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ELINA By M.B. Forester-Smythe Published by M.B. Forester-Smythe at Smashwords Copyright 2010 M.B.

Forester-Smythe Smashwords Edition, License Notes Thank you for downloading this free ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book, please return to to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support. ~~~ She was an exquisite vision in her one shoulder purple gown and upswept curls. The diamonds in her ears and simple silver chain around her neck accented the gown perfectly, at least to him it did. She smiled at the man she was dancing with, her head falling back as laughter spilled from her lips. She said something that made him smile and his reply made her laugh again. His father, Antonio Costa, said with amusement, Her name is Elina Landin, my assistant of four years. He nodded, unable to keep from staring at the brunette beauty held by his brother. Shes nothing but a friend to your brother, Daniel, Antonio said reassuringly. He watched the friendly couple walk off the floor towards the tables laden with finger foods and when they disappeared from view he surveyed the attendees at A.S. Finances New Years party. The crush of silk, satin, taffeta, cotton and wool had ceased to amaze him years ago and his casual glances around the ballroom were more bored than interested now. The men and women who worked for A.S. would offer their semi-genuine smiles and half-hearted, superficial conversations whenever he passed by but he wasnt fooled for a second. Most years he avoided coming, but with his thirty-eighth birthday just around the corner hed been pressured into coming by both his dad and brother. Without an adequate excuse or reason to not attend, hed reluctantly gotten fitted for his tuxedo and here he was, slightly bored until hed seen her. He wandered the room, ditching the champagne glass in favor for a shot of Jack. He met up with a childhood friend, Gary, standing outside on the tiled patio. The clear sky shone bright with the moon and stars as they talked and laughed. He was on his fourth shot when a silky voice purred his name and he winced at the sound. Gary smirked a greeting at the redhead and excused himself with a look of sympathy at Daniel. Hi, Danny, she murmured. The smell of wine on her breath was overwhelming as was the need to snap how much he hated that name. Hey, Lucille. Wheres your date? No point in trying to keep unwanted company around.

Oh, I didnt come with anyone, she said with a coy smile. I was wondering if youd come tonight. Yeah, well, here I am. He knocked back his shot, wishing he could make her disappear just as quickly. Ive been looking for you. Her fire engine red nails crept up his lapels. Hell no! He brushed her hands aside and stepped back. I dont think so, Lucille. She pouted, hands fisted on her hips. Oh, come on, Danny, loosen up. Its gonna be a new year and you need to have some fun. I have plenty of fun but youre not my idea of fun. Her cheeks flushed red. You dont know what kind of fun I am, Daniel Costa! I know youre not the kind of fun I want or need, Lucille, he said dismissively. Im not going to be another one of your corporate conquests. You want an easy lay go find some other poor soul whos willing. He spun on his heel and left the furious redhead on the patio. The next person he ran into was Chad who snorted at him. Lucille found you, he stated. Daniel rolled his eyes. And then I lost her back there. Not for long. Shes like a penny, she just keeps coming back. Wheres your date? Didnt bring one, Chad said easily as they retreated to the bar. Elinas dads date. Wheres your date? Daniel snorted. When was the last time I brought a date to a New Years party, Chad? Chad laughed. Whens the last time you were even on a date is the question. He knocked back his whiskey and signaled for another. Im telling you Elinas the highlight of my night here. God I hate the sugar coated superficial shit from most of these people. Daniel didnt say anything, taking a long draw from his beer. Good thing its almost midnight then Im outta here, Chad declared. No midnight kissing? Daniel teased. If I had a woman to kiss I would and while there are plenty of single women here tonight, kissing one of them would make the workplace awkward. No thank you. He waved the bartender away. I cant handle anymore drinks for the night. Shit I sound like a lightweight. Daniel laughed and took another beer. He turned to lean his back against the bar, glancing at his watch. Theres still an hour left. They lingered a moment longer then wove through the crowds to where Antonio sat talking with Elina. He smiled at his boys. Elina, this is my eldest son, Daniel. Daniel, this is Elina Landin. She shook his hand. Nice to meet you. I was just saying goodbye to Antonio and thanking him for asking me to be his date. Chad mock frowned. Youre leaving before the countdown?

Oh, sure, Chad, try to make me stay while you go hide somewhere! she laughed. No thanks! He chuckled. You got me there. He kissed her cheek. Drive safe, Elina. See you Monday. She gave him a hug before he could pull away. Love you, Chad, she said softly, smiling when he repeated it back. See you later. Daniel, would you walk her out? Antonio asked. Itll give you something to do. He shrugged but did as he asked. He walked her to the front desk, helped her into her overcoat and walked a short distance to her car down the street. He looked around at the cars blocking hers in. Doesnt look like youll be leaving anytime soon. She followed his gaze and sighed. Looks like youre right. I could wait this out, I guess, but who knows how long Ill be here. Wanna head back in? Not really. She looked down the street and smiled. Theres a bar just down the street. We could shoot pool if you want. Pool. He hadnt played in a while and itd be a nice distraction. Sure, he said with a slow smile. Why not? She bent over the table, lined up her shot and shot him a smug look when it sank. I think Im gonna beat you this time. She sank four more balls before missing. All good things must come to an end, right? He laughed. Youve done pretty good this time, but watch a master. She leaned against her stick and watched as he cleared every single damn stripe and then the equally damned eight ball. Well Ill be damned! she chuckled. Master is clearly an understatement. He mock bowed. Why thank you! She slid her stick back into the rack. I need a drink. Want anything? Taps fine. Be right back. When she came back he took the frosted stein from her and she sipped the clear liquid in her glass. Youre older than Chad? He nodded and led her to a small table. Three years older. I dont think Ive seen you around the office or maybe Ive just missed you. You havent. I handle several accounts so Im rarely in the building. What about you? Im your dads assistant, she smiled. I like it. Hes a great man. Chad is too. I can say you are too but I dont know you that well. He laughed and relaxed into the chair. They talked about work, cars and families. They exchanged stories of their childhood and teenage adventures, thoroughly enjoying each others company even if it was just for a short time.

God you two mustve been so much to be around, she chuckled as they walked back outside. What I wouldnt give to have seen you push Chad out of that tree! He laughed and leaned against her car. We were god-awful kids, he mused. Its a miracle we even turned out fairly decent. She smiled up at him. I think you guys turned out pretty well. Although Im surprised youre both dateless tonight. Chads never had a problem with the ladies at the office but I understand his reluctance to date someone there. What about you? He rubbed a hand over his jaw. Just never found the right one, I guess. The right one? She looked down at her feet then back at him. Whats your ideal right one? He followed the flow of people around them. First, someone whos not interested in my money. Thatd be the first must. Second, someone who can laugh a lot. Third, someone who can just be normal around me and not be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. She laughed. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! Thats terrific. Ill have to use that sometime. He smiled. I mean someone whos not kissin ass around my family and a total bitch when its just us. What about you? Dad said youre good friends with Chad. Ah, yes. Thats a relationship most men dont get. I love your brother to pieces but hes too much for me. He makes a great friend for me but not a love interest. She shifted to the trunk and hoisted up to sit. As for others, well, Ive dated around but most men thought I was just some pretty face they could have drape over their arm. Uh, hello? I can speak and think for myself! He chuckled. So no one man yet to appreciate your beauty and brains? Not yet but maybe some day. They looked around in companionable silence, the sights and sounds of the impending New Years celebration quickly creeping onto the street from the bars and restaurants. From the bar theyd been in they could hear the countdown begin. Tennine He turned to her. The years almost over. Eightseven Yes, it is. Its been a great year. Sixfive He stood in front of her. Want to make one last great memory? Fourthree She looked up at him and smiled softly. Absolutely Two He framed her face and leaned down. One! Happy New Year!

Their lips pressed together in their first shared kiss of the new year. Cheers, screams and confetti raged around them but they didnt notice. This kiss Wow! Daniel looked down at the woman who slept beside him. He smiled and kissed her soft cheek. Itd been two years since their first kiss and hed enjoyed every minute of those two years. Theyd had their ups and downs, their fair share of arguments and make up sex but all of it had been terrifically awesome. He spied the diamond ring on her left hand that rested on her rounded belly. Thirteen months ago, shed said yes to his proposal. Two months later, theyd said I do. And now she was heavy with their unborn child, the gender a surprise until she would give birth, and hed never seen a more beautiful sight. He traced the swell of her stomach and chuckled when he felt movement beneath the stretched skin. She sighed and shifted at the brief disruption. He stayed there for a while, admiring the absolute beauty of his pregnant wife and wondering at that first kiss. Hed never been one to believe in fate or soul mates but that kiss had made him a believer. It was that kiss that had turned his world upside down, that made him feel something further than lust and want, that made him certain they belonged together. Lacing their fingers together, he kissed her cheek once more and curved his body around hers. He pulled her close, smiling when she wiggled her shoulders against his chest to fit snuggly against him. I love you, Elina, he murmured. His smile widened when he heard her mumble sleepily, I love you too, Daniel. ### About the Author: M.B. Forester-Smythes hope is to publish stories that formed in her head, were given life in her heart, and penned to relieve the need to make it more real. Each story isnt simply a fantasy; each story is about a character that has plagued her enough to be written about. Books by M.B. Forester-Smythe: Gracelynn Edith Brenin Madison Alison

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