Results From Student Questionaire

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Zashia iqbal

Questionaire results

In this document you will see the results I received from the questionnaire I asked students at the sixth form college students on what they thought of our ideas for the Christmas editing of the student magazine which will be available to them free of charge.


The first question I asked the public was to verify their gender this is so that I got more or less the same near the same amount of males to females, in total I asked 7 males and 8 females, the reason why I asked both genders was so that I could see whether or not there was difference in their response to the questions I was later on going to ask relating to the student magazines topics to front cover themes. Age

Zashia iqbal

I then went on to ask the age of the students, i knew that the age range of the students will be varying from 16-19 years old after doing background research on the college, I tried to ask different age range of students, but it was hard to find a particular age, but for each age I got a few people, with the 17 year olds being asked the most at 40% of the 15 students I asked, i dont think by having a few more 17 year olds in the questionnaire than the other ages would impact my answers later on as they are all still students studying at the same college.


To get it a little more knowledge about the students I wanted to know whether or not the students were in part time jobs, majority amount of the students I had asked did not have any kind of job with a few having a part time job on the week-end. By asking this question i could see later on if their responses were different to discounted goods, offers etc as money will not be issue for them.

Zashia iqbal


I tried to ask various students from different backgrounds, by asking different ethnic groups I would be able to see if a certain ethnicity did want something in the Christmas issue of the magazine, the majority of students I asked from the pie chart i can see was Pakistani at 53% slightly over half.

Potential name

I and my team had come up with loads of potential name we thought could be possibly the name of our student magazine, but there was so much to choose from we decided put this in the questionnaire so that the students themselves can pick the name, initially in the questionnaire I had asked them to rate 1-5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 highest each name, but for my results I decided to pick out the highest rated name from each questionnaire candidate, from the pie chart I can see

Zashia iqbal at 60% the student network was the best voted, this is not the definite name of the magazine as I will need to compare results with my team members to see overall which name got the highest rating. Why they thought it was the best suited name The most common answer I received from the students when they chose the student network as their most favourite name was that it was a catchy name and that the use of the work student meant that it was just for students, and the word network also linked as it gave them the idea of anything student related would be in this magazine.

Which one was the least and why The names student zone, know how, student blast, student newsfeed were the least voted names, the typical answer I was receiving for this question was that they were not as appealing as the rest and not eye catching enough for them to be interested to go on to read the magazine.

From the students I asked which front cover theme they would like whether they wanted just a typical general style student magazine or a more Christmas themed with a lot of festivity appearing within the front cover, I had 100% choosing the Christmas theme which was a great response as I and my team were responsible for producing a Christmas issue so it would be only right to show this theme through visual graphics etc.

Zashia iqbal

I initially had asked them to rate each event from 1-5 which they would really like to see featured in the magazine but to make things more simpler I chose the best rated one from each student, from this I can see there is a range of events the students would like to see, but what i also found out was that it was the males who wanted to see sports related events and where fashion and make up was involved it was the females who had voted, with the rest of the activities being voted by both genders , for this reason to make the magazine suitable for everyone there will be a variety of events and stories published to suit all needs whether they are male or female.

Local news stories

I asked this question that I knew whether any students would be interested in reading articles to do with important news which has happened within the nearby areas i got a mixed response as many said they would like to see this, where as some say they would with the reason being it would be

Zashia iqbal important to know what is happening and to be aware of any issue outside the colleges premises for this reason we will be including an article to do with a news worthy story so that its there for students who wanted to see this featured in the magazine.

I then asked whether or not students would like to be featured in the magazine i got different responses with a few saying yes, for this reason i will be interviewing students who are taking part in the college production. I also asked what topic their parents would be interested in with majority stating parents evening would be of their most interest.

Conclusion From the responses I have received I have got a good idea on what students expect to see featured in the magazine, I now know which gender specific and no gender related events to write about which will be of an interest to both so that the magazine is not biased to one gender if this was to happen my magazine would not meet the clients requirement. I am also now certain of what theme the magazine should be which was a Christmassy one also which name I could tell my group which was most liked by my candidates.

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