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The Death Of Melinda Hunter By Patrick Caillouet

Michael Smith Box1061 Orlando, Fl, 32802 321-287-6432

Cast of Characters Patrick Hunter Melinda Hunter Melissa Hunter Head Nurse Orderlies (2) Security (1) Police Officers (1 or 2)

Int. Hospital Room Early Evening MELINDA HUNTER, 52, lies in a hospital bed. To her side is an I.V. pole and a tube that runs to her arm. Behind her at beds backboard is a machine with several leads that are attach to upper front body under gown and to middle finger. MELISSA HUNTER, her daughter sits in a chair to the side and front of the bed. She is an 18-year-old teenager, but acts more mature. Melinda is on her side facing Melissa. She lets out a groan of pain Melissa stands up to help Melinda she waves her back Melissa sits back down. MELISSA Is there anything I can you with Mother MELINDA (Through the pain) There is nothing that can be done MELISSA I could ask the nurse if you can have your pain shot now MELINDA No. She will be along in half an hour to give me one MELISSA Dad will be here in a few minutes. Ill let the two of you speak privately. MELINDA Are you going to see Vince?


MELINDA Hes a good kid. Im glad you have someone. MELISSA Mom, can you do something for me. MELINDA Anything sweetheart. MELISSA Would you forgive Dad for what happened to Steven MELINDA Honey, I forgave your Father a long time ago for Stevens death. Its your Father who must forgive himself. He has to let go or it will eat him alive. PATRICK HUNTER, 52, comes into the room. Melissa sees him, but Melinda on her side does not. Pat comes over to Melinda. He kisses her on the forehead. Melissa stands up. She takes coat from back of chair, puts it on. She goes over Melinda and gives her kiss on cheek MELISSA Ill be back in the morning Mom. Have a comfortable night. MELINDA Goodbye, Honey Melissa leaves the room. Pat sits down in the chair. He holds Melindas hand. He can see that she is in pain MELINDA 4

Im sorry you are missing your game PATRICK It doesnt matter MELINDA You waited a long time for the Patriots to get back to the Super bowl. PATRICK I dont care about that. I care about you. you are more important to me than any game. A knock is heard on the door. Its the Head Nurse coming into the room. She has In her hand is a syringe. She comes up to the bed. NURSE Why didnt you tell us you were in extreme pain, Mrs. Hunter? I would have come sooner. MELINDA Melissa told you NURSE Yes. She is very concerned about you, Mrs. Hunter, as we all are. Nurse goes through the motions of giving Melinda the shot. NURSE You should feel better in a few minutes MELINDA Thank you. Nurse exits the room. MELINDA That shot will put me to asleep. There is so much I need to tell you PATRICK You rest my love. We will have plenty of time to talk later MELINDA When I am gone youll have our daughter to take care of. She may be a strong woman, 5

but shell need you more than ever PATRICK Shell have the both of us. Youll get well and be there to dance with me at her wedding. Melindas eyes start to flutter and then close. Pat stands up. He looks closely at Melinda. She is breathing normally. Pat bends down and kisses her on forehead. PATRICK Sweet dreams, my love Pat sits back down in chair. He holds Melindas hand.

INT HOSIPTAL ROOM DAWN Sunlight comes faintly through the window. Pat is sleeping in the chair. Hes still holding Melindas hand. Melinda wakes up to see the sun rising. Melinda moves in the bed to get a better look. Pat wakes up. He becomes concern. MELINDA Pat, the sun is coming up. Carry me over to the window. I want to see the sun rise for the last time. PATRICK That will mean removing you from the I.V. and the machines. MELINDA Please do this for me, Pat. Pat stands up. He takes the chair over to the door. He locks the door, and then jams the chair under the doorknob. Pat comes back over to the bed. He takes the I.V. tube from Melindas arm. Pat removes the various probes from her chest and lets them drop to the floor. Pat picks Melinda up in his arms. He carries her over to the window

INT HOSPITAL CORRIDOR NURSES STATION Alarms go off. Head Nurse and assistant come over to the board. Close up of the board and alarm lights HEAD NURSE Its Mrs. Hunters room. Code Blue. Call the Doctor on duty. Get me a crash cart. ASSISTANT Mrs. Hunter signed a DNR form. Its in her chart. HEAD NURSE Her pulse maybe to weak for the machines to pick up. There way still be a chance.

Assistant picks up phone and makes the call. Head Nurse leaves the station. She calls to two orderlies close by to help her. The three go to the room. Nurse tries door and find its locked


We see Pat and Melinda at the window. From outside we heard pounding on the door. Pat chooses not to hear it. Close up on Pat with Melinda in his arms PATRICK The sun is coming up. Do you see it? Melinda looks out the window. P.O.V. Melinda. She sees a bright light with two figures at the end. MELINDA I see a bright light. There are two figures at the end. I see them clearly. It is David and Steven. They are waving me to follow them. 7

PATRICK Go to them Melinda. Be with your son again. Melinda faces Pat MELINDA I am afraid Pat bends his head towards Melinda. He kisses her forehead, eyes and lips. PATRICK You are under my protection now. You have nothing to fear. Melinda looks back out the window. P.O.V. Melinda. She stills see the bright light with David and Steven in their Marine uniforms.They are still waving at her Melinda looks back up at Patrick MELINDA I love you Patrick. Always. Pat gives Melinda one last kiss PATRICK I will love you for the rest of my life Melinda rolls her head into Pats arms. She closes her eyes. We see Pat from the back. He still has Melinda in his arms. On door. It is kicked inward from the hinges. In come the head nurse, doctor, orderlies, security and police. Police have their pistols drawn, but hoister them right away. Nurse looks at orderly. Speaks to him. HEAD NURSE Get a gurney Orderly leaves the room. He comes back in a few seconds On the Doctor and Pat. DOCTOR Shes gone Mr. Hunter. Place her on the gurney and let us take her away.

Pat leaves the window area. With Melinda still in his arms, he walks over to the gurney and places her on it. Orderlies wheel the gurney out of the room. Doctor leaves with them. Police Sergeant takes handcuffs from his belt. He places them on Pats wrists behind his back. Sergeant leads Pat from the room. He does not resist. The End


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