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SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Animesh Sahu
(Marketing-Manager SP Soft )

SUBMITTED BY: Zeeshan Hasan

Roll No. S1118

2011-2013 B ATCH

Sagar Global Business School

Chevella, Hyderabad.

This is to Certify that the project report Titled Study on M ARKETING STR ATEG Y of SP Soft is a bonaf id e record of the project work done by Mr. Zeeshan Hasan (Reg. No. S1118 ) dur ing the academic year 2011-2013 f or a Duration of Two Months. (23 r d April 23 r d June).



(External Guide)

(Internal Guide)




(Course Coordinator)

Sagar Global Busi ness School (S.V.V.R Group of Educational Instituti ons) AI CTE Approved Hyderabad Chevel la -501503 Andhra Pradesh

The Summer Internship at SP Sof t, Hyderabad has been a quantum leap in terms of practical savvy understanding of management concepts, sincer it y, diligence and responsibilit y and abov e all self -conf idence. I would like to thank Mr. Jai Ram Reddy (Executi ve Director) f or having me assigned this project . I would also like to extend m y heartf elt gratitude to Mr. Animesh Sahu f or his sincer e guidance. I am also thankf ul t o Prof. Biplab Hal dar, Director of SGBS and also to Prof. G.C Babu (Facult y Guide) for his valuable suggestions and encour aging support helped me in achieving f inal shape of the report. At the onset, I would like to thank Sagar Global Business School, Chevel la, Hyderabad f or giving me opportunit y to gain vital insights of IT industr y. I would like to acknowledge the ent ire staf f at SP Sof t, Hyderabad, f or providing me with the required inf ormation to approach the pr oject.

I Mr. Zeeshan Hasan, hereby declar e that the summer int ernship project ent itled St udy on M ARKETING STR ATEG Y of SP Soft subm itted to Sagar Global Busi ness School , f or the awar d of degree in PGDM is an authent ic record of work carried out by me under the super vision and guidance of Mr. Animesh Sahu, SP Soft Hyderabad dur ing the period of 23rd Apr il to 23rd June 2012. I f urther declare that the result of this work have not been previously submitted elsewhere in any manner.

Place: Date:

Zeeshan h asan


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MARKETING STRATEGYMarketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage . A strategy that integrates an organization's marketing goals into a cohesive whole. Ideally drawn from market research, it focuses on the ideal product mix to achieve maximum profit potential. The marketing strategy is set out in a marketing plan .

Developing a marketing Strategy Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to fill market needs and reach marketing objectives. Plans and objectives are generally tested for measurable results. Commonly, marketing strategies are developed as mul ti-year plans, with a tactical plan detailing specific actions to be accomplished in the current year. Time horizons covered by the marketing plan vary by company, by industry, and by nation, however, time horizons are becoming shorter as the speed of chan ge in the environment increases. Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are partially planned and partially unplanned. Marketing strategy involves careful scanning of the internal and external environments. Internal environmental factors in clude the marketing mix, plus performance analysis and strategic constraints. External environmental factors include customer analysis, competitor analysis, target market analysis, as well as evaluation of any elements of the technological, economic, cultural or political/legal environment likely to impact success. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a company's overarching mission statement. 7

Once a thorough environmental scan is complete, a strategic plan can be constructed to identify business alternatives, establish challenging goals, determine the optimal marketing mix to attain these goals, and detail implementation. A final step in developing a marketing strategy is to create a plan to monitor progress and a se t of contingencies if problems arise in the implementation of the plan.

Market CyclesThe period of time that a substantial segment of the buying public is interested in purchasing a given product or service form.

The Four Phases

Cycles are prevalent in all aspects of life; they range from the very short term, like the life cycle of a June bug, which lives only a few days, to the life cycle of a planet, which takes billions of years.

1. Accumulation Phase 2. Mark-Up Phase 3. Distribution Phase 4. Mark-Dow n Phase Timing

5. The Presidential Cycle Summing Up

MARKETING PROCESS Understand the market place and customer needs and wants. Design a customer-driven marketing strategy. Construct and integrated marketing program that delivers superior value. Built profitable relationships and create customer delight. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity. 8

Sales promotion is one of the seven aspects of the promotional mix. (The other six parts of the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, publicity/public relations, corporate image and exhibitions.) Media and non media marketing communication are employed for a pre determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability .

CONSUMER S ALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Price deal: A temporary reduction in the price, such as 50% off. Loyal Reward Program: Consumers collect points, miles, or credits for purchases and redeem them for rewards. Cents-off deal: Offers a brand at a lower price. Price reduction may be a percentage marked on the package. Price-pack deal: The packaging offers a consumer a certain percentage more of the product for the same price (for example, 25 percent extra). Coupons: coupons have become a standard mechanism for sales promotions. Mobile couponing: Coupons are available on a mobile phone. Consumers show the offer on a mobile phone to a salesperson for redemption. Online interactive promotion game: Consumers play interactive game associated with the promoted product. an

Rebates: Consumers are offe red money back if the receipt and barcode are mailed to the producer. Contests/sweepstakes/games: The consumer is automatically entered into the event by purchasing the product.


Trade allowances : short term incentive offered to induce a retailer to stock up on a product. Dealer loader: An incentive purchase and display a product given to induce a retailer to

Trade contest: A contest to reward retailers that sell the most products. Point-of-purchase displays: Used to create the "impulse" buying and selling your product on the spot. urge of


There are seven stages of sales cycle 1. Prospects For leads: - Sales person must know about the product totally. 2. Set an Appointment: - Sales person meets the customer. 3. Qualify the prospect: - Express the quality of the product that the customer will buy the products. 4. Make Your Presentation: - Here not selling the products we are selling ourselves. We are representing the company. 5. Address the Prospects Objection: - We must have to clarify the objections of the customer. Sometimes the customer asks why we use your products then we have to tell them truth and make them convinced.


6. Close the Sales: - In this stage we close the sales means we dont have to tell any things more about the product we asks for the order. 7. Ask for referrals


Telemarketing Sales on the internet Mail order sales Sales through large scale fixed shop retailer Sales through wholesalers and Retailers Direct selling



After completion of one year of PGDM program. I joined SP Software Hyderabad for our internship for duration of 8-Weeks where I was expe cted to Mr. Animesh Sahu, who was my project guide from the company. The title of our project was A STUDY ON MARKETING STRATEGY OF SP SOFT. The objective of the project was to survey the mark et and know that how many companies were aware with services or products and what they want from that company. Lastly, the working environment of the company was very healthy and provided us an opportunity to learn and perform well.



The Information technology industry in India has gained a brand identity as a knowledge economy due to its IT and ITES sector .The ITITES industry has two major components: IT Services and business process outsourcing (BPO). The growth in the service sector in India has been led by the IT ITES sector, contributing substantially to increase in GDP, employment, and exports. Information Technology (IT) industry in India is one of the fastest growing industries. Indian IT industry has built up valuable brand equity for itself in the global markets. IT industry in India comprises of software industry and information technology enabled services (ITES ), which also includes business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. The origin of IT industry in India can be traced to 1974, when the mainframe manufacturer, Burroughs, asked its India sales agent, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), to export programmers for installing system software for a U.S. client. The IT industry originated under unfavorable conditions. Local markets were absent and government policy toward private enterprise was hostile. During that time Indian economy was state -controlled and the state remained hostile to the software industry through the 1970s. Import tariffs were high (135% on hardware and 100% on software) and software was not considered an "industry", so that exporters were ineligible for bank finance. Government policy towards IT sector changed when Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister in 1984. His New Computer Policy (NCP -1984) consisted of a package of red uced import tariffs on hardware and software (reduced to 60%), recognition of software exports as a "deli censed industry", i.e., henceforth eligible for bank finance and freed from license -permit raj, permission for foreign firms to set up wholly -owned, export-dedicated units and a project to set up a chain of software parks that would offer
infrastructure at below market.


High Growth Industry Profile Information Technology-

Industry Snapshots The computer systems design and related services industry is among the economy's largest and fastest sources of employment growth. Employment increased by 616,000 over the 1994-2004 periods, posting a staggering 8.0-percent annual growth rate. The projected 2004-14 employment increase of 453,000 translates into 1.6 million jobs, and represents a relatively slower annual growth rate of 3.4 percent as productivity increases and offshore outsourcing take their toll. ("Industry output and employment projections to 2014" by Jay M. Berman, Bureau of Labor Statistics) However, the main growth catalyst for this industry is expected to be the persistent evolution of technology and business' constant effort to absorb and integrate these resources to enhance their productivity and expand their market opportunities. Employment of computer and information systems managers is expected to grow between 18 to 26 percent for all occupations through the year 2014. (Career Guide to Industries 2006-07).

Workforce Issues
Outsourcing There is concern about federal, state and local government policy proposals that may restrict overseas outsourcing where labor costs are lower. Some companies move jobs overseas to remain competitive by managing labor costs. Others are opening new marke ts overseas for their products and hiring local employees as an incentive and an accommodation. Government resources Some stakeholders believe that the government can offer tax relief to small businesses for training their incumbent workers toward IT certification. 14

Role of government in industry's workforce initiatives Stakeholders also believe that government could serve as an honest broker for specific issues such as promotion and image, forecasting the future of the workforce and training needs. This could be a task for the public education system, where children could be introduced to the new, dynamic global workplace and learn more about the current business culture. Skills and training Over 90 percent of IT workers are employed outside the IT industry, which makes it necessary for them to have complementary training in their respective business sectors such as health care, manufacturing or financial services. Employers are also looking for well developed soft skills, transferable IT skills and adapta bility in their workforce. Incumbent training programs may help in this respect, as could community colleges. Skill Sets For all IT-related occupations, technical certifications are growing more popular important . and and professional increasingly

IT workers must continually update and acquire new skills to remain qualified in this dynamic field. Completion of vocational training also is an asset. According to a May 2000 report by the Urban Institute, community colleges play a critical role in training new workers and in retraining both veteran workers and workers from other fields. People interested in becoming computer support specialists generally need only an Associate degree in a computer-related field, as well as significant hands-on experience with computers. They also must possess strong problem-solving and analytical skills as well as excellent communication skills because troubleshooting and helping others are such vital aspects of the job. And because there is constant interaction on the job with other computer personnel, customers, and employees, computer support specialists must be able to communicate effectively on paper, using e-


mail, and in person. They also must possess strong writing skills when preparing manuals for employees and customers.

ETA in Action In June 2003, ETA announced the High Growth Job Training Initiative to engage businesses with local education providers and the local/regional workforce investment system to find solutions that address changing talent development needs in various industries. In October 2005, the Community -Based Job Training Grants were announced to improve the role of community colleges in providing affordable, flexible and accessible education for the nation's workforce. ETA is investing more than $260 mil lion in 26 different regions across the United States in support of the WIRED (Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development) Initiative. Through WIRED, local leaders design and implement strategic approaches to regional economic development and jo b growth. WIRED focuses on catalyzing the creation of high skill, high wage opportunities for American workers through an integrated approach to economic and talent development. These initiatives reinforce ETA's commitment to transform the workforce system through engaging business, education, state and local governments, and other federal agencies with the goal of creating a skilled workforce to meet the dynamic needs of today's economy. POST LIBERLIZATION In 1991 the Department of Electronics broke this i mpasse, creating a corporation called Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) that, being owned by the government, could provide VSAT communications without breaching its monopoly. STPI set up software technology parks in different cities, each of which provided satellite links to be used by firms; the local link was a wireless radio link. In 1993 the government began to allow 16

individual companies their own dedicated links, which allowed work done in India to be transmitted abroad directly. Indian firms soon convinced their American customers that a satellite link was as reliable as a team of programmers working in the clients office. The New Telecommunications Policy, 1999 (NTP 1999) helped further liberalize India's telecommunications sector. The Information Technology Act 2000 created legal procedures for electronic transactions and e -commerce. Throughout the 1990s, another wave of Indian professionals entered the United States. The number of Indian Americans reached 1.7 million by 2000. This immigration consisted largely of highly educated technologically proficient workers. Within the United States, Indians fared well in science, engineering, and management. Graduates from the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) became known for their techn ical skills. The success of Information Technology in India not only had economic repercussions but also had far -reaching political consequences. India's reputation both as a source and a destination for skilled workforce helped it improve its relations with a number of world economies. The relationship between economy and technology valued in the western world facilitated the growth of an entrepreneurial class of immigrant Indians, which further helped aid in promoting technology driven growth.


India's IT industry (in USD bn)

FY 2005 13.5 10.0 3.5 5.2 4.6 0.6 3.9 3.1 0.7 5.9 0.5 5.1 28.4 FY 2006 17.8 13.13 4.5 7.2 6.3 0.9 5.3 4.0 1.3 7.0 0.6 6.5 37.4 FY 2007 23.5 18.0 5.5 9.5 8.4 1.1 6.5 4.9 1.6 8.5 0.5 8.0 48.0 FY 2008 31.0 23.1 7.9 12.5 10.9 1.6 8.6 6.4 2.4 12.0 0.5 11.5 64.

FY 2004 Particulars IT Services - Exports - Domestic ITES-BPO - Exports - Domestic 10.4 7.3 3.1 3.4 3.1 0.3

Engineering services, R&D and Software 2.9 products - Exports - Domestic Hardware - Exports - Domestic Total IT industry (including hardware) 2.5 0.4 5.0 0.5 4.4 21.6




SP Software (P) Limited, a flagship of SP Group, is a leading enterprise business software and information technology (IT) Services company, providing IT Consulting, technology and outsourcing services. Founded in 1995, SP Soft is one of the fastest growing IT companies in India having strong strategic alliance with leading global companies and capability to handle orders of any size. We offer varied servic es like Application Development, Maintenance & Support, Gaming Services, Mobile Application Development Services and Telecom Testing Services. Our innovative, cost-effective products & services can help you focus on driving your business value through technology innovation with comprehensive services to assist you in critical business decisions.

SERVICES SP Soft is a through its services. We management corporations platform. technology hub of providing future ready solutions proven end -to-end approach and result -oriented specialize in technology solutions, deployment and of global enterprise solutions for large across industry verticals on a global delivery

We are committed to provide high -quality technological solutions and value -based IT-program management for enterprise -wide systems. We have the flexibility to accommodate the changing demands of our clients. We gain competitive edge by leveraging the right mix of technology, people, and processes to achieve strategic objectives. Our team of domain experts ensures that IT initiatives are tied to business imperatives through quantifiable metrics. We offer a comprehensive range of end -to-end services, designed to satisfy the needs of businesses of every size to compete and succeed in the global market. Our core competencies are visible in the following services


Application Development & Maintenance Services A robust methodology starts with your business needs, and translates your needs to design, architecture, development and deployment of the end applica tion. SP Soft's custom application development process encompasses all the phases of software development life cycle, starting from translating business requirements into project requirements through implementation and finally maintenance and on -going support as per your technical specifications. Application Development

Our Global Delivery Model supported by technical and domain expertise characterizes SP Soft's Application Development Services. A judicious mix of onsite and offshore resources help our clients achieve flexibility, scalability, quality and a reduced time-to-market. We work in collaboration with our clients to ensure that we meet the service levels on the most critical parameters of 'on -time', 'within budget' and 'defect free' application development. Our technical expert team understands and analyzes the application requirements thoroughly, prepares architecture, develops, tests and finally implements it. We cater to the industry-standard software development practices and thoroughly test the applications to ensure defect -free delivery.

Application Maintenance

SP Soft offers ongoing support services and application maintenance for all application maintenance needs of our clients. Our Application Maintenance Services go beyond managing and optimizing overgrown applications. We follow high precision and mature application maintenance process, which allows efficient capture and reporting resolution of maintenance requests. Our maintenance service begins with corrective maintenance, evolving to adaptive, preventive, and perfective maintenance. 20

SP Softs experienced, well -defined and highly customized Application Maintenance services enable clients to cut down on this recurring expense by taking complete responsibility of the systems involved. Some of the key features of our Application Maintenance are: Decrease in Total cost of ownership (TCO) Continuous improvements in quality of services Improve applications stability Reduce support costs Structured methodologies for transition and service delivery

Advantages to Clients: Improved application reliability, availability, and performance Reduced incident resolution time and increased operational efficiency Quick response to changing requirements and priorities Improved end-user satisfaction and software quality Lowered risks and increased predictability Significant reduction of maintenance costs

Application Migration Our tailor -based Application Migration solutions help organizations deal with their out -dated technologies. We address issues wherein applications span from multiple databases, different systems and languages and offer migration solutions that allow seamless migration of applications from one environment to another. Our experts are well-equipped with the latest gamut of skills to identify and resolve the challenges of application migration. We are adept to accomplish the smooth transition of your application with utmost care of basic features of the existing business model and without any damage to your valuable data. We work methodically to deliver reliable on time results in the most cost-effective way. 21

Database Services At the core of almost every application in your company lies a database. From day-to-day operations to strategic decision making, your databases are the engines that dri ve your business. SP Soft offers complete database services to help you organize your data in an effective manner.

Our suite of DBA services include : Oracle database Design Initial Oracle database system configuration and tuning Database Splitting Oracle to Enterprise DB Migration SQL to Oracle DB Migration Performance Tuning system configuration and tuning Concurrent Manager monitoring and alerts Installation of Oracle statistics collection mechanisms and quarterly database growth summaries Hourly monitoring of your Oracle database for pending problems Reporting and resolving all serious Oracle alert log messages Database reorganizations and row re-sequencing for performance

Documentation Services Documentation is an integral element of every final produc t or application. It not only adds value to the product usability, but also enables you to have an edge over your competitors. Our Documentation team is dedicated towards providing high quality, accurate, and cost -effective documentation. We believe in exceeding client expectations by creating high standards of excellence and surpassing them consistently. The software documentation that we develop is organized reasonably, very user-friendly, truly functional, and well -coordinated with your requirements.


Our deliverables include: User Manuals/ "How To" Manuals System and Technical Requirements Guides Installation Guides Quick Start Guides Training Materials and Tools Online Help in HTML or Win Help formats E-books (Electronic Books)

Our expertise and flex ibility to deliver cost -effective services with quick turnarounds has ensured reduced time -to-market, and lesser development time and cost for our clients while keeping risks to a minimum.

2 .Gaming Services SP Soft is one of the leading game developers having deep domain knowledge and technology expertise on various platforms. We can develop online interactive games that can be compatible for social media sites and Casino sites and deploy games across multiple platforms and global markets. We specialize in game production services and have experience and expertise in Video Slots, Online Casino and Betting Systems. We deliver high-quality game production including programming, graphic design, character development, level design and game testing or quality assurance. We have a professional team comprising of game designers, concept artists, 2D and 3D modelers, animators and experienced software developers who are not only experts in software development but in gaming development as well, which is a culmination of extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of game development operations. An innovative and attractive interface with colorful and eye catching graphics, our services speaks for itself in terms of User Experience and Playability. 23

We offer a w ide range of services ranging:

UI Designing and Optimization Services UI Design has been considered as great factor for success of any game Application. The more intuitive the user interface the easier it is to use. We offer high quality professional UI Designing for all kinds of games we develop. Our in-house designers have great designing skills and experience of creating some of the best designs. Each of our interface designs are created with utmost care and quality assurance, which means you get the most unique designs.

Optimization of Games: Game Graphics optimization plays a vital role in online game development. Our dedicated and qualified Graphic engineers can do this with in no time there by setting a great user experience to the end user of the g ame. We have optimized many games using different graphic designing techniques to ensure the low loading time in the browser. Our expertise includes: Graphics Designing Modelling 2D & 3D Animation

Game Programming Service SP Soft is specialized in advance game programming using sophisticated game technologies such as Shockwave, Flash, Unity 3D and others. Our proficient team of game programmers has immense experience in flawless programming of simple games to complex MMO games.


Right from an intense sci-fi 3D game to racing games that use accelerometer our programmers code it brilliantly with perfection to give gamers an unmatched gaming experience.

Testing Service Leveraging on our extensive experience in the Gaming industry, we provide our clients with a professional and reliable game testing service s. Our experienced testing team professionals understand both the technical and playability aspects of the game. They test how well your game performs, taking care of functional, performance and usability aspects to identify glitches and enhance the end user experience.

Our Game Testing Strategies: Functional testing Game play experience Load testing Compatibility and Compliance testing Localization testing Online and Network testing Regression Testing Beta testing

We have Professional Technologies:





Game Server: Java, C/C++, Python, PHP, Erlangen Database: My SQL, Oracle, Enterprise DB Game interface: Flash, HTML 5, Photoshop, 3Ds Max, Maya, Poser Game Engines: Impact JS, Construct 2, Unity 3D Deployment Servers: LINUX, Windows


SP Soft gaming development bestows you with : Cost-efficient development of games More powerful and attractive interface Stimulating games that keep the audience engaged Hi-end synchronized gaming solutions Scalable, reliable, robust and innovative games

Some of the key features of our Gaming Services are: Exciting, Interactive and well-balanced game play MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game)/role-playing, 3D Games, HTML 5 games, Action games, Flash Games, Racing games, Puzzle Games, Shooting Games, Sports Games, Decorating Games, Farm Games and Social Networking games. Crisp, uncluttered user interfaces Rich, three-dimensional characters and believable plots In-Game Animations

3. Mobile Application Development Services

With mobile technology becoming the center of attention nowadays and the world turning wireless, Mobile Application Development is on rise. One of the key challenges of mobile application development is that a large number of platforms and devices are being introduced constantly. To meet the ever -growing challenges, SP Soft offers custom mobile application development services across a variety of platforms and devices. We have wide experience in Mobile Apps Development and h ave harnessed mobile technology for platforms like iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Symbian and J2ME. Our Professional Mobile App Developers are fully capable to develop any complex application that suits your needs. We focus to deliver high quali ty, cost-effective, time bound and value added services to meet a wide range of requirements in 26

order to help clients yield greater return on investment for their mobile technology initiatives.

Multi-Platform Custom Mobile Application Development We develop robust and flexible mobile applications by taking the advantage of technologies, standards and industry best practices. Our highly skilled multi -platform mobile developers are efficient in building cost -effective and secured mobile applications at fast turnaround time. Our rich experienced mobile developers can design and develop powerful mobile apps using HTML5 based technologies along with CSS and JavaScript, while providing a high level of integration with native device APIs. We create unique and dominant multi -platform mobile applications using Phone Gap, Rho mobile and Titanium. We have developed cross -platform applications for both iOS, Android and Blackberry from a single codebase.

Some of the key features of our Multi -Platform Custom Mobile Application Development: Free and open source Create apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript Minimize development and long-term maintenance cost Multi-platform technologies lower the technical barriers Reduce the number of required skills for the development team

Mobile Field Force Services Mobile Field Force services enable companies to bi -directionally synchronize field data with their back -end ERP system in a most reliable and secure manner to manage and constantly improve the quality of their business. SP Softs high value comprehensive field force services enable enterprises to anticipate service request demands and optimally deploys the field workforce for faster response. 27

Our field force service provides handheld mobile devices to fiel d staff, which enables them to electronically update job status and access to an archive of technical information to help provide quality service.

Benefits of our mobile field force services include : Increasing field productivity of workforce Improved customer relationship management, better management of the sales team, monitor performance and provide faster and real time access to customer information for better customer engagement. The fundamental mobile framework abstracts the applications to a wide range of devices, including laptops and PDAs. Easily integrates with back-office CRM modules

Our unique mobility services offerings are comprehensive and cover every aspect of mobile application development to create customer confidence. This includes the f ollowing: Mobile application development and maintenance across all major platforms with special emphasis on native application development on iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and J2ME as well as native -HTML 5 hybrid application development Mobile application testing for all mobile platforms Application porting and Migration Third-party Software Integration Services

Benefits of our services: We work closely with you to understand your idea for the application We use state-of-the-art technology for proving customized end-toend solutions We offer completely secure and easy-to-use applications Well-experienced in the diversified type of applications like games, business, media streaming, entertainment etc.


4. Telecom Testing Services Telecom organizations are constantly facing new challenges to address the operational efficiency, improve profit margin with increasing industry consolidation, technology convergence and competition. As maintaining service levels up to end user expectations are se nsitive issue, testing teams are the keystone for ensuring the quality of service. SP Soft understands that Telecom Testing is different from Application Testing and we provide comprehensive services for the telecom industry from early test strategy planni ng to final validation and maintenance. With an unrelenting commitment to quality, our testing team experts help our clients achieve success on critical challenges related to testing systems, software components, system integration, performance, security a nd usability of products.

Manual Testing System/integration/functionality/feature testing Use case/scenario based end-user testing Acceptance testing Sanity testing Validation and verification testing Putting manual efforts to stress the modem by using concurrent scenarios Automation Testing Unit testing automation System/integration/functionality/feature testing automation Load/stress/performance testing automation Automation Frame Work Setup on the Stations Build Loading Procedures for different targets Customization and execution of Automation Scripts Concurrently running predefined Perl scripts Testing for Wi-Fi Scenarios


Stress & Stability Testing

SP Soft specializes in establishing Offshore Development Centers for telecom testing. Offshore Development Centers are very useful for clients who want to have their own operations but do not want to deal with the logistics, offshore risks, and investment of setting up their own captive offshore center. With our Offshore Development Center, you have complete transparency into the performance of your team. On a monthly basis you will see detailed skill, performance and attrition management reports allowing you to be actively involved in the success of your team. Our Testing Lab can fulfill all your functional validation and protocol testing needs with utmost care and maintaining industry security standards .

Some of the key features of our Telecom Testing: Integrated approach for functional and interface testing Readymade grid for Traceability Matrix Organize test execution efficiently Manage test services in a multi vendor and multi-technology environments Standard and comprehensive test processes

Benefits to the clients: Validate business process rather than restricted product functionality Time reduction in test execution Exhaustive testing at functional level and across interfaces Simple yet sophisticated framework and methodologies


Advantages of SP Soft
High Quality and Low Cost: Our processes, project management methodology, security and facilities are comparable to those of our better -known competitors but come with less cost. But cost advantages are just part of SP Softs benefits. The solutions and services we provide are customized to each client and each individual project -ensuring our clients receive solutions that are fully optimized for their specific needs.

Nimble and Flexible: With over 400 staff we are large enough to solve the largest and most complex technology challenges, but not so large that clients get lost in bureaucracy. When it comes to team member selection, working hours and location of service, we offer a level of customization and flexibility that cannot be matched by most of our competitors. Our structure and experience allows us to ramp up quickly resulting in additional savings for clients.

A Proven Track Record of Success: SP Soft has over fifteen years of technology outsourcing experience. Over that time we have successfully completed hundreds of unique assignments across 9 Industry Verticals. Our proprietary project management methodology ensures that each project is delivered within specified parameters.

The Right People, the Right Vision: Our vision is to provide the highest degree of client customization available in the IT off shoring industry. Fulfilling this vision demands nothing but the best people in all 31

disciplines. India graduates one million software engineers every year; our tenure and culture means we can recruit and retain the most talented and motivated associates. Dedicated to Custom er Satisfaction: Each SP Soft project has a dedicated client partner who provides up to-date status on timelines and milestones. But our dedication to customer satisfaction doesn't stop at the front line - all of our executives are actively engaged with ou r clients and are readily available to discuss project details at the clients' discretion

We have grown considerably from the time of our establishment in terms of revenue and people. Companys growth is entirely dependent upon its values, skilled manpower and its customers. Strong and skilled work -force with over 400 employees is our core strength. We have a mosaic of motivated, loyal and highly skilled IT professionals.

Quality Policy "SP Soft is committed to quality business processes through the involvement of motivated associates for customers delight and continual improvement in all our activities including economic growth"

Quality Quality drives everything we do, from technology to processes to human resource practices. The spirit of excel lence, quality and customer-friendly solutions give us a competitive edge over many other organizations. 32

Our policy is "quality business processes through the involvement of motivated associates for customers delight and continual improvement in all our ac tivities including economic growth". We are certified ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001:2005 (ISMS), Certified CMMi ML -3 and currently implementing SEI CMMi Level-5. We have a system of rigorous quality assurance standards that help us to check our progress to meet and exceed customer expectations. We believe in delivering quality work in time constrained environment.

Our Quality Objectives are: Approach to Zero Defect Solutions Cost Effective Solutions Timely Delivery Customer-Friendly Transaction

The Process Flow We follow Step by Step flow, right from Requirement specifications phase, Software Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. The process starts with requirements gathered from the end user by consultation. These requirements are analyzed for th eir validity and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system is studied. Later, system design is prepared, specifying hardware and system requirements. On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in modules/units and actua l coding is started. These units are integrated into a complete system during Integration phase and tested to check if all modules/units


coordinate between each other and the system as a whole behaves as per the specifications. Generally, problems with the system developed (which are not found during the development life cycle) come up after its practical use starts, so the issues related to the system are solved after deployment of the system. This process of software development ensures a quality product and enhances business value. Business Models We at SP Soft, look at ourselves as a partner to our clients and not just another vendor. We offer flexibility that best serves the customer's unique business requirements. We leverage our global delivery capability to offer services "on -site" at the clients very own premises or "off -shore" at our world -class software development facilities in India.

Fixed Price (FP): Primarily aimed at customers with specific requirements and well-defined project plan, t his execution model ensures delivery of the project within a pre -scheduled time frame at a pre negotiated (fixed) cost to the customer.

Time and Material: SP Soft follows Time and Material Model for the projects where scope, specifications, and implementa tion plans are not clearly defined at the initial stage of its development. This model enables the client to change the specifications based on the upcoming market trends. Time and Material Model is suitable for the scalable projects where the team size an d total efforts cannot be estimated in


advance. It provides the flexibility to manage the team size and total efforts. The cost of the project depends on the team size and the efforts of each team member. The payment for the provided efforts is usually made on the basis of monthly or bi -weekly invoice issued to the client depending on the effort reports. Hybrid Model: A major portion of the project is based on fixed price basis and at the same time resources are deployed on time and material basis. Offshore Development Center (ODC): This execution model is more flexible and dynamic with respect to changes in project requirements and business objectives. ODC is the most preferred business model from the options offered by SP Soft. This incorporates a pool of specialized, multi-disciplinary resources that are organized and managed by SP Soft to meet the customer's explicit business objectives. Billing is based on man -months expenses at the contracted rate and expenses as approved on actual for on -site work. It meets the long term outsourcing strategy and allows for a quick start An effective and established offshore development which works like an 'Extension' to your own teams Onsite Model: SP Soft offers Onsite Model depending on the clients requirements. The client can specify the skill sets and experience level of the resources required by him. The client can also specify the number of resources and the duration for which the resources are required. strategy


This model is suitable for the projects that are complex and require proper and constant attention. In Onsite Model, our team works at the client's location under the direct supervision of client's manager


Partial Clientele




COGNOSCognos (Cognos Incorporated) was an company making business intelligence management (PM) software. Founded Cognos employed almost 3,500 people 23,000 customers in over 135 countries. Ottawa, Ontario -based (BI) and performance in 1969, at its peak and served more than

Originally Quasar Systems Limited, it adopted the Cognos name in 1982. On January 31, 2008, Cognos was officially acquired by IBM.The Cognos name continues to be applied to IBM's line of business intelligence and performance management products. In January 2010, as part of a reorganization of IBM Software Group, Cognos software and software from recently acquired SPSS were brought together to create the Business Analytics division In 2007, following SAPs acquisition of Business Objects and Oracles acquis ition of Hyperion Solutions, IBM announced its acquisition of Cognos i n November for $4.9 billion. It continued to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary (Cognos, an IBM company) until Januar y 1, 2009, when it was absorbed into IBM Info sphere product line under IBM Information Management Software brand within the company's Software Group. The software is now called "Cognos Business Intelligence and Financial Performance Management" or Cognos BI and FPM IBM's purchase of Cognos and other business intelligence software vendors was a step in establishing IBM as a BI "mega vendor" (along with Oracle, Microsoft, and SAP). This consolidation may prove beneficial for customers to have fewer vendors to deal with, but this raises concerns about integration of the software as more vendors are bought out by the big four. Another challenge is maintaining the same level of customer service. Gartner interprets the lower ratings given in "customer experience" for IBM Cognos and SAP Business Objects as a result of pos t-acquisition issues. Due to many consolidations in 38

the BI industry, there are only a few independent "pure -play" vendors remaining (SAS and Micro Strategy being the largest). On October 25, 2010, at the Business Analytics Forum in Las Vegas, IBM General Manager for Business Analytics and former Cognos CEO Rob Ashe announced IBM Cognos 10. A significant upgrade to IBM Cognos 8 BI, this new software brings together social collaboration and analytics for business users to gain real-time intelligence in a single, user -friendly interface online or through mobile devices such as I-Pad, iphone and BlackBerry devices. IBM Cognos 8 BI, initially launched in September 2005, combined the features of several previous products, including Report Net, Power Play, Metrics Manager, Notice Cast, and Decision Stream. There are also Express and Extended versions of Cognos 8 BI. Full features: Report Studio (Professional report authoring tool formatted for the web) Query Studio (Ad hoc report authoring tool with instant data preview) Analysis Studio (Explore multi -dimensional cube data to answer business questions) Metric Studio (Monitor, analyze, and report on KPIs) Metric Designer (Define, load, and maintain m etrics to be available in Metric Studio) Event Studio (Action makers as events happen) based agents to notify decision

Framework Manager (Semantic metadata layer tool which creates models or packages) Power Play Studio (formerly Power Play Web) Analytic Applications (Packaged BI Applications, built on a n adaptable platform and extensible into Business Analytics)


IBM Cognos Express, launched in September 2009, is integrated business intelligence and planning solution purpose -built to meet the needs of midsize companies. The features of Express are: Cognos Express Reporter (Self -service reporting and ad hoc query) Cognos visualization) Express Advisor (Freeform analysis and and

Cognos Express Accelerator (TM1 -based planning business analysis, with Microsoft Excel and web interfaces)

IBM Cognos also offers several Application Development Tools: IBM Cognos Powerhouse 4GL IBM Cognos Powerhouse Web IBM Cognos Axiant 4GL

IBM Cognos 8 BI has won numerous awards including the week Excellence Award in Analytics and Reporting, the LOTUS ADVISOR "Editor's Choice" Award, and Tech Target's SearchCRM.com 2005 Product of the Year. In 2007, Cognos was named one of Canada's Top 100 Employers, as published in Maclean's magazine, one of only a handful of software development companies to receive this honor. Prior to being acquired, Cognos had been named to the InformationWeek 500, chosen as one of START -IT Magazine's "Hottest Companies of 2006" and won "Best of Information on Demand Showcase" as part of the IBM Information Management Awards. Cognos, now as IBM Cognos Software, continues to rank in the Leaders quadrant of Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence 40

IBM Rational helps you transform how you design, develop and deliver both software and software embedded hardware (e.g. software in cars and phones), to create more innovative products and services, faster than your competition, with lower costs and reduced risk . The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC ) As in any other engineering discipline, software engineering also has some structured models for software development. This document will provide you with a generic overview about different software development methodologies adopted by contemporary software firms. Read on to know more about the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in detail. Curtain Raiser Like any other set of engineering products, software products are also oriented towards the customer. It is either market driven or it drives the market. Customer Sati sfaction and Customer Delight were buzzwords many decades ago. Customer Co-creation is the new buzzword thats been doing the rounds. Products that are not customer or user friendly have no place in the market although they are engineered using the best technology. The experience of the product and the participation of the customer in creating the product are as crucial as the internal technology of the product. Market Research A market study is made to identify a potential customers need. This process is also known as market research. Here, the already existing need and the possible and potential needs that are available in a segment of the society are studied carefully. The market study is done based on a lot of assumptions. Assumptions are the crucial factors in the development or inception of a products development. Unrealistic assumptions can cause a nosedive in the entire venture. Though assumptions


are abstract, there should be a move to develop tangible assumptions to come up with a successful product. Research and Development Once the Market Research is carried out, the customers need is given to the Research & Development division (R&D) to conceptualize a cost -effective system that could potentially solve the customers need s in a manner that is better than the one adopted by the competitors at present. Once the conceptual system is developed and tested in a hypothetical environment, the development team takes control of it. The development team adopts one of the software dev elopment methodologies that is given below, develops the proposed system, and gives it to the customer. The Sales & Marketing division starts selling the software to the available customers and simultaneously works to develop a niche segment that could pot entially buy the software. In addition, the division also passes the feedback from the customers to the developers and the R&D division to make possible value additions to the product. While developing software, the company outsources the non core activities to other companies who specialize in those activities. This accelerates the software development process largely. Some companies work on tie -ups to bring out a highly matured product in a short period. Popular Software Development Models The following are some basic popular models that are adopted by many software development firms A System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model B. Prototyping Model C. Rapid Application Development Model D. Component Assembly Model


A. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) M odel This is also known as Classic Life Cycle Model (or) Linear Sequential Model (or) Waterfall Method. This model has the following activities.

1. System/Infor mation Engineering and Modeling

As software is always of a large system (or business), work begins by establishing the requirements for all system elements and then allocating some subset of these requirements to software. This system view is essential when the software must interface with other elements such as hardware, people and other resources. System is the basic and very critical requirement for the existence of software in any entity. So if the system is not in place, the system should be engineered and put in place. In some cases, to extract the maximum output, the system should be re -engineered and spruced up. Once the ideal system is engineered or tuned, the development team studies the software requirement for the system.

2. Software Requirement Analys is

This process is also known as feasibility study. In this phase, the development te am visits the customer and studies their system. They investigate the need for possible software automation in the given system. By the end of the feasibility study, the team furnishes a document that holds the different specific recommendations for the ca ndidate system. It also includes the personnel assignments, costs, project schedule, target dates etc. The requirement gathering process is intensified and focused specially on software. To understand the nature of the program(s) to be built, the system e ngineer or Analyst must understand the information domain for the software, as well as required function, behavior, performance and interfacing. The essential purpose of this phase is to find the need and to define the problem that needs to be solved. 43

3. System Analysis and Design

In this phase, the software development process, the softwares overall structure and its nuances are defined. In terms of the client/server technology, the number of tiers needed for the package architecture, the database des ign, the data structure design etc. are all defined in this phase. A software development model is thus created. Analysis and Design are very crucial in the whole development cycle. Any glitch in the design phase could be very expensive to solve in the lat er stage of the software development. Much care is taken during this phase. The logical system of the product is developed in this phase.

4. Code Generation

The design must be translated into a machine -readable form. The code generation step performs this task. If the design is performed in a detailed manner, code generation can be accomplished without much complication. Programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers etc. are used to generate the code. Different high level programming languages like C, C++, Pascal, Java are used for coding. With respect to the type of application, the right programming language is chosen.

5. Testing

Once the code is generated, the software program testing begins. Different testing methodologies are available to unravel the bugs that were committed during the previous phases. Different testing tools and methodologies are already available. Some companies build their own testing tools that are tailor made for their own development operations.


6. Maintenance

The software will definitely undergo change once it is delivered to the customer. There can be many reasons for this change to occur. Change could happen because of some unexpected input values into the system. In addition, the changes in the system could directly affect the software operations. The software should be developed to accommodate changes that could happen during the post implementation period. B. Prototyping Model This is a cyclic version of the linear model. In this model, once the requirement analysis is done and the design for a prototype is made, the development process gets started. Once the prototype is created, it is given to the customer for evaluation. The customer tests the package and gives his/her feed back to the developer who refine s the product according to the customers exact expectation. After a finite number of iterations, the final software package is given to the customer. In this methodology, the software is evolved as a result of periodic shuttling of information between the customer and developer. This is the most popular development model in the contemporary IT industry. Most of the successful software products have been developed using this model as it is very difficult (even for a whiz kid!) to comprehend all the requirements of a customer in one shot. There are many variations of this model skewed with respect to the project management styles of the companies. New versions of a software product evolve as a result of prototyping.

C. Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model The RAD models a linear sequential software development process that emphasizes an extremely short development cycle. The RAD model is a high speed adaptation of the linear 45

sequential model in which rapid development is achieved by using a compone nt-based construction approach. Used primarily for information systems applications, the RAD approach encompasses the following phases: 1. Business modeling The information flow among business functions is modeled in a way that answers the following questi ons: What information drives the business process? What information is generated? Who generates it? Where does the information go? Who processes it?

2. Data modeling The information flow defined as part of the business modeling phase is refined into a set of data objects that are needed to support the business. The characteristic (called attributes) of each object is identified and the relationships between these objects are defined. 3. Process modeling The data objects defined in the data -modeling phase are transformed to achieve the information flow necessary to implement a business function. Processing the descriptions is created for adding, modifying, deleting, or retrieving a data object. 4. Application generation The RAD model assumes the use of the R AD tools like VB, VC++, Delphi etc. rather than creating software using conventional third generation programming languages. The RAD model works to reuse existing program components (when possible) or create reusable components (when necessary). In all cases, automated tools are used to facilitate construction of the software. 46

5. Testing and turnover Since the RAD process emphasizes reuse, many of the program components have already been tested. This minimizes the testing and development time.

D. Component Assembly Model Object technologies provide the technical framework for a component-based process model for software engineering. The object oriented paradigm emphasizes the creation of classes that encapsulate both data and the algorithm that are used to manipulate the data. If properly designed and implemented, object oriented classes are reusable across different applications and computer based system architectures. Component Assembly Model leads to software reusability. The integration/assembly of the a lready existing software components accelerates the development process. Nowadays many component libraries are available on the Internet. If the right components are chosen, the integration aspect is made much simpler.






To Understand the Marketing Strategy of IBM Products.


To know that which company is Tools/Rational Software.

using which Data Base/BI

To find out that the company is satisfied or not satisfied with their current using tools.


This can help increase the sales of IBM Products.


This can help to know about the new technology of the IBM Products. .


To know the customer preference towards the products & BI Tools.

To identify the product, features, benefits & value.

To know the customers awareness & the changes required for the improvement of Brand image.



A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points Knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. A well-structured literature review is characterized by a logical flow of ideas current and relevant references with consistent, appropriate referencing style proper use of terminology and an un biased and comprehensive view of the previous research on the topic. The article have talked about various types of unethical advertisements like advertisements with obscenity and sexual overtone, endorsed by children, surrogate advertising, subliminal advertisements, false and misleading advertisements etc. There is considerable interest and debate over the effectiveness of sales promotion. Previous studies have shown that sales promotions are more effective when they provide benefits that are congruent wi th those of the promoted product. In the Global Context of Open Market Economics of Today, the consumer has become the king. He enjoys a lot of Freedom in his Purchase Decision. A consumer is in the Position to influence the manufacturer or the marketer re garding, size, quality, content of the product, price, post sales service, among other things. As a result, the markets no longer remained the "sellers market", it obviously turned in to "buyers market". With the Indian retail boom, many players are enteri ng with different retail formats. As a result, competition is becoming very tough. Keeping in mind that the Indian consumer is price sensitive, each player is trying to attract more customers through different sales promotional activities. How do competitors react to each other's price -promotion and advertising actions? How do these reactions influence the net sales impact we observe? We answer these questions by 51

performing a large -scale empirical study of the short -run and long-run reactions to promotion and advertising shocks in over 400 consumer product categories, over a four -year time span. Competitive reaction can be passive, accommodating or retaliatory. We first develop a series of expectations on the type and intensity of reaction be haviour, and on the moderators of this behavior.

The study is made within Hyderabad only. Rudeness of respondent. The language problem has affected the study. Short time period and lack of time. Companies did not disclose their secrets data and strategies. Possibility of Error in data collections. Possibility of Error in analysis of data due to small sample size. The feedback given by the respondent is subjected to variability depending upon the existing environment and the mood of customer.





(A.)RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the basic plan which guides the collection, measurement and analysis of data. Decision regarding what, when, how much and by what means concerning a research study constitute a research design. Research is totally based on primary data. Secondary data can be used only for the reference. Research has been done by primary data collection, and primary data ha s been collected by meeting with the branch and IT manager of different IT companies and branches in Hyderabad . Data collection has been done through by giving structured questioner. This study will be based on judgment sampling and this research is skewed to organization level. This is an exploratory type of research. And this research needs further study also Research is a kind of pilot study.

TYPES OF RESEARCH DESIGN: This research is of descriptive type. Descriptive research studies are those which ar e concerned with describing the characteristics of particular individual or a group. The studies concerned with specific predictions, with narration of facts and characteristics concerning individual. The research design in case of descriptive research mus t be rigid and not maximize reliability. The design involves the following steps: Formulating the objectives of the study. Design the methods of data collections. Selecting and analyzing the data. Reporting the findings.



Data collection method used in survey and the instrument used in questionnaire. In thi s method a questionnaire is asked to the person concerned (i.e. sample approach a request to answer and returns the questionnaire ). A questionnaire consists of a number of questio ns printed or typed in definite order.

TYPES OF DATA USED:There are two types of data which can be used in a research, they are as follows: 1. PRIMARY DATA:The primary data are those, which are collected a fresh and for first time, and thus happen to be original in character. 2. SECONDERY DATA: The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and re -analyzed in as many different ways a chosen.

Low cost even when the universe is large. Free from the bias of the interviewer since answer are in respondent own words. Adequate time is given to respondent to answer.

Low rate of return of the field questionnaire. It can be used only in IT Company. Control over it can be lost, once it is sent. There is possibility of ambiguous replies. It is a slow method of data collection.



A sample design is a definite plan of obtaining the samples from a given population. It refers to t he technique o the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample. Sample design is determine before the data are collected.



The first step in developing any sample design is to clearly define the set of objects, known as the universe to be studies. The universe can be finite or infinite. Un iverse choose in my survey is Hyderabad. It is a finite universe. All the employees of SP Soft and also others who are willing to take these of services are included in population.

A decision has to be taken concerning sampling unit before unit selecting a sample. Sampling unit can be a geographical e.g. state, district, village etc. or a construction unit for e.g. house, flat or a social unit e.g. family, club, and school. In my survey, the sampling unit is all the IT employees or IT Companies or Pvt. IT employees.

This refers neither to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sa mple should neither be excessively large nor to small. It should be optimum. An optimum sample is one which fulfills the requirements of efficiency. In this study I took 5 0 sample sizes.



Cost consideration, from practical point of view, has a major impact upon decisions relating to not only size of the sample but also the type of the sample.

Finally, the researcher must decide the type of sample he will use i.e. he must decide about the technique to be used in selecting the item for the sample. Sampling procedure should be one that reduces systematic bias and sampling error. Systematic bias result from error in the sampling procedure, and it, cannot be reduced or eliminated by increasing the sampling size. It can result due to following: Inappropriate sampling frame. Defective measuring device. Non respondents. Natural bias in reporting of data.

Sampling error are the random variations in the sample estimates around the true population parameters. Sam pling error decreasing with the increase in size of the sample and it happens to be of a smaller magnitude in case of homogeneous population.

There are different types of design based upon two factors viz. the representation bias and the elements selection basis. On representation basis the sample may be probability sampling or may be non -probability sampling. On elements selection basis, the sample may be either unrestricted or restricted. When the sample element is drawn individually fr om the population at large, then it is known as unrestricted sampling. The type of sample design used by me in the survey is random sampling. The survey was only conducted in Hyderabad and to for a limited population, there for the findings cannot be 57

generalized at assumptions.



making adequate



This study is more descriptive type and hence cannot prove or predict the cause and effect relationship. Percentage Analysis: Percentage refers to a special kind of ratio in making comparison between two or more data and to describe relationships. Percentage can also be used to compare the relation terms the distribution of two or more sources of data.

Number of Respondents Percentage of Respondents = ----------------------------Total Respondents X 100


Some important points taken in Research Methodology:

Type: Sampling Unit: Sample Size: Sampling Method: Research Methodology: Type of Data: Research Instrument: Tools Used: Secondary Data: Area of Research: Research Approach:

Descriptive Research Customers using media services 50 Random Convenient Sampling Field Survey Primary Data Structured Questionnaire Percentage Analysis, Pie Chart Customers using media services Hyderabad Survey Method












1. What is your ERP?


SAP 17 34% Graph1

Oracle 9 18%

Customized 15 30%

Others 9 18%

others 18%

SAP 34%

Customized 30% Oracle 18%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 34% company are using SAP. 18% company are using Oracle. 30% company are using Customized. 18% company are using others.

2. What is your DATABASE? IBM DB2 oracle 62 MY SQL

30 60% Graph-2

15 30%

5 10%

MY SQL 10%

oracle 30%

IBM DB2 60%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 60% company are using IBM DB2 30% company are using Oracle 10% company are using MY SQL

3. What is your data volume? 5-10GB 10-50GB 63 50-100GB >100GB

10 20% Graph-3

15 30%

20 40%

5 10%

Data Volume
>100GB 10% 5-10GB 20%

50-100GB 40%

10-50GB 30%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 20% company are using 5-10GB 30% company are using 10-50GB 40% company are using 50-100GB 10% company are using >100GB

4. Query response time?


5-10 Min 20 40%

10-30 Min 20 40%

30-60 Min 10 20%

None of these 0 0%


30-60 Min 20%

None of these 0%

5-10 Min 40% 10-30 Min 40%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 40% company are using 5-10Min 40% company are using 10-30Min 20% company are using 30-60Min 0% company are using None of these

5. How you get your reports?


ERP 35 70% Graph-5

BI Software 15 30%

None of these 0 0%


None of these 0%

BI Software 30%

ERP 70%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 70% company are using ERP 30% company are using BI Software 0% company are using None of these

6. Which BI tools are you using?


SAP BO 12 24% Graph-6

IBM Cognos 18 36%

Qlik view 10 205

Oracle 6 12%

Micro Strategy 4 8%

Micro Strategy 8%

BI Tools

Oracle 12% Qlik view 20%

SAP BO 24%

IBM Cognos 36%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 24% company are using SAP BO 36% company are using IBM Cognos 20% company are using Qlik view 12% company are using Oracle 08% company are using Micro Strategy

7. Are you satisfied with your current reporting structure? 67

YES 42 84%

NO 8 16%


Reporting structure
NO 16%

YES 84%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 84% companies are satisfied with their reporting structure. 16% companies are not satisfied with their reporting structure.

8. Which department you think required robust BI platform? 68

HR 00 0% Graph-8

IT 40 80%

Marketing 00 0%

Finance 02 4%

Sales 00 0%

Operation 08 16%

BI Platform
Operation 16% Sales 0% Finance 4% Marketing 0% IT 80%

HR 0%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 0% is used by HR Department 80% is used by IT Department 0% is used by Marketing Department 4% is used by Finance Department 16% is used by Operation Department

9. Are you planning to improve your Reporting solution? 69

YES 46 92% Graph-9

NO 4 8%

Reporting solution
NO 8%

YES 92%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 92% are not planning to improve their reporting solution. 8% are planning to improve their reporting solution.

10. Which reports is the top management consumes most of the time? 70

Sales Reports 0 0%

Operational Reports 16 32%

Financial Reports 14 28%

Others 20 40%


Consumes Time

Sales Reports 0% Operational Reports 32%

Others 40%

Financial Reports 28%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 0% consumes by Sales Reports 32% consumes by Operational Reports 28% consumes by Financial Reports 40% consumes by others.

11. Do you want to improve your current IT process? 71

YES 3 6%

NO 47 94%


IT Process
YES 6%

NO 94%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 94% company dont want to improve their IT process 6% company want to improve their IT process

12. What is your next project? 72

BI 5 10%

ERP 5 10%

Data Base 0 0%

HADR 0 0%

EAM 10 20%

SDLC 10 20%

Virtualization 0 0%

Others 20 40%


Next Project
BI 10% Others 40%

ERP 10%

Data Base 0% HADR 0%

EAM 20% SDLC 20%

Virtualization 0%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 10% companies next project is BI 10% companies next project is ERP 20% companies next project is EAM 20% companies next project is SDLC 40% companies next project is Others Others companies not have any next project









1. Are you using SDLC tools?


YES 38 76%

NO 12 24%


NO 24%

YES 76%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 76% companies are using SDLC tools. 24% companies are not using SDLC tools.

2. Do you know about IBM Rational? 75

YES 42 84%

NO 8 16%


IBM Rational
NO 16%

YES 84%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 84% companies know about IBM Rational. 16% companies dont know about IBM Rational.


3. What phase of your current project? Requirement& analysis 4 8% Development 12 24% Testing 28 56% Deployment 6 12%


Current Project
Deployment 12%

Requirement& analysis 8%

Development 24% Testing 56%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 8% companies current project is Requirement & analysis. 24% companies current project is Development. 56% companies current project is testing. 12% companies current project is Deployment.


4. What is your OS? WS 36 72%

LINUX 10 20%

UNIX 4 8%




WS 72%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 72% companies OS is WS. 20% companies OS is LINUX. 8% companies OS is UNIX.


5. What is your development platform? Dot Net 18 36% Java 22 44% C, C# 10 20%


Development platform
C, C# 20% Dot Net 36%

Java 44%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 36% companies development platform is Dot Net. 44% companies development platform is Java. 20% companies development platform is c, c#.


6. What is your project duration? 2 Month 12 24% 3 Month 18 36% 6 Month 4 8% 8 Month 6 12%


Project Duration
8 Month 15%

6 Month 10%

2 Month 30%

3 Month 45%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 30% companies project duration is 2 Month. 45% companies project duration is 3 Month. 10% companies project duration is 6 Month. 15% companies project duration is 8 Month.


7. Are you planning IBM Rational tools for your upcoming projects? YES 18 36% NO 32 64%


Upcoming projects

YES 36%

NO 64%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 36% companies are planning for IBM Rational for their next project. 64% companies are not planning for IBM rational for their next project.


8. Which SDLC tools you will consider? IBM 38 76% Graph-20 HP 12 24%

SDLC Tools
HP 24%

IBM 76%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 76% companies will consider IBM SDLC tools. 24% companies will consider HP SDLC tools.


9. Are you using any automation tools? YES 32 64% NO 18 36%


Automation Tools
NO 36%

YES 64%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 64% companies are using automation tools. 36% companies are not using any automation tools.


10. Will you go for any Testing tools? YES 44 88% NO 6 12%


Testing tools
NO 12%

YES 88%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 88% companies will go for testing tools. 12% companies will not go for testing tools.


11. Do you miss your projects deadline? YES 4 8% NO 46 92%


Project Dead line

YES 8%

NO 92%

INTERPRETATION From the above table, it is observed that, 92% companies not missed their projects dead line. 8% companies missed their project dead line.





All the respondents were the employees of an IT company and 57% of the respondents are Manger of the company, 43% of the respondents are from IT department. 45% of the companies using this IBM DB2 more than 2 Years. 79.09% know through the brand image of IBM Company. And 67.36% companies know about IBM DB2 through partners companies. 68.18% people are satisfied from the new technology where 34.55% customers are satisfied with security and safety. 60.91% companies are satisfied from IBM DB2. 59.43% companies are satisfied with IBM Rational. 40.90% companies think that more data to save then we use IBM DB2. 69.91% companies satisfied with the services of IBM Products. 64.54% companies rank as good for IBM Products. 34.82% companies feel average about the price range of IBM Products. 35.45% companies think to change their Data Base system.


24.55% people are not aware with IBM Rational & DB2 so it has to give advertisement regularly and celebrity in the advertisement will be effective for IBM Products. Trial version should be given to the customers to attract them. 31.8% people are average satisfied while 7.27% people are dissatisfied with new technology, so companies make them to handle the new technology properly 31.82% customers look on safety of data while purchasing IBM Products, so safety of data should be done carefully. Only 40.91% customers satisfied with service given by SP Soft so it should be improved. 87

45.45% customers think company should change sales promotion activity of IBM Products so hear promotional activity should be done carefully time to time. Like- events, sponsorships, trade shows, presentation etc. Company should necessary step to increase the facilities given to the dealers for service functions.Like- T-shirts, commission, gifts, rewards, motivation etc.



The study on MARKETING STRATEGY OF SP SOFT highlights that the Clients/ Customers are satisfied with IBM COGNOS and IBM Rational. However, they feel that price is too high and the process of installation is complicated. So Company need to initiate CRM (Customer Relationship Management) techniques and improve service level.


Johan A. Howard Jagadish N. Sheth, "The Theory of Buyer Behaviour", 8 th edition; Fort Worth, TX: Dryden 1994.

Philip Kotlar "Marketing Management", New Delhi, Pretice - Hall 2000.

Kothari Research methodology''.

S.P. Gupta "Statistical methods", New Delhi, S. Chand R.S.Pillai and Bhagavathi " Statistics", New Delhi.

& Co

www.google.co.in www.spsoftglobal.com www.ibm.com



QUESTIONNAIRE OF COGNOS:1. What is your ERP? A. SAP B. Oracle e business suite C. Customized D. Others 2. What is your DATABASE? A. IBM DB2 B. Oracle C. MY SQL D. Others 3. What is your data volume? A. 5 10 GB B. 10 50 GB C. 50 100 GB D. 100 + 4. Query response time? A. 5 min 10 min B. 10 min 30 min C. 30 min 60 min D. None of these 5. How you get your reports? A. ERP B. BI Software C. None of these 6. Which BI tools are you using? A. IBM Cognos B. SAP BO C. Qlik view D. Oracle E. Micro strategy 7. Are you satisfied with your current reporting structure? A. Yes 91

B. No 8. Which department you think required robust BI platform? A. HR B. IT C. Marketing D. Finance E. Sales F. Operation 9. Are you planning to improve your Reporting solution? A. Yes B. No 10. Which reports is the top management consumes most of the time? A. Sales reports B. Operational reports C. Financial reports D. Others 11. Do you want to improve your current IT process? A. Yes B. No 12. What is your next project? A. BI B. ERP C. Data base D. HADR (High Availability & Disaster recovery) E. EAM (Enterprise asset management) F. SDLC G. Virtualization H. Others


QUESTIONNAIRE OF RATIONAL:1. Are you using SDLC tools? A. Yes B. No

2. Do you know about IBM Rational? A. Yes B. No

3. What phase of your current project? A. Requirement & Analysis B. Development C. Testing D. Deployment

4. What is your OS? A. Windows B. LINUX C. UNIX

5. What is your development platform? A. Dot Net B. Java C. C, C#

6. What is your project duration? A. 2 Month B. 3 Month C. 6 Month D. 8 Month

7. Are you planning IBM Rational tools for your upcoming projects? A. Yes B. No


8. Which SDLC tools you will consider? A. IBM B. HP 9. Are you using any automation tools? A. Yes B. No

10. Will you go for any Testing tools? A. Yes B. No

11. Do you miss your projects deadline? A. Yes B. No


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