Grade 8

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Lesson I

Reform and Growth in Europe

After the___________, Europeans were tired of war.

In____________________, a group of European______ held a meeting called
the_________ in_________.
The Congress of __________ brought peace to____________.

- Congress of Vienna was in:

a) 1816
b) 1914
c) 1814
d) 1900

- Camillo di Cavour became a head of Sardinia in:

a) 1852
b) 1910
c) 1863
d) 1953

- Prussia became German Empire in:

a) 1781
b) 1871
c) 1903
d) 1681

- The British Parlament gave Canadians self-rule in:

a) 1867
b) 1916
c) 1851
d) 1803

- Gold was found in Australia in :

a) 1903
b) 1851
c) 1814
d) 1803
- In 1814 Congress of Vienna was held
T or F

- Napoleon II made peace with Austria.

T or F

- Head of German state was called Kaiser

T or F

- The Maori lived in Australia.

T or F

- The British set up several colonies in Australia.

T or F

- How might nationalism change citizens of a country?


- Why might a nation want to give it’s colony more freedom?


- Who was Otto von Bismarck?


-How might one country from colony became a independent state?

Explain the lesson in your own words

Home Work for this lesson is Essay about Otto von Bismarck
Lesson II

Reform and Growth in the U.S.A

The Unites States started as __________________ along the east coast of

It soon grew____________ the____________.
In the__________ treaty with_________,the______________ gained land from the
From the_______________________ to the_________________________.

- the U.s claimed land to the northwest in;

a) 1761
b) 1781
c) 1691
d) 1891

- Americans living in Texas broke away from Mexico in:

a) 1836
b) 1841
c) 1913
d) 1798

- Texas joined U.S in:

a) 1845
b) 1812
c) 1921
d) 1862

- Missouri Compromise was in :

a) 1812
b) 1820
c) 1910
d) 1805

- Uncel Tom’s Cabin was written in ;

a) 1861
b) 1852
c) 1861
d) 1891

- In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson bought Lousiana from France.

T or F

- Many Americans didn’t want slavery to spread to the new lands.

T or F

- Abraham Lincoln was elected vicepresident in 1860.

T or F

- The Civil War ended slavery in the U.S

T or F

- In 1863 , Lincoln has issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

T or F

- How does a nation gain more land?


- What people could not enjoy the ideas expressed in the Declaration of

- Who was Thomas Jefferson?


- Who was Abraham Lincoln ?


Explain the lesson in your own words


Home Work for this lesson is to make a chart about Thomas Jefferson
Lesson III

Nationalism Comes to Again Empires

In the late_____________________,there were three great empires

in_______________ and Southwest Asia.
They were ____________, the __________________ and Russia,
But by the__________,they were losing________________.

- The age of nationalism was in

a) 16 century
b) 19 century
c) 20 century
d) 11 century

- Austria-Hungary became an empire in

a) 1867
b) 1852
c) 1814
d) 1904

- Greece gained independence in:

a) 1821
b) 1829
c) 1860
d) 1945

- Czar Alexander II Tried to bring the reform to Russia in:

a) 1921
b) 1861
c) 1816
d) 1920

- More then 100 Jewish villages were destroyed in;

a) 1860
b) 1850
c) 1881
d) 1901

- From 1891 to 1905 Russians built railroad a cross Siberia.

T or F

- Sultan Mahmud II ruled from 1808 to 1839

T or F

- The Russians supported the Orthodox Church.

T or F

- In 1856 , Russia was defeated from Ottoman Empire.

T or F

- Florence Nightingale was called also “ The Lady with the lamp”

T or F
- What might happen when an Empire weakens?

- How might the growing German Empire have affected Austria?


- Who was Sultan Mahmud II?


- Who was Czar Alexander II?


- Who was Florence Nightingale?


- Explain the lesson in your own words:


Home Work for this lesson is to prepare the power point representation!

Lesson IV

Imperialism in Africa

In the late_______________,Europeans saw an opportunity to_____ the

Entire continent of _____________.
________________ wanted to spread Christianity.
_______________ leaders believed owning __________ colonies would add power
and glory to their nations,__________,_________,Great
Britain,__________,Portugal,__________ and Spain.

- The Ottoman Empire had ruled North Africa since the;

a) 1200’s
b) 1800’s
c) 1400’s
d) 1100’s

- The French finished building the Suez Canal in Egypt by:

a) 1861
b) 1869
c) 1812
d) 1804

- The British bought the canal in:

a) 1816
b) 1875
c) 1901
d) 1861

- Great Britain declared the protectorate over Egypt in:

a) 1910
b) 1914
c) 1920
d) 1891

- Great Britain established a protectorate over Zanzibar in:

a) 1870
b) 1890
c) 1816
d) 1820

- In 1914, the Great Britain declared that Egypt was a protectorate.

T or F

- The Ottoman Empire had ruled North Africa since the 1800’s.

T or F

- Italy took over Libya and part of Somalia.

T or F

- Zulu fought against European imperialism.

T or F
- The Europeans wanted Africans to change their way of life and become more

T or F

- Why might Europeans want to rule Africa?

- How might European rule have affected people in African colonies?

- What is protectorate ?

- What is an colony?

- Explain the lesson in your own words:


Home work for this lesson is to make colony and explain how to rule one!

Lesson V

Imperialism in Asia

Europeans wanted colonies ____________________,too___________________

Needed more natural ________________ for their growing_________________
They wanted more trade with Asia.
The British__________________________________ began in

- The British government turned India into a colony in:

a) 1858
b) 1818
c) 1821
d) 1911

- The Indians led a revolt against British rule in a:

a) 1871
b) 1811
c) 1857
d) 1901

- War broke out between China and British in a:

a) 1812
b) 1839
c) 1801
d) 1899

- United States took control of the Hawaiian Islands in:

a) 1900
b) 1898
c) 1861
d) 1821
- The Japanese ended the rule of Shoguns in:
a) 1868
b) 1851
c) 1812
d) 1900

- The British East India Company began in the 17 th century.

T or F

- The British stop seling opium to China

T or F

- In Southeast Asia, the French took over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
T or F

- In 1800’s the Japanese were unhappy with Tokugawa Shogunate.

T or F

- In 1888, The Japanese ended the rule of shoguns.

T or F

- Why might countries fight about trade in a region?

- Why might imperialism lead to a spirit of nationalism in a region?

- What is British East India Company?


- What is Taping Rebellion?


- Explain the lesson in your own words “


Home work for this lesson is essay about Queen Victoria!

Lesson VI

Causes of WW I

There was no single cause for the _____________________________ as WW I was

first called.
During the early______________,few people thought about war.
Each country was in a_______________ to control more foreign colonies than
- European countries formed:
a) alliances
b) empire
c) colony
d) region

- In Balkans one country wanted more land

a) Serbia
b) Croatia
c) Macedonia
d) Bulgaria

- Germany,Austria-Hungary and Italy formed alliance by name:

a) Double Alliance
b) Triple Alliance
c) Alliance
d) UN

- Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed in:

a) Beograd
b) Sarajevo
c) Zagreb
d) Ljubljana

- Germany declared war on Russia in 1914 on

a) 1 october
b) 1 august
c) 28 july
d) 6 jan
- European countries formed alliances

T or F

- WW I started in 1920

T or F

- The members of the Triple Entente were France, Great Britain and Russia

T or F

- Austro-Hungary Archduke was kill on 14 june,1914

T or F

- On August 1, 1914 The Great War had begun.

T or F

- Why would nationalism make war more likely?

- Why might nations join with other nations?

- Who was Archduke Ferdinand?


- Who was Gavrilo Princip?

- Explain lesson in your own words!

Home work for this lesson is chart about Czar Nicolas Romanov!

Lesson VII

Four Years of War

On ________________,1914, the German__________ Belgium anyway.

For this,__________ declared war on_________________.
Germany faced __________ on two sides with ________ in the east and __________,
_________________ and__________________ in the west.

- German troops invaded Belgium on:

a) 1914
b) 1911
c) 1904
d) 1900

- The British landed at Gallipoli in:

a) 1915
b) 1911
c) 1901
d) 1902

- The British took control of Jerusalem in :

a) 1917
b) 1903
c) 1907
d) 1908

- The U.S declared war on Germany on April in

a) 1917
b) 1912
c) 1920
d) 1926

- The War was over on November 11 in

a) 1918
b) 1904
c) 1910
d) 1999

- WW I lasted from 1914 un till 1918

T or F

- The British lost almost 1 million of soldiers.

T or F

- By the end of 1917, Russia was out of the war.

T or F

- In the spring of 1918,The germans launched a massive attack on allies.

T or F

- One of the new weapons developed during WW I was t he submarine.

T of F

- What would made a war a “World War”?


- Why would it be hard for one country to fight a war in two places?

- When did the WW I started?


- Explain the lesson in your own words!


Home work for this lesson is essay about Woodrow Wilson!

Lesson VIII
Effects of W W I

The____________ held peace talks at_________________,France, in ______________

The leaders of______________,France and________________ along
with_____________________________ of Unites States.

- The Allies held peace talks at Versailles in

a) 1919
b) 1920
c) 1912
d) 1981

- Germany had to return land it won from France in:

a) 1861
b) 1871
c) 1810
d) 1910

- The Allies charged Germany for reparation :

a) 10 billion
b) 37 billion
c) 18 billion
d) 6 billion

- League of Nations lasted un till the:

a) 1925
b) 1940
c) 1961
d) 1982

- Woodrow Wilson died in:

a) 1910
b) 1924
c) 1914
d) 1954

- President Wilson wanted peace with out victory.

T or F

- Fance wanted to punish more harsh Germany.

T or F

- The Allies held peace talks at Lyon.

T or F

- With the treaty of Versailles, Germany lost all it’s colonies .

T or F

- WW I changed the map of Europe.

T or F

- How did WW I change map of Europe?


- How might the nations of the world prevent another WW?


- What is 14 th point plan?


- Explain the lesson in your own words!


Home work for this lesson is essay about League of Nations plus chart!

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