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List of Movies with a Focus on Conflict Resolution CDR often uses films as means of learning about and teaching

conflict resolution approaches and strategies. Listed below are some of our staff favorites. We hope you enjoy seeing them -both for your personal enjoyment and as a means of gaining greater insight into conflict and its resolution. Any additions to this list are more than welcome. Conflict Development, Escalation and Dynamics Cramer vs Cramer (Divorce and its impacts) Millagro Beanfield War (Intercultural issues between Hispanics and Anglos, and a water dispute in New Mexico) Jean de Florette - (Escalation of a dispute in a French Village) Manan of the Spring (Sequel to Jean de Florette) War of the Roses (Escalation of a divorce dispute) Situation Assessment and Conflict Analysis Chinatown (Water conflicts in Los Angeles) Erin Brockovich (Investigation into chemical poisoning and health impacts on a community) North by Northwest (Alfred Hitchcock murder mystery) Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock murder mystery) Silkwood (Whistleblower at a plant with dangerous practices) Simila's Sense of Snow (Murder mystery and investigation) The Insider (Tobacco industry issues) Two Jakes (Water conflicts in Los Angeles) Problem Solving and Dispute Resolution Processes Changing Lanes (Negotiation) Clarence Darrow for the Defense (Litigation -Scopes trial on evolution) Eyes on the Prize: From Montgomery to Memphis (Documentary on the U.S. civil rights movement) Gandhi (Biography and history of non-violent movement in South Africa and India) Heart of the Dragon (Chinese mediation documentary) King (Biography of Martin Luther King and the U.S. civil rights movement) Qui Ju (Chinese interpersonal dispute that goes through informal mediation, executive decision, and courts) Snow Falling on Cedars (Courtroom drama - intercultural and murder mystery) The Castle (Conflict over development near an airport) The Negotiator (Action-adventure involving hostage negotiation) The Unforgiven (Choice of methods re: peace and violence) To Kill a Mockingbird (Courtroom drama - rape/racism) Winnie the Pooh (Different ways of problem solving) Persuasion A Civil Action (Investigation and trial related to a chemical spill and health impacts on a community) Marjo (Religious persuasion) Return of Martin Guerre (Multiple processes are used to determine if a French man in the Middle Ages is really who he says he is) Twelve Angry Men (Jury deliberation and consensus building in a murder case) Social Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Diverse Contexts

All the Kings Men (Political conflict) Coolhand Luke (Prison conflict) Dead Man Walking (Prison, inmate, victims and counselor) Hoffa (Labor conflicts) Man for All Seasons (Religious, political and ethical conflict) Matawan (Labor union/management) Network (News) One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (Mental hospital) Oxbow Incident (Conflict in the old west) Raging Bull (Race and prisons) Roger and Me (Documentary on Labor/management issues concerning the closure of a plant) Shawshank Redemption (Prison conflicts) The Candidate (Political intrigue involving gender issues and the private and public lives of politicians) The Contender (Senate confirmation and sexual history) Up the Down Staircase (Schools) Wag the Dog (Political intrigue involving the U.S. President) Environmental and Public Disputes

Whose Home on the Range? (Documentary on a forest dispute in Catlin County., New Mexico) El Dorado (Documentary on a forest dispute in El Dorado County, California)

Gender/Class/Intercultural/Racial Differences and Conflict Annie Hall (Ethnic, religious, class and relationship issues) Billy Elliot (Class, gender identity and labor issues in a British working class town) The Color of Fear (Documentary on race) Crying Game (Gender identity issues) Disclosure (Sexual harassment in reverse) Do the Right Thing (Racial and ethnic issues in the urban U.S.) East is East (Pakistani/British generational issues) El Norte (Latin American immigrants in the U.S) The Great Wall (Chinese-American returns to his ancestral home in China) La Cage Aux Folles (Gay issues) Lawn Dogs (Social class) Mississippi Masala (Indian/African and Indian/Afro-American issues) Mr. Johnson (Culture clash between Africans and British colonial powers) My Beautiful Laundrette (Pakistani/British issues) My Son the Fanatic (Pakistani/British/religious and generational issues Red in the Face (Documentary about white supremacy groups) Salt of the Earth (Strike in Mexico) Sammie and Rosie Get Laid (Pakistani/British issues) Save the Last Dance for Me (Inter-racial couples issues) Schindler's List (Holocost issues) Shogon (Cultural differences between Japan and the West) Smoke Signals (Native American cultural issues) Tootsie (Gender issues) Wedding in Galilee (Palestinian society in context of the Middle East Conflict) Wedding Party (Gay issues)

Witness (Amish/wider community issues and murder mystery) Movies for Trainers, Coaches, and Educators appropriate for Training-forTrainers Seminars

Mr. Holland's Opus (Inspirational music teacher) Stand and Deliver (Inspirational math teacher in Hispanic school) Dead Poets Society (Inspirational English teacher) Music from the Heart (Inspirational music teacher in Harlem) Goodwill Hunting (Psychologist coaches a young working class genius)

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