Management Thesis 2 Final - Dipanjan

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I hereby declare that this project work entitled “STUDY OF CONSUMER BUYING
IN BURDWAN CITY” is my work, carried out under the guidance of my Faculty
Supervisor Mr. Niloy Kumar Bhattacherjee. This report neither in full nor in part has
ever been submitted for award of any other degree of either this university or any
other university.

Dipanjan Sen.

Enrollment Number- 7NBBU018

MBA (2007-09)


It is privilege to express gratitude to my

mentor, my respected faculty member and mentor Mr. Niloy
Kumar Bhattacherjee, without whose support, encouragement
and guidance this Management Thesis would not have been
possible to prepare.

It gives me immense pleasure to present

this project report to “ICFAI NATIONAL COLLEGE”. As I have
made special efforts to this project to cover each and every
aspect of “Management Thesis”.

I also thank my friends for their constant
support encouragement, cooperation and valuable suggestion
throughout the progress of project.
Above all I thank to my family for their
support and encouragement, which has always been a source
of inspiration.
I am also grateful to the faculty members of
the ICFAI NATIONAL COLLEGE whose guidance & teachings
have enabled me to understand the concept of making a

Place: Burdwan ………………………

Date: Dipanjan Sen.


This is to certify that the Management

Thesis titled “Retail Formats for Men’s
Readymade Apparel in Burdwan: A
Study of Consumer Preferences and
Customer Preferences and Customer
Satisfaction” Submitted by Dipanjan Sen.

Enrollment No. – 7NBBUO18 during
Semester-III of the MBA Program (Class
of 2009) embodies original work done by

Signature of the
Faculty Supervisor

(Niloy Kumar
ulty Member


When you build a thing you cannot merely build that thing in
isolation, but must also repair the world about it, and within it. . . and
the thing which you make takes its place in the web of nature.
-Christopher Alexander, Architect, 1977

My Management Thesis 2 is focused on “STUDY OF CONSUMER BUYING


Burdwan is a growing town. Everybody wants to decorate their house by beautiful
painting. Asian paints, Nerolac, Burger, ICI Dulux, and many other large companies
are also setting up their stall in the town. Several new lines of products have also
made their entry in recent years.

People in Burdwan have, simultaneously, become more fashion conscious. In some

areas and some consumer segments, the demand patterns are still very conservative.
But, in general, the fashion preferences of customers are changing with a change in

Therefore, there is a very big space for those companies to operating their exterior &
interior paints fashion segment. There is an emergence of private label brands where
the profit margins are perceived to be higher even though price levels are generally
lower. It was felt, therefore, that a very extensive study of this exterior & interior
paints in house fashion phenomenon in Burdwan was necessary. Hence the present
exercise was taken up.

A. The Basics of Painting and Decorating

Success in house decoration depends on something more than the use of good paint
and a certain amount of skill in its application, essential though these two factors
undoubtedly are. At least as important is a thorough knowledge and understanding not
only of the properties and possibilities of the materials employed, but also those of the
different surfaces over which they are used.

Another factor which may exert a substantial influence on the life and behaviour of
paintwork is the weather and atmospheric conditions prevailing at the time of

Golden Rules:

(If you insist on doing it yourself, most people are now getting a professional in)

• Buy the best tools and equipment you can afford, especially paint brushes.

• Buy good quality paint and materials. Buying cheap paint is often a false economy
as many more coats are usually required.

• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on tins and other materials. Don’t always
interpret too literally as there is usually a degree of flexibility, especially in diluting

• Complete all your preparation before you start to decorate.

• Try to ensure that you have bought enough materials to complete the job. This is
essential when buying wall-paper.

• Don't rush the job. Give paints time to dry between coats.

• Keep the area where you are decorating as dust free as possible.

• Don't wear woollen garments, if possible wear cotton overalls or jeans and cotton

B. Painting Exterior Walls

• The Golden rule when working off ladders or scaffolding is safety first.

• Make sure that you complete the painting of soffits, fascias and guttering before you
start the walls.

• Paint walls in designated sections if you can (e.g. an apex above a window, a section
between two windows or between wall edge and window/door).

• If the walls are of a fairly rough surface consider using roller to make the job easier.

• If you are right-handed, then work from right to left in as far as you can do
comfortably. This way you won't be working across yourself, especially when
working off a ladder.

• Work from the top downwards; completing areas within natural breaks, e.g. between
two windows or between a window and a downpipe.

• It is wise to cover up bushes, flowerbeds and the lawn with dust-sheets.

• Always use a pothook when you up a ladder; secure it firmly on the side of the
ladder and attach your paint container. DO NOT hold the paint container in one hand
and the paint brush in the other.

• When using a roller on the walls, cut in one area at a time; roll and move on to the
next area.

• Use an extension pole on the roller so that you can reach as much as possible from
the ground.

Using a spray on exteriors

On exteriors, if conditions are windy, angle the spray pattern into the wind to avoid

* Work from ground to roof.

* Do not attempt to spray if the wind is excessive.

* When spraying with a shield or board hold it firmly against the surface. WATCH

* Angle the gun slightly away from the shield and towards the target surface. This will
prevent paint from being forced underneath the shield.

* Shrubs next to houses should be tied back and covered with sheets. The sheets
should remove as soon as possible.

* Nearby vehicles should be moved or covered whenever in the vicinity of a spray job.

* Always be careful of any surrounding objects which may be damaged by overspray.

C. How to paint a ceiling.

• Golden rule: Always paint the ceiling before walls or woodwork.

• As long as you don't have a lot of furniture to clamber over, painting a ceiling is
fairly straightforward.

• Firstly sheet up everything which is in danger of getting paint on it. No matter how
careful you are, paint splashes have a way of finding exposed surfaces.

• Use a stepladder, preferably one with a platform to hold tools or a paint container. If
you haven't got steps, strong plastic milk or beer crate or a wooden chair should be

• The golden rule, whether using proper or improvised scaffold, is NEVER to over-

• If you are right-handed work from right to left and vice-versa.

• Painting a ceiling is easier if you use a roller, unless the ceiling is very small e.g. in a
cupboard or toilet, especially with artexed or wood-chipped ceilings (i.e. any ceiling
with a rough patterned surface).

• When painting with a brush, use a large flat brush 6 to 8 inches wide.

• You can also use a small brush 1 to 2 inches wide to get into corners, cut along the
edge of the ceiling and for cutting round the light rose and any other awkward bits.

• Starting in one corner on the window side of the room, paint in sections about 2ft

• Work across the ceiling doing a strip at a time.

• When using a roller it is a good idea to use one with an extension handle. Most roller
handles have an open end into which you can push an old broom handle which will do
the job.

• Using a small brush (about 2" size will do) cut in all round the edge of the ceiling
and round the ceiling rose.

• Starting in one corner roll about a meter square and work across the room in strips
the same as with a brush.

• If you are using a long handle on your roller it means your paint tray or scuttle (a
square bucket wide enough for your roller size) can be kept conveniently on the floor
at all times.

Painting over Wall coverings

• The most usual papers to paint over are woodchip, lining, anaglyptic and blown

• Woodchip (a plain paper with small bits of wood throughout) comes in various
weights and degrees of coarseness.

• Woodchip is good for hiding bad wall surfaces and ceilings and where a hard
wearing paper is needed.
• It is usual to paint wall coverings with emulsion/latex, applying at least two coats.

• Anaglyptic is suitable for finishing with gloss or eggshell; first applying acrylic
water-based undercoat.

It is possible to paint over most kinds of wall covering. It is best to use latex/emulsion
water paint. At least two coats should be applied; the first coat being thinner than the
second. When you apply the first coat, the paper may bubble up here and there where
the pasting was thin or inadequate.

These bubbles should go down as the paint dries but if the bubbles are especially large
(say, over 6 inches) then it may be better to cut the bubble open with a sharp blade and
slosh the paint underneath it and smooth it down.

It is often a good idea when decorating over wallpaper to try sponging, rag rolling or
frottage as this will hide any defects in the wall covering. Directions for sponging and
frottage can be found on the site.

D. Painting Interior Walls

• Before you start doing the walls in a room try to remove as much from the room as

• Stack everything that’s left in the middle of the room, leaving enough space to move
a stepladder or stool around next to the walls.

• Interior walls are normally painted with emulsion paint, either matt or silk.

• Matt emulsion is better to use if the walls are not too smooth as silk (shiny) emulsion
shows up every small imperfection.

• The pictures on the right show the usual way to paint walls when using a roller. That
is, cut in along the ceiling line, the corners, round the architrave, skirting board and
around sockets and switches before using the roller.

• Start in a top right-hand corner (if you are right-handed and vice-versa) and work
away from the main source of light (e.g. window).

• When using a brush do sections about 2ft square working from ceiling to skirting.

• When using a roller, cut in one large section along the ceiling line, down the corner
and along the skirting line.

• Cut in a strip 6 to 8 inches so you do not have to go too close to the ceiling or
skirting with the roller.

• Roll about a meter square at a time. If you want a solid coat on the walls /ceilings
then use the 'back roll' method. This is handy if you want to try and cover in one coat.

• To back roll: Roll about a meter square at a time using plenty of paint. When you
have rolled the third meter then go back and re-roll the first meter without putting
more paint on the roller. This is very effective especially on ceilings.

Painting old Double-glazing windows

• If your double-glazing has reached the stage where you can't seem to get it clean you
may have to consider painting.

• Before you do, try cleaning it with WD-40 if it is uPVC.

• If you decide to paint first apply a coat of etching primer.

• International paints make a product called Brilliant White uPVC Gloss especially for

Step by Step
Step1. Thoroughly wash down the entire window, including frame and glass, and dry

Step2. Rub down the frame with wire wool or abrasive pad and dust or vacuum clean.
Make sure any shininess has gone. The window should now look matt all over.

Step3. Examine for any bits of damage. These are best repaired with car body filler,
fiber glass or any proprietary two-pack filler


The main objectives of this study are to:

• Explore the mindset of consumers about interior & exterior paints on their house in

• Understand the buying behavior and thinking about paints and how much they are
careful about their house.

• Investigate the structure of reference groups, influencers and early adapters.

• Find out the preferences of the consumers about households paints color.

To achieve the above objectives, I plan to adopt the following methodology to collect
the necessary information for the project report.

A. Research Design

My research is primarily exploratory in nature. However, for the purpose of deciding

switching behaviour and effectiveness of marketing strategy in specific conditions,
suitable hypothesis may be tested.

B. Sampling Plan & Survey Method

I will follow a definite plan for obtaining a sample from the given population. It
depends on the systematic sampling procedure for those who have paints households.

I plan to sample every 15th household in the reasonably well-off localities and every
10th household in the identifiably better-off localities in Burdwan. I intend to interview
the heads of each household regarding their interior & exterior paints.

Sampling Plan B

As an alternative plan or fall-back option, I intend to identify relevant socio-economic

clusters of households based primarily on information about vocation or profession
from the Burdwan telephone directory.

Thereafter I intend to interview telephonically the heads of each household regarding

their exterior & interior paints about their house and awareness about to take care of
their house.

 Demographic Limitations: Covering all possible segments of households e.g.
those based on income, gender, age, occupations etc. may not be possible.

 Geographical Limitations: The sample size is limited to the respondents in


 Response Errors: There exists a possibility of not always getting accurate

information from the surveyed respondents due to reasons e.g. their bias
against surveys and consequent refusal to co-operate.

 Time Limitations: The time period of the survey is limited to less than a
semester, that too with regular classes running.

 Size Restrictions: Consequent to all the above, a large sample survey becomes


An examination of household and housing characteristics in the inner residential zones

of Kitchener, Ontario, 1971–81 shows patterns of change suggestive of both
revitalization and decline. More detailed survey of the two innermost tracts produces
stronger evidence of modest, yet substantial, upgrading by newly resident home
owning households. There are different types of households undertaking renovations,
and they have different stated reasons for purchasing an inner-city home. Despite
these differences, rates of reinvestment are modest across the sample. The somewhat
inconspicuous form of upgrading found in this survey is put forward as an alternative
type of inner-city change, distinct from the well-recognized extremes of gentrification
and decline. In the broader context, it is thought that this style of upgrading may be
more typical of medium rather than large-sized, and of Canadian rather than
American, cities.


Q5.How many time you have paint your house?

(a) One (b) two (c) three (d) more than 5 (e) more than 8 (f) more than 10

Figure: 1

Q6.Which companies paints you preferred for interior paints? Please tick only
one option.

(a) Asian Paints (b) Nerolac (c) Burger (d) ICI Dulux (e) Others
Figure: 2

Q7. Which companies paints you preferred for exterior paints? Please tick only
one option.
(a) Asian Paints (b) Nerolac (c) Burger (d) ICI Dulux (e) Others

Figure: 3

Q.8) While making Plan Purchase what motivate Customers?
a) Advertising b) Hoarding c) Sales Promotion d) Leaflet e) Word of
Figure: 4

Percentage of Customers motivated by Advertising: - 95%

Percentage of Customers motivated by Hoarding: - 78.33%
Percentage of Customers motivated by Sales Promotion: - 75%
Percentage of Customers motivated by Leaflet: - 25%
Percentage of Customers motivated by Word of Mouth: - 21.67%

Q.9) Percentage Of Customers who visit a particular shop for a particular

Figure: 5

Percentage Of Customers who visits particular shop for particular purchase:- 91.67%
Percentage Of Customers who doesn’t visit particular shop for particular purchase:- 8.33%

Q.10) What type of benefits that customers want from their dream shop:-
a) Complete Shopping b) Varieties c) Updated Product
d) Less Price e) For every stage of person f) Anything other

a) Complete Shopping: - 98.33% b) Varieties: - 80%

c) Updated Product: - 65% d) Less Price: - 98.33%
e) For every stage of person: - 98.33% f) Anything other: - 45%

Figure: 6

From the above graphical representations the following analysis is drawn.

From the figure 1, it has been found that in Burdwan, maximum people have done
painting at their home once in last 5years, which indicate that almost 42% population
is satisfied by the performance of the house paints at Burdwan.

Figure 2 indicates that at Burdwan “Asian Paints “is leading among all brands of
interior home paints that is almost 25% population is giving its preference to “Asian
Paints”. ICI Dulux has occupied 2nd rank with a market share of 22%.

From the graph, we are also getting that there is a tough competition in the
market among different brands as their market share, all differing by a very low

Figure 3 shows that in case of exterior paints, ICI Dulux has given a lead with a
market share of 30% and Asian Paint lagging, Nerolac by 4% and has occupied 3rd

This indicates that in Asian Paints is basically opted for exterior paints while
for interior ICI Dulux & Nerolac have grabbed the market.

Figure 4 indicates that the impact of different factors on the preference of making a
purchase of making a purchase of “Home Paints” and the figure shows that among
different factors.

“Advertise” is leading with a percentage of 95%. Here we find that the word of
mouth is not that much effective, which shows that “paint marketers and distributors
have to focus on more attractive and effective advertise.

Figure 5 explains that Burdwan people are loyal to shopkeeper and for heavy
budgeted expense purchase they show shop loyalty, as they have faith in that.

Another a special report is shown in figure 6 that what are factors that make the
customer to prepare a specific/particular shop for making such heavy expense
purchase, and the figure indicates that among different factors,

1. Complete shopping means full and correct information about the product.
2. Updated product availability

3. For Bargaining facility

All these three are most preferred factors that motivate customer for a choice of
particular shop.


From the above analysis we can finally drew this conclusion that at Burdwan for
interior paints “Asian Paints” lead in the market and facing tough competition and in
the area of exterior paints “ICI Dulux” has given lead with a share of 30% in market.

It is also concluded that among different factors “Advertise” is the most

effecting media to attract the new potential customer so, distributions and marketers
should try to focus on more informative and detail and attractive ads and customer
always prefer updated product with a some special discounts and complete

• p. 13. Barnett, Dianna, William Browning. A Primer on Sustainable Building. Rocky
Mountain Institute, Green Development Services. Snowmass, CO.: Rocky Mountain
Institute, 1995.







Q2.Age- (a)below 20 years (b)20-30 years (c)31-40 years (d)above 40


Q3.Household income in Rs.(per month)-

(a)Less than 10,000 (b)10,001-20,000 (c)20,001-30,000 (d)30,001-50,000

(e)More than 50,000


(a)Student (b)Govt. Service (c)Pvt. Employee (d) Self-employed (e) House-wife


Q5.How many time you have paint your house?

(a) One (b) two (c) three (d) more than 5 (e) more than 8 (f) more than 10

Q6.Which companies paints you preferred for interior paints? Please tick
only one option.

(a) Asian Paints (b) Nerolac (c) Burger (d) ICI Dulux (e) Others

Q7. Which companies paints you preferred for exterior paints? Please
tick only one option.

(a) Asian Paints (b) Nerolac (c) Burger (d) ICI Dulux (e) Others

Q8. While making Plan Purchase what motivate Customers?

(a) Advertising (b) Hoarding (c) Sales Promotion (d) Leaflet e)
Word of Mouth

Q9Do you visit a particular shop for a particular purchase?

(a) Yes (b) No

Q10. What type of benefits that customers want from their dream shop:-
(a) Complete Shopping (b) Varieties (c) Updated
(d) Less Price (e) For every stage of person (f) Anything



1 17th November, 2008 COMMENCEMENT OF M .T.


2 18 & 19 November, 2008 FOR IMPROVING THE
3 26th November, 2008 THESIS & SYNOPSIS

4 15th December, 2008 EVALUATION OF INTERIM
5 22th December, 2008 PRESENTATION
6 9th February, 2009 EVALUATION OF FINAL
7 12,16,17th February, 2009 PRESENTATION


Most people like to try their hand at some kind of decorating in the home. Peoples
tastes cover a very wide spectrum and what one person loves another may loathe.
Decorating at home gives you the freedom to please yourself and not worry about

impressing visitors, although very idiosyncratic and personal decorating done well,
usually impresses.

If you decide not to do the decorating yourself remember that the spectrum of quality
in the professional decorating trade ranges from the highly skilled
tradesperson(Master Painter) to the unqualified, semi-skilled(cowboy). An ordinary
householder may find it impossible at the outset to tell which is which. Cowboys often
come in vans with impressive looking logos proclaiming membership to a
professional guild or federation, where the only criteria for membership are that the
annual fee be paid.

For the ordinary householder the most reliable way is a recommendation from
someone you know who has had work done. Also, firms get known for their quality
over the years.

• Estimate the cost of your project as near as possible.
• Don't just buy things on a whim as you go along.
• Decide whether you are going to do it yourself or employ someone to do it.
• If you get a professional to do the works remember that a major part of the final bill
will be the actual labor costs.
• If you do it yourself you will save on labor costs but it may take longer to complete
the job.
• Doing it yourself, you may also have to buy (or hire) tools and equipment on top of
the cost of the materials.

Health and Safety

Paint is easy to apply. Its hundreds of colors and shades will help you express your
own taste and creativity. At just pennies per square foot, it's the least expensive
decorating tool of all.

And it not only beautifies your home and possessions it protects them.
If you're planning a painting project, while you're helping protect your belongings, the
paint industry wants to help you protect yourself as well. Like many household
products, paint contains chemicals, and some of them can be hazardous if not used

Paints are mixtures of pigments (for color), resins (for binding power), and other
additives to make them easier to apply, faster-drying, etc. These ingredients are
dissolved in either water or organic solvents.

Water-based (latex) paints came on the market soon after World War II. Today, around
80 percent of household paints, exterior as well as interior, are water-based. The
increasing popularity of water-based formulations has gone a long way toward
reducing the potential hazards from improper use of solvent-based paints:
flammability or combustibility, and possible health effects from inhaling solvent
vapors or spray mist.

Chances are that the paint you buy will be water-based. But some kinds of products
cannot be successfully formulated using water, and still contain organic solvents. You
need to know the potential hazards associated with those products, and how to avoid
them. The label will tell you.

Reading a Paint Can Label

The first item on a precautionary label is a signal word, such as WARNING or
CAUTION. Directly underneath will be a statement of the principal hazard, followed
by any other hazards associated with the product's ingredients. Below the hazard
information, you will see the precautions you need to take such as open all doors and
windows during use. The precautions are followed by first-aid instructions in case of
an accident, and by any special instructions for storage, cleaning up spills, or even
disposing of leftover paint.

Some paints contain flammable or combustible materials. If so, the label will read
Warning: Flammable or Caution: Combustible. In either case, you need to take these

1. Open all windows and doors to increase ventilation and disperse fumes. (Don't
use an electric fan, which could create sparks.)
Eliminate all sources of flame, sparks, and ignition. Put out pilot lights by
turning off the gas, and do not relight until well after the room is free of fumes.
2. Don't smoke.
3. Don't use electrical equipment that could spark.
4. Make sure light bulbs aren't exposed to sudden breakage.
5. Clean up any spills promptly, and dispose of the spilled paint and rags or other
cleanup materials safely.
Keep cans close when not in use.

Health Effects
Overexposure to ingredients in some paints can cause health problems.

Sometimes those problems are noticeable right away (acute effects); sometimes the
reaction to the overexposure isn't observed until later (chronic effects).

The label will tell you about any potential health hazards that may be associated with
components of the product, and advise you about ways to reduce your exposure so
you can use the product safely.

Poisoning Prevention
Some paints, like many other household products, may be poisonous if ingested (eaten
or drunk). To prevent poisoning, take these precautions:

* Keep containers tightly closed when the product is not in use.

* Keep paints and other household products out of children's reach.

Before you open the can, read the label instructions for first-aid advice in case of
ingestion. (These vary from product to product, depending on the ingredients.)

* If paint is swallowed, follow the label instructions and call a doctor or poison
control centre.

Preventing Overexposure to Solvent Fumes

Prolonged inhalation or skin contact with any hazardous components in paint products
can cause acute effects, such as dizziness, headache, and nausea. Long-term
overexposure to solvents can cause chronic effects such as brain or nervous system
damage. And if some hazardous components are absorbed into the bloodstream
through contact with the skin, immediate or delayed health effects could result.

You can reduce exposure in several ways:

* Open all doors and windows to increase ventilation.

* If your eyes water or you start to feel dizzy or nauseated, leave the work area and
breathe plenty of fresh air. If discomfort lasts or you have difficulty breathing, see a

If you can't get enough ventilation in the work area, use a respirator.

Wear a long-sleeved shirt and long paints, splash goggles, and butyl-rubber gloves to
protect your hands (they will make cleanup easier, too).

If you get paint on your skin, wash it off immediately with plenty of soap and water.

If you get paint in your eyes, flush them with cold water for 15 minutes, and get
medical treatment.
Protecting Your Family When Renovating Your Home
Today's household paints do not contain lead but if you are working in an older home
(built in the 1960s or earlier), there is a chance that there may be old lead-based paint
on walls or trim. If lead-based paint is in good condition (not chipping or peeling), and
if it isn't on a friction surface, such as the places where windows slide up and down, it
isn't hazardous unless it's disturbed by sanding or scraping or other renovations, which
can result in lead-contaminated dust.

Disposing of Leftover Paint Safely

When you buy your paint, ask the salesperson to help you figure out how much you
need, based on the size of the room or rooms, number of doors and windows, and the
number of coats you plan to apply.

Hopefully, you won't end up with more paint than you need but if you do, be sure you
know how to get rid of it in a way that won't hurt the environment.

Paint manufacturers are beginning to include safe-disposal instructions with other

information on their labels.

Except in California, Washington and Minnesota, latex (water-based) paints are

considered nonhazardous. They can be mixed with absorbent material and, when dried
out, can be disposed of with your regular trash.

If you have to dispose of solvent- or oil-based paint (or latex if you live in one of the
three states named above), you should save the paint, tightly covered, for disposal in a
household hazardous waste collection program.

Environmental tip: Consider giving your leftover paint to your neighbor, church,
school, or other community organization such as an amateur theater group and
recycling the cans in a steel can recycling program.

If you bought your paint in large containers (five-gallon or larger) and there are babies
or toddlers in your home, don't be tempted to reuse the containers as buckets for
household cleaning. Very small children can fall headfirst into those buckets, and
drowning has resulted.


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