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Leaders American School Social Studies Grade 9

Quarter 3 Breakdown
Mrs. Ana Pavlic


Time Pages Content Tips Homework

Chapter 10 Pg142-144 Causes of WWI WWI was Gavrilo Princip
Week 1 Pg145-149 Four Years of called Great Big Bertha
Pg150-154 War War League of
Effects of Germany did Nations
World WarI not want France
to help Russia
The Allies held
peace talks at
Week 2 Pg157-160 Russian Romanovs h.m essay
Chapter 11 Pg162-166 Revolution Roaring Vladimir Lenin
Pg167-171 Life After the Twenties h.m homework
Great War Nazy Party h.m essay
The Rise of Benito
Dictators Mussolini
Week3 Pg 172-175 Movements Middle East h.m worksheet
Chapter 12 Pg179-183 Against Neville h.m worksheet
Pg184-188 Imperialism Chamberlain h.m worksheet
Causes of WW USSR
War Around the
Week 4 Pg189-192 Horrors of WW Jewish property Gypsies
Chapter 13 Pg193-197 II Germany lost United Nations
Pg202-206 After WWII 1.8 million Fidel Castro
The Cold War soldiers in
Iron Curtain
Leaders American School Social Studies Grade 9
Quarter 3 Breakdown
Mrs. Ana Pavlic


Time Pages Content Tips Homework

Chapter 13 Pg207-211 Communism in Wars in Korea h.m essay Mao
Week 5 Pg215-219 Asia in Vietnam Zedong
Pg220-224 Independence South Africa h.m essay
in Asia and Dictatorship is Mobutu Sese
Africa easiest Seco
Results of government to h.m worksheet
Colonization set up Rawanda
Chapter 15 Pg225-229 Latin America L.America have h.m Costa Rica
Week 6 Pg232-236 After 1945 seen woersheet
Pg237-241 The Fall of revolutions h.m Pope John
Communism Glasnost Paul II
Tensions in the perestrlva h.m essay
Middle east Nelson
Chapter 16 Pg250-253 Terrorism September Al Qaeda
Week 7 Pg254-258 Around the 11.2001 World Wide
Pg259-263 World Internet Web
Technological Global Ho Chi MInh
Revolution Warming City
Chapter 17 Pg264-267 Our World AIDS h.m worksheet
Week8 Pg269-272 Today Humanism h.m worksheet
Pg273-279 Martin Luther Newton’s Law h.m worksheet
King Jr
Isaac Newton
Leaders American School Social Studies Grade 9
Quarter 3 Breakdown
Mrs. Ana Pavlic


Time Pages Content Tips Homework

Week9 Pg280-283 Absolutism in Parliament h.m essay
Chapter 18 Pg284-287 France Vasco de Gama Gilded Fleur-
Pg288-292 New Lands Santo Domingo de-lis
Columbian h.m chart
Exchange Ferdinand
h.m essay
Week 10 Pg293-296 Islam Bayezit II h.m worksheet
Chapter 19 Pg297-301 Persia Darius become h.m chart about
Pg302-306 India a king Persia
h.m work sheet

Week 11 Pg309-312 Terrorism in Extremist h.m essay Bin

Chapter 20 Pg313-316 World UN Laden
Pg317-320 World Peace Woodrof h.m chart UN
League of h.m essay WW
Nations I

Week 12 Revision Revision Revision Revision

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