenched Fist Add Torture of Broken Bones to series of Broken Minds. 1945. Photograph. Chicago. Flickr. Web. 26 Jan.2013. This is a useful source because the caption shows that the patients were abused. The main audience is the people of Chicago. This is an interesting source because one cannot see any attendants around. It is a primary source because Mel was there and he took it at that exact moment. No One Notified When Six Insane Escape Dunning. Chicago daily Tribune 29 July 1916: n. pag. Chicago Daily Tribune. Tribune Publishing Company. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. This article shows me how that the caretakers didnt really pay attention to the patients. The intended audience is the Chicagoans of 1916. One can conclude from this article that the grounds are big enough for people to hide within them. This article is a primary source because it was written at the time of the absence of the patients. O'Callahan, Edward P. "The Northwest Federation Of Improvement Clubs." Letter to Sir or Madam. 16 Feb. 1924. MS. Chicago, Illinois. This document is helpful because I can use some quotes from here on my website.The intended audience is a Sir or Madam that works at Dunning. The author is telling who he is

writing it to that they should move Dunnings location. This source is primary because it was written by someone who was involved in the situation. Packard, E. P. W., and Olsen. "Chapter 3, 4, 15." The Prisoners' Hidden Life, Or, Insane Asylums Unveiled: As Demonstrated by the Report of the Investigating Committee of the Legislature of Illinois, Together with Mrs. Packard's Coadjutors'Testimony. Chicago: Published by the Author ; A.B. Case, Printer ; 139 Monroe St., 1868. 11-340. Print. This source is useful because it shows me how patients were admitted into asylums and how they were treated. The intended audience is Chicago to show the mistreatment of patients. A conclusion made by me is that the caretakers didnt care for their patients. This is a primary source because it is written by a woman who was in an asylum and experienced the things she talks about. People Working On The Farm At Chicago State Hospital. 1908. Photograph. Chicago History Museum, Chicago. American Memory. Web. 23 Jan. 13. This source helps me see how the patients at dunning may have been overworked. This is intended for Chicagoans. Something interesting about this photo is that is that it shows the acres of land that the patients worked. This is a primary source because the picture was taken at the time of harvesting.

Two Suicides At Dunning Asylum. Chicago Daily Tribune 19 Mar. 1896: n. pag. Authentication - Timeout Redirect. Tribune Publishing Company. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. This source shows me how little supervision the patients had.The main audience was the Chicagoans of 1896. Something I noticed was that, patients kept all personal possessions. This sources is primary because it shows me how the patients were treated. The Almshouse Was Originally Located in the Center of Chicago (at Clark and ... N.d. Photograph., Chicago. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web. The sorce stated above is categorized as a primary source selection, the reason for the following selection is because it is a photograph. The article concludes information from were Dunning was located in chicago. the audience for this document is anyone who wants to know about it. the special features of the document are that the document shows were Dunning used to be located before the fires.

Zenino, Christine. Dunning Insane Asylum. N.d. Photograph., Chicago. N. pag. Web.

This source is a primary source selection, the reason for this selection is because this source is a photograph. The source concludes the picture of dunning after the fire, in some case significance today. The audience for the document is the public judging from the fact that this photograph was found online. The specific features of the document are the fact that it shows the after effect from the damage of the fire at Dunning.

Zenino, Christine. Historic Photos 1908. N.d. Photograph. Christine Zenino's Potostream, Chicago. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web The following source is a primary source, the reason for the following selection is because its a photograph. The document concludes a picture of people at Dunning. The audience for the document is anyone who would like to know about it. The special features of the photograph is that it shows conditions at Dunning.

"Alchemy of Bones: The Dunning Asylum." Alchemy of Bones: The Dunning Asylum. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. The following document is categorized as a secondary source document because its a summery of the dunning event. The occlusions of the document are the main events of dunning and some aspects of the population. The audience this document is written for are really anyone who would like to know more about the topic. The special features of the document are the fact that this document has dates that would help in creation and following research for the nhd project.

Bosco, Dominick. Bedlam: A Year in the Life of a Mental Hospital. New York, NY: Group, 1992. Print.


This is a useful source because it talks more about what happens within an insane asylum. The intended audience is the people of the United States. What is unique about this book is that the author decided not to use the real name of the asylum. This is a secondary source because the author is asking people who are connected with the asylum but he has no connections to one.
Chicago State Hospital." - Asylum Projects. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. The following document is categorized as a secondary source document because its a document with descriptions about doctors dunning the event. The conclusions of the document are the main doctors of the time. The audience this document is written for are really anyone who would like to know more about the topic and the doctors which took part in the event.. The special features of the document are the fact that this document has dates and names of people that would help in

creation of the nhd project.

"Cook County Cemetery, Dunning -" - Graveyards of Illinois - Graveyards of Chicago. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2013. The dunning cook county cemetery is categorized as a secondary source, the reason for the following selection is because this document is not a source like a news print, or photograph from the time of dunning. The conclusions of the document are the time of how the dunning cemetery was found after a long time of forget in memory. The audience for the document is practicly anyone who would like to know about the dunning insane asylum topic. The special features of the document are the fact it says were these people from dunning were bared and in what way too.
"Dunning Insane Asylum Forgotten along with over 38,000 Bodies." Web. 13 Jan. 2013.

The Dunning Insane site is categorized as a secondary source selection, the reason for the following selection is because this source is a summery type of document which has been written by someone who did not witness the event. The conclusions of the document are the basic information about the dunning event. The indented audience for the document is anyone who is starting their knowledge about the event which is known as dunning. The special features of the document are the fact that this document describes certain parts of dunning which I can chose to include in my topic. "Finds A Heaadless Body." Chicago Daily Tribune 26 Mar. 1897: n. pag. Chicago Daily Tribune. TribunePublishing Company LLC. Web. 21 Jan. 2013. This is useful source because it shows how the inmates arent accounted for. The main focus is that the person was not murdered. A conclusion reached by me is that Dunning had ongoing problems with their sewer but it still took them to long to investigate. This is a secondary source because the author was not there at the time of the finding. Griffith, William. "Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Chicago History - William Griffith -Google Books." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. The book above would be categorized as a secondary source, the reason for the source to be categorized as a secondary source is because it has facts about dunning insane asylum, there is nothing that dated back to that time when dunning took place. The conclusions of the document are the facts of how dunning was viewed back then this was judged from various primary documents. the audience for the document may be someone who is trying to research dunning or someone who likes to read historical books. the specific features of the document are the understanding of how people understood mental disabilities back during the time of dunning. Hurd, Henry M. "Illinois State Hospital for the Insane, Chicago Detention Hospital,

Chicago State Hospital." The Institutional Care of the Insane in the United States and Canada,. Baltimore: Hopkins, 1916. 142+. Print. This source is useful because it gives me more about Chicago mental asylums. The intended audience is the people of the U.S and Canada. Something that was unique was that there was a map of just about all of the asylums in the U.S. This is a secondary source because the author did not experience it. Popular Mode of Curing Insanity. N.d. Photograph. Chicago. Mccarter. Web. 25 Jan. 2013. This is a helpful source because it shows how the patients were treated.This photograph is intended for the people of Chicago. The interesting thing about this photo is the quotation which shows that abuse was common in asylums. This is a secondary source because it was drawn not physically taken.

Reiss, Benjamin. "Mental Patients." Theaters of Madness: Insane Asylums and Nineteenth-century American Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2008. 14+. Print. This is a useful source because it shows me how the patients were divided up and how they socialized. The intended audience is the people of the United States. A special feature is that the book shows how the theater contributed to the patients mental treatment. This is a secondary source because the author was not in the asylum at the time and he did not experience it.

"The Dunning Branch Chicago's Newest Public Library." N.p. Web. 27 Jan. 2013. The source above is a secondary source selection, the reason for this selection is because this document is written by one who is not a right there type of person. the article concludes information about the Dunning neigthboor hoods today. The article is written for anyone who would like to use it . The special features of the document are the fact that it describes significane today. "The History of Hospitals within Cook County, IL - Presented by Illinois Genealogy Trails History Group." The History of Hospitals within Cook County, IL - Presented by Illinois Genealogy Trails History Group. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2013. The source above is a secondary source, the reason this source is a secondary source because it is not written by someone who lived back then but people of this day. the article concludes general information of Dunning insane asylum. the article is also published for anyone who would be looking for information on the topic. The special features of the document are that

this article is the way illinois knows dunning as unlike the ones who might of had witnessed Dunning.
"Dunning Insane Asylum Forgotten along with over 38,000 Bodies." Web. 13 Jan. 2013. The Dunning Insane site is categorized as a secondary source selection, the reason for the following selection is because this source is a summery type of document which has been written by someone who did not witness the event. The conclusions of the document are the basic information about the dunning event. The indented audience for the document is anyone who is starting their knowledge about the event which is known as dunning. The special features of the document are the fact that this document describes certain parts of dunning which I can chose to include in my topic.

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