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GH Tester v3

TIBCO Plugin

Green Hat 107-111 Fleet Street London EC4A 2AB +44 (0)20 7936 9303

1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 2.1 Purpose........................................................................................................... 3 Intended Audience............................................................................................ 3 Scope.............................................................................................................. 3 Typographical Conventions ................................................................................ 3 Related Documentation ..................................................................................... 3 Terms and Definitions ....................................................................................... 4 Prerequisites .................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 2.1.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 TIBCO Rendezvous Messaging ................................................................ 5 TIBCO Active Enterprise Messaging ......................................................... 5

Installation ....................................................................................................................... 5

TIBCO Rendezvous Transport .......................................................................................... 6 Product compatibility......................................................................................... 6 Libraries .......................................................................................................... 6 3.2.1 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 Windows 2000 & XP .............................................................................. 6 Reliable RV........................................................................................... 7 Certified Messaging ............................................................................... 7 Distributed Queues................................................................................ 8 Transport Configuration..................................................................................... 7

TIBCO Active Enterprise Transport .................................................................................. 9 4.1 4.2 4.3 Product compatibility......................................................................................... 9 Libraries .......................................................................................................... 9 4.2.1 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.4 4.5 Windows 2000 & XP .............................................................................. 9 Project Directory ................................................................................. 11 Local Repository.................................................................................. 11 Server Repository ................................................................................ 11 Transport Configuration................................................................................... 10

TIBCO Multi-file projects.................................................................................. 12 Using Schema elements .................................................................................. 13 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 Sequence types .................................................................................. 13 Any types........................................................................................... 13 Union Types ....................................................................................... 14 Setting the Containers Value Action ...................................................... 14

Creating GH Tester Projects from BusinessWorks ........................................................ 15 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 The BusinessWorks Wizard .............................................................................. 15 Choose your BusinessWorks project .................................................................. 16 Selecting BusinessWorks Files .......................................................................... 17 GH Tester Project Settings ............................................................................... 18 GH Tester Environment Variables ..................................................................... 19 Confirming the details and viewing the project ................................................... 20 No formatter available in publisher or subscriber ................................................ 21 Unable to connect to daemon........................................................................... 21 Overlapping subjects error............................................................................... 21 Why aren't my class definitions visible............................................................... 21 Why cant my AE transport use BusinessWorks 5 projects.................................... 21

Troubleshooting..............................................................................................................21 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

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1.1 Purpose
This guide describes how to configure and run GH Tester 3.2 with the TIBCO plugin. This provides support for TIBCO Rendezvous and TIBCO Active Enterprise messaging formats. The guide also shows you how to create a GH Tester project from a BusinessWorks 5 project.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document intended to be read by those with a fair understanding and exposure to the concepts involved in both testing and development and in enterprise integration.

1.3 Scope
This document is concerned only with the Green Hat Softwares tool GH Tester 3.2, its configuration and use alongside TIBCO technologies. If you wish to familiarise yourself with these technologies please refer to documents provided by the relevant companies or individuals.

1.4 Typographical Conventions

The following typographical conventions are observed throughout this document: Type Constant Width Usage
Program output, listings of code examples, file names, commands, options, configuration file parameters, and literal programming elements in running text. Document title names in statements that refer you to other documents. Also used to highlight concepts when first introduced. Menu items in graphical user interface windows (such as Microsoft Windows-based or UNIX X Window applications) from which you select options or execute macros and functions. Submenus and options of a menu item are indicated with a long dash; such as Menu -> Submenu or Menu -> Option.


Bold 9pt

1.5 Related Documentation

The following table lists a number of documents that you should consult in addition to this manual. Document Title/Description
GH Tester User Guide GH Tester Release Notes

Version No./Date
3.2 3.2

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1.6 Terms and Definitions

The table below lists all terms used in this document, and provides a description of each. Term

A bit of data constituent to a message. Most fields are scalar and therefore unitary, equivalent to data attributes. Vector fields are an aggregation of fields both scalar and vector, and are usually referred to as Messages. See also Message. A unit of information made up of a header consisting of metainformation and a body consisting of the message data. The computer on which a software process runs. A messaging paradigm whereby a messaging network consists of Publishers and Subscribers. Informally, the messaging software in use. For instance, TIBCO Rendezvous, TIBCO ActiveEnterprise, IBM MQ (JMS). Making a message (data) available on a message channel. Receiving a stream of messages (data) on a given message channel. A user-meaningful name for identifying messages on TIBCO transports. E.g., the subject EQ.IBM might identify all pricing data about IBM stocks, while EQ.IBM.N might identify price data from the New York Stock Exchange only. See also: JMS queue, JMS topic. A host computer on a network shared by more than one user. A user-meaningful name for identifying data objects. For example, the subject EQ.IBM might identify all pricing data about IBM stocks, while EQ.IBM.N might identify price data from the New York Stock Exchange only. A software toolkit for creating distributed applications that can inter-operate with TIBCO servers and applications on a TIBCO network. The product includes a communications daemon and APIs that define protocols for publish/subscribe and request/reply data distribution and exchange. It uses the subject-based addressing messaging technique for data delivery, and defines rules for supported subject naming formats. A TIBCO proprietary format for messages contained within the Rendezvous


Host Publisher-Subscriber


Publishing Subscribing


Server Subject

TIBCO Rendezvous

TIBCO AE Message

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2 Installation
2.1 Prerequisites
The software has been developed and tested on the Windows 2000 and Windows XP platforms but should work on any platform that supports Java. It is dependent upon the following software: JRE 1.4.x. Installation of this is beyond the scope of this document. Please see Sun Microsystems Java web site at for details. Note that UNIX based systems may need additional patches loaded to support the newer Java releases, again please refer to the Sun documentation. If you are installing a version of GH Tester that contains a java virtual machine then an appropriate JRE will be automatically installed within the product install directory and used when the program is executed. The JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the path of the installed JRE.


TIBCO Rendezvous Messaging

To use TIBCO Rendezvous messaging, Rendezvous version 6 or later must be installed.


TIBCO Active Enterprise Messaging

To use TIBCO Active Enterpirse messaging, one or more of the following product sets should be installed and configured: TIBCO/Integration Manager 4.0 or greater. TIBCO/BusinessWorks 5.0 or greater. TIBCO/TRA 5.X

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3 TIBCO Rendezvous Transport

3.1 Product compatibility
GH Tester has been developed and tested using the following versions of TIBCO Software's Rendezvous product: 6.9 or greater

3.2 Libraries
3.2.1 Windows 2000 & XP
If using TIBCO/Rendezvous v6 or v7 the following files should be made available to GH Tester by using the Library Manager application: JAR file tibrvj.jar Usual location C:\Tibco\TIBRV\lib

If using TIBCO/Rendezvous v6 or v7 the following entries should be made available to GH Tester by using the Library Manager application: JAR file tibrvj.jar Usual location C:\Tibco\TIBRV\lib

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3.3 Transport Configuration

The Rendezvous transport provides support for plain RV, Certified, and Distributed Queue connections to the daemon process.


Reliable RV

Plain RV transports only require the connection parameters to the daemon.

Service Network Daemon

The service name, number or default entry that the daemon should listen on. Specifies the network interface that the daemon should connect on. Tells GH Tester how to connect to the Rendezvous daemon.


Certified Messaging

To send and receive messages using the certified delivery features of Rendezvous, GH Tester utilises a CM transport, this adds additional information to the normal transport such as the CM name and a ledger file for persisting the tracking details. The CM transport settings are used in addition to the standard RV Service, Network and Daemon which are described above.

Name Relay Agent

The correspondence name used to identify this RVCM transport to other RVCM transports (Note, this parameter is mandatory) Specifies a Relay Agent that is used for certified delivery when persistent correspondence is only connecting to the network intermittently.

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Ledger File Synchronise Ledger

Specifies the location of the file where all the correspondence between RVCM transports are stored. Checking this box will make any operations in the transport daemon that update the ledger file block until all the data has been written to the file. Otherwise all changes are written asynchronously

Require Old Messages Checking this box will save all messages sent to the ledger file so that in the event of a network failure an RVCM transport can look at the ledger file when reconnected and continue where it left off.

Further details on these parameters can be found in the appropriate vendor administration guide.


Distributed Queues

To configure a transport to become a member of an RVCM distributed queue additional parameters need to be provided. The standard Rendezvous ones are again required and are described above.

Queue Name Worker Weight Worker Tasks Scheduler Weight Scheduler Heartbeat Scheduler Activation

The unique identifier of the queue this transport is associated with (Mandatory parameter) In a queue, tasks get assigned to workers with the greatest worker weight and this is where that value is set. Specifies the maximum amount of tasks this transport can carry out before delegating to other workers. If a new scheduler is required then potential schedulers with the greatest Scheduler Weight value will be assigned next. The delay period between the broadcast of heartbeat signals. Specifies the time that an inactive member waits before becoming active when a heartbeat signal is lost.

Important Note: When using a DQ based transport within GH Tester, any publish operations will be performed on the underlying Plain RV transport.

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4 TIBCO Active Enterprise Transport

4.1 Product compatibility
GH Tester has been developed and tested using the following versions of TIBCO Software's Active Enterprise product suites: TIBCO MessageBroker TIBCO Integration Manager 4.0 or greater TIBCO Business Works 5.1 or greater

4.2 Libraries
4.2.1 Windows 2000 & XP
If using TIBCO/MessageBroker the following files should be made available to GH Tester by using the Library Manager application: JAR file xmlsdk.jar maverick4.jar TibRepoClient4.jar TibRepoToolkit4.jar Usual location c:\TIBCO\MessageBroker\java c:\TIBCO\MessageBroker\java c:\TIBCO\MessageBroker\java c:\TIBCO\MessageBroker\java

If using TIBCO/IntegrationManager 4.0 / 4.1 the following files should be made available to GH Tester by using the Library Manager application: JAR file xmlsdk.jar maverick4.jar TibRepoClient4.jar TibRepoToolkit4.jar Usual location c:\TIBCO\IM\java c:\TIBCO\IM\java c:\TIBCO\IM\java c:\TIBCO\IM\java

If using TIBCO/IntegrationManager 4.5 the following files should be made available to GH Tester by using the Library Manager application: JAR file xmlsdk.jar maverick4.jar TibRepoClient4.jar TibRepoToolkit4.jar Usual location c:\TIBCO\IM450\java c:\TIBCO\IM450\java c:\TIBCO\IM450\java c:\TIBCO\IM450\java

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If using TIBCO/IntegrationManager 5.0 the following files should be made available to GH Tester by using the Library Manager application: JAR file xmlsdk.jar TIBCOrt.jar Usual location c:\TIBCO\IM\5.0\java c:\TIBCO\IM\5.0\java

If using TIBCO/BusinessWorks v5 the following files should be made available to GH Tester by using the Library Manager application: JAR file TIBCOrt.jar TIBCOxml.jar TIBCrypt.jar entbase.jar Usual location c:\TIBCO\tra\5.1\lib c:\TIBCO\tra\5.1\lib c:\TIBCO\tra\5.1\lib c:\TIBCO\tpcl\5.1\lib\entrust

If using TIBCO/Repository and TIBCO/AdapterSDK the following files should be made available to GH Tester by using the Library Manager application: JAR file xmlsdk.jar TIBRepoClient4.jar TIBRepoToolkit4.jar Maverick4.jar Usual location c:\TIBCO\Repository\jars c:\TIBCO\Repository\jars c:\TIBCO\Repository\jars c:\TIBCO\Adapter\SDK\java

4.3 Transport Configuration

Active Enterprise transports employ the same settings and types of Rendezvous transports as nonAE ones, but with the addition of specifying a TIBCO project to connect to. This project file (or network repository) contains all of the metadata descriptions for the message structures that are to be sent and received by the underlying transport. Details of the transport settings for Rendezvous are provided above in chapter 3.3, whilst the project details and the account under which GH Tester should connect to the repository are shown in the following sections.

The URL detailing the repository to connect to can be constructed by using the select button to find a local or remote repository instance, or BusinessWorks project.

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Project Directory

To connect to a Business Works file based project select the project using the Project Directory option and navigate to the desired project.


Local Repository

To connect to a local file-based repository type the path in the text area shown. Alternatively click the Browse button and navigate to the desired repository in the file system.

Note: multi-file projects will need to be exported to a single project file in order for GH Tester to access them, details on how to do this are provided in section 4.4.


Server Repository

To connect to a server-based repository, select a Domain and Project Name from the available choices under the Server-Repository tab. The values available within the two combo boxes will be obtained by subscribing to information broadcast by the TIBCO Repository server processes on your network.

If the settings for these are different from the defaults provided by TIBCO then they can be edited by clicking on the Advanced... button.

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Within the Advanced Tab you can change the Rendezvous Service, Network and Daemon settings along with the subject that should be subscribed to in order to discover what remote repositories are available. When the OK button is pressed, GH Tester will repopulate the Domain and Project boxes with the newly discovered items.

For a complete description of all the parameters, please refer to the TIBCO documentation. On first use of the transport GH Tester will connect to the repository and process all of the necessary metadata. If the repository is invalid you will be alerted via an error dialog box. If this occurs please note the error message and consult the TIBCO documentation. When GH Tester makes a successful connection to a repository, the data is cached locally. On subsequent executions of the application, the cached copy of the repository metadata will be accessed. In order to obtain to the most recent version of the repository, use the Refresh operation located on the context menu within the project browser. This will connect to the originally specified location of the repository and update the locally cached copy with the latest metadata.

Note: It is necessary to run GH Tester with TIBCO AE version 5 JAR files if you wish to connect to a BusinessWorks 5 project.

4.4 TIBCO Multi-file projects

More recent versions of TIBCO Software's Integration manager and Business Works products provide the ability to store their projects as multiple files. These projects can be used by GH Tester in one of two ways, they can be exported as a single file that can then be selected using the methods described above or they can be used directly from the Business Works project location.

To create a single file representation of the project, within TIBCO Designer open the project that you are interested in using from GH Tester and select the Export Full Project... option from the Project menu. This will then provide you with a dialog that will allow you to export the content to either a local file or a remote repository (both of which can be subsequently accessed by GH Tester). 2006 Green Hat Consulting Ltd 23/06/2006 12

Choose an appropriate name and location for the file that you wish to create and then click on OK.

Finally you will need to confirm the file type and encoding, select the default values and again click on OK to complete the process.

You are now ready to use this project from within GH Tester.

4.5 Using Schema elements

All of the standard schema based message editing facilities are described in the GH Tester Reference Guide, however Active Enterprise messages also provide support for Union, Sequence and Any types.


Sequence types

If a class contains a member that is a sequence type then its contents are manipulated using the Add Child context menu option. This will add a new object of the chosen type inside of the AE object. This can be repeated for as many members as you wish to be sent or validated against.


Any types

For members that are of type Any you can change the type of the value to be sent using the Select Type context menu. This will provide you with a list of all of the types defined in the repository.

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If you wish to change the type then the operation can be repeated to select the new type.


Union Types

To use Union types a combination of the above two methods can be employed to manage the content. For creation you will need to use the Add Child operation that will select an initial value to be populated within the union. Subsequently, if you wish to change the content of the field to one of the other types that are supported within the union then the Select Type operation should be used. When using the Select Type operation only the objects present under the Union submenu should be chosen. Selections from the other submenus will result in an invalid object being selected and the class being marked as invalid (as denoted by the red crosses in the message editor).


Setting the Containers Value Action

When a sequence, union or class is selected within a Publisher, it is possible to set the type of the value action to Process Children, Process Tag or Null. The Process Children action is the default action and when selected, all of the children of that container will also be published. If that container has no children, for example if a sequence is empty, then that container will still be sent but it will be empty. The same concept applies to the Process Tag action except that the children of that container will be populated entirely from the content of the selected tag. If the Null action is selected then this indicates that the container itself will not be sent.

When carrying out rigorous testing, it is advised that several different Test Sequences be created that use both the Process Children action and the Null action across the selected containers (especially when using Sequences and Unions). This will allow for both of the cases, where the Containers are sent but with zero or more children and where the Containers are not sent at all, to be fully explored.

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5 Creating GH Tester Projects from BusinessWorks

It is possible to create a GH Tester project directly from an existing BusinessWorks 5 project using a step-by-step wizard. Various objects will be created within GH Tester from the BusinessWorks project such as transports, global variables and messages. Tests will be created that will enable you to exercise BusinessWorks processes. For example, if a process works by receiving a message and sending a reply, the equivalent GH Tester test would send the request and receive the reply.

There is an additional option on the initial screen as shown. Double-click the Create A Project From BusinessWorks entry, or select and click OK to start a guided wizard process.

5.1 The BusinessWorks Wizard

To create the GH Tester project from your existing BusinessWorks project weve provided a wizard to enter the necessary details about your BusinessWorks project and where youd like to create your new GH Tester project.

The first screen provides a short summary of the steps involved so that you can ensure that you have all the details to hand.

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From the summary screen you can see that the wizard has five steps. The first two steps are related to choosing your BusinessWorks project and selecting candidate files within that project. The final steps are for defining your settings for your new GH Tester project. Once you have prepared the information that you might need for this wizard, press the Next button to continue.

5.2 Choose your BusinessWorks project

Now that youve started the wizard, we need to start gathering information about the BusinessWorks project that you want to integrate with GH Tester.

You are able to define the settings for the project at the bottom of the screen. Currently only the URL entry is used; the pointer to the directory containing your file-system based project.

To point at a project, press the Select button and this will popup the dialog which will allow you to manually enter a project directory or select one directly from the file-system.

Once you are happy that you have selected the correct BusinessWorks project directory then press the Next button.

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5.3 Selecting BusinessWorks Files

Now that the BusinessWorks project is selected, you need to indicate which files you want to integrate with the GH Tester project. The wizard will read in your BusinessWorks project and then group the files in that project into suitable categories. The tick next to each of the files indicates that the file will be included when integrating into GH Tester. By default all the files that were found will be ticked for inclusion.

The mapping of objects from BusinessWorks to GH Tester is described as below:

BusinessWorks Project Item a.rvtransport b.sharedjdbc c.httpconnection e.wsdl f.process

GH Tester Resource Rendezvous Transport Database Connection HTTP Transport WSDL AE Transport Message Test Sequence

Example File Name a.a3t b.dbp c.a3t e.wsdl f.a3t f.ghm f.tsq -

How Many? 1 1 1 1 >=0 >=0 >=0 -



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Once you have selected all the files that you wish to include from the BusinessWorks project, then press the Next button to start defining your GH Tester project settings.

5.4 GH Tester Project Settings

We need to specify where on disk to create the new project the Project Directory Enter the project name and optional owner and comments for project that you are creating. The Configuration Management setting is used to set source code control system options (in a future release).

Once you have specified where you want to create the project, press the Next button to continue with the wizard.

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5.5 GH Tester Environment Variables

It is possible to convert the BusinessWorks Global Variables (also known as repository variables) to GH Tester environment tags. Each of your variables from within your BusinessWorks project will be persisted as an Environment tag. Objects that are created in GH Tester will be configured to use these tags. For example a transport in BusinessWorks that uses global variables will be converted to a transport in GH Tester using the equivalent environment tags.

It is possible to define a number of environments, such as DEVELOPMENT and LIVE, to allow for different tag settings. You can create and remove Environments using the Add and Remove buttons. This screen will also allow you to define new variables and remove any variables that you are not interested in bringing into your GH Tester project. New variables are automatically added to each of the environments. You can also directly edit the variable name and value by double-clicking the entries as shown. 2006 Green Hat Consulting Ltd 23/06/2006 19

Once youve defined a suitable amount of Environments and confirmed that the variables are valid then press the Next button to continue to the final step of this wizard.

5.6 Confirming the details and viewing the project

Now that youre in the final step, thats it for entering anymore details. All you need to do know is confirm that the details are correct and press the Finish button.

When you press the Finish button GH Tester will generate your new GH Tester project. Once finished, the project will be automatically launched in GH Tester.

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6 Troubleshooting
6.1 No formatter available in publisher or subscriber
If, when using a publisher or subscriber editor, the formatter combo box is blank then it is likely that the requisite jar files haven't been included on the classpath when starting the application. Note that the Library Manager must be configured for the TIBCO AE provider, and the Enable provider checkbox must be set to on.

6.2 Unable to connect to daemon

This can occur when either the application is unable to start a suitable local daemon process or if the deamon settings in the transport configuration are invalid/reference an unreachable remote transport. In these cases check that the directory in which the rvd executable is present is located on the system PATH environment variable.

6.3 Overlapping subjects error

When using an RVCM-based transport there restrictions to the subjects to which you can subscribe to at any given point. For example it is not possible to have two tests using the same RVCM transport with subscriptions to the subjects 'test.>' and 'test.application'. This would result in an error as you could potentially have two subscribers to the same subject and Rendezvous would not know how to handle the certified acknowledgements.

6.4 Why aren't my class definitions visible

Changes made to the schema definitions inside of TIBCO/Designer will not be visible in GH Tester until you refresh the transport to update the cached copy of the meta-data. This can be done from the context menu within the Project Explorer.

6.5 Why cant my AE transport use BusinessWorks 5 projects

BusinessWorks 5 uses TIBCO AE version 5 libraries. You must run GH Tester with AE5 JAR files (AE4 will not work.) Please run up the Library Manager and confirm the AE settings.

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